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Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


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Just finished this up and posting it up here. Hoping to hear back some comments about how it will be in people's minds. I wanted to have a very different flavor from the Faerie Art that I posted earlier. Hope to hear back form folks on their thoughts of it.







Elemental art, most commonly referred to as sorcery, is an uncommon art form on Ryth. Despite the rarity of sorcerers, myths and legends of individual sorcerers circulate from one civilization to the next. The manifestations of power of sorcerers, their outlandish appearance, and their personal drive often ensures that, while weak in number, they are powerful in action.


The art of sorcery is not for everyone, and all sorcerers have a natural connection to the Elemental Chaos. This innate connection to that distant plane is the basis of a sorcerer’s art, they provide a bridge between planes for the elemental energies to which they are naturally tied. Many sleepers, individuals who have the talent to become a sorcerer but are unaware of it, will show some sign of their affinity, while others may have no obvious connections. The young girl drawn to the stream instead of her chores could be a sleeping sorcerer, the artist who feels compelled to seek out storms and draw them might be a sorcerer, and the young dwarven smith who is always cold despite working at the hot forge is a sorcerer.


The earliest craft use that a sorcerer learns is willing small portions of their favored elements into the world of Ryth. While often misunderstood by observers, this is not an act of creation but instead one of transposition from the Elemental Chaos to the plane of Ryth. Sorcerers who grow in power are able to call forth more and more evidence of their affiliations from across the planar divide; eventually as they begin to master bridging the planes the develop sympathetic control over their element as it appears on Ryth.


Sorcery is not a simple art to practice, acting as a bridge for elemental energies from another plane is not kind to the body of the practitioner. Sorcerers will often begin to display signs of their favored element or elements in their physical form, and suffer from maladies associated with a close tie to such elements. Eventually, many great and powerful sorcerers begin to look more akin to creatures native to the Elemental Chaos than their own progenitor race. This wild appearance gains them both fame and infamy where they travel, and has done much to spread tales of sorcerers might across the lands.


While sorcery is a very powerful art, it is also very limited. There are only so many applications that use of fire will have in the world, and only a slim few are beneficial. This combined with the innate nature of sorcery has made very few locations of higher learning associated with sorcery. Individual sorcerers may pass on their art, but often sorcerers need to learn through trial and error or recovered lore from past sorcerers. The Academy at Korusha has had some limited success in seeking and training sorcerers, and the Twin Cities currently sport a small unit of firemen comprised entirely of sorcerers.


Origin: The original practitioners of sorcery are the elemental giants, the innate connection to the Elemental Chaos is very strong with them. To this day scholars look to dangerous archeological expeditions into giant mountains for further insights into sorcery as no other race has mastered the art as well as they have.


Modern Day Practitioners: The necessary natural born talents appear among all races, and so sorcerers are able to come from any culture, society, or race.




The four traditions of Sorcery are linked to the four classic elements. The four traditions of sorcery are not exclusive to each other, it is only the natural talents of the sorcerer that will limit what elements they have control over. Sorcerers who are able to study multiple traditions may favor one element over the others due to natural ability or personal preference and refer to themselves as a student of that tradition; other sorcerers will favor all their elemental affinities and refer to themselves as sorcerers rather than one of the tradition titles.


· Aero – Focused on the magic of the air. Aeromancers are able to conjure and control weather, fly, blast their enemies with hurricane strength winds, and many more effects based on their element of choice. Aeromancers lose aspects of their sorcery if they are beneath the earth or in places where the winds are restricted. For some aeromancers this magical limitation manifests as claustaphobia.


· Geo – Focused on the magic of the earth. Geomancers are defensive and sturdy in both their application of magic and their own physical forms. While geomancers are able to strike with their control over the earth, many prefer to instead garb themselves in their element and seek melee combat from the comfort of its aegis. Geomancers lose touch with their tradition if removed from the earth that they place so much importance on, due to this some geomancers gain fears of flying and even agoraphobia in extreme cases.


· Hydro – Focused on the magic of the water. Hydromancers are most commonly found in regions where water is plentiful, and are valued members of most maritime expeditions. While hydromancers maritime value is high, they are also able to create mobile shields of water, strike with the concussive force of the waves, as well as strike with an opponents own force. Hydromancers lose power the further they move from available water sources, this makes them inappropriate in most desert surroundings and can even make them phobic of land based travel in extreme situations.


