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Highway of Lost Soles (Plot Seed?)


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Thousands Of Shoes Dumped On Miami Expressway

Thousands of shoes were dumped accidentally from a truck on the southbound Palmetto Expressway after the Bird Road exit in Miami causing significant traffic delays Friday morning. Many of these shoes will now reach the feet of some of the neediest people in the world.


City workers with broom sticks and Road Rangers who come to the aid of stranded motorists were all taking part in clearing one lane of a quarter mile section of expressway where shoes fell from a truck earlier in the day.


Of the task clearing all the shoes that littered the road, Florida Highway Patrol Lt. Pat Santangelo said "there's just so many."


The charity group Soles for Souls has intentions of using the shoes they can to donate them to some of the neediest people in the world. Meanwhile, FHP is trying to figure out where the shoes came from. If the driver comes forward, he will probably have to pay a hefty fee for cleanup costs.


Two lanes were completely blocked during the morning rush hour before they were all swept to the side of the road. A private contractor was hired to use a front-end loader to pick up the shoes by the dozen and load them onto a large dump truck.

Foxbat has got to be behind this!


Or is that what the real perp wants our heroes to believe?


How does this work into his or her master plan?

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