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Kolonel Kriegkopf (translation Colonal Warhead)


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So I had an interesting idea in the car the other day. We often hear or see Nazi/German supervillains. Well what about a character that has a positive German influence on a game. So I came up with this character concept:


Kolonel Kriegkopf.


The living embodiment/spirit of Germania, he has been whispered of and told in legend since well before the Roman Empire. He has been in every major conflict that has involved Germania or in later times Germany. In fact this is one prime reason why the Roman Empire was never successful in conquering more territory past the Rhine river.


As a spirit once every generation, he inhabits to form of a mortal in order to influence the mortal world. As time has passed his abilities and even his name have changed as the weapons technology have become more advanced. His last major appearance was in WWI when he was supposedly killed by the British super, the Doughboy. By the beginning of WWII he was nowhere to be seen. Disappointed by the way Germany had acted in allowing Hitler to come to power, he stayed out of the war, or so it was thought.


Finally too angry by what the Nazis were doing to fellow Germans, Jewish or otherwise, the spirit of Germania awoke and slew Hitler in his bunker. Thus ending the war on the Western front. Again he slept.


He was awoken by a new threat, one that seemed to not only threaten Germania but the world itself. The coming of Dr. Destroyer. (In the current campaign I am in, Dr D has taken over Germany.) Once again the Father land needs him. He currently resides in the body of Heinrich Schnider, a Physicist who teaches Quantum Mechanics at MIT. Awakening in the atomic age has given the spirit new powers, and he now calls himself by the moniker, Col. Warhead.


Powers: He makes things explode.


Appearence: No matter what is happening, he always has a squeaky clean appearence. He wears the brown uniform of a colonel in Germany's army. He has a sleek, short black cloak that he wears, and he tops it off with a WWI spiked helmet. He has strong, classically chiseled features with a thick mustache that curls up at the ends.


Well ladies and gentlemen how would you build him?


Char pts: 300

dis pts: 150

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Re: Kolonel Kriegkopf (translation Colonal Warhead)


I see we already have the translation correction in.


Somehow, I don't think the name would work in relation to the concept anyway. Especially since Roman times?


He specifies that the name has changed repeatedly. The spirit may not always have even taken male form.


I do wonder, though, is this primarily a spirit of the land, or of the people? Is there any connection to the ancient Germanic pantheon?


Who in history has been the avatar before? Hroudland, the original of the legendary Roland? Charlamagne himself? Theodoric, the inspiration of the legendary Deitrich of Bern? Does the current avatar have access to the memories of the previous incarnations?




Lucius Alexander


Where did the palindromedary go?

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Re: Kolonel Kriegkopf (translation Colonal Warhead)


To be honest gents I havn't given the character much thought than what you see. What I was looking for is using this as a springboard, what could people come up with. However, since there is some interest into what I've put down here are my thoughts regarding the comments already made.


strength 20

dex 30

speed25powers energy

blast 20[concussion/explosions

possession15[limitation must posses living body to affect material world

Interesting, I was thinking a slightly more brickish route myself.


colonel warhead = oberst sprengkopf
You are no doubt right, my German is extremely rusty, if not pretty much non-existent at this point.


But isn´t the Helmet a bit much ?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! This is a four color game, and honestly the Germans can cut quite a uniform, and Bismarck's helmet is just too awesome to pass up.


I do wonder, though, is this primarily a spirit of the land, or of the people? Is there any connection to the ancient Germanic pantheon?


Who in history has been the avatar before? Hroudland, the original of the legendary Roland? Charlamagne himself? Theodoric, the inspiration of the legendary Deitrich of Bern? Does the current avatar have access to the memories of the previous incarnations?


Upon further reflection I have decided to use some of the pre-christian Germanic myths in the character's background. Seeing as how the Western/Southern Germanic translations of many of the common figures have been lost, I will simply use the more commonly heard of Norse analogs.


Before the fading of the Aesir from existance, Odin and his wife Frigg created powerful spirits to watch over the lands they had once ruled, and give guidence to their people. For although their people were losing faith in the old ways, Odin god of wisdom and Frigg goddess of motherhood knew that thier "children" would always need them.


