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a medical magic school fer thy campain...


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I got a problem with my GM... he's a singular one... i always liked mage characters... but noone but me play mages with him... now i know why... he's so damn tedious with the mage character... they are horribly difficult to make with him...


"you got to build a magic school with logic!"


"does not exist war magic... cause in the battles have no sense... everyone got dispel if u fight in battle with magic!" (i LOVE the battlemages... -_-)


"a good example of magic school it's one build to help farmers raising vegetables" (really useful if u think that ALL of us got combat skills one way or another)


well then i'm giving up... if i can't give him a damn magic school with 7 spells i'll change character (some good fighter)


i already gave up in some way... because now i'm a magic doctor... a doctor who uses magic to heal...

now... these are my spells. if one of u got a good idea for the other 4, i'll be very grateful... but remember: they have to be of the "medical-magic school"


Cost Power

8 sh: Elemental Control, 52-point powers, (26 Active Points); all slots OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)


8 1) Healing BODY 6d6 (60 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1), Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Visible (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


8 2) Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents), Area Of Effect Nonselective (16" Radius; +1 1/2), Conforming (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1), Costs Endurance (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


8 3) armor : (Total: 50 Active Cost, 15 Real Cost) Endurance Reserve (40 END, 1 REC) Reserve: (5 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 2) plus Force Field (4 PD/4 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Hardened (x2; +1/2), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +1) (45 Active Points); OAF Expendable (Easy to obtain new Focus; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) (Real Cost: 14)

Powers Cost: 32


Thanks in advance ^_^

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


Might I suggest Drains, aids, transfers to your school of magic. I don't know what kind of restrictions you are under but Drain Com will put people out like magic anesthesia, aids to charteristics can be defined as Energy Drinks, and transfers can be done as using other's energies to boost the target.


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Guest Admiral C

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


Mages don't nesscarily need academies and schools. In classic literature it's usually a master/apprentice relationship (a classic fantasy bit) and it's displacment in rpgs with the mage school or academy has to do with the prevelance of mass education in our own world. And the simple need for a source of mages when the PCs kill off a bunch. At least that's a theory of mine.


A battlemage doesn't have to be "I cast teh magics thats makes the peoples fall down!" Any king or general would love to have a magical seer as an aide. Able to tell the future or at least give up to date information on the battlefield. An important personage on the battlefield like an aristocrat would benefit greatly for a combat oriented mage to protect him, from at the very least other combat mages. Your GMs already said that if battlemages exist they start dispelling each other but it's not that simple. Yeah you can spot and dispel obvious magics, and that's if you can see them. Using subtle magic to poison an opposing armies water supply, digging a tunnel shallow enough to form a trench when the opposing cavalry runs across it, using invisible spells, teleporting monsters or troops behind enemies. And that's when your not distracting a obviously positioned mage with catapult fire.


Of course if you GM gives the opposing side some sort of all seeing detect magic thats when you start casting Images just to set it off. Slap Delayed Effect on it and you can cast while he's "dispelling" the invisible-but-not-to-detect-magic-dragon that "suddenly" appeared.


Oh, your other four spells...


I see you're combining several powers in that last slot.


Surgeons Tool This is phantom scalpel that displaces the enchanted focus and is used for surgery, often restrainign it to a single pip. Surgery can go on for hours and using this essential tool never tires the mage. Suitable for use on many monsters and creatures that normal blades wouldn't affect. Never dulls and is always razor sharp. 8 points


1d6 HKA, 0 END, AP x2, Penetrating Times x2, No Strength Adds -1/2, OAF (Silver Scalpel, Difficult to Obtain -1 1/2), Requires a Skill Roll -1/2, Gestures -1/2, Incantations -1/4


Ease the Body Some creatures magically renegerate themselves causing the same problem such as tumors and cycsts to reoccure. Often it is difficult to work on such a creature because it's wounds heal up even as the doctor works. 9 points


11d6 Supress (Regeneration), No Range -1/2, Standard Effect (33 points), OAF (Troll Skin Pouch -1), Requires a Skill Roll -1/2, Gestures -1/2, Incantations -1/4, Effect ends if User moves even 1" away -1


Re-attach Limb This allows the reattchment of limbs. Could be rolled into slot #1. 11 points


5d6 Healing, Can Regrow Limbs +5 points, Requires missing limb -1/2 OAF (Gold Thread -1), Requires a Skill Roll -1/2, Gestures -1/2, Incantations -1/4


