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Brink Of War


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Re: Brink Of War


As for the END/STUN issue - sorry' date=' I like the rules as is. Once you get into used Stun for END I want the penalty to be noticed significantly. You start taking STUN Damage, no Defenses.[/quote']


Damn you fickle gots of fate :mad:


Ok I guess I need to get off my ass/butt and figure how to make it work right. You saw right through my attempt at programming laziness... :D


Ok dealine Thursday... gotta go figure out stuff :confused:

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Re: Brink Of War


Hey guys, I hate to do this again, but Terrie and I won;t be able to make it tonight. Terrie had surgery on her right eye yesterday to remove a cataract and implant a new artificial lense. The surgery went well, but she is felling kind of rocky tonight so we have to beg off till next week. The good news is she is healing fairly quickly. The bad news is today on her post op exam they found a cataract in her left eye... so in about 3 to 4 months we get to go through this all again. :(

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Re: Brink Of War


Update: Terrie is feeling better today. It seems the anesthesia hey used really affected her in an extreme fashion, and took a LOOOOONNNG time to wear off completely. GM willing and the creek don't rise... we are primed for this coming week.


In other news, my work schedule has changed, so now I can play as late as you want on game nights... I now work 4 10 hour shifts and have EVERY Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off, plus holidays, plus 32 days of paid vacation per year :D I am a prime example of your tax dollars at work (I am a civilian employee for the US Air Force).


Nol, The campaign file and tokens may be bit large to upload here, but I will both post them to my website, then post a link here... and e-mail them to you (assuming your e-mail addy is still the same :D ).

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Re: Brink Of War


Update: Terrie is feeling better today. It seems the anesthesia hey used really affected her in an extreme fashion' date=' and took a LOOOOONNNG time to wear off completely. GM willing and the creek don't rise... we are primed for this coming week.[/quote']That's really good to hear. Glad Terrie is feeling better.


Nol, The campaign file and tokens may be bit large to upload here, but I will both post them to my website, then post a link here... and e-mail them to you (assuming your e-mail addy is still the same :D ).
E-mail address is still the same. Thanks.
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Re: Brink Of War


Session 7


When we last left our adventurers they were just shown to a dining room of Castle Machicol. They dined on a great meal, as they speculated on the nature of their host - who is out hunting.


After a well cooked dinner the group is shown to their rooms, each has a separate room to themselves, with a bath and everything. Good digs.


Several times through the evening they can hear what is thought to be wind passing through the castle, possible some far off corridor, an open window, it's vague at best. Qliian the Mage-Priest asks about sending a Father out to talk to the lord once he reaches civilization again. Their hosts servent informs him politely the choice would be an unwise one to make.


But the group settles in for a much deserved and much desired good nights rest in warm and comfortable beds fit for a noble. In the middle of the night Qliian believes he hears that unnatural wind again, from inside the castle. Outside there is wind, but not a lot.


The real trouble begins when they awake. The cooridor outside their room is competely different! The group is now troubled and confused, and there is no sign of any of the servents.


The group sets off into unfamiliar hallways, the inside of the castle seems to have changed radically.


they follow some cooridors into a library, a small one, but a library. Qliian, naturally being interested in books looks at a few. So does Shania the elf and Chaz the warrior. Shania finds a book in a tongue she has never seen before, and Qliian recognizes as similar to the scribblings in some of the older Mages Tomes. They find several more books, every single one of them appears to be a history book.


Chaz, unable to read, goes searching for a book with pictures - and finds one. He finds the picture of a creature of legend and lore - a dragon. Naturally he procedes to tear the page out of the book to keep the picture. He didn't bother to show the books written pages to anyone though. . .


Having some concern for the nature of the castle, they group then leaves the library and goes into another hall. They determine that the route they are taking is roughly circular, after one long hallway they find themselves in has a slight curve to it.


It's after another turn they all hear the distinct sound of wind blowing in the halls again. Retracing their steps they find what was a Four-Way Intersection minutes ago is now a dead end! The castle is changing even as they walk through it.


With no other way to go they press forward. And finally come to another dead end with a door. Opening the door they find the one who served them their meals - Manservent. He has three swords, a lot of daggers and is in a room with a circle drawn on the floor.


He draws his weapon, Chaz draws his weapons...


I fade to credits.


I wanted to establish a bit of tension so took the evening slow. I did have a map, and they managed to take the quick route to the nights fight - though it was late enough and I was tired enough I didn't want to run the fight.


The languages in the books was made by die roll (I had a chart) and Chaz got lucky on the pictures (that was a Luck Roll he made). Dragons - for some background - are currently just legends and ancient ancient history. Not even the Elves remember seeing a living dragon.


Special Thanks to Steve for providing the idea of the Castle (Book Of Dragons - good stuff) and it is now going to become a corner stone of the campaign.


Every Player gets 2 XP for the nights game.

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Re: Brink Of War


A Question To My Players:


(oh, this may be letting the cat out of the bag... or sending you on a wild goose chase...)


If you could be a Dragon - what kind of Dragon would you be?


don't think in DnD terms ... not "red" or "blue" but .... be creative:

A dragon of massive arcane might

Made of pure flames

Master of the storms

Pure physical power

as dark as the blackest night able to breath flames so intense it melts rock. . .


get as creative/detailed/vague/bizarre as you want. If your Character imagined themselves as a massive beast of legend able to wipe an army from the field. . .

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