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Poison Star Hero Drawing


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Re: Poison Star Hero Drawing


While waiting on Poison's awesome art to show up.. here's a repost of Sam's character sheet.

A note on the character; the original background was "kicked out of military." The GM of the campaign saw an opportunity and with my consent, but not my knowledge as it's a major mystery plot point, made up the rest. His background is way cooler than I could ever have thought of (ancient relic of a forgotten super-solider program, I mean it was genius). The campaign is on hold indefinitely, which is too bad because Sam is probably my most favorite character ever to play. She's like putting pure chaos in a blender and hitting puree. [for reference the campaign takes place in the Star Frontiers setting]


Samantha Arken

Sam; Captain Arken; Admiral Arken


VAL CHA Cost Total Roll Notes

8 STR -2 8 11- HTH Damage 1 1/2d6 END [2]

18 DEX 24 18 13- OCV 6 DCV 6

15 CON 10 15 12-

10 BODY 0 10 11-

15 INT 5 15 12- PER Roll 12-

15 EGO 10 15 12- ECV: 5

17 PRE 7 17 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

18 COM 4 18 13-

3 PD 1 3 3 PD (0 rPD)

3 ED 0 3 3 ED (0 rED)

4 SPD 12 4 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

5 REC 0 5

30 END 0 30

22 STUN 0 22

6 RUN 0 6" END [1]

2 SWIM 0 2" END [1]

2 LEAP 0 1 1/2" 1 1/2" forward, 0 1/2" upward

Total Characteristic Cost: 71



10 Talented Pilot: +2 SPD (20 Active Points); Only In A Dogfight (-1)

2 Talented Pilot: +2 DEX (6 Active Points); Only In A Dogfight (-1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

16 Builder DNA: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Hour (-2 1/4), Self Only (-1/2), Character Must Rest For Entire Period To Regenerate (-1/2)

8 Void Sense: Mind Link , With 'The Void', Any dimension, No LOS Needed (25 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4)

4 Psionic Null: Mental Defense (7 points total)

POWERS Cost: 40



Military Training

3 1) Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 2 1/2d6 Strike, Target Falls

4 2) Martial Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 18 STR to Disarm

4 3) Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

4 4) Martial Escape: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 23 STR vs. Grabs

3 5) Martial Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 1 1/2d6 +v/5, Target Falls





0 1) Acting 8-

0 2) Climbing 8-

0 3) Concealment 8-

0 4) Conversation 8-

0 5) High Society 8-

0 6) Language: Pan-Galactic (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)

0 7) PS: Starship Pilot 11-

0 8) Shadowing 8-

0 9) Stealth 8-


Military Training

3 1) KS: Starships 12-

3 2) KS: UPF Navy 12-

2 3) AK: UPF Patrolled Space 11-

5 4) Paramedics 13-

2 5) SS: Astronomy 11-

2 6) SS: Physics 11-

5 7) Systems Operation 13-

4 8) WF: Human Advanced Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons: Fighter Weapons, Vehicle Weapons: Heavy Ships Guns


Fighter Pilot

5 1) Precise Sprayfire II

7 2) Combat Piloting 15-

12 3) +4 with Ships Weapons

3 4) Navigation 12-

3 5) Teamwork 13-

5 6) TF: Human Science Fiction and Space Vehicles, Combat Aircraft, Helicopters, Large Planes, Small Planes



1 1) Computer Programming 8-

3 2) Electronics 12-

3 3) Mechanics 12-

4 4) PS: Engineer 13-


5 Deduction 13-

2 Gambling (Roulette) 12-

4 Language: French (idiomatic)

1 Lockpicking (Tumbler Locks) 8-

1 Persuasion 8-

1 Security Systems 8-

1 Trading 8-

Total Skills Cost: 87



3 Fringe Benefit: License to Hunt Bounties, Starship License

2 Contact: Lt. Marcus Calvin (Contact has useful Skills or resources) 8-

1 Contact: Margiar 8-

3 Contact: Captain Exeter (Contact has significant Contacts of his own) 11-

0 Contact: Taffy (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, GM Fiat Contact) 8-

Total Perks Cost: 9



24 Hotshot Pilot (Star Hero)

4 Environmental Movement (no penalties in 0-G)

Total Talents Cost: 28



5 Distinctive Features: Squad 4-343 Death's Head Tattoo (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: UPF 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

10 Hunted: Garvin Trask 8- (As Pow; Harshly Punish)

0 Normal Characteristic Maxima

15 Psychological Limitation: Hates to be on the ground (Common; Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Adrenaline Junky (Common; Moderate)

10 Reputation: Risk Taker, Combat and Dogfight Junky, 11-

5 Social Limitation: Burden Of Leadership (Occasionally; Minor)

Total Disadvantages Points: 75


Base Pts: 78

Exp Required: 100

Total Exp Available: 116

Exp Unspent: 16

Total Character Cost: 253



Sam likes to fly. As long as she can remember, it's all she wanted. All she is, Sam only feels at home in the sky. She has a half-remembered childhood somewhere. A vague dream. They may be implanted, they may be someone elses memories. It's the sky Sam realy remembers. And space. And the fighters.