Anesthetic Touch The best way of healing is not having injures in the first place. Also used for putting patients to sleep either when they are dying beyond the doctors ability to heal, in shock, or need more extensive work. Knowing this spell bestows immunity on others who use it and any potential counterspells. 11 points


5d6 NND (Thick Clothing, no skin to skin contact), No Range -1/2, OAF (Emerald ring or bracelet -1), Requires a Skill Roll -1/2, Gestures -1/2, Incantations -1/4

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


ok, heres a couple more


Deaden Nerves: Entangle 2 1/2d6, 2 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks All Attacks (+1/2), Lingering up to 1 Turn (+1/2); No Range (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


Sensory Block: Darkness to Sight, Smell/Taste, Touch and Hearing Groups 1" radius, Selective Target (+1/2); No Range (-1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


and now for a few more spell ideas


Accelerate Metabolism: Aid Running 4d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (must rest for double time spell is in effect for when spell ends; -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)


Cause Vertigo: CE 4" radius, -1 DCV, -1 OCV, -2 Characteristic Roll and all Skill Rolls based on Characteristic, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes, Multiple Combat Effects, Varying Combat Effects; Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)


Wing Clip: Suppress Flight or Gliding 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4); Custom Modifier (target must have skeletal structure with muscles or tendons; -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)


Hamstring: Suppress Running 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4); Custom Modifier (target must have skeletal structure with muscles or tendons; -1/2), Gestures (Requires both hands; -1/2), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4)

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


i do not get the point of the last message...


i gotta say... my master was a little bit disappointed when i showed him the school... cause in his mind this is not a medical magic school... the only spell he liked was the anesthesia but only if i add an extra time that keeps this spell useless in combat...


maybe i was not so clear in my frist explanation :P


i need some write up... but i need more some concept and ideas for 4 medical spells nothing to do with combat or other things i already have an armor that is not so much medical...but helps in some way to stay healty :P (those spells are for the background only... i think... cause our master never gave us an xp)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


Frankly, it sounds like your GM is being a butt. But so many of us are...


Some ideas for medical 'non-combat' spells:


Cure Disease could be simply a Dispel effect against disease. A variant approach, rather than curing the disease with a Dispel, would be to bolster the ability to resist the disease by using a variable-effect Aid to counter whatever characteristic the disease is draining/suppressing.


Setting broken bones would be much easier with fine-manipulation Telekinesis. Even easier if you have X-ray vision. X-ray vision would also be useful for other things, such as finding embedded objects, parasites, or other things.


Examination and surgery would be easier if the patient is restrained, especially if he's suffering from the agony of battlefield wounds and any anasthetic hasn't kicked in yet. A specially modified Entangle spell could hold him still while you do your work.


For patients unwilling or unable to eat for some medical reason, a Life Support/no need to eat should be a simple spell, perhaps administered as a 'charge' in pill or injection form.

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Guest Admiral C

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


It occurs to me that you could probably build an all purpose healing spell and apply the variable special effect advantage to it. The special effects, with some conning, could be providing super nutrition to the body (counteracting starvation), boosting the bodies own healing powers (counteracting the effects of poison and disease). In counteracting these effects you wouldn't typically dispel them, they'd still be there, but you could keep a person continually functioning until he could get to someone with a cure.


If you're a real masochist you could try to simulate old Rolemaster's Healer class. They took the injuries to their own body and lapsed into a self healing coma. You could build a really big heal with automatic side effects up to the effect you roll on the healing dice and have a bunch of self only powers with trigger on them.


BTW Rain I'm curious. You keep referring to your GM as 'master.' Does he insist on being called that?

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


BTW Rain I'm curious. You keep referring to your GM as 'master.' Does he insist on being called that?


Nope... but he's a sadistic one so it fits him... and i know he's reading this damn thread!


i will try to explain his idea (that none of us ever understanded) of magic school...

"Your school of magic is a sum of your experience in your life and it has be up to seven spell and logical with the purpose of your character!"


finally as example he gives only two spells... of two different schools...


this is the base rule... well then other players confessed me that they do not use magic cause they hate to try to understand this and the other thousand rules he created for the magic in this campaingn!



