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Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


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As some of you may know I am undergoing a long term project to convert a number of characters from White wolf's Streetfighter role playing game into Hero System characters. Most of the maneuvers are pretty easy to convert over (or it's clear they really can't be directly converted because they manipulate elements of their home system that just don't exist in Hero). But there are a few that have me stymied for the moment. Below is the White wolf write up for one of them: The Rekka Ken.


The Rekka Ken was developed by Fei Long. He combined the speed of his Wing Chun Kung Fu Punching with new concepts of Footwork. The Rekka Kin is essentially special kind of punching combination. The fighter dashes forward and delivers a blindingly fast punch which is then followed by advancing Steps and up to two more consecutive blows. The rapid three blow combination can devastate an opponent in seconds.


System: The Rekka Ken is similar to other Combo Maneuvers. During the first turn of the Rekka Ken the player uses his Rekka Ken Special Maneuver cards along with any of the Basic Punch Maneuvers. The Punch is resolved normally but the Rekka Ken card gives it an additional +3 Speed. Each Punch must be used on the same target and the damage from each Punch combines for the purpose of dizzying (Stunning) the target.


A special showmanship always accompanies the Rekka Ken. If a fighter uses it successfully for three rounds consecutively against the same opponent he is obligated to take a moment to strut his stuff, howling in overconfident zeal. If the fighter opts not to use a turn to do this, he loses 3 temporary Glory. If he does the required posing he gets the standard +1 Temporary Glory for showmanship.


So what would this be?


1 An autofire punch?


2 Really Limited Lightening Reflexes?


3 More Speed just to Move and Punch? (Maybe combined with option 2?)


4 Something so tied into the original game's mechanics that's it's best left up to special



5 Something else?

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


I'd be inclined to say that the primary purpose is to Stun an opponent with a fast combination of punches. Autofire will not work for this, as each attack is counted separately for determining STUN.


As such, you either need to make this one big attack that does damage equal to three of the characters punches (possibly with some sort of limitation stating that the character must make seperate attack rolls).




Use some sort of Combo mechanic, since what is presented in UMA and Ninja Hero don't seem to fit.


The Movement in between is potentially quite secondary, depending on how close to the game you want to model things.

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


It sounds kind of like Cumulative for the Stun of a HA, though I don't think that would really be legal. Maybe something simulating it, like a LARGE HA limited to doing "only as much as the previous attack plus xd6" or something.


(BTW, WW really knows nothing about martial arts, do they? LOL. I'm not sure how you can deliver a "blindingly fast punch" after having to dash forward toward your opponent. The person writing it must have accrued all their martial arts knowledge from the video game or something.)

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


(BTW, WW really knows nothing about martial arts, do they? LOL. I'm not sure how you can deliver a "blindingly fast punch" after having to dash forward toward your opponent. The person writing it must have accrued all their martial arts knowledge from the video game or something.)


Well, the goal of the rpg wasn't to create a "realistic" martial arts simulation but to simulation the action of the arcade game and wild martial arts movies. If you've seen the attack in the game, Fei Long darts forward in sudden blur faster than usual, while punching in a quick combination. Mechanically, it's actually one of their more solid games as far as doing what it was meant to do. Though to be fair, that's damning with faint praise when it comes to White Wolf game studios, at least in regard to action/combat mechanics.


The Rekka Ken is the dashing punches (accompanied by the Bruce Lee yowls, a few moments into the video)


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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


Well, the goal of the rpg wasn't to create a "realistic" martial arts simulation but to simulation the action of the arcade game and wild martial arts movies. If you've seen the attack in the game, Fei Long darts forward in sudden blur faster than usual, while punching in a quick combination. Mechanically, it's actually one of their more solid games as far as doing what it was meant to do. Though to be fair, that's damning with faint praise when it comes to White Wolf game studios, at least in regard to action/combat mechanics.


The Rekka Ken is the dashing punches (accompanied by the Bruce Lee yowls, a few moments into the video)



When he fights Ken, it seems he might use the maneouvre then have it blocked before it ends (with some sort of foot sweep).


That leads me to believe that it must be a sequence that can be interupted once started, or that is not necessarily all of the same length. I'd suggest this:


Incremental combination punch 50 active, 25 real

Hand-To-Hand Attack +8d6, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Cannot spread and must be all against the same character; -1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (First attack in sequence is at 6d6, second at 7d6 and third at 8d6; -1/4)


It is an autofire attack, so you might get between zero and three hits. The first hit in the sequence is the weakest, at 6d6, then they get stronger at +1d6 per subsequent hit up to 8d6, which simulates the increased stun chance.


Alternatively buy an autofire punch and add this:


Stunning Sequence Final Strike 30 active, 8 real

Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only useable on third hit of autofire attack; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Linked (Hand-To-Hand Attack; -1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only for determining if target stunned; -1/2)


This adds 4d6 damage HtH to the final strike of an autofire punch only for stunning purposes (you can use +STR, no figured instead of HtH if you like, at the same cost).

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


I don't get it. Why isn't this just handled with the Sweep maneuver?


Because one of the specifications was for an increased chance of stunning. Of course multiple attacks have a better chance of at least one high roll. You could use the Stunning Sequence Final Strike suggested above with sweep instead of an autofire attack with a little modification.

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


I don't get it. Why isn't this just handled with the Sweep maneuver?


Mainly because Sweeps don't accumulate damage for the purpose Stunning. The massive reduction in DCV could be problematic as it doesn't seem to fight the flavor text of the ability.


I think the best method proposed so far is +xd6 HTH with the limitation that another To-hit roll is required to access them maybe built as tiers with a Sweep like penalty to the additional rolls.

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


Yeah, you can also use MA moves as part of it as well...


Lunge Punch! +1 0 FM, +V/5, Rapid attack:HtH.....Rekka Ken! +xD6 (Enough to be impressive in this game...) Requires Multiple attacks to land -1/4 to 1/2, Stun only?


This counts as Demonstating your power with a violent action, and Pres attacks take no time so....

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Re: Fei Long's Fists of Fury: The Rekka Ken


Here's what I did:


70 Wing Chun Kung Fu Techniques: Multipower, 70-point reserve

5u 1) Dragon Kick: HA +6d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) plus EB 8d6; Linked (HA; -1/4),

No Knockback (-1/4), END 7

2u 2) Double Hit Kick: HA +8d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Reduced Penetration (-1/4), Separate

Attack Rolls Required (-1/4), END 4

2u 3) Rekka Ken: HA +5d6, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand

Attack (-1/2), All Shots Must Be Versus The Same Target (-1/4), END 1

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