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New Package Deal(s)


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OK, I've been looking through through the Star Hero Species packages and found that they didn't have anything for Ape-like aliens. True, that may have been on purpose but I've decided to whip up my own remedy for that and would like to share it with you folks.

Anyone that wants to use this and any other Package Deals I put into this thread feel free. I also would like feedback as well. Art any rate, for your consideration I give you the Simianoid.


Simianoid Package Deal

Simianoids are aliens that evolved from primate stock- monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees and the like. While they are in many ways similar to humans, and may even have an appearance that is close to human, there are differences as well. There is no one type of Simianoid that is most common in fiction. Simianoids tend to work well in groups (coming as they do from animals that live in troops)and have a tendency to be aggressive, be it war like or protective.


Simian Package Deal

Ability Cost

+2 STR 2

+1 DEX 3

+1 CON 2

+1 BODY 2


+1" Running 2

Simian Senses: +1 PER w/ all Senses 3


Disadvantage Value

-2 COM

-1" Swimming


Total Cost of Package: 12


Options Cost

Monkey Folk: Reduce STR to +1 and remove

+1 BODY. Increase DEX to +2 and add +2"

Leaping, Extra Limbs (2 extra hands), Inherent

(+1/4), Extra Limb (1 tail), Inherent (+1/4), Limited

Manipulation (-1/4) +16


Gorilla Folk: Increase STR to +3, CON and BODY

to +2 and Running to +2". Add +3 PRE, -1" Knock-

back and Extra Limbs (2 extra hands), Inherent (+1/4). +18


Distinctive Features: Simianoid (Concealable,

Major Reaction) -10

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Are the "apes" uniform in size and shape or are there different species (ala Planet of the Apes). If there are multiple kinds then perhaps different write ups.




Now, if you take the basic package and add in the Heavyworlder Environmental Package and the Warrior Culture Package (like so...)


Durel Package Deal

Ability Cost

+7 STR 7

+1 DEX 3

+4 CON 8

+4 BODY 8


+1" Running 2

Simian Senses: +1 PER w/ all Senses 3

Heavy: -1" Knockback Resistance 2

High Gravity Training: Environmental

Movement (High-G) 1

Used to High G: Armor (2 PD/ 0 ED),

Only to Protect Against G-Force

Damage (-1) 1


Disadvantage Value

Physical Limitation: Large (Infrequently,

Slightly Impairing) -5

Distinctive Features: Simianoid (Concealable,

Major Reaction) -10


Total Cost of Package: 20


Now here you get a decently sturdy racial package, someone I could definitely see being a warrior culture. I'd probably throw a few other bits into the mix myself though (to simulate these guys being galactic nomads and mercenaries). I'm thinking possibly things from the Spacer package and Maybe the Nomad from FH.

As far as added little extras, these guys would use some cybernetics. This would mostly be enhanced prosthetics though, so no high gravity Robocop apes flyin around the galaxy. Well, that's all for now folks. I'll see about giving a write up for an average member of these people.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Are the "apes" uniform in size and shape or are there different species (ala Planet of the Apes). If there are multiple kinds then perhaps different write ups.


These are basically a chimpanzee type ape. as for the size, there is a noticeable difference in height and weight between males and females. Average height is 6'6" and 280 lbs for males with the females averaging around 6'0" and 220 lbs.


Other than that there isn't too much difference between individuals, at least not naturally.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Well, I think that you may want to significantly increase the strength on these bad boys especially if they are 280 LBS. A normal adult chimp is something to be feared let alone adding over a 100 lbs to it.


These are basically a chimpanzee type ape. as for the size, there is a noticeable difference in height and weight between males and females. Average height is 6'6" and 280 lbs for males with the females averaging around 6'0" and 220 lbs.


Other than that there isn't too much difference between individuals, at least not naturally.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Well' date=' I think that you may want to significantly increase the strength on these bad boys especially if they are 280 LBS. A normal adult chimp is something to be feared let alone adding over a 100 lbs to it.[/quote']


I could, though once I added thw Warrior Culture Package (with the stat boosts from that) it made it to where your average member of the race had the following first four Primaries...STR 20, DEX 12, CON 16, BODY 16


what would you say would be a more appropriate level for STR (I'm erring on the side of being conservative really).

