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How do I make monkey feet?


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Holy flying monkeys, Batman! ...sorry...it just had to be said. And if you click on that link, you will know what I mean.


So anyhow, now that you have all viewed an amazing example of avian ape art, I think you will all know where I am coming form when I say: "I want to play a flying monkey!" Say it again, this time with feeling!


Now I know how to give him arm-wings and a prehensile tail, since Mr. long worked out all of those details in the superpowers database for me :) Thanks Steve!


What I don't know how to do is give him monkey feet. I figure this kind of thing must have come up before for people trying to recreate Beast or various winged heroes with bird feet, but I can't find it anywhere :(


I need my monkey to be able to lift things with his rear legs, hang upside down and wield weapons with his feet (and tail) while in flight.


How should I go about doing this?


Do I need to consider his feet as "extra limbs"? And if so do I have to purchase them seperatly, since the tail will have "limited manipulation"?


Should I not take the "gestures throught" limitation for the characters wings, since the crazy littel guy will have a perfectly good set of "arms" to use while flying?


And do I need anything special to be able to hang indefinitly by his feet and sleep upside down? Do I need to take some form of limited "clinging" to represent this or is it minor enought to be chalked up as a special effect?


Thanks in advance.

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Extra Limbs does not need to be bought multiple times for multiple limbs. Extra Limbs allows you to have any number of limbs. The extra limbs can be used to perform maneuvers, so I would say Extra Limbs would cover converting regular feet to monkey feet. The Extra Limbs should probably be Inherent. I don't think you should have to buy Extra Limbs more than once so you can have a limitation on just one of the limbs; pay for Extra Limbs without the Limitation, and merely define the tail as having limited manipulation.

I assume that "Gestures Throughout" is meant to simulate losing the use of hands for arm-wings, and in that case, it would no longer be a limitation given the monkey feet.

You don't need Clinging for him to hang upsidedown- Extra Limbs allows your feet to grasp an object in the same way human hands could grasp it. Only take Clinging if you want him to be harder to knock off while he's sleeping upsidedown.

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How do you make monkey feet?


Ask yer momma! :D


Clinging should certainly figure into the hanging upside down thing.


I'm sure there's some clever way of doing this that is escaping me now (..at 7:26am).


Consider this: Everyone can kick, right? Consider making use of a weapon with your feet a "weapon element", like in martial arts. That would be pretty durn cheap. But then I'm a friendly GM.

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Looks mosly SX to me. Monkey in the illustration uses forelimbs for locomotion; hind limbs, with fully opposable thumbs, for manipulation. Without the tail I would say no extra limb needed. I would buy restrainable flight, extra limb for the tail (with -1/4 for limited manipulation if you really need that point), and sell back swimming and all but one or two inches of running (like a bat, looks like it would be restricted on the ground).

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I think that I would keep the "Gestures Throughout" Limitation on the wings, because the other detrimental effects of the Lim - obvious use of unusual movements, and failure of the Power if the character is restrained - still apply. It might be appropriate to reduce the Gestures Lim by -1/4 below the standard level for Gestures Throughout, though: Gestures normally demand that at least one hand be occupied, and here the character has no practical hand restrictions thanks to Extra Limbs.

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Extra Limbs: I would say it depends on when and how the character can use his feet. If he can use them for things only when flying (because otherwise he is standing or gripping with them), then it is just Special Effects. After all, I could easily just define Flight as using wings which are not connected to my arms (without even Extra Limbs because I can't do anything but fly with them). Then I could still, say, wield weapons while I am flying without Extra Limbs. However, if the feet make him harder to grapple, because he can still punch or use weapons when you grab his arms, or if he can climb and fight at the same time, Extra Limbs is a good idea for the feet.


Clinging: Forget it, unless he is really fast (Running speed) at climbing, needs to make no rolls, and can climb surfaces others normally couldn't dream of tackling. I would just give him extra points (or Skill Levels) in Climbing. Use Clinging (with appropriate Limitations?) only if you really want super-climbing. A normal character could probably hang from his knees and use his arms for something, so why can't the monkey use his feet without spending extra points (perhaps some Penalty Skill Levels)? I'd probably even let him sleep that way. No big deal. I'd say going to sleep an a particular position is a heck of a lot different from staying there when you are Knocked Out.


Gestures: I agree that Gestures probably aren't appropriate, because of the feet. I don't think flapping is an extremely "obvious use of unusual movements." If so, can I take Gestures for any character who can fly, whether they leave a trail of fire (THAT'S unusual!), or walk through the air (his feet aren't on the ground, and he is still walking!). Some of the unusualness factor is captured in the visibility and Special Effects of the power. I haven't seen a whole lot of appropriate uses for Gestures except in spell-casting ("Unless you have KS: Magic, his hand movements tell you nothing about the spell he is casting; must be some kind of magic, though, 'cause they sure are freaky and unusual!"). Restrainable obviously applies, however.

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