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Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


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I'm currently making some characters for a High Fantasy game, one of which is a shirtless barbarian-type. My idea is that the character is good at dodging arrows (almost never gets hit) and is able to avoid most physical damage without wearing armor. I have given him Combat Sense to account for his awareness at all times, and also high levels of Combat Luck and Damage Negation. I'm wondering at how cheesy this sounds to you guys. Here are the two powers I worked up so far:


20 Damage Negation (-8 DCs Physical) (40 Active Points); Only Works Against Common attack (Arrows; -1/2), Requires A Roll (Characteristic roll; DEX; -1/2)


12 Combat Luck (9 PD/9 ED) (18 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Characteristic roll; DEX; -1/2)


The character will also have a base of 8 for PD/ED. Thanks for any help.

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


I would just use an activate roll that was equal to his dex roll

I'd say from the looks of him he is a tank

what point level are you playing at?

what are the attacks DCs you are expected to take

he seems pretty much arrow proof and can take a 2d6 killing attack most of the time without taking body

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


Point level is 225/50. It's marginally "super heroic"; the characters are intended to be pretty much immune to common rubes, and I intended for him to be able to waltz through hordes of orcs with shortswords without any wounds.


What is the functional difference between using a DEX roll and an activation roll?

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


I'm in 250 pt game

9pt resistant is the high end for us


requires skill roll may need to be modded by the active point level of the power(5/10/20)so your roll could be modded to -8 ,-4 or -2

just having an activation roll is just that no modding


Point level is 225/50. It's marginally "super heroic"; the characters are intended to be pretty much immune to common rubes, and I intended for him to be able to waltz through hordes of orcs with shortswords without any wounds.


What is the functional difference between using a DEX roll and an activation roll?

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


Well, if others are wearing armour that gives them that sort of protection, and not paying for it...fair enough, I suppose.


I'd add a limitation 'must be aware of attack' (or a second Requires a Roll: PER).


I'd probably be happier as a GM, allowing Damage Reduction on a roll for this reason - I'm always a bit wary of 'I get out of the way' justifications for actual defences: if you can get out of the way of an arrow or a sword, why not a net or a set of bolas? If you can get out of the way of a punch, why not a grab?


If you actually ARE good at dodging, buy dodge or DCV.

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


I'd add a limitation 'must be aware of attack' (or a second Requires a Roll: PER).


It was my understanding that Combat Luck only works when the character is aware of an attack; the rules are explicit that the GM may make this determination based on his judgment. That's one reason I didn't take it as a Limitation, even though it seemed applicable and reasonable.

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


It was my understanding that Combat Luck only works when the character is aware of an attack; the rules are explicit that the GM may make this determination based on his judgment. That's one reason I didn't take it as a Limitation' date=' even though it seemed applicable and reasonable.[/quote']



It does: I should have specified I was referring to the Damage Negation build.

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


Ahhh' date=' in that case I agree. How would Combat Sense affect the PER roll?[/quote']


You have to roll each phase to keep track of opponents with Combat Sense: fail that roll, you lose track of opponents. Combat Sense generally only works at HtH range (although that is not completely clear, that is how I generally rule it). If you make your combat sense PER roll you'll have made your defences PER roll.

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


"Only works vs Common Attack" is only -1/2? I guess that's the official pricing, but it doesn't make sense unless 2/3 of all attacks against you are arrows. Even in a no-magic setting, I'd still put "arrows only" at -1 or more.

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Re: Combat Luck and Damage Negation Questions


If you'd like to have the barbarian avoid damage from grunt types but still be vulnerable to the named NPC bad guys, you could add an additional Limitation "Only versus Mooks/Minions" at maybe -1/2. This way the character is only able to breeze through the enemy hordes of orcs without much worry, but the Big Bad is skilled/powerful enough to make him work for it in a fight.


This was how a number of fighting feats were created in The Valdorian Age supplement.

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