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Doll Magic


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A combination of events have made me decide that I want to do a version of creepy doll magic.


The first is a visit I paid to a local African mask shop here in town, where I discovered to my great delight an incredible array of tribal statuary, masks and other wonderful goodness.


This was followed by the announcement of the possession power for 6E, which, may or may not even have an effect on this conversation.


Finally was Naanomi's questions about a ghost character that would possess dolls in the chat.


Now, I find dolls to be downright hellishly creepy, particularly the china style dolls with those dead eyes...:ugly:


However, much more primitive dolls, made from cloth, canvas, wood, etc can be quite interesting to me. So I am thinking that I am going to create a style of magic that puts forth the imagery of the old gypsy witch, complete with wart, cackling away as she sews personal bits of folks into dolls and uses these dolls to cause havok.


I have a pseudo-gypsy culture being developed that would be a natural fit for this and I think that I will be posting this "magic system" here as both a preview for the Kingdom of Beilean book that I am writing next and as a way to putz with 6E.


I'd like to receive feedback as I go with tips, tricks and seasoning if any of you would be so inclined. First, I am going to think some more on this and I'll post some notes I have about the Libruca people known as the Nolani.

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Re: Doll Magic


Nolani are divided into family lines with each line "tainted" with a spirits essence. This minor taint is from the Ritual that nearly eradicated the Nolani peoples and created the Blight. While this essence taint is minor, some famous and powerful Nolani are actually able to manifest as the spirit theyu are tainted with for limited periods of time.


The Nolani have developed an entire language around the drinking of tea or wine. this language takes into account, cup placement, pouring technique, cup selection, drinking process, etc. It is never taught to outsiders and is used as a way to communicate to other Nolani who may be disguised or undercover among other Libruca cultures, such as the Vilanwe.


The Nolani travel in family groups that are based on the spirit they are tainted with. These family groups are the most important thing to any Nolani and are protected above even the preservation of their self. Both men and women will often marry young and the man’s family must pay a bride price to the bride’s family. Marriages are more often for political arrangements rather than love and are often arranged prior or just after the child is born.


Once married the woman joins the man’s family and her main job is to tend to her husbands and children’s needs and to take care of the in-laws. The power structure of the Nolani family groups places the eldest male at the top (often called Grandfather by all members). Men have more authority than women as a general rule, however, women gain authority and respect as they age, this process begins after the young woman has given birth. Some matriarchs have even rivaled historic Grandfathers in prestige, though this is rare.


Nolani follow the practices of the Old Faith style animism and spirit worship. The spirit of family line being revered above all others and often referred to as a proper name such as Raven, Fire, Rage, Balance, etc. Religious observances tend towards sympathetic rituals and practices that remove or ward off bad luck and unwanted spiritual attention. These practices are led by Vendeti (plural, Vendetus singular); shamans of the Totemic variety.


Non faith based spell-casters are not unheard of among the Nolani, though they are renegades and considered to be the worst sort of criminals, on par with serial killers and baby killers. The Ritual that caused the destruction of their culture has been permanently burned into their minds and no self-respecting Nolani would ever use the same magics that caused it. This traditional fear of magic holds over to their dealings with the outside world where they mistrust Atharians and Sanguinaries (and other such spell-caster types) at best and will outright murder them at worst.


Music and dance are essential parts of the Nolani culture and it is the rare Nolani that doesn’t know how to do one or the other and most will know at least a single instrument, dance and other forms of entertainment. Throughout the Isomhnaid Province they are sought out for their skills. Nolani Bards are possibly the best in the world.


The Nolani people travel throughout the Province in brightly colored wagons and camp outside more settled cities and villages. The arrival of a Nolani wagon train is met with both joy and suspicion as all manner of rumors and allegations are brought upon them, some are true enough. If any crimes are committed while a Nolani family is at camp nearby, the blame will be placed squarely upon them and eventually the family will need to up stakes and move on. The fact that many Nolani practice cons, pickpocketing and crooked gambling games does nothing to quell these accusations.


Due to their nomadic nature’s, the Nolani have become impromptu sources of trade, particularly for the less nomadic inland townships of the Province. In point of fact, one Nolani family has completely settled on the Cardridh Bay and has built a successful trade town in league with the Boglar merchant houses. The Ambudus Family, not surprisingly, are descended from Greed and well known for their “mercantile fervor” as well as their “fair” contracts. Even the famed Boglar Tradesmiths avoid direct dealings with them if at all possible.


Nolani are dedicated to their Family above all else and most never leave the family group except under the direst of situations. The first of these is through exile, being ex-communicated for some unforgivable offense, usually involving crimes against another Family member. The second is to run away. Wanderlust is common among the Nolani and some cannot resist the urge to see the greater world. The last is to be sent out into the world to infiltrate the Vilanwe and perhaps sabotage or gain information on their plans to exterminate the Nolani.