· Pyro – Focused on the magic of fire. Pyromancers are adept at controlling and using fire, often able to evoke giant flames from only the smallest spark or control fires rampaging out of control. There is a great deal of general mistrust of pyromancers throughout Ryth, but despite this some notable pyromancers are valued members of society and can even be found fighting fires in the city of Korusha. Pyromancers are often greatly affected by colder climates, and can even find warm ones to be bone chilling, this tendency has been known to drive some pyromancers into a manic state to stay warm despite the cost.


System – Sorcery uses a Talent unlock access system to gain spells that they put into an Elemental Control Power Framework with success or failure determined by one of four Power Skills. Providing the sorcerer with the energy to bridge with are a series of Endurance Reserves, one for each of the elements that a sorcerer can work with.


Sorcerers act as a bridge between the Elemental Chaos and the plane of Ryth, allowing elemental energies to flow through them. Sorcery relies on the use of Skill Rolls to determine success or failure on individual casting of spells. Sorcery features both Concentration, to show the difficulties of fighting while bridging, and Incantations, used as a sympathetic component to the act of bridging. All sorcerer powers require END expenditures, though individual and appropriate powers can be purchased to only require END to begin the power. When a sorcerer is out of END from their reserve, they are still able to bridge the planes, but doing so comes at a high cost represented by Side Effects.


Finally, sorcerers require two forms of foci to successfully work their magic. A sorcerer needs to have a pure sample of the element they are working with under their control, this often means that sorcerers travel around with staves that are specially designed to trap or channel the elements, such as staves that double as oil containers to allow fires to burn or hold empty spheres that are designed for water, earth, or air to be bridged into. Beyond the foci under their control, sorcerers are able to bridge for stronger results when in the presence of the element that they are bridging, for example, fire sorcerers near a campfire are able to bridge to full effect. While a sorcerer does not need this manifestation of the affiliated element near them, it assists them in their casting. When a sorcerer finds themselves without such an aid, they often will create an appropriate aid with their first bridge, allowing further bridging to be done at greater strength.


Sorcery is a powerful, but limited art. While a sorcerer will have powerful abilities, they will be limited to the effects that the four classical elements and their combinations are capable of. At high levels of mastery, sorcerers are able to bypass this restriction in some regards and can begin to create supernatural effects that are not simple reflections of their element but must still be closely tied to it. Even at these higher levels of power many powers still lie outside the confines of sorcery.


Cost – Sorcerers have four separate cost mechanics. All sorcerers must purchase a Talent for each of the four sorcery traditions they intend to use. Sorcerers have a separate END Reserve purchased for each sorcery tradition that they actively practice. Sorcerers require skills to perform the act of bridging, both Power Skills and a language are required. Finally, a sorcerer is able to purchase their spells through the use of an Elemental Control.


Elemental Control: The elemental control of a sorcerer is a cost reducing mechanic allowing them to support a limited amount of strong powers. Sorcerers can create multiple Elemental Controls for different effects, though only one of their Elemental Controls can have powers from multiple sorcery traditions, all other Elemental Controls must be tied to on specific tradition. Sorcerers can choose to use multiple Elemental Controls to protect some of their abilities from being affected by only a single use of an Adjustment Power at one time.


Sorcery: Elemental Control, 0-point powers, all slots Requires A Skill Roll (Pyromancy; -1/2), OIF (Fire; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must be bridged in presence of affiliated element or power functions at a reduced rate, on or in earth for earth, campfire or larger fire source for fire, locale with free flowing air movement for air, or a body of water from a well or spring to lakes and oceans for water; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (Performed in Primordial; -1/4), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act, Side Effects occur when the character uses LTE or a STUN Drain to pay END for Powers; -1/4)


END Reserve: All sorcery spells draw their power from an END Reserve specifically associated with their tradition. It is possible for a sorcerer to continue to bridge without END in this END Reserve, but they must pay for spells using LTE, and when unable to do such will Drain their STUN in a similar fashion. Bridging by using their personal energy rather than their elemental reserves creates side effects for the sorcerer, further discussed in Side Effects section.


Sorcery tradition END Reserves must be purchased with a –1½ Limitation of Slow Recovery placed on the REC of the END Reserve, allowing them to only gain their REC once every 20 minutes. The REC must also have a -¾ Limitation of Limited Recovery, the END Reserve will only recover when the sorcerer is resting in a location that has a strong presence of their affiliated element. Appropriate presence of a sorcerer’s element could be a large bonfire for fire, a clean body of water large enough to submerse in for water, a stormy or windy stretch of land for air, or simply resting on and in healthy earth for earth. Lesser manifestations of their associated elements may allow a sorcerer to gain some of their REC back, and distance from the manifestation of their element may also hinder recovery.