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


OK' date=' I've been looking through through the Star Hero Species packages and found that they didn't have anything for Ape-like aliens.[/quote']


aren't they called humans?


seriously, the differences between humans and the other apes is about zero.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


You might consider giving them the Physical Limitation "Hefty" instead of "Large". “Large” can be up to twice Human height/width and that doesn’t seem right, IMO, for a chimpanzee based “Ape species”. Also they don’t have the extra reach suggested for Large creatures. Another possible Disadvantage would be to require the selling back of Swimming since apes have denser muscle and much less body fat than humans and sink by nature.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


You might consider giving them the Physical Limitation "Hefty" instead of "Large". “Large” can be up to twice Human height/width and that doesn’t seem right' date=' IMO, for a chimpanzee based “Ape species”. Also they don’t have the extra reach suggested for Large creatures. Another possible Disadvantage would be to require the selling back of Swimming since apes have denser muscle and much less body fat than humans and sink by nature.[/quote']


Yeah, that might be an idea. The Packages I posted in the thread are straight from the book (aside from the one I threw together for the base).


On another note, I was thinking about putting together an amphibian species package as well. Might any one have any ideas for how that might work out, or even better if anyone has their own they have written up somewhere...

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


On another note' date=' I was thinking about putting together an amphibian species package as well. Might any one have any ideas for how that might work out, or even better if anyone has their own they have written up somewhere...[/quote']


already done for you. go to monsters minions and marauders page 88 and 89 called the ran-tari frog/human critters

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


aren't they called humans?


seriously, the differences between humans and the other apes is about zero.


I don't know about you, but I think I'd take my chances with an unarmed adult male long before I got in the cage with an 400lb adult gorilla.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Gorilla? Man an adult male Chimpanzee can seriously injure, and theoretically kill without too much trouble, a person if it gets pissed off enough. Their short but those little dudes we think are so cute and funny are all muscle. From Wikipedia:

With up to five times the upper body strength of a human, an angered chimpanzee could easily overpower and potentially kill a fully grown man, as shown by the attack and near death of former NASCAR driver St. James Davis.[56][57] Another example of chimpanzee to human aggression occurred February 2009 in Stamford, Connecticut, when a 200 pound, 14 year old pet chimp named Travis attacked his owner's friend, who lost her hands, eyelids, nose and part of her upper jaw/sinus area from the attack.[58][59] There are four documented cases of chimpanzees snatching and eating human babies.[60]
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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Taking all the information on the Durel and putting it into one post later in the thread.


OK then, here is my Final post for this Package now that I'm done monkeying around with it (don't really care whether that pun was intended or not). Hopefully that notes will help to explain any holes and or new things I've put in.




Background/ History: The Durel are an example of the ultimate sadness of war and the final folly of a war-like race. They Durel entered into a war with a neighboring civilization over planetoid mining and salvage rights in an asteroid field near their home planet. The war between these two people went on for several decades before the two races effectively destroyed each other.


Those Durel that survived were those who were off world at the time. In all, only 240,000 out of 2.2 billion survived that day. It was after this that the Durel became a race of galactic nomads. Some chose to live as mercenaries, and in some rare cases even as galactic pirates, though the majority roamed to search for a new world to call home.


During their search they encountered many other races. Sometimes they fought against them and sometimes alongside them. It was during these times the Durel gained a reputation as a group of "galactic knights-errant". It was during this time they encountered the Zeph, who were being attacked from orbit by a group of space pirates. With the assistance of the Durel the raid was repelled and an alliance was formed. Several thousand Durel chose to stay behind and form a colony on the Zeph's world, while several thousand Zeph elected to travel with the Durel.


The Durel and their allies traveled like this for 120 years before they discovered a planet that was suitable for them to colonize. When they arrived the Durel found that this planet was almost identical to their own save for the gravity being lighter than their original world. They also learned that there was a great amount of turmoil on the planet as well due to a series of cataclysmic disasters in the recent past.


Even with the turmoil, it was on this blue-green planet that they would rebuild their civilization.


