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How do I post Screenshots from CoH

Mr. R

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Re: How do I post Screenshots from CoH


You can capture a screenshot by hitting the control and print screen buttons simultaneously (alt-printscreen also works). Then open up a drawing program like Paint and paste the image. You can save it in different formats, but I recommend saving it as a jpeg or png file.


You can post it here by managing attachments when you post. Just browse for the image on your computer and upload it. I don't have HD, so perhaps someone else can answer that part.

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Re: How do I post Screenshots from CoH


In what file would my SS be saved?


Actually if you just press [Print-screen] while running CoX it will save a screen shot to a directory called (I think) /screenshots underneath you game directory.


There are also options somewhere under the game menus to decide whether the picture is saved as a .jpg or .tiff.


By default the screenshot will not save the user interface (i.e. all the menu stuff, target box etc etc) but you can change that on the fly with the slash command:


/screenshotui 1


/screenshotui 0

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Re: How do I post Screenshots from CoH


Typically screenshots taken in-game (with the Print Screen button) end up in c:\program files\city of heores\screen shots (or a similar directory).


To post them, they can be JPG (the default format for them I believe), BMP, PNG, GIF, etc. But there's a size limit on how big an individual picture can be on the boards (in Kilobytes).


You upload of course by starting a new message and clicking "attachment" or "attach file" (I forget which). Those features only show up in the "advanced" editor, not in the Quick Reply window.

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