4 spirits were created to guard the lands of the Asgardians. These spirits were tied to the very earth. Their strength came from land itself and the people who inhabited it. For hundreds of years these spirits influenced the mortal world by granting great boons to warriors to fend off invaders. Germania had such a spirit.


Then came the invaders from the East. In great waves the Hun armies invaded Germania forcing the people to flee westward. The spirit however could not go with them, for he was bound to the fatherland. However, his people's need of him was even greater in these trying times. With the last of the spirits godlike powers, he distilled himself into a single mortal. With the mortal's body he had the ability to travel beyond the fatherland should the need arise to protect it or its people.


Eventually, the remaining peoples of Germania interbred with the occupying hun armies who eventually came under the protection of the spirit. However, no longer could the spirit maintain constant vigilence over the land and its people. Too widespread where his people, too chaotic were the times. So the spirit slept. Awakening once every generation, the spirit would take a mortal form in order to defeat the greatest threat to the fatherland or his people.


Eventually as those germanic peoples who left the fatherland gradually asmilated the traits and beliefs of other peoples, the spirit of Germania lost its connection with them. Over the centuries he has been many figures, some have been well known, others have gone unrecorded in the great book of history.


And just as the land and the people who inhabit the land changes, so does the spirit. He has had many names over the course of the centuries, and even more ways of combating evil. He has been a great swordsman and a talented archer. He has been able to make the earth quake with his steps and shatter mountains with his fists.


By the early 1800's the spirit of Germania was the last of the 4 great spirits to remain. The other three had gradually faded away as the lands they guarded gradually gained a kind of perminant stability. Such was the state of Germania, that the spirit was continually forced to defend the fatherland. The spirit grew tired of his duty. Long had he been in a state of sleep or war. He was weary of his burden. Thus the fatherland and his people would have to be unified in order for stability to occur. By the mid 1800's the spirit inhabited a young Count named Bismarck, and through this mortal succeded in unifying the whole of Germania.


Satisfied the spirit rested. By 1914 his people needed him again. War was upon the fatherland. This was the earliest age of superheroes, and the spirit's new mortal form reflected this. Known as the Imperial Eagle, he waged war against the enemies of Germany. However, The new weapons of war took such a toll on the people of Germany that it's champion had been weakened. Weakened so much in fact that his mortal form was destroyed by another mortal who possessed great powers of a differen origin, The Doughboy. Greatly weakened by the strain on the land and it's people the spirit was forced in hibernation.


Over the next decade the spirit regained its strength as Germany itself once again became a prosperous nation. Then the fatherland and its people were threatened, but not by just war, but by the people themselves. Confused the spirit bided its time. After a few years, just seconds in the spirit's reckoning of time, the spirit had had enough. Not only were invaders knocking on the door of the fatherland, but the leader of men among its people was systematically killing many of those the spirit was supposed to protect. He had had enough. The spirit was needed again. But such was the power of Hitler's rule that there would have been no way to stop him. His core of supersoldiers would have been powerful enough to stop the still weakened spirit's mortal form.


The spirit then approached the problem from a different angle. He inhabited the body of hitler himself. But so twisted and evil was the man's soul that the spirit could not completely control him. For two years the battle within hitler raged, and the longer it went on, the more tenuous hitler's grasp on reality became. Finally, after many long months, hitler's will was finally overcome and the spirit solved the problem by putting a bullet through his hosts brain.


The year is 2009 and the spirit is once again needed. A dictator more dangerous than hitler could have ever been has taken the control of Germany. Having had several decades to recouperate, the spirit is strong.

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Re: Kolonel Kriegkopf (translation Colonal Warhead)


Most current Germans would avoid beeing seen in one dead.(http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickelhaube for those who have never seen one)

It is easyer to get a real Stetson then a Pickelhaube in Germany.

(I have tried.)



Sounds like 10d6 Explosion, no Range, Personal Immunity from the Exploding side.

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