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The Village Police Force!


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I found this unlikely hero group on my hard disk, among other things, and I'm just wondering what the hell I must have been smoking at the time :nonp:


The Village Police (Special Forces)


Psi-Cop, Billy Bulldozer, Path Finder, Macho Man, Lightning Lewis, G.I. Jackson




15 Str 5

18 Dex 24

18 Con 16

13 Body 3

20 Int 10

21 (+10) Ego 14

20 Pre 10

18 Com 4

3 (+3) Spd

6 PD 3

7 ED 3

36 End

35 Stun 5

7 Rec


Powers :


Multipower / Mindpowers, all are OIF (Psi-helmet)

* 50 end reserve - only for helmet's mind powers, battery

* 12d6 Mind Control, area effect 10" radius, only specific "cop" commands,

"Freeze", "Drop your Weapons", "Come out with your hands on your head", 3 charges

* Mindscan, (only to find crooks), can use as target sense, 3 charges

* 12d6 Telepathy only to discern the truth, 3 charges

* 10d6 Ego blast, 3 charges

* clarestience all senses, x325” (retrocog only), must be at the "scene of the crime", or while holding evidence (crime weapon, bloody cloth, billfold...etc), 3 charges


+ 10 ego OIF (Psi-helmet)

+ 12 ego defense OIF (PSI-helmet)

+3 speed (mind powers only) OIF (Psi-helmet)

Danger Sense 11- only against major criminal acts (3 kilometer radius), OIF (Psi-helmet)

armor 2rPD, 2rED, 8 or less, OIF (Psi-helmet)

armor 4rPD, 4rED, bullet proof vest

5 Flash defense OAF (cop shades)

1d6 RKA, 380 Walther, OAF, 6 charges

3d6N Billy Club, OAF


+2 to perception rolls, all 5 senses OIF Helmet


Skills / Talents :

Policeman Package deal

Fam / small arms

Fam/ w/ billy club

Perk : Law enforcer

CK: Campaign city

Bureaucratics 14 -

Persuasion 15-

Forensics 16-


+2" running


Martial Arts (cop karate)


Head Butt

choke hold





Universal Translator OIF Helmet, modern human languages only, extra time

+2 w/ helmet PSI Powers

+1 w/ martail arts

+1 overall skills


Contacts : Psi-child, psionic street kid, low level

Perks : campaign city's Police Department, legal structure, records, etc..


Interrogation 14-

Criminology 15 -


Deduction 14-

Combat driving 14-

Tactics 14 -

KS : PSI Helmet 15 -

Police issue Motorcycle


Disadvantages :

Normal characteristics maxima

Dependent : 1d6 ego drain when helmet removed, instant + once per minute afterwards

Dnpc : wife and 2 kids 11 or less

Distinctive features : cop look and attitude , common, minor

Private life compromised by hero occupation , worried about family’s safety very common, major

Protective of innocents, common, strong

Reputation : cop with Mind Power Helmet 11-

watched : Campaign city's PD

watched : US government

Hunted : Mafia 11 or less

Hunted : Knights In Satanic Services 11-

Public ID




Billy Bulldozer

16 str 6

20 dex 30

15 con 10

15 Body 10

18 Int 8

12 Ego 2

15 Pre 5

18 Com 4

4 Spd







Powers :

30 pt Low fi gadget pool, OIF utility belt, only with material on hand

+1HA OAF wrench

2 RKA OAF nail gun, reduced range, rapid fire clip

10pt, dispell darkness, OAF, hand held flood light

4d6 flash, OAF paint gun, sticky, 1 charge


Find weakness in structures only 17-


2PD, 2ED: Hard hat, head only, 8-

3PD, 1ED : heavy vest 11-

3 pts flash def, Shades


Side kicks : Girder, the giant robot, Bully the Bulldozer


Skills / Talents / Percs

+3 move through (Bully’s ram)

Climbing (structures only)

Structural Engineering 14-

Civil Engineering 14-

Electrical engineering 14-

Demolitions 13-


+2 w/ engineering skills

Inventor 16-

Combat driving 17-

KS radio controlled robotics, Bully and Grider

Perc : Construction Worker's Union

Perc : legalized deputy



Normal characteristic maxima

DNPC : crazy uncle Wilbur 14 or less

DNPC : ex wife and daughter 8 or less

DNPC : Sister, Path Finder’s wife 8 or less

Code against killing

Watched by Campaign City's PD 11-

Hunted : Knights In Satanic Services 11-

Hunted : Mafia, 8 or less

Public ID


Girder (20 ft tall side kick robot)


Armor, Resistance DEF, 10ED, 10PD, OIF, Metal Body


Multipower OAF, 3 meter long stainless steel girder, only in open areas

* +4d6 HA OAF, steel girder

*4" stretching OAF, steel girder

*4d6 RKA, OAF steel girder, 1 recoverable charge


Iron turbine shield : 10 PD , 10 ED, OAF, 11 or less


9d6EB + 5d6 Entangle bucket of bolts bola, 1 charge


Automation, does not stun or bleed



Vuln: 1 1/2 body from magnetic attacks

Vuln: 2d6 dex drain from high radio signals


Bully the bulldozer

80 pts reserve, IAF, Bully’s gas tanks

2 levels growth

+30pts strength

20” running (tread wheels)