Elemental Anima: Endurance Reserve (0 END, 0 REC) Reserve: (0 Active Points); REC: (0 Active Points); Slow Recovery 20 Minutes (-1 1/2), Limited Recovery (Resting near strong presence of affiliated element that was not bridged; -2)


Skill: The four traditions of sorcery each have their own skill required to bridge their element. These skills are all INT based, costing 1 point for an 8- familiarity, or 3 points for a standard (9 + [iNT/5])- roll. Raising one of the skills by one point costs 2 experience, or a sorcerer can purchase 5 point Skill Levels for general proficiency with sorcery. Skill rolls receive a -1 per 10 Active Points of Power being used.


Aeromancy: Power (9 + [iNT/5)-. RC: 3

Geomancy: Power (9 + [iNT/5)-. RC: 3

Hydromancy: Power (9 + [iNT/5)-. RC: 3

Pyromancy: Power (9 + [iNT/5)-. RC: 3


Sorcerers also must know the language of the Elemental Chaos, and must purchase Primordial to perform the necessary Incantations for their spells.


Primordial: (fluent conversation; literate); Real Cost: 3 points


Talent: At character creation a sorcerer must decide what elements they will have an affinity for and purchase Talents for all elements that they will use during their career. These inborn Talents cannot be purchased at a later time through the use of experience. To practice a sorcery tradition a character must purchase a five point talent that allows the sorcerer to bridge their element between the planes. This talent must be purchased once for each element that the character wishes to use.


Bridge Air: Major Transform 1 point (Basic elements into elemental air, Mixing with regular air), Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Must have END in Aeromancy END Reserve; +0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); No Range (Touch Range; -1/2) RC: 5

Bridge Earth: Major Transform 1 point (Basic elements into elemental earth, Mixing with regular earth), Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Must have END in Geomancy END Reserve; +0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); No Range (Touch Range; -1/2) RC: 5

Bridge Fire: Major Transform 1 point (Basic elements into elemental fire, Mixing with regular fire), Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Must have END in Pyromancy END Reserve; +0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); No Range (Touch Range; -1/2) RC: 5

Bridge Water: Major Transform 1 point (Basic elements into elemental water, Mixing with regular water), Limited Power Power loses less than a fourth of its effectiveness (Must have END in Hydromancy END Reserve; +0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); No Range (Touch Range; -1/2) RC: 5


A sorcerer who intends to use a sorcery tradition later in his career than character creation can take a 1 character point place holder Talent. This represents the latent natural skill that the character has with the element, but does not allow the character to practice magic of that tradition. Frequently this Talent would be converted over to the standard tradition Talent through both play experiences and character point expenditure.


Latent Air Talent: Place Holder Talent 1 point (This Talent allows the character to later purchase the Bridge Air Talent for 4 character points in addition to the 1 character point spent on this Talent, this conversion is subject to GM approval) RC: 1

Latent Earth Talent: Place Holder Talent 1 point (This Talent allows the character to later purchase the Bridge Earth Talent for 4 character points in addition to the 1 character point spent on this Talent, this conversion is subject to GM approval) RC: 1

Latent Fire Talent: Place Holder Talent 1 point (This Talent allows the character to later purchase the Bridge Fire Talent for 4 character points in addition to the 1 character point spent on this Talent, this conversion is subject to GM approval) RC: 1

Latent Water Talent: Place Holder Talent 1 point (This Talent allows the character to later purchase the Bridge Water Talent for 4 character points in addition to the 1 character point spent on this Talent, this conversion is subject to GM approval) RC: 1


Other –


Approved Powers – Sorcery is a limited art, primarily it only works in direct applications of elemental forces. Following is a list of approved Powers for each of the traditions.


Air: Energy Blat, Entangle, Flight, Force Wall, Gliding, Missile Deflection and Reflection, Telekinesis.

Earth: Armor (Requires END to start and Ablative must both be purchased for Armor), Clinging, Damage Resistance (Requires END to start), Density Increase, Energy Blast, Entangle, Force Wall, Hand Attack, Hand Killing Attack, Telekinesis, Tunneling.

Fire: Flash, Hand Killing Attack, Leaping, Ranged Killing Attack.