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Re: Doll Magic


What happens when Nolani of different taints marry? Is there a ritual cleansing of one spouse's taint to get the others? Or do the children belong to a random parent's spirit?


Oh, and on a game effect note-

You could go the route of sympathy magic with dolls - the closer they are to what they represent, the easier the magic - possibly improvements in PSLs.

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Re: Doll Magic


What happens when Nolani of different taints marry? Is there a ritual cleansing of one spouse's taint to get the others? Or do the children belong to a random parent's spirit?

And this is why I post here. I honestly hadn't thought of it yet. Was reserving the deeper thoughts for when I actually get to writing...but I don't think I even would have thought of this.


I will certainly think on it now.


Oh, and on a game effect note-

You could go the route of sympathy magic with dolls - the closer they are to what they represent, the easier the magic - possibly improvements in PSLs.

I'll keep this in mind as well. Though I was thinking of the dolls actually animating...possibly being possessed by the unwilling spirit of the recently deceased person the hair or such belonged to. Making this a style of magic that is very dangerously close to Soulforged...

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Re: Doll Magic


lots of real world cultures that have such arrangements would have either the mothers or fathers line be most important, so the 'taint' would follow one side or another. Or, if you are Navajo, then females and males have seperate spiritual lineages... you get stuff from your mother if you are a girl, and from your father if you are a boy

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Re: Doll Magic


I'll keep this in mind as well. Though I was thinking of the dolls actually animating...possibly being possessed by the unwilling spirit of the recently deceased person the hair or such belonged to. Making this a style of magic that is very dangerously close to Soulforged...


I suppose it depends if you want separate out the skill of doll making as something that affects how magic is used, or if the dolls are just incidental props for the spells themselves.

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Re: Doll Magic


I'm not sure I'm understanding, but I'm thinking of the dolls themselves being the magic. Almost like a Magic Jar spell from D&D. Imagine the witch grumbling and cackling to herself as she makes the doll with a bit of hair she trimmed off some snooty noble that didn't pay her fair price for the herbs she gave her.


Then, days later the same noble comes by and purchases some more herbs, this time the witch adds in a bit of Nightshade to hasten the nobles exit from this world. As the noble dies that evening, her spirit finds itself traveling towards the Godsland of her deity only to be reeled back as she nearly reaches it. The spirit cries out as a thin cord pulls it out of the Aether and down through the alleys and buildings of the town she once lived in and towards the cackling witch and into the doll, trapped and unable to control her own will, but aware.


The witch then sets the doll upon a shelf, next to a dozen others, who, in unison, turn to greet there new roommate with silent stares.

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Re: Doll Magic


You want creepy?


In Leirune there's a rare type of mage called a "Puppeteer" that can use another living person as their scrying object.


The kicker is that the victim has several magical gems permanently stuck to their body, including replacing their eyes. This actually erases their will, turning them into virtual slaves of the Puppeteer mage...

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Re: Doll Magic


From The Fires of War,


Fetish, the Living Voodoo Doll

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 HTH [1]

15 DEX 15 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

0 CON -20 N/A

20 BODY 20 13-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll: 13-

18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6

8 PRE -2 11- PRE Attack: 1½d6

6 COM -2 10-

6 PD 12 Total: 6 PD (3 rPD)

6 ED 18 Total: 6 ED (3 rED)

4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12

2 REC 0

0 END 0

— STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 78


Movement: Running: 1”/2”

Leaping: 1”/2”

Swimming: 1”/2”


Cost Powers END

33 Curse: Ego Attack 5d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +½); OAF (Personal Object of the Target, Difficult to Obtain, -1¼) 0

