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Beginner Recommendations


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First post - testing the waters here. I am very much intrigued by the new 6e release, and in particular, trying the system out in a fantasy setting. Before I go and dive off the deep end, I figured I'd try to get some feedback as to "what" to buy and in "what order". Note that I did review the post by Boll Weevil and got a fair number of ideas from there.


Pretty much thinking to pick up the core books and the Advanced Player's Guide. Then, given that the 6e version of Fantasy Hero isn't out (scheduled for GenCon 2010), was going to pick up the 5e edition, along with a bestiary and spells supplement. For campaign settings, I'm thinking of the Turakian Age to start with and see how things go. Then, once I've had a chance to digest some of this stuff, I'd actually like to try a find an online game (or something).


I am pretty much a Hero system newbie, so can anyone suggest additional tools/aids (i.e. Hero Designer) to help?


Thanks in advance,



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Re: Beginner Recommendations


Your plan sounds pretty much like exactly what I'd recommend, AJ. You can probably skip the Advanced Player's Guide for now unless you're a rules completist, but I certainly won't say no to another sale if you think you'd enjoy it and find it useful. ;)


If you want lots and lots of example characters to review, you might check out Nobles, Knights, And Necromancers (an enemies book that's tied to The Turakian Age and uses spells from the Fantasy Hero Grimoire, both of which are already on your shopping list). If you want more monsters than what you'll find in the Bestiary, you should consider Monsters, Minions, And Marauders (which includes all the "humanoid" monsters like goblins, orcs, ogres, and trolls). One caveat: I'll be writing the new, 6E, version of The HERO System Bestiary in March for publication probably in May; it will include an updated version of the complete content of the current HSB plus MMM, plus whatever extra goodies I feel like stuffing in there.


I think most fans would highly recommend Hero Designer, esp. for a newcomer to HERO, and I think that's a good reco. Many players find it very helpful not only as they're learning the rules, but after.


Good luck, and welcome to HERO!

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Re: Beginner Recommendations


Thanks for the comments Steve - very much appreciated. I had seen the NKN and MMM, and now have a better idea/understanding as to how they can fit in.


A couple of more questions:


Is Fantasy Hero still in print, or only available as a PDF (unless found in a store)?


Does the Hero Games on-line store apply any form of DRM to the PDFs? Basically trying to figure out the best place of order from.


Always been a sucker for dragons - how compatible is the Dragon book with 6e?





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Re: Beginner Recommendations


Hero Designer.


I will say it again, just in case...




Best thing to happen to Hero System since DOJ.


I'd also recommend my fantasy setting, but it is decidedly low magic and you did mention a fondness for dragons, of which there are none. Oh, who am I trying to kid, check out the world of Kamarathin anyways.


If you happen to be on the interwebs you could do a lot worse than checking out http://www.killershrike.com for all of your High Fantasy needs.

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Re: Beginner Recommendations


Pretty much thinking to pick up the core books and the Advanced Player's Guide.


You might also consider the Basic Rules book. I have the previous 5e version, and it's a good, concise intro to the system. It has about 80% of the rules, and it also makes a good loaner book for players or to have floating around the table during play.


I think it would be easier on both you and your players to start with that book.

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Re: Beginner Recommendations


Is Fantasy Hero still in print, or only available as a PDF (unless found in a store)?


Does the Hero Games on-line store apply any form of DRM to the PDFs? Basically trying to figure out the best place of order from.


Always been a sucker for dragons - how compatible is the Dragon book with 6e?


I think we're out of FHs, or nearly so. With a new version on the horizon obviously we're not going to reprint it; that wouldn't be very fair to consumers.


I think someone already answered the PDF question.


The Book Of Dragons is as compatible with 6E as any of our other books. The character sheets will look a little different due to the changes in Characteristics, and the cost of a few abilities may change, but for the most part they're perfectly compatible.

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