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lets create fire powers!


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Ok, so i have a fire mage and I'm probably going to give him inventor so he can create his own spells. The thing is, this is my first HERO campaign and i have no real idea of how to build powers or minimize costs.This is a very low power campaign and even my 3d6 fireball kills most regular enemies in one blast. Anyways these are the powers i have come up with, a lot of the basics like wall of fire and fireball have already been covered.


"fire net"= some kind of entangle that would be kind of hard to break out of, but once they do it explodes :), also it would burn them while they are stuck under it.

"frost fire bolt"= this one is taken directly from world of warcraft, not only does it leave the enemy on fire it slows them down.

"fire ring"= a ring of fire circles the enemy, it does no damage but the enemy knows that if they step over the line a fireball type explosion will go off, centered on them.

"flaming grease"= a slick condition, and if the enemy falls they will get soaked in flaming oil :)

"mana burn"= something to use against enemy spell casters, somehow turning their own mana against them for body damage.

"chain fire arrow"= just a armor peircing RKA but with indirect or something so it can hit multiple opponents, the sfx would be it burning all the way through them :)

"fire and ice"= some kind of auto fire attack with two parts, the first part is a RKA, the fire, the second part is just like a stun multiplier for the first attack, kinda the shock of getting hit with two completely different attacks.

"eruption"= fire damage and some kind of telekinesis that will toss opponents

"melt weapon"= what it sounds like, may be hard to aim

"flaming fairy fire" I had a cool i dea for the sfx for this one, the ground is set on fire and lots of some sort of accelerant is placeed in the air but the two are seperated by a very thin forcefeild of some sort. The feild should be so fragile that even the wind from wingbeats will break it and send a gout of fire into the air at the creature.


Tell me if you like any of the ideas, what might be cost practical, how to build them, whatever, i like reading these boards :).

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Re: lets create fire powers!


frost fire bolt - Drain Running; Linked to Fireball or similar


chain fire arrow - Area Of Effect; Any Area


eruption - Does Knockback or Extra Knockback


those are the ones that I could immediately think of something for. I'll have to go back over the list when I'm not so tired.

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Re: lets create fire powers!


Read the trigger advantage, alot of these seem to use it,


But for the first one it actualy seems like three powers to me


Power 1 is a simple entangle (maybe with takes no damage from attacks)

Power 2, a indirect (If the entangle does not take the takes no damage from attacks advantage), continous, uncontrolled (broken when entangle is broken), probably 0 end, RKA or EB linked to the entangle

Power 3 a triggered EB/RKA with explosion or Area Effect again linked to the entangle

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Re: lets create fire powers!


Thanks for the help so far. I'm not entirely sure how to answer your question but i can tell you we started with 135 character points after 50 points of disabilities. so somewhere between two different power levels. The campaign is in a DND setting, so there are the occasional elf and dwarf. right now 3d6 is the maximum damage the DM will allow on fireball.

edit: Fantasy hero i guess

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Re: lets create fire powers!


yhea, not even the core rules, fortunately my DM checks his e-mail every day and encourages us to message him. Besides that my local game shop is walking distance away (woo living in a college town). So i sorta know what you guys are talking about.

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Re: lets create fire powers!


lol this reminds me of when my party was fighting a juvenile black dragon. Because the majority of his hord was crappy tin and copper my fireballs would have melted it into a hundred pound lump of worthlessness. SO:

melt money: single target attack that sends boiling copper down the legs of humanoids that actually carry money, god forbid they have any fillings in their teeth. (assuming dentistry even exists in this world)

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