9 Damage Resistance (3 PD/3 ED) 0

60 Automaton: Takes No STUN 0

50 Full Life Support 0

5 Power Defense (5 points) 0

6 Mental Defense (10 points Total) 0

40 +8 DCV 0

16 +8 to Stealth 0

11 +8 to Concealment; Self Only (-½) 0

53 Regeneration (4 BODY per Turn), Resurrection 0

7 Reduced Endurance (0 END, +½) on STR, Running, Leaping, and Swimming 0

-11 Running -5” (1” Total), Swimming -1” (1” Total) 0

30 Luck 6d6 0



3 Pins: HKA 1 pip, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +½); OAF (-1), STR Does Not Add (-½) 0



7 Fearless (FH111)

22 Danger Sense (Out of Combat, Sense)

3 Simulate Death



3 Anonymity



30 +3 Overall Levels

2 AK: Caernas 11-

2 AK: Earth 11-

3 Climbing 12-

3 Concealment 21-

3 Contortionist 12-

3 Interrogation 11-

7 KS: Arcane Lore 17-

7 KS: The Mystical World 17-

3 Lipreading 13-

1 Lockpicking 8-

3 Magic (EGO-Based) 13-

2 Navigation (Air, Marine) 8-

3 Stealth 20-

1 Tactics 8-

1 Teamwork 8-

1 WF: Pins

Total Skills & Powers: 422

Total Cost: 500


400 Disadvantages

20 Distinctive Features: Living Voodoo Doll (Not Concealable, Major)

15 Hunted: The Covenant 8- (Mo Pow)

15 Hunted: The Defenders of the Crown 8- (Mo Pow)

15 Hunted: The Sentinels 8- (Mo Pow)

15 Physical Limitation: Miniscule (Frequently, Greatly)

10 Physical Limitation: Mute (Frequently, Slightly)

10 Psychological Limitation: Patient (Common, Moderate)

Total Disadvantages: 500

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Re: Doll Magic


If you wish to add some native american doll creppyness look up Kachina's






and I have two Hero Ideas that predate my 'discovery' of these items


Character Name: Chanting Doll Campaign name: Den City

Player name: GM Gamemaster: Me


Value Char Base Cost Points Roll Notes/Advantages/See also: Powers

0 Str 10 x1 -10 HTH Damage d6 Lift End( )

11 Dex 10 x3 3 OCV: DCV:

10 Con 10 x2 0

5 Body 10 x2 -10

8 Int 10 x1 -22 Per Roll

9 Ego 10 x2 -2 ECV

0 Pre 10 x1 -10 Pre Dice: d6

8 Com 10 x1/2 -1

2 PD Str/5 x1 2 Resistant: Total:

2 ED Con/5 x1 0 Resistant: Total:

2 SPD 1+Dex/10 x10 0 Phases: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2 REC (Str/5)+(Con/5) x2 0

20 End Conx2 x1/2 0

10 Stun Bd+(St/2)+(Cn/2) x1 0

1” Run 6" x2 -10 x2 non-combat multiplier

1” Swim 2" x1 -1 x2 non-combat multiplier

0” VLeap Str/10 Spl 0 x2 non-combat multiplier

0” HLeap Str/5 Spl 0 x2 non-combat multiplier

Characteristics Total Cost: -41


8 Easily Hidden: +6 to concealment (12 Active), Self Only

30 Hard to Hit: +6 DCV

12 Hard to Perceive: +6 to Stealth


10 Obey The Summoner I: +20 Pre, Only for Defense (-1)

7 Obey The Summoner II: 10 Mental Defense Only against attacks that attempt to divert Chanting Dolls from their cause (-1/2).

10 Light as a Feather: 5” Gliding, 0 end Persistent (+1)

3 Stiff as a Board: 1 RPD/1 RED


48 World Wide Tracking: this Multipower covers the ability to find their target anywhere on the planet, move to that area and track them down. Only to find and move to stated target (-1/4)

5u Detect Stated Target Worldwide: Detect Stated target (3), Sense (2), Tracking (5) Discriminatory (5), Analyze (5), N- ray Perception (blocked by Garlic and Silver, 10), Mega-scale (1000 KM per “, +1)

5u World Map Porting: 15” teleporting, Mega-scale (1000 KM per “, +1)

4u Detect Stated Target Regionally: Detect Stated target (3), Sense (2), Tracking (5) Discriminatory (5), Analyze (5), N- ray Perception (blocked by Garlic and Silver, 10), Mega-scale (10 KM per “, +1/2)

4u Regional Map Porting: 15” teleporting, Mega-scale (10 KM per “, +1/2)

3u Detect Stated Target Locally: Detect Stated target (3), Sense (2), Tracking (5) Discriminatory (5), Analyze (5), N- ray Perception (blocked by Garlic and Silver, 10)

5u Local Map Porting: 30” teleporting.


18 Ultimately Indestructible: Summon 175 pt Chanting Dolls, Multiple (x2, +5), Trigger (Upon this Dolls death, +1/4), Slavishly Loyal (+1), (90 Active), 1 charge (-2), Never recovers (-2),

17 Eternal Tracker: LS: No need to sleep or eat, does not age


Total Powers Cost: 186

Skills, Perks and Talents:


Tiny Combatant Style:

4 Night Strangler: Choke Hold -2/+0 Grab 2d6 NND

3 Tiny Trip: Leg Sweep +2/-1 Str +1d6 Strike target Falls

3 Tiny Grip: Martial grab -1/-1 Grab two limbs, +10 Str for holding on


3 Concealment 3 Stealth

3 Teamwork 3 Tracking


Total Skills, Perks and Talents Cost: 22


10 Mindless Chants: PSL; Must state target of attention

10 Tiny: Physical Limitation:

20 Slavishly Loyal: Must seek target regardless of personal cost.

20 Easily Breaks: Phys Lim; all non-damaging attacks aside from Flash attacks (dispels, drains, suppresses etc) are converted to normal damage classes.


Characteristics + Powers + Skills, Perks and Talents= Total Character cost =177

Base Points Available 150 + Maximum from disadvantages 100= 250 Maximum + Experience


The other concept was similar however it was clay items coming to life that were built as summons that had a gradual effect (they gained abilities the longer they were imbued/focused with magics). I have it in my books somewhere just not in a computer.

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