So now he told me that if i do not want to create a school for the background it means only that i wants powers disguided as magic spells... and when i asked him some question about some powers that could help me for the cretion of the school he said to me "read well those powers yourself and tell me what u have to do after i do to you some questions...so, do your homework!"

the questions was "why i have to build an aid for some after ilness regaining charateristic if i can build an healing charateristic? and... i dunnò if one time aid stopped to work will heal the charateristic in it's original state"


...so... Finally (thanks to this thread) he said that aid, transfer and drain(for the anesthesia) could get the job done. but i think that i need other two spells: one for identify magic diseas as curse and everything like that, and some dispel magic or suppress that can get rid of any magical ilness...


ah.. one of the other players said a joke about "making a summoning day hospital spell!" he was joking... the GM said that was'nt a bad idea -.-


it's starting to get crazy :P


@ The Monster: about that spell for patients unwilling to eat... it's a good idea but i think that he will say "if u use that spell u will able to not spend any single coin for eating in MONTHS!" ... but he said that i could do a create food spell, so maybe u're right! thanks

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


Just a couple more possible spells for the 'school'...


A Change Environment spell, with a certain amount of increased radius, could be created to set up a field hopital which protects patients (and doctors) from the elements - being able to get people out of bad weather, smoke, etc., can literally be a lifesaver all by itself. Making it a long setup time (like a minute or more), and/or a bulky focus (i.e., a tent) renders it useless as a combat ability.


Diagnosis of disease might be done with a Clairsentience/precognition spell, where basically the spell shows the magician what the course of the disease will likely be if untreated. Throw in a variable result or some similar modifier and you can get a prognosis for different kinds of treatment.


One of the unfortunate effects of many diseases and injuries is disfigurement and scarring. A small Cosmetic Transform spell can remove this - add a limitation that it only removes disfigurement, so you don't end up being a hollywood magic-plastic surgeon.

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...



Nope... but he's a sadistic one so it fits him... and i know he's reading this damn thread!


i will try to explain his idea (that none of us ever understanded) of magic school...

"Your school of magic is a sum of your experience in your life and it has be up to seven spell and logical with the purpose of your character!"


finally as example he gives only two spells... of two different schools...


this is the base rule... well then other players confessed me that they do not use magic cause they hate to try to understand this and the other thousand rules he created for the magic in this campaingn!



So now he told me that if i do not want to create a school for the background it means only that i wants powers disguided as magic spells... and when i asked him some question about some powers that could help me for the cretion of the school he said to me "read well those powers yourself and tell me what u have to do after i do to you some questions...so, do your homework!"

the questions was "why i have to build an aid for some after ilness regaining charateristic if i can build an healing charateristic? and... i dunnò if one time aid stopped to work will heal the charateristic in it's original state"


...so... Finally (thanks to this thread) he said that aid, transfer and drain(for the anesthesia) could get the job done. but i think that i need other two spells: one for identify magic diseas as curse and everything like that, and some dispel magic or suppress that can get rid of any magical ilness...


ah.. one of the other players said a joke about "making a summoning day hospital spell!" he was joking... the GM said that was'nt a bad idea -.-


it's starting to get crazy :P


@ The Monster: about that spell for patients unwilling to eat... it's a good idea but i think that he will say "if u use that spell u will able to not spend any single coin for eating in MONTHS!" ... but he said that i could do a create food spell, so maybe u're right! thanks


Maybe your GM should read Harry Potter. This is becoming way too complicated for a simple magic doctor character. It would be way more easier just to say this is what you can have in your speciality.



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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


have him write the character.

then once each play sesssion, ask a leading question.

slowly you can jack the character around your own liking.


the river destroys the rocks in its path most often by erosion...


i've already proposed this... but he did not agree -.-

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Guest Admiral C

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...



Nope... but he's a sadistic one so it fits him... and i know he's reading this damn thread!


Ok, just curious.


i will try to explain his idea (that none of us ever understanded) of magic school...

"Your school of magic is a sum of your experience in your life and it has be up to seven spell and logical with the purpose of your character!"


this is the base rule... well then other players confessed me that they do not use magic cause they hate to try to understand this and the other thousand rules he created for the magic in this campaingn!


It sounds like if your GM is going to allow magic and has dozens stipulations about them he needs to write them all down and create a hand out. This is about communication as much as it is about design. If he does, posting it here might create some thought provoking commentary.


So now he told me that if i do not want to create a school for the background it means only that i wants powers disguided as magic spells...