Water: Absorbtion, Energy Blast, Entangle, Force Field, Swimming, Telekinesis.


Banned Access: Mental Powers.

Limited Access to Traditions: Aid, Damage Reduction, Life Support.

Universal to all Traditions: Change Environment, Dispel (Tradition), Endurance Reserve (Required for use of all spells), Images, Suppress (Element or Tradition), Transfer (Tradition).


This is not a full and complete list of what is usable by a tradition, but a guideline of the general uses.


Sorcery Spell Requirements –


· Concentration

· Focus

· Incantations

· Must cost END to use

· Must use Endurance Reserve

· Requires Skill Roll

· Side Effects

· Weakens if not in presence of associated element


Sorcery Restricted Limitations –


· Charges may not be taken, even if Charges becomes an Advantage.

· Gestures may not be taken.




Bridge – Sorcerer uses their body as a bridge between the Elemental Chaos and the world of Ryth. This is a necessary part of nearly all sorcery spells.

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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


Very nice - but I always associate the term sorcery or sorcerer with the summoning and control of demons. I must have read different fantasy books to you :)

I usually call the folk you describe Elementalists. But I expand it out to other elements as mentioned in China Meivill's "Iron Council" to include flesh elementals.

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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


Wow! Have you been reading off my notes? I've been kicking around a magic system in my head the past few years, and I came to a LOT of the same conclusions you did. Needless to say, I like your system.


Can you summarize how much it would cost to be a Geomancer? Or better yet, could you show a sample character that uses your magic system? Preferably one with two ECs, so we could see how they look/interact together?



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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


Pinecone - Thanks for the vote of confidence, I hope that it works well.


Curufea - The term sorcerer from them didn't so much develop from fiction that I referred to the art early on as sorcery. While I like the sound of it, I'm not sure where the specific origins of it were in my mind. Maybe it links to Diablo 2 and elemental sorcerers from that game, but I don't really think so.


For the type of magic that you describe I used the terms Summoner (for short term) and Binder (for long term). I haven't worked the specifics of their magic systems out yet, since none of the PCs looked to those I haven't needed to get into the details of them.


I could see going with Elementalist, but something made me avoid the term, also lost to my specific reasons why. If I did adopt the term, which I'm not against, I would want to use Sorcerer for something, that would make me develop another magic style for my world (not that I'm opposed to that).


As for the control of non-standard elements, while I like the idea and have a cool image for an Elementalist built with those assumptions, I don't think it fits with the origin of their power coming directly from the plane of the 4 classical elements. I don't think you were trying to convince me of a change, just sharing ideas you had, and now I have some cool ideas of that in my head too! =D


Sbarron - Ya, I should be able to get something up. I am kinda swamped right now, but I will work on it. I have game coming up on Saturday and am trying to get four or five different magic systems functional by then as well as races, packages, a martial art, and some other stuff all working in some semblance of order before then.


A lot of what is written up there is theory that fits with images in my head. I haven't gone through and statted out anything for them, and am working on that a little bit right now to see if points are in the ranges that I am hoping for them to be in.


What about what you have been working on? Just wondering what some of the same conclusions we are drawing are.


Other -

I'm also working on some ranking system for them, I'm thinking of linking the base of the -mancy roll to the points allowed for expenditure on the Anima (example, Pyromancy {9+[iNT/5]}- would allow for 9 points to be spent on the Pyromancy Anima). This would prevent the Anima from reaching too large a size to make some of the drawbacks non-existant. After that I would want to link the EC in to show a method of progression as well as built in limitation on how much power a person can whip out with the system.


Hopefully I'm going at this from the correct angles and would love to hear back from folks who have experience with this kind of thing.


Thanks for the replies guys.


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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


What about what you have been working on? Just wondering what some of the same conclusions we are drawing are.


1) I divided everything into the 4 basic elements of magic that you did,


2) then used the same -mancy names you did. :thumbup:


3) I also decided that certain elements just didn't provide certain magic effects. So while my list of powers that each element can cast isn't the same as yours, its very similar.


4) I decided that certain magic effects weren't possible at all. You've done something similar for this style of magic, though the effects you've banned are probably do-able in other magic systems in your game. I just removed them entirely.