Sam is a genetically engineered Human-Builder Hybrid, designed as part of a Super Soldier Project during the Sathar Wars. That was 250 years ago, Sam has vague memories that come in flash backs and dreams. When Samantha dies, a not uncommon occurance amongst fighter pilots, the alien Builder DNA in her rebuilds her body. But her generation of Super Pilots is imperfect and she is rebuilt with no real memories, only the hardcoded DNA: Fly, Fight.


This time around she joined the United Planetary Federation (UPF), ending up in one of their fighter squadrons and finally being drummed out completely. She wasn't a good fit for their command structure, being a little too willing to engage in a dog-fight, even when piloting large cruisers.


She has spent the last year and a half running across the Frontier looking for clues to the past. She has conned her way through the Terran Empire invasion, detonated a nuclear missile in Void Space creating a Black Hole, inspired a fleet to join her as civil war rocked the Frontier after the TE invasion collapsed, survived several assisnation attempts, unlocked secrets that were thought lost and buried, and caused a not insignificant amount of havoc in her quest. She has a vague feeling that the Builder's only worked with the human's to create a vessel of their own against an unknown enemy, Sam may be one of the keys in a war against this invisible enemy.


But above all, Sam just wants to fly.



Samantha always has a plan, the problem is that Sam always has at least two more plans. And sometimes it's hard to tell which one she is implementing. There is nothing (and no one) she won't sacrifice to achieve her ever shifting goals. Her enemies woud like to think they're moving the goal posts on her. The truth is Sam is playing with different rules, probably a different game completely.


Sam's attitudes to life can be summed up in two short sentences: Samantha likes to fly. Samantha hates planets.


Aside from a hardcoded need to fly, she came with a pathological hatred of planets. Putting her on one only makes her more erratic, or sometimes deeply depressed. Samantha can be insanely loyal, inspiring a similar level of loyalty amongst those that follow her. At the same time Sam only trusts Elvis - a Builder AI housed in an advanced robotic body - with her real feelings.


Samantha is also unaware of how to operate the "single fire mode" of any weapon handed to her.



You ever look up at the sky, I mean really look? If you catch it just right you can see all the way through the stars to the other side, where there's nothing but open space. That's where I want to go.


Campaign Use:

Samantha is the Captain of the crew of the Gemini, she is also the Admiral of a small fleet of vessels. She is not called Admiral to her face, as she personally refuses to accept any rank above Captain. When she's not around, they have a habit of referring to her as Admiral anyways.


Some recent event triggered a change in how her system regenerates, when killed the Builder DNA will resurrect her and a recent test showed she comes back without a memory loss. She plans on using this to her advantage. Samantha was reckless before she learned she was immortal. Now she completely disregards personal safety in favor of getting whatever mission she has concocted finished. This makes her dangerous, to pretty much everyone around her.



Samantha stands at five feet four inches (just barely four inches), with black hair cut short. She left her bangs long and has dyed them red, with the front most lock dyed blonde. She has green eyes that are almost always staring up at the sky, out at space, or off into the horizon. She wears a flight suit when "in uniform" and a pair of jeans a tank top when not. If she's going outside she'll done a full EVA. On her left shoulder is a tattoo of the fighter squad she was a part of in the UPF, a Squad 4-343 Death's Head tattoo.

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Re: Poison Star Hero Drawing


I know how you feel. I get into lows as well seeing other artists work that I feel is better than mine. There are times I feel like throwing my pencils out too!


Perhaps you should look at more work by people who draw like crap. Elfwood had tons of them, its why I stopped going there.


Yes, I know "..if you can do better..." I can, I have, it was still crap. Its how I spot crap. Can I draw like that? Yes? Its crap.

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Re: Poison Star Hero Drawing


I know how you feel. I get into lows as well seeing other artists work that I feel is better than mine. There are times I feel like throwing my pencils out too!


I sometimes feel the same way watching guitar players who are better than I am (many of them out there!!!)


Other times, I feel inspired to practice more and improve...


Also, my general experience is that the better guitarists encourage me and provide tips...


/Random Threadjack

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Re: Poison Star Hero Drawing


Wow Poison, you really did Sam justice... awesome work there.


Wade, my character in the Gemini Ascendant campaign, it has been revealed is Sam's genetic twin, created in the same batch of Super Soldier/Pilots, 250 years ago. But he has not come to the full understanding of his past yet, as Sam has. Though he is beginning to piece it togther. Like Sam, Wade was born to fly... and only feels comfortable when screaming through the cosmos like his hair was on fire. In spite of his mad piloting skills he has had multiple ships blown out from under him, yet survives. He has snatched Sam out of space mid-manuever, rammed other ships, straffed a ground colonie, attempted murder, piracy, insurrection, and general mayhem. All in the name of saving Sam. He is insanely loyal to all of his companions, but his attachment to Sam goes to a whole new level of fanaticism... He denies , even to himself that it could be romantic, though that doesn't stop him from hitting on her, he is just afraid to follow through. Wade is supremely confident in his abilities, but does not always think through the consequences of his actions on others... thus he comes across as rash, impulsive, and juvenile.

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