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I have an NPC that I would actually like to build a power for. It is the ability of reincarnation. The NPC in this case is a form of immortal. He has lived for thousands of years through an endless cycle of reincarnation. Every time he/it dies a baby is born that will eventually become host to its intellect (I hate using the word host but it is the most apt word I can think of). Come the 18th birthday of the child, the intellect of the immortal (name is Jordyn) starts to take over. The child gains the memories and mental acuteness of Jordyn and eventually Jordyn takes over.


To this end I want to build the power that allows Jordyn to reincarnate this way. He / it has no choice over this mater and has no say in who the next form will be. Only things that transfer from one host to the next is the memories. In game terms his only things that carry over are the INT, EGO and skills based on them. Otherwise it is just what ever fate throws at him.


I wasn't sure how to do this. I thought it would be best represented as a form of Resurrection with various advantages and disadvantages. Just thought I would see what everyone else would do to build this.


Thank you,

La Rose

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Re: reincarnation




I have an NPC that I would actually like to build a power for. It is the ability of reincarnation. The NPC in this case is a form of immortal. He has lived for thousands of years through an endless cycle of reincarnation. Every time he/it dies a baby is born that will eventually become host to its intellect (I hate using the word host but it is the most apt word I can think of). Come the 18th birthday of the child, the intellect of the immortal (name is Jordyn) starts to take over. The child gains the memories and mental acuteness of Jordyn and eventually Jordyn takes over.


To this end I want to build the power that allows Jordyn to reincarnate this way. He / it has no choice over this mater and has no say in who the next form will be. Only things that transfer from one host to the next is the memories. In game terms his only things that carry over are the INT, EGO and skills based on them. Otherwise it is just what ever fate throws at him.


I wasn't sure how to do this. I thought it would be best represented as a form of Resurrection with various advantages and disadvantages. Just thought I would see what everyone else would do to build this.


Thank you,

La Rose


Perhaps, Triggered Duplication with the 100% difference modifier, and some handwavium.

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Re: reincarnation


I Shall Return: xd6 Major Transform (Mental), target's mind into mine, transform "healed" by dying; Based on ECV (+1), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+1/4), Triggered (by dying) (+1/4), IPE, mental sense group (no "partially transformed" effect) (+1/2), Standard Effect (+0), Limited Target (humans) (-1/2), Extra Time (18 years) (-6 1/2), Gradual Effect: one year (-2 3/4), No Conscious Control (-2)


Put as many dice into it as you think necessary.


You might consider Independent. As well, you could change the Limited Target Limitation to "Those who are born the same day I die" and make it -1.

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Re: reincarnation


Actually, I'd do this completely differently:


18 ReinCarnationEvaporatedMilk: Healing 4 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (97 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (Character May Take No Other Actions; -2 1/2), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect does a predefined amount of damage; Character goes through a complete transformation, becoming another invidividual entirely; -1 1/2), Resurrection Only (As Reincarnation; see text; -1/2)


Because there's no "advantage" to becoming someone else, this power is (to me) Resurrect with a Side Effect, you wake up as something else. Because the S/E is Extreme and Always Occurs, its a GMO chew toy for the user. You can adjust this for flavor, but I think you get the gist. This really is just healing with an S/E; save the mess of Multiform and all that noise. Treat it as a Side Effect. If the character is to get a BONUS from getting popped, then that's a whole separate power. But you're just talking about an unwilling redistribution of points (and state of being). That's a Side Effect to me.

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Re: reincarnation


"I have an NPC…" To me this is the most important part of the post. If the power is used only for an NPC and you already know what it does than you do not, strictly speaking, have to build it using points. Keep in mind that the simple solution is almost always the best and in this case the simple solution is to say: it’s an NPC, I know what the power does, therefore I don’t need to write it up. Since it will be at least 18 years before the NPC gains his memories back his death should be, for all intents and purposes, final to the PCs unless you are playing in a campaign that runs on a very long timeline. If you absolutely have to use points to build it than remember to add in the Extra Time Limitation to represent the 18 year delay.


To me this is simply another “flashlight problem”.

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Re: reincarnation


"I have an NPC…" To me this is the most important part of the post. If the power is used only for an NPC and you already know what it does than you do not, strictly speaking, have to build it using points. Keep in mind that the simple solution is almost always the best and in this case the simple solution is to say: it’s an NPC, I know what the power does, therefore I don’t need to write it up. Since it will be at least 18 years before the NPC gains his memories back his death should be, for all intents and purposes, final to the PCs unless you are playing in a campaign that runs on a very long timeline. If you absolutely have to use points to build it than remember to add in the Extra Time Limitation to represent the 18 year delay.


To me this is just another “flashlight problem”.



ohh absolutely. I almost never prattle around trying to build powers like this. That is ones that are more plot device than power. But I thought it would be interesting to try (I have to much free time I guess).


Thanks for everyone's thoughts.


Soon the Flashlight of Truth and Inspiration will shine down upon us all.


La Rose

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Re: reincarnation


ohh absolutely. I almost never prattle around trying to build powers like this. That is ones that are more plot device than power. But I thought it would be interesting to try (I have to much free time I guess).


Thanks for everyone's thoughts.


Soon the Flashlight of Truth and Inspiration will shine down upon us all.


La Rose


I hope I didn’t come off as snarky or worse. I was truly trying to be helpful. I just find it easier of late to figure out how useful a power like that is and if it’s for an NPC not worry over much about the points. I think my breaking point was when I spent almost an hour on the phone with Thia trying to build the Time Stop power that one of the characters from the show Charmed has. It never did work out to my satisfaction so I decided to give it a point cost of 120 and make extensive notes on the effects. That worked out much better for me. :)

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Re: reincarnation


I hope I didn’t come off as snarky or worse. I was truly trying to be helpful.



I understand. Nor was I trying to imply that you were less honest and polite. I agree with you on all points. This was just a exercise in seeing what people (other than myself) would do in order to build such a power. If it seems reasonable I will then have something I could present to others (my group or what have you) as a possible build concept. I just personally enjoy seeing things being made by the book if possible. No need for it, and god knows I probably wont recall the build in the middle of a game (nor care) but just for my personal pleasure.


Thanks again.

The Triggered Duplication seems the most reasonable. Possible the transform as well.


La Rose.

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Re: reincarnation


Thia: The kid has been around for 18 years' date=' doing shtuff, getting known, etc. So there's [i']someone[/i] "already their" that has to be changed. Theirs a history the "target" has, people think they know this guy/gal.


And its 18 years not 1 hour.


Just a thought, but what's the in-game benefit of this ability? Will the game be fast forwarded 18 years so this character can rejoin the game? If not, it seems like this is colour more than anything else, and maybe should not carry any cost. Mind you, once we take away all choice of the point spending on the new character, and add 18 years extra time, it's not going to be very expensive anyway.

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