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Target Hero - Powershift


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For those of you that have this old 3rd ed supplement around, I was looking to update the hero Powershift to 5thR. However, the character writeups are pretty compressed in these old books (leaving me to really appreciate the expanded-to-the-nth-degree ones in the modern books).


In particular, he's bought the following (along with an END Reserve and a bunch of other powers) through an IAF:

+40 STR, +10 DEX, +25 CON, +10 BODY, +20 PRE, +8 PD, +8 ED, +3 SPD


Every stat increase has been bought together as a single "Mystical Transformation" power with a single point cost (77 points). In addition to the focus, this stat increase has the listed disdvantages "Costs END, only at full power, all bonuses linked."


I'd like to rebuild this guy as accurately as possible, no matter how absurd the build is, so long as it's not of dubious legality (i.e. no adding frameworks or anything unless that's necessary to update to the new rules). How do I represent "only at full power" and "all bonuses linked"? In particular, I'm wondering what all these bonuses would be linked to.




EDIT: also, his END Reserve is written up as

END Battery: Reserve x 2, recharge seg, 100 END, recovers 40 phase


What did "Reserve x 2" and "recharge seg" mean in 3rd ed?

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Re: Target Hero - Powershift


I dont have that supplement, so im only going off of what you listed, but that doesnt sound like a legal build anymore.


I think what its trying to say is that all the stats are on all the time; the character can't just activate the STR and not the PRE.



In 5th Edition just buy the stats with the same IAF and declare it a "compound power", which has no mechanical effect, it just means that its one big power thats turned on and off as a unit.


Mechanically the Linked lim would express this in absolute terms, but it adds a lot of complexity. On the other hand, if the powers are actually proportional, then Linked does make sense in this context to lock in the ratios.



In other words, if the character had spent 20 character points on STR, 30 character points on DEX, and 10 points on PRE and they were crosslinked, then if they only activate 5 STR (5 AP), they only get to use 7.5 AP of DEX and 2.5 AP of PRE.

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Re: Target Hero - Powershift


For those of you that have this old 3rd ed supplement around, I was looking to update the hero Powershift to 5thR. However, the stat blocks are pretty compressed in these old books (leaving me to really appreciate the expanded-to-the-nth-degree ones in the modern books).


In particular, he's bought the following (along with an END Reserve and a bunch of other powers) through an IAF:

+40 STR, +10 DEX, +25 CON, +10 BODY, +20 PRE, +8 PD, +8 ED, +3 SPD


Every stat increase has been bought together as a single "Mystical Transformation" power with a single point cost (77 points). In addition to the focus, this stat increase has the listed disdvantages "Costs END, only at full power, all bonuses linked."


I'd like to rebuild this guy as accurately as possible (i.e. no adding frameworks or anything unless that's necessary to update to the new rules). How do I represent "only at full power" and "all bonuses linked"? In particular, I'm wondering what all these bonuses would be linked to.




EDIT: also, his END Reserve is written up as

END Battery: Reserve x 2, recharge seg, 100 END, recovers 40 phase


What did "Reserve x 2" and "recharge seg" mean in 3rd ed?


"Reserve X2" meant that you had END equal to the 2x the END cost of your power. As the END cost was Pts/5, a 10d6 EB cost 10 END so a Reserve x2 meant you had 20 END: enough END that you could use the power twice.


"Recharge seg" meant that you recovered 1 END per Segment. Later though, it was updated to recharging 1/10 of the total battery end. Using the above example of 20 end, so you would recover 2 END/segment.

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Re: Target Hero - Powershift


This is as close as I could get:



18 +40 STR (40 Active Points); IAF (-1/2), Limited Power Only At Full Power (-1/2), Linked (DEX; -1/4) - END=4


(List) Power Shift CHA bonuses, all slots IAF (-1/2), Linked (STR; -1/2), Limited Power Only At Full Power (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)

9 1) +10 DEX (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) - END=3

18 2) +25 CON (50 Active Points) - END=5

7 3) +10 BODY (20 Active Points) - END=2

7 4) +20 PRE (20 Active Points) - END=2

3 5) +8 PD (8 Active Points) - END=1

3 6) +8 ED (8 Active Points) - END=1

11 7) +3 SPD (30 Active Points) - END=3


POWERS Cost: 76


I just used the 'List' feature of Hero Designer to avoid having to add Limitations to each characteristic.

STR was a special case because it already costs END so couldn't take that particular Limitation.



I agree with KS that the original build is of dubious legality, especially the 'Only At Full Power' and 'Linked'.

I would recommend just using OIHID instead.

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Re: Target Hero - Powershift


Thanks for the replies thus far, folks.


"Reserve X2" meant that you had END equal to the 2x the END cost of your power. As the END cost was Pts/5, a 10d6 EB cost 10 END so a Reserve x2 meant you had 20 END: enough END that you could use the power twice.


"Recharge seg" meant that you recovered 1 END per Segment. Later though, it was updated to recharging 1/10 of the total battery end. Using the above example of 20 end, so you would recover 2 END/segment.


I don't quite follow this. How does the Reserve x 2 interact with the 100 END, and how does the "recovers seg" interact with the "recovers 40 phase". Each seems like two different ways of doing the same thing, modelled in one power.

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