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Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


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So I get the EGO+30 level of Mind Control, but I'm having a hard time thinking of good examples for the +10 and +20 levels. They don't necessarily have to be combat uses, but I'd find those the most interesting. So help me out! Give me some examples of commands that your mentalist would give that should only require a +10 or +20 result on the MC effect dice.



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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


I can probably come up with a +10 effect. Take the mentalist from Eurostar and the big brick guy from the same team. If the brick is coming for the mentalist, she could do something like.


"Hey, why on earth are you going after her? She's nothing compared to the threat that the brick represents. He could kill dozens of people, he could kill your teammates. Stop him! Stop him before it's too late! Hit him hard and don't let up! Putting him down is the most important thing right now!"


I think that'd easily qualify as a +10 effect. It's something the team's hero brick wouldn't mind doing anyway. It's just under normal circumstances, he might think to put the mentalist out of commission first.

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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


Using Mind Control to make a cautious hero pull his punch (the pull punch maneuver lowers OCV) or make a particularly violent hero hit as hard as he can (do a haymaker, which takes extra time and gives the opportunity to get out of the way or hit him first) would both probably be at the +10 level.

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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


Using Mind Control to make a cautious hero pull his punch (the pull punch maneuver lowers OCV) or make a particularly violent hero hit as hard as he can (do a haymaker' date=' which takes extra time and gives the opportunity to get out of the way or hit him first) would both probably be at the +10 level.[/quote']


Or slap all his levels in OCV because "these punks can't hurt a big, tough [overconfident] Brick like you". Or strike with less than full DC's so as not to kill the opponent.


Mind Control tends to be at its most effective when it can be tailored to the target's personality and/or psych limitations. Persuading the Martial Artist to ignore his DCV in combat is tough, but you may find it easier to persuade him he should be using lower DC, higher DCV attacks. Convincing that big tough Brick that his DCV isn't important is likely to be a lot easier. He should probably Brace to avoid getting knocked back. Persuading Mr. CVK Eyebeam Man that his clawed teammate is a raging psychotic that needs to be stopped before he starts killing people will be a lot easier than having him turn on his teammates in general.

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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


"My G_d! There are civilians here! You'd better get them off the field before they're hurt!" or "That man is injured! You've got to get him to a hospital right now!" are both fun tricks to make a Protects Innocents hero waste a few phases.


"These fools cannot defeat you! Let them know exactly how you shall achieve your rightful place as Master of the World, the better to glory in their awe and despair!" should get most meglomaniac villains to spill something about their plans. "That fool Omega Man dares to mock you! Strike him down with your full power!" should get him to target the team brick while the rest of the gang moves into position; bonus points if the brick is pre-buffed, or if the target is just a decoy.

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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


Give me some examples of commands that your mentalist would give that should only require a +10 or +20 result on the MC effect dice.

+0 or +10:

"I've set bombs throughout this building. Evacuate the hostages before I set them off."

"Check your fallen teammate to see whether she needs immediate medical attention."

"This is just a diversion. My friends are abducting the president as we speak. Go ahead, try to stop them!"


+10 or +20:

"I bet your mother is worried about you. Call her right now and let her know you're okay."



"My god man, get this kid a happy meal!"

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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


+10 from my most recent game:


"Clearly, I am a greater danger to you than [Other Hero]. You should attack me, hand to hand."


(The character issuing the command was Desolid at the time. It kept the attacker busy while the other hero took him down.)

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Re: Mind Control EGO+10 and EGO+20 Examples


It's hard to say what qualifies as what Ego-Plus level without taking the personality and Psych Lims of the target into consideration.


Feel free to define those as well. A "whole" example is quite useful.

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