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What would you build challenge


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Greetings Fellow Herophiles

The scenario is that you are part of a Colony that was established six months ago. Now all of your technology is breaking down for some unknown reason. No electricity to houses. Pumps that supply the water pressure have stop for no apparent reason. Tractors do not run. Your colony is falling in the dark ages. Torches and candles are used for light at night. Horse and carts are use to move peoples and things from place to place. Now for the challenge. Each of you has found that you can make on item that seems to work by magic. It has to be made with any advantage and limitations that are legal under 6th edition rules. The item has to be 25 real points or less. What will you make to help and / or make you family, friends, neighbors, and the Colony life easier, and safer?

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Re: What would you build challenge


I'd add barrier to that MP for making buildings

I used a separate multipower slot for 'stone molding', an area effect transform linked to an area effect telekinesis. The transform turns stone temporarily liquid while the TK molds it into shape such that when the power is turned off, the stone holds it's new shape. With that all manner of stone structures can be quickly molded right out of the bedrock. I put in two different change environments, a large scale permanent for climate control and the like and a much smaller but more discreet for creating light sources. I've got a half kilometer area radius severe transform with partial effect for turning any land into lush food bearing crops and trees. I've got a strength 28 area effect telekinesis for power lifting and finally, a heal limb, resurrect heal effect. That's about all I could squeeze.


I figure that's enough for a decent life. Someone else can invent a holodeck network for entertainment maybe. ;-)

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Re: What would you build challenge


Extra-dimensional travel: to dimension where everything works right, mega-scaled, immobile OAF, 1 charge w/no recovery, extra activation time.




I don't have Hero Designer (or my books) at hand, but I'm fairly sure I could do this on 25 real points.



Don't look at me,

Xavier Onassiss

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