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Deathstroke module from 1983


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Hi Folks,


I was just wondering how many people out there have run the Deathstroke module/scenario from way back. It was published in 1983.


I was reading through it and it seems that the map of Deathstroke's base is rather woefully incomplete. In fact, it just stops with the base description leaving entire areas indicated on the base map completely blank. Kinda an odd approach.


So, of those of you who have run it, does anyone have copies of maps for the missing areas available or know where they can be had?


Also..on a related topic...kinda...does anyone have a PDF of the old V&V scenario, "Death Duel with the Destroyers" available or know of where I may be able to find one? Thus far my search had turned up nada.





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Re: Deathstroke module from 1983


As for the Deathstroke module I'm afraid I don't know of any better maps, but Death Duel with the Destroyers are available on rpgnow.com. Check out the FGU site on rpgnow - there are conversion guides available for Champions though I cannot momentarily recollect in which supplement they are included. Read the reviews, they will guide you.


If you're just looking for a general base, there are other resources available, Hero System or otherwise, on rpgnow.com. Other, probably better designed resources are available on the Hero Games online website, all dependent on your level or desperation and cash available.

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Re: Deathstroke module from 1983


Hi Torchwolf,


I actually picxked up all of my V&V pdfs from RPGnow. The one module that they are missing is Death Duel with The Destroyers.


In fact, it seems to be basically imposible to find. I located one copy on EBay but that's about it and I had wanted a pdf as opposed to paying astronomical shipping charges for the module.


I will have a look at PRGnow for pregenerated maps, also. I have all the Her Maps resources, I think. Do you know of other good possibilities?



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Re: Deathstroke module from 1983


Those map sections aren't missing so much as they were intentionally left out. (I suspect in part to help keep the page count down, and in part to encourage each GM to add their own campaign-specific maps & material to the blank sections of the map.)

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Re: Deathstroke module from 1983


Hi Torchwolf,


I actually picxked up all of my V&V pdfs from RPGnow. The one module that they are missing is Death Duel with The Destroyers.


In fact, it seems to be basically imposible to find. I located one copy on EBay but that's about it and I had wanted a pdf as opposed to paying astronomical shipping charges for the module.


I will have a look at PRGnow for pregenerated maps, also. I have all the Her Maps resources, I think. Do you know of other good possibilities?




Hi, Vigil, I did some looking. I thought rpgnow would have a copy since I bought some of that V&V stuff there too... strange.


Well, there is this link:



and HERO stats:



[edit] and one for sale at Amazon:



I also have a hardcopy if that doesn't help, or if I can help you in any way.



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Re: Deathstroke module from 1983


Not directly germane, but I used the Destroyers heavily in a couple of my historical Champions campaigns, with some changes and renames.


I called the organization Deathstroke (from the eponymous module) and set it up as more of a COBRA / VIPER like group -- largish mercenary / para-military / supercriminal organization with lots of normal / trained agents, and a handful of superpowered ringleaders modeled after the Destroyers. I renamed / reimagined the superpowered individuals as:


Broken Arrow: nuclear emission / manipulation and superhuman physiology. The "heavy" of the group; kind of a Nuklo oriented character.


Swan Song: sonic screamer, re-factored to be female. A wide variety of effects.


Old Sparky: electric manipulation and energy form. Difficult to deal with in his electrical form.


Killshot: guns and traps


Hypothermic: cold manipulation. Had a lot of Drains and Suppresses vs Physical characteristics, particularly SPD, DEX, CON.



It should be fairly clear which characters are based on which Destroyer, and where I scrapped and replaced.


Some of the Deathstroke usage is alluded to in the Southern Justice background. However the resolution aspect is fictionalized; neither of the two real life groups (Justice Inc and Southern Shield) reached a final resolution of the Deathstroke problem, though the destruction of the Florida base described did occur in the Justice Inc run and represented the effective highmark of that campaign as the real life playing group fell apart very soon thereafter.

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Re: Deathstroke module from 1983


I used it when it came out as the Destroyers picking up right after the Island of Dr. Destroyer. The villians were routed very easily, but Dr. Draconis became a semi fixture. I had him trying to clone a dragon and to do so he had to travel the world looking for DNA. Grenadier had a blister pack of Draconian figures (dragon men) that I modified to carry guns and suddenly Dr. Draconis had an army of semi intelligent zealots to protect him. The Destroyers had changed their name and added Scatterbrain by this time, and decided to look the good Doctor up. After his minions chased them from his South Pacific base, they reported him to UNTIL. The hero group decided to pay a visit and ended up not only fighting the dragonmen army, but also a cloned dragon that ended flying off with Dr. Draconis on board.

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