Armor plating 10PD, 10ED 14 or less

5d6 Entangle 3” area effect - Steel mesh net, 1 charge


20pt dispel darkness, flood lights,

10pt dispel mist or gas, big industrial fan

Multipower : Bully’s ram

*10d EB 3” wide area effect, reduced range, 6” maximum, 4 charges

*force wall, 10PD, 10ED frontal attacks only, 14 or less

*50pts TK, only to push, 6”maximum


Wrecking ball canon 15dEB, 2” area effect, x2 knock-back, 1 charge


15pts Lack of weakness


Path Finder

30 str 20

24 dex 42

26 con 32

20 Body 20

16 Int 6

17 Ego 14

16 Pre 6

18 Com 4

6 Spd 36

15 PD 8

10 ED 5

56 End

50 Stun 2

12 Rec 2



Powers :


Multipower : IAF magic charmed necklace, can only use one charm at a time, ½ phase to change


Bear : 1 level growth (200kb, +5str, -1KB, +1 body, +1stun), 2d6 aid strength and con, +2 grab and choke hold, 45pt end reserve for Bear powers


Wolf : tracking scent18-, +4 smell Per, stealth18-, shadowing18-, 3 one turn charges


Eagle : +6 sight, microscopic sight, offset for range modifiers, bump of direction 18-, 3 one turn charges


Coyote : 3d6 luck, mimic voices18-, disguise18-, sleight of hand18-, gambling18-, 3 one turn charges


Buffalo : 10 pt density increase (400K, +10 str, -2 KB, +2 PD, +2ED), 2d6 aid to End, +4” running, +4 move through

50 end reserve for buffalo powers


Deer : 5d6 Spd Aid, danger sense 17-, +8 running, 10” super leap, +6 dodge

40pt end reserve for deer powers



Multipower : Tomahawk, OAF

1d6 ½ KA

3d6RKA, 1 charge recoverable

6d6 EB, 1 charge recoverable


2d6 RKA Hunting Bow, OAF, 6 charges


Skills / Talents / Percs

+3” running

+3” swimming


MA native American style


Bear hug (choke hold)

Martial escape

Martial throw

Martial strike



Art w weapon


+1 w/ tomahawk

+1 w/ bow

+2 w/ MA

+1 overall levels


3d6 Aid stun and body, 3 charges, IAF - medicine bag, extra time

6d6 Telepathy OAF, peace pipe, must share pipe smoke


Skills / Talents / Percs

Perc : legalized deputy

KS : Geologist





Animal handler






Bump of direction


Knowledge skills – wood lands / plain lands / desert

Language English, Lakota is native,

Contacts : Lakota tribe and other tribes

Contact : Whisky Jack, (medicine man, greater power)

Perc : Lakota gods

Side Kick : Willpower the amazing Horse



Distinctive features : American Native, common, minor, easily concealed

DNPC : various tribe members 11 or less

DNPC : Wife, Billy’s sister 14 or less

Strident environmentalist

Nervous in city or urban landscapes

Enraged against polluters 11 or less

Watched by Campaign City's PD 11-

Hunted : Knights In Satanic Services 11-

Hunted : Mafia, 8 or less

Secret ID, Jack Lone Stone



Macho Man

16 str 6

26 dex 48

65 con 110

35 Body 50

15 Int 5

25 Ego 30

19 Pre 9

18 Com 4

5 Spd 14

25 PD 22

20 ED 7

130 End

75 Stun

24 Rec 4




75 % damage resistance, physical only, doesn’t work against his “glass jaw”

25 % damage resistance, energy only


2d6 Regeneration once per turn


5d6 NND “hurting hands” (force field, armor), x2 end

5d6aid to body, stun, end, “healing hands”, x2 end


Armor 4PD, 4ED leather outfit 14-

5 pts Flash defense OAF biker shades


15 Ego defense “tough mind”

20 power defense “tough guy”

10 pts. Lack of weakness


Immune to disease, aging, extreme weather conditions


Skills / Talents / Percs

MA Dirty Infighting:



Low blow


Kidney blow


Defense maneuver 18-

Combat sense 18-

Danger sense, in combat only 17-

Resistance (stubborn) 16-

Find weakness : all attacks 18-

Perc : legalized deputy

Filthy Rich

KS : seedy areas, world wide, major cities

High Society


Street wise


Modern Greek (native)

Ancient Greek




Harley Davidson Motorcycle

+3 w/martial arts

+2 overall levels



distinctive features : flamboyantly gay, “leather man”, common, easily concealed

Vuln: Glass Jaw – 2x stun from punches, jaw only

DNPC : boyfriend of the week 14 or less

Code against killing

Reputation : Tough as nails Gay Hero

Watched by Campaign City's PD

Hunted : Knights In Satanic Services 11-

Hunted : Mafia, 8 or less

Secret ID : Stratis Mikos


GI Jackson

13 Str 3

21 Dex 33

15 Con 10

16 Body 12

25 Int 15

12 Ego 2

15 Pre 10

16 Com 3

4 Spd 10

4 PD 2

4 ED 1

36 End 3

35 Stun 6

6 Rec 2



Multipower : Ghost Belt, OIF,




15pt gadgets pool (spy kit)

9 mm automatic


Skills / Talents / Percs

martial arts jujitsu

Perc : US army





Security systems






KS: Ghost Belt



Lightning Lewis

15 Str 5

40 Dex 90

12 Con 4

10 Body

15 Int 5

16 Ego 3

15 Pre 10

16 Com 3

5 (+4) Spd

4 PD 2

4 ED 2

30 End 3

27 Stun 6

9 Rec 10



+4 spd hand manipulation only, ex drawing guns, tying ropes etc…



20pt TK only to push, or tilt things with guns

2 Guns,

rka clip, rapid shot

area effect

area disarm

rubber bullets stun only

Rope : entangle, stretching, swinging

Side kick Lucky the horse!y


Skills / Talents / Percs


Range skill levels

Perc : legalized deputy

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