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Paris Hilton as a super villain


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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Looking for a few suggestions. What sort of power set would you imagine for her? The campaign is serious and Iron Age in mood.


She doesn't need powers. She already possesses the wealth to pull off major supervillainy on her own.


A spoiled brat, attention whore, with the wealth to do anything she wants, and no scruples.


Start from there.

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


She doesn't need powers. She already possesses the wealth to pull off major supervillainy on her own.


A spoiled brat, attention whore, with the wealth to do anything she wants, and no scruples.


Start from there.


She still needs the monocle. :D

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Looking over the thread again, Gravitar is another great suggestion.


Really, the Spoiled Rich Girl has been around as a villainess for a long time. No reason not to put Paris in that group.


Actually, it could be fun to make her a Maenad high priestess of Dionysus, in his role as god of debauchery and madness. On the surface she's just another celebrity and party girl; her actual goal is to destroy powerful men while "empowering" women by turning them into lesser Maenads. Take it figuratively, or go the whole way and have her party girls hunting handsome and rich young men through the Hollywood hills, finally ripping the men to pieces in the name of their god.


Power set would be basic Super Strength and Toughness, plus basic Greek style magic (prophesy; speaking with the dead; magical beasts or vehicles; transforming humans into beasts and monsters through orgistic rituals).

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Actually, it could be fun to make her a Maenad high priestess of Dionysus, in his role as god of debauchery and madness. On the surface she's just another celebrity and party girl; her actual goal is to destroy powerful men while "empowering" women by turning them into lesser Maenads. Take it figuratively, or go the whole way and have her party girls hunting handsome and rich young men through the Hollywood hills, finally ripping the men to pieces in the name of their god.


Power set would be basic Super Strength and Toughness, plus basic Greek style magic (prophesy; speaking with the dead; magical beasts or vehicles; transforming humans into beasts and monsters through orgiastic rituals).


That's a really cool idea, Oddhat. It actually fits pretty well with some other subplots (supernatural conspiracy/evil among the upper class) pretty well.

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


There's an idea....take all the spoiled rich brat stuff and throw in a truly menacing artifact with corrupting abilities and she could become something truly nasty.


I'm not sure she even needs those, just Int, minions, bases, vehicles, and most importantly a plan worthy of a megalomaniac.

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Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain


Actually, it could be fun to make her a Maenad high priestess of Dionysus, in his role as god of debauchery and madness. On the surface she's just another celebrity and party girl; her actual goal is to destroy powerful men while "empowering" women by turning them into lesser Maenads. Take it figuratively, or go the whole way and have her party girls hunting handsome and rich young men through the Hollywood hills, finally ripping the men to pieces in the name of their god.


Power set would be basic Super Strength and Toughness, plus basic Greek style magic (prophesy; speaking with the dead; magical beasts or vehicles; transforming humans into beasts and monsters through orgistic rituals).


:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:

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