....or skills. You could just drop the magic part completely and just create a couple of healing super skills. There are plenty precedents for it in Dark Champions, Pulp Hero, Fantasy Hero, etc. Maybe not super healing skills but you can make them. Healing with invisible power effects and requires a skill roll on it. Various detects linked to your paramedics (healing) skill. And it's not magic at all, you're just a reeeeeeally good doctor. If it sound unbelievable just slap Focus on it for herbs. Fantasy herbs can do just about anything. In Rolemaster I'm pretty sure they can bring back the dead, I know they can keep the dead from getting deader.


That's not a bad idea either, a super powered apothecary. A bunch of alchemy styled effects that require you to find/grow certain herbs. Maybe stuff like extensive smell based-like perceptions or plant senses. Being able to smell a rare flower a mile away or discern the odor of a particular mushroom in a field of mushrooms. You don't even have to stick to healing effects, you could make poisons too, or spore clouds in bags or something.


Huh, that's a pretty good idea now that I think of it. *scribble, scribble* Of course there are many alternate paths to get to the healing effects beyond just raw magical effects. In early 3rd Ed D&D game when the PCs were scrimping on hit points I had a sort of apothecary show up would gave them a few extra hit points while they were naturally healing by acting like a masseuse/chiropractor but I could have easily used someone who did acupuncture or something else.


Sorry for the thread necromancy. My computer was down since last week.

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


>>>> This is about communication as much as it is about design. If he does, posting

>>>> it here might create some thought provoking commentary.


many GMs want no part of the concept of player input.

whose world is it any ways.


its a pity. for every 12 DnD groups there's a Champions group.

and for every 10 Champions group there's a Fantasy Hero group.


so the possibilty of finding a new GM seems slim.

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


>>>> This is about communication as much as it is about design. If he does, posting

>>>> it here might create some thought provoking commentary.


many GMs want no part of the concept of player input.

whose world is it any ways.


its a pity. for every 12 DnD groups there's a Champions group.

and for every 10 Champions group there's a Fantasy Hero group.


so the possibilty of finding a new GM seems slim.


u got it!

in this damn city we have ONE group of Hero system and ONE group of GURPS (and both of them does not give XP, DAMN!!! CAUSE IS UNREALISTIC??? aww... but someone who can shoot 3 arrows per time... or someone who can use magic it is! what the heck!!)


in this horrble, odious city... all people here plays d&d or vampire... and i hate both! ... sometime two or three groups of d20 not d&d (green ronin stuff) u can find... BUT i hate all d20 stuff (i've read all of them i find them horrbile lame and commercial)


sorry if i got angry... but.... i'm desperate!

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Guest Admiral C

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...



many GMs want no part of the concept of player input.

whose world is it any ways.


It doesn't sound like an input thing to me. It sounds more like the GM isn't being very clear, and may not be very clear himself, on what he wants and doesn't want. From the way Rain was talking he wants some fairly elaborate spells that a) have no combat utility under any circumstance and B) don't circumvent even trivial obstacles. I include the latter part because the LS: Need not eat was shot down earlier for reasons of "avoiding paying for food." Lets be serious though, unless your crafting some sort of survival epic set in inhospitable regions of the land your party getting food is a triviality that is occasionally exploited for as part of a story. End they end if he has complicated and specific rules about magic in the campaign he either needs to be expert at explaining them, willing to work with the player to come up with them, or create a hand out to use.


Of course I'm willing to agree with you if this whole matter is the GM not wanting mages, healing or otherwise, at all and is being passive aggressive about to dissuade players. Excising magic, by not allowing players to play wizards, is cutting the heart out of high fantasy.


its a pity. for every 12 DnD groups there's a Champions group.

and for every 10 Champions group there's a Fantasy Hero group.


so the possibilty of finding a new GM seems slim.


I dunno. There has been a huge clamor about getting the Fantasy Hero book reprinted. I know why I never played Fantasy Hero in the past, i.e. 4th Ed and prior, it was about presentation and the spell system. Having each college be expensive enough to warrant it's own dispel and detect magic spells and having only a few spells to choose from put a burden on me to design more. At that point I had people flocking to GURPS 3rd Fantasy.


But your comments ask an interesting question, if a GM doesn't want player input out of sheer vanity (if it is his world) how can they justify their decision with something like DnD that seems to revolve around extensive pre-packaged material? It's an interesting quandary. :think:

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Guest Admiral C

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...



in this horrble, odious city... all people here plays d&d or vampire... and i hate both! ... sometime two or three groups of d20 not d&d (green ronin stuff) u can find... BUT i hate all d20 stuff (i've read all of them i find them horrbile lame and commercial)


sorry if i got angry... but.... i'm desperate!