Appearance: The Durel are a race of erect walking primates that evolved from their worlds version of chimpanzees (think Planet of the Apes, either version). They are large and broad from being native to a heavy gravity world, with the males averaging around 6'6" tall and 280 lbs. in weight and the females averaging around 6'0" and 220 lbs. Their eye color is in the range from dark brown to green and hazel and they have somewhat coarse black hair that they tend to wear in a pony tail.


They tend to dress in military uniforms, which are a grey jumpsuit type affair with black boots, belt and gloves. Any cybernetic prosthetics are made so that the normal uniform can be worn with minimal adjustment.


Notes: In the history put out it is not specified where they decided to settle, or even what happens just after they do so. I figure that's up to the GM for if they ever decide to use this package in any of their games. Another possibility includes using the Durel while they are still in space, which would make detailing the events surrounding their colonizing [Campaign World] a moot point.


Durel Racial Package Deal

Ability Cost

+2 STR 2

+1 DEX 3

+1 CON 2

+1 BODY 2


+1" Running 2

Simian Senses: +1 PER w/ all Senses 3


Disadvantage Value

-2 COM -1

-1" Swimming -1


Total Cost of Package: 12


Durel Cultural Package Deal

Ability Cost

+3 STR 3

+1 DEX 3

+2 CON 4

+2 BODY 4


Analyze: Combat Technique (INT) 3

WF: Spears/ Polearms, Blades,

Thrown Swords 3

Spear Training: +1 CSL w/ Spears 3

Sword Training: +1 OCV w/ Specific Sword 2


Disadvantage Value

Psychological Limitation: Code of Conduct-

Soldier's Code (Common, Strong) -15


Total Cost of Package: 10



1.) Soldier's Code: This is the Code Of Conduct between "good-guy" soldiers on TV and in the movies (and sometimes with their more Honorable foes). It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees. Never leave a man behind. Never give up, never give in. Never let an insult to you, your unit, or your branch of service go unpunished, especially if it comes from a member of a wimpy branch of service. All branches of service other than yours are wimpy. Show mercy to the enemy when you defeat him, as long as he's been honorable with you. Otherwise, kill him.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Just a note, I know you took the Large disadvantage from the Heavy World package in Star Hero, but 6'6" isn't really Large by Hero size chart standards. Large is up to twice human size, 3-4 meters. While 6’ is considered Human size technically up to 2 Meters, 6.5 feet, qualifies, and they are still in human weight range as well. Also, I don’t know if you realize that Large gives an automatic -2 DCV and +2 PER to be seen by others, which could be a big disadvantage for a warrior race.


This will be my last comment on the size thing, sorry...

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Just a note, I know you took the Large disadvantage from the Heavy World package in Star Hero, but 6'6" isn't really Large by Hero size chart standards. Large is up to twice human size, 3-4 meters. While 6’ is considered Human size technically up to 2 Meters, 6.5 feet, qualifies, and they are still in human weight range as well. Also, I don’t know if you realize that Large gives an automatic -2 DCV and +2 PER to be seen by others, which could be a big disadvantage for a warrior race.


This will be my last comment on the size thing, sorry...


OK, I just remedied the situation by taking off the Heavy Worlder Package.

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Re: New Package Deal(s)


Here is my write up for the Zeph as I mentioned before in the history of the Durel. I'll be hammering out history and all that other good stuff soon. At any rate I present to you the Zeph.



Background/ History:






Zeph Racial Package

Ability Cost

+3 INT 3

+5 EGO 10


Telepathy: 4d6 Telepathy, Communication Only

(-¼), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼), Increased

Endurance Cost (x2 END; -½) 10


Disadvantage Value

-2 STR -2

-2 CON -4


Total Cost of Package: 17


Zeph Cultural Package Deal

Ability Cost

+2 INT 2

+3 EGO 6


KS: Psionic Lore 11- 2

KS: Psionic Etiquette 11- 2

Any four KSs or SSs at 8- each 4


Disadvantage Value



Total Cost of Package: 16


PS: Any of you that actually look at this and have your own Packages let's see em. Well, later.

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