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Tokusatsu HERO...building a setting.


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I'm in the early states of cooking up a Tokusatsu based setting. (For those who arn't in the know: tokusatsu is the genre of live action shows that gave birth to Ultraman, Kamen Rider, technically Guyver, and Sentai/Power Rangers shows.)


The most recent shows of Karmen Rider and Sentai have crossed over in a cool multidimentional program called Kamen Rider Decade. I like that the Rider style character can work welll with the Sentai team characters. Even humorously to some extent. This gives me hope I can run a Sentai team and have perhaps a Ultraman team-up w/a Rider. (With out the silly growing Rider bit from the offical cross over. :P)


At any rate, I'm fielding a few ideas for something/someone dangerous enough to challenge a group of Toku action heroes. I could go the Dai-Shocker route and make a Cobra like organization that is responsible for the majority of the Toku types. Or I could do a merged origin to allow for dark and brooding Riders against their creators teaming up with nationalized defenders using alien technology.


It's very much like cooking up a Supers setting, but there are some serious differences in tone and thematics. More as I think of it. If anyone has some cool thoughts, please post them here. I'll continue to work through the rough process of forming a setting.

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Re: Tokusatsu HERO...building a setting.


"(With out the silly growing Rider bit from the offical cross over. :P)"


Kamen Rider J cries a little inside :P


I always loved the theme behind Orignal stuff, and Faiz. Normal people having to rise to situation. I would leave them questioning what is going on all the time. Are they fighting against the evil organization that made them into monsters, or are they just filling the role that they were made for.


Multiform or OIHID?


Garo, has alot of nice stuff in it. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

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Re: Tokusatsu HERO...building a setting.


For what it`s worth, the Zen Team from the 4th ed Allies book had their heightened stats and powers bought as Only in Hero ID, plus they had an OIF Instant change. Maybe set up a list of basic abilities (stat boosts and armor) as a sort of package deal?


For the Sentai saide (Apologies in advance; I`m not as familiar with the Kamen Rider series), I would probably add in an accidental change back to normal when the Sentai in question takes a certain amount of damage. Powers are typically martial arts or gadget related (natch), but you do see some odd ones too every now and then; Kirinranger from Dairanger could reverse time and give himself a do-over in combat.


Just a few thoughts.


EDIT: Youtube is, as always, your friend. I'd recommend checking out Ibukichokan's channel for the 'WTF moments in Tokusatsu' and 'Tokusatsu Moments of Awesometicity!!!' playlists.

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