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The DC Universe Campaign


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The DC Universe Campaign "Superhero Groups"


Superhero Groups



The Justice League of America [Metropolis]


Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Atom, Hawkgirl, Zatanna



Teen Titans [Gateway City]


Robin, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Speedy, Aqualad



More to come . . .

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Re: The DC Universe Campaign


250 isn't very high is it? Especially not for the likes of Superman and the Justice league. The usual starting amount is at least 350.


But that's just me.


No. There's lots of evidence supporting the fact that viable versions of these characters can be built on very few points.


That said, even I would have an issue about a 200 point Supergirl. On the other hand, I suppose I could pull out a 200 point Wonder Girl or Kid Flash. I'm not sure about Aqualad, and my Robin would definitely... umm... actually probably work. Speedy would be a variant on Robin.


It's been a long time since I thought about this though. I started working on this stuff a long time ago on my blog.


I will add that there is a Volume 2 of the 60s Teen Titans since I last paid attention to them. This has nothing to do with building starting point versions, though, so my lame "I got distracted halfway through" versions might count for something.


Clue: Kid Flash *could* be based on the "Dimensional Innovator" thingie in the Champions genre book.


More important clue: read the source material - whatever you choose it to be.

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Re: The DC Universe Campaign




Matt's Champions Page - The 250 Point Project



Dejay's Champions Write Ups



Red October



The Wild Hunt - X-Men



Teen Titans - Edsel








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Re: The DC Universe Campaign


Here's something that's just occurred to me: I haven't seen the TT animated series. They haven't been shown in Australia. I suppose I could pop down the road and buy a couple of DVDs over the weekend, but, frankly, I would rather just pull out the books covering the 60s version.


Of course the animated version is ideal for building the "New" TTs on very few points.


Oh, and who would I play? Well, Robin, of course. Kid Flash is kind of neat too. Wonder Girl should be best left to a female player. And Speedy for her partner. Aqualaddio probably requires a special person.


If I really had too, I could pull out my (non-reprint) issues of the 70s TTs, but that would be even weirder.


FWIW, I've added the "kiddie" Legion of Superheroes series to my list of current titles I collect. They're quite close in spirit to the old version.


EDIT: An old first draft of WG and KF

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The DC Universe Campaign "JSA History 1940-1951"


JSA History 1940-1951



The Justice Society of America (JSA) came into being when several individual mystery men thwarted an assassination attempt against then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The grateful Chief Executive suggested that Flash [Jay Garrick], Green Lantern [Alan Scott], Hawkman, Sandman, Spectre, Dr. Fate, Hourman, and Atom continue to work as a team against the growing Axis menace, as well as deal with the rise of criminal masterminds that plague the era. President Roosevelt made sure that although the JSA was not an offical organization, it would have the cooperation of the U.S. Government.


The standard operating procedure of the group of to break up and have each member deal with one part of a crisis. While each member was powerful, this often led to the group being defeated in detail. The villains would then make the mistake of bringing the team together and through teamwork and luck the JSA was able to turn the tables on the villains.


Despite the power most members possessed, the JSA members tended to settle things with their fists. Even Flash and Green Lantern used their power more often then not to reach the site of battle and enter into hand to hand combat with the enemy. Dr. Fate and The Spectre, both possessing abilities beyond understanding, used their powers in a messured fashion as to not abuse their powers.


Johnny Thunder & Thunderbolt, Superman, Batman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Starman, Wonder Woman, Mr. Terrific, Wildcat, and Black Canary would eventually join the group during it's existance from 1940 to 1951. Unknown to many at the time Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were from the future and had come back in time to situation that could have changed history. The JSA travelled foward in time to deal with the same situation, and the exposure to such events slowed the aging process for everyone involved.


After the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entry into World War Two, the JSA launched a series of successful counter-attacks against Japanese forces in the Pacific. After preventing the invasion of the American West Coast, the JSA was recalled and formed into the Justice Battalion. Germany had declared war on the United States, and President Roosevelt ordered the Justice Battalion to conduct raids into Nazi occupied Europe. The raids helped keep the Anti-Nazi Underground in those countries operating.


The threat of Axis spies and saboteurs in the U.S., along with criminal masterminds, kept the Justice Battalion in America for much of the War. The Seven Soldiers of Victory [u.S. Midwest], The All-Star Squadron [u.S. East Coast], and the Freedom Fighters [u.S. West Coast] were formed under the banner of the JSA for operations in the United States, and the Justice Battalion used overseas often with members of the other organizations for support. Then the members of the Justice Battalion were captured and launched into hyperspace by Nazi superscientists, it was the other organization that fought off the newly formed Axis Amerika supervillain group.


Eventually the Axis were defeated, and the new threat of Communism appeared. The War had caused many of the surviving mystery men to retire, but the JSA reformed and continued. While things appeared to be going well for the Justice Society of America three things spelled it's doom.

One, the death of President Roosevelt in April 1945 brought a new President, Harry S. Truman, into office. President Truman was distrustful of organizations like the JSA and the Office of Strategic Services and did his best disband them as dangerous to democracy. Once he was elected in his own right in 1948 he ended all U.S. Government cooperation with the JSA.

Two, the JSA became a major target of Soviet intelligence services after the end of the Second World War. Once the war was over these agents turned their sights on destroying the JSA by both covert and overt means. One method was to blame the rise of juvenile delinquency on the exampt set by "vigilanties" such as the JSA.

And Three, time travelling villains captured the JSA on the day the group was suppose to testify before a Senate committee. Their delay in getting to the hearing room after escaping the trap caused an ambitious U.S. Senator to accuse the group of "Un-American" activities and demand the JSA members reveal their true identities. Rather then submit the Justice Society of America disbanded.

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