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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


OK, I'm working on thoughts to feed to my player tonight and I realized something, one aspect that is very expensive using the EC is going to be a lot of fine control over the four elements. The character that I am working on is a goblin pyromancer (who will have latent talents to all elements). I was trying to look at how expensive Sorcery is compared to Wizardry (see Faerie Art post, don't know how to link in here, isn't following normal style that I know for websites, so I gave up). I don't want them to be exact, but I have an idea of what I am looking for. I'm hoping that Sorcerers will be able to have about 50% more Active Points for around the same real cost. But that isn't why I'm writing this post.


I realized that a lot of the Adjustment powers, as well as TK, and Images would rack up a lot of points for the Sorcerer for many abilities that aren't the main focus for their art. I'm wondering if I might be better served either planning on setting up a separate EC for those effects so that they are not directly linked to the standard ECs (something that folks can do now anyway). This would still create a high cost if you wanted to be able to Aid, Suppress, Dispel, Telekinesis, and Images with the elements that you have access to.


Another set up on it would be that I could set up a limited VPP in the structure of Sorcery for these powers. I don't know if that would make things any cheaper or not in truth, but was tossing the idea around. I figured while I worked on something else I might post up on the boards and see the thoughts that some folks here might have.



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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


Sbarron - Gotcha, thanks for sharing Sbarron. I would love to hear some of the differences in the banned lists. By no means am I stuck on the lists of effects that I have banned, they are just the ones that I have figured are natural rather than supernatural or spiritual associations with the elements. At some high power levels I can see taking on a few of the more supernatural/spiritual aspects (like walking in one fire and out another), but that would be extremely practiced Sorcerers. Maybe depending on what you are looking at I might see banning some of the spells I have now, and unbanning others.


As for my other magic systems, ya, they definately are going to be covering a lot of different aspects. I have magic broken up into a series of Arts (based on the power source for the magic, not all Arts have a system of magic tied directly to them but are instead just a category grouping similar access together), then Traditions (specific ways of access the Art), and finally into Customs (internal stylistic divisions within Traditions that generally are closer to a Tradition than a Tradition is to its Art).


So Sorcery is an Art, Sorcerers are unique in the method that they gain their magic. The Traditions of Sorcery are non-exclusive (you can learn more than one) and directly tied to the use of the Art.


As a further example, Theurgy is the Art of gaining power from other beings (Spirits, Gods, Ancestors). Within Theurgy there are the Ancestor Magic Tradition (practiced by dwarves, gains power through interaction with ancestors and the powers that they bestow on the Channeler), Shamanism (generally used by primitive cultures as a way of interacting with the spirits), Summoning (calling forth creatures from other planes, [primarily the spirit world where ancestors, gods, and spirits live] and forcing them to do your bidding), and finally Worship (supplication to a higher power, exchanging your work on the plane of Ryth for their divine aid).


There are a number of Customs within Theurgy. Shamanism has two Customs tied to it, one is Totemism (allowing the animal spirits to live within your body), and Vodun (belief in one creator deity who has since left the world to its own devices. Created the spirits to ensure things were taken care of. Vodun deal with those spirits and the spirits can possess the Vodun). Summoning has the Binding Custom (Custom of long term servitude between the Binder and the being brought to this plane). Worship has a large number of Customs, every separate doctrine, cult, or heresy for one god can spawn a different Custom, in addition to the Customs devoted to different gods in specific).


The total Arts that I have ATM are Dark Arts, Environmental, Faerie, Psionic, Sorcery, and Theurgy. I'm open for more if they fit the world well. =D


Other -

Regarding my post above, am I trying to look at things in a way I shouldn't? Is my concept of Aiding and Suppressing Fire (different from fire powers) just a type of Change Environment? Hopefully it is and I'm just making things a lot more complicated than I need to, cuz ATM it looks worse than I think it should. CE is a power that covers a lot of ground, so when looking at it I think I always reign it in a bit more than it should, for fear of using it for things it shouldn't.



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Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


OK, this isn't a character yet, but I was doing some cost comparisons of Sorcery versus Wizardry, and figured that it might give some sort of idea how the progression would be working.


I decided to link the base -mancy roll to the number of points usable on the Anima. So to start out you have a base 9 on a skill that you spend 3 points on, just ignore the (CHA/5) part of it. This would allow someone to spend 9 points on the Anima. Anima costs 1 point per 10 END or 7 REC, to me ATM without actually playing this that doesn't seem horrible.


The below information is going with the fact that while the character is only a Pyromancer ATM, he intends to use all the elements in the long run. This starts him out with a 5 point talent for Pyromancy, 3 1-point talents for Latent ability with the other elements, and a 3 point language skill for Primordial. I will record those as Static costs below. I'm sorry for the poor formatting, not used to posting stuff up so I'm just using basic spacing.


