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Demon Barrier


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Hi all,


My first post. I do have a question for 6E. I wanted to make a barrier of protection that keeps out demons. My original thought is for ti to protect a house. But I am not sure what power to start using. I have looked at barrier, which seems to only stop damage.


Dispel, Drain and Suppress seem to be more of banishment style spells by getting rid of the demon.


Any help, please?

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Re: Demon Barrier


Hi all,


My first post. I do have a question for 6E. I wanted to make a barrier of protection that keeps out demons. My original thought is for ti to protect a house. But I am not sure what power to start using. I have looked at barrier, which seems to only stop damage.


Dispel, Drain and Suppress seem to be more of banishment style spells by getting rid of the demon.


Any help, please?


Not sure what your looking for..."stops damage" also hedges out...or is it more of an aversion field effect? Maybe both a barrior that only effects "outsiders" and a trigger "go AWAY!!!" mind controll? Or Demons could have a physical limit "Cannot cross magical circles" thing going on...

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Re: Demon Barrier


Hi all,


My first post. I do have a question for 6E. I wanted to make a barrier of protection that keeps out demons. My original thought is for ti to protect a house. But I am not sure what power to start using. I have looked at barrier, which seems to only stop damage.


Dispel, Drain and Suppress seem to be more of banishment style spells by getting rid of the demon.


Any help, please?


Any Barrier with PD and an "Only vs Demons" Limitation (could be -1/2 or more depending on the rarity of demons in your campaign) would prevent demons from physically passing through, but allow anyone/anything else to pass. If the ward prevents non-physical damage from demons, it would need some ED as well, and possibly some Power Defense.

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Re: Demon Barrier


Thanks Torch I'll look into that as well. I am thinking demons will become rather common. The major NPC is a mage who the PCs will be using as a contact.


However, just thought of something I have to re-evaluate, one of the Pcs wants to be a demon gone good. So a barrier against evil demons only?

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Re: Demon Barrier


Thanks Torch I'll look into that as well. I am thinking demons will become rather common. The major NPC is a mage who the PCs will be using as a contact.


However, just thought of something I have to re-evaluate, one of the Pcs wants to be a demon gone good. So a barrier against evil demons only?


"Against Evil Demons" would certainly work. It's only if you want something to be Triggered that a sense is needed, then it would depend on how "Detect Evil" works, if you have such an ability available (i.e., how is "Evil" defined?). Also, I guess good demons are easily counted, regardless of your specific campaign? :)

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Re: Demon Barrier


Personally, I think the most logical and most effective method to handle this is to merely give the demons as physical limitation perhaps Cannot travel across GM defined barriers (salt, running water, holy sites, magically created barriers, with 30 meters of a holy object, etc.)


With this you can empower normal people to keep the demons at bay. The other thing is you can use a change environment as a spell (to make a site holy, or whatever) or a transform (salt into magic powder which can then be sprinkled) and provide a low cost way of keeping the demons from breaking through set area or location.


You could allow the PC merely not to have the disadvantage.

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Re: Demon Barrier


I agree, it should be a limitation on any “evil” demons in your game. In addition to that, however, you could require a Knowledge Skill (arcane knowledge/magic/mystical defense/whatever) in order to build a “proper” circle of protection, depending on what is needed to make such a circle.

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Re: Demon Barrier


I recommend poking around here: World of Darkness Hero, specifically the Mage: the Ascension section, to see if there are any spiritual barriers you might find useful.


I also created this (for 4th Edition I think):


31	[i]Ofuda:[/i]  12 PD/ED Force Wall, 12" width, 0 END (+1/2), Persistant (+1/2), 
Invisible Power Effects:  Sight (+1/2), Wall must be set up in advance and 
cannot move (-1), Wall points can be detected with Sense Magic (-1/2),
Extra time to place (1 Turn) (-1), 1/2 DCV to place (1/4), 4 uses (-1), OAF (-1)

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