If your familiar enough to design a HERO character you may be skilled enough to run it Rain. The other players may be tired of your GM too. If you ask your GM may really want to play, many GMs get stuck in one mode or another, and he might gladly relinquish his slot. Or not. If not you can always start your own pick up game before his session or on another night. My advice is don't just run a game "like his but without the dumb stuff" run your own game whatever that may be. The core book and the Fantasy Hero book (about to be reprinted) has a lot of good advice in it and the only one I recommend freely is Robin D Laws of Good Gamemastering which is an excellent book and only $9.95 for a hard copy.


You have the HERO web forum here for help and I'd be willing to correspond with you if you needed more involved help.


If your still desperate for your GM to let you play a healer it may be time for a little BODY blackmail. In a combat heavy fantasy game players take a large number of wounds. Coupled with the fact that most players don't want to play healers the party ends up dying in many other games.


In HERO they still die but with less frequency. Remind your GM a party that is less than a 100% is willing to take less risks or try unpredictable tactics in order to survive the day. This translates into less action and more withdrawals if their not trying to bypass an encounter altogether. Sure he might be able to convince himself he can provide enough healing potions to keep everyone going or enough friendly NPC wizards but those are all "outsourced healing" and be yanked away at anytime. Players act with more confidence when they healer is permanently part of their team.


If he persists with the mandatory seven spell thing insist you only need three (healing with some add-ons, transforms vs poisons/disease, and a good illness detect) and that he has rejected almost 15 ideas if you presented him with everything in this thread. That's pretty picky.


BTW I was once an experience point miser in both GURPS and HERO but in the past few years I've been handing out 4-5 points a session in HERO as opposed to 2-3 I used to give. Especially in small party games. I've found it allowed people to buy something small every night and have something to save. I gave slightly more than this in GURPS. I've told the players that I do plan on going back to 2-3 in superpowered games but only after they feel that they have got their characters rounded out some, maybe 12-15 sessions or so.

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


I have to agree with Admiral C. If you can't build a mage out of what was given here, even just rough ideas, your GM is afraid to have a mage in his game. Your options seem to be boiling down to switch to another profession, play with as limited choices as you are allowed, just throw down the gauntlet and ask him why he is being a jerk, start your own game, or look for games on the internet you can run through mail.


Personally if I had to jump through hoops to get into a game, it's not worth my time to play.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


>>>> This is about communication as much as it is about design. If he does, posting

>>>> it here might create some thought provoking commentary.


many GMs want no part of the concept of player input.

whose world is it any ways.


its a pity. for every 12 DnD groups there's a Champions group.

and for every 10 Champions group there's a Fantasy Hero group.


so the possibilty of finding a new GM seems slim.


Especially when we're not in the same state, much less county.

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


well then i give up... i give up cause my gm hates mages... and he thinks they could have unbalacend skills the others don't have... so if u want to cast some spells u have to take 2 skills! skills/2 (30 points of fire and light & darkness for having a 13 in healing... 30 points the skill only!!! with the penalty skill roll i don't want...)


ok...it's his campaign but... i cannot have nothing... no powerful spells, no spells with no endurance to mantain... i wanted an armor who have 1 minute of duration and no mantain cost! he's not being a jerk, he is a jerk... i cannot have a tune up, something to get my magic skills or powers to cost less!!! i'm starting to like d&d for this!!!

can u do a decent mage with 75 + 75? with his rules... i bet NOT!


now i'll post a new thread about a damn 75+75 fighter... help me out ç_ç

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


first thing I would suggest is take a look at Killer Shrikes High Fantasy Hero site' date=' plenty of good ideas for fighters, and if your familiar with D&D, you can probably find something close to matching what your used to with D&D[/quote']


Usually i hate d&d and all d20 horrible stuff... but my GM is so convinced in not giving xp or givin some powers i may like... that i'm starting to miss it (still hating it)

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Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain...


Usually i hate d&d and all d20 horrible stuff... but my GM is so convinced in not giving xp or givin some powers i may like... that i'm starting to miss it (still hating it)


Basically there are conversions given for AD&D and D&D 3.x, which constitutes a small fraction of the site. Its about 90% general Fantasy HERO, non-D&D related, content.




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