Starting Package Pyromancer

Cost Ability

11 Static Costs


5 Pyromancy Skill (10+[iNT/5])-


10 Pyromancy Anima (80 END, 14 REC) Slow Recovery 20 Minutes (-1 1/2), Limited Recovery (Resting near strong presence of affiliated element that was not bridged; -2)


5 Pyromancy Elemental Control Requires A Skill Roll (Pyromancy; -1/2), OIF (Fire; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must be bridged in presence of affiliated element or power functions at a reduced rate, on or in earth for earth, campfire or larger fire source for fire, locale with free flowing air movement for air, or a body of water from a well or spring to lakes and oceans for water; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (Performed in Primordial; -1/4), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act, Side Effects occur when the character uses LTE or a STUN Drain to pay END for Powers; -1/4) 15 Active Points


5 Searing Blast (1d6+1 RKA; Armor Piercing) 30 Active Points


5 Fireball (1d6+1 RKA; Explosion +1/2, Delayed Phase -1/4) 30 Active Points


4 Dispel Fire (8d6 Dispel; Increased END x2 -1/2, Delayed Phase -1/4, Any Fire +1/4) 30 Active Points


5 Flame Images (all 5 Senses, -2 PER to notice it is fake [or strange in this case, cuz it is supposed to be real fire]) 31 Active Points


5 Pyrokinesis (10 STR Telekinesis; Fine Manipulation, Reduced END 1/2 +1/4, Only works on fire or Fire beings or other fire objects [magma] -1/4 [i gave this a -1/4 Limitation as 1/4 of it acts as a replacement for the Must be in presence of fire that is on the Elemental Control. As this TK is purchased up to effect further elements it would probably be bought down to a +/-0]) 31 Active Points


55 Total Cost



To continue I checked on how it would look if the person stepped up by one increment of pure fire use.


Cost Ability

11 Static Costs


9 Pyromancy Skill (12+[iNT/5])-


12 Pyromancy Anima (100 END, 14 REC) Slow Recovery 20 Minutes (-1 1/2), Limited Recovery (Resting near strong presence of affiliated element that was not bridged; -2)


7 Pyromancy Elemental Control Requires A Skill Roll (Pyromancy; -1/2), OIF (Fire; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Must be bridged in presence of affiliated element or power functions at a reduced rate, on or in earth for earth, campfire or larger fire source for fire, locale with free flowing air movement for air, or a body of water from a well or spring to lakes and oceans for water; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Incantations (Performed in Primordial; -1/4), Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs whenever the character does some specific act, Side Effects occur when the character uses LTE or a STUN Drain to pay END for Powers; -1/4) 22 Active Points


8 Searing Blast (2d6 RKA; Armor Piercing) 45 Active Points


7 Fireball (2d6 RKA; Explosion +1/2, Delayed Phase -1/4) 45 Active Points


7 Dispel Fire (12d6 Dispel; Delayed Phase -1/4, Any Fire +1/4) 45 Active Points


8 Flame Images (all 5 Senses, -4 PER to notice it is fake [or strange in this case, cuz it is supposed to be real fire], 2" Radius) 45 Active Points


8 Pyrokinesis (10 STR Telekinesis; Fine Manipulation, Reduced END 1/2 +1/4, Only works on fire or Fire beings or other fire objects [magma] -1/4 [i gave this a -1/4 Limitation as 1/4 of it acts as a replacement for the Must be in presence of fire that is on the Elemental Control. As this TK is purchased up to effect further elements it would probably be bought down to a +/-0], Explosion) 31 Active Points 49


77 Total Cost

22 Cost Over previous mastery level


I bought off the Extra END needed to Dispel Fire in the 2nd example, figuring that greater control might mean it wasn't as draining to try and get rid of fire.


I hope I wrote stuff up OK, and that it looks decent. This was just a cost comparison between the two different Arts that I have set up ATM, so there is a lot missing that would make a character. I tried to write up abilities that I saw the character that is going to be finished up tonight would be taking, so I knew how to deal with stuff.


How does it look? Love to hear back.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Sorcery, aka Elemental Magic


Very nicely done



I have a question though, for the Pyromantic examples. What is the decreased value for casting firespells when not in the presence of a significant fire source? I mean of the four Elements, Pyromancers seem to be at a disadvantage as they can't really carry a campfire with them everywhere :)

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