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Telekinetic Body

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So I was inspired by the picture on page 295 of the 6th edition (book 1) and was trying to design something like that. For those who don't have their book handy its in the telekinesis description and it shows a person with a "body" made out of energy. The first thing I thought of was making myself a Brick based around a Telekinesis theme.


So at this point I'm a little unsure on how to do it. The main idea being that my character has honed his Telekinesis abilities to the point he can form a "body" for himself thats stronger and tougher then his normal one. I plan to have a multipower also of some regular TK abilities that is usable at all times not just when he's hulked out.


At first I thought I would just buy a series of powers (+Str, +Con, Resistant Protection, and Growth) all Linked to Resistant Protections. My understanding being that the least expensive powers have to be the ones that buy the Linked limitation. Then I gave Resistant Protection the "Only in Alternate ID" limitation to try and simulate it being something I have to turn on and "armor up". However to me the "only in alternate ID" limitation doesn't quite fit the theme of the powers, I'm not really putting on a costume and overall it seems an inelegant way to simulate the concept.


I've thought about building it as a Multiform too, but I'm not really enamored by the idea of using it.

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Re: Telekinetic Body


I am really new so please forgive these beginner ideas.

I guess my first question is - does the Resistant Protection need to remain Persistent. If it is downgraded to Constant via Costs Endurance (to activate, -1/4) it is something that has to turn on and it gets turned off when stunned or knocked out. Is this consistent with the concept?

My next thought was Physical Manifestation. Although most Physical Manifestations have but one power, if you ask me just looking at the picture its clear that this manifestation has STR, BODY, CON, ED, PD, Growth and maybe Shape Shift. With Physical Manifestation you have to define a reason that losing the manifestation is a problem so make all the powers in it Cost Endurance (to activate, -1/4) and then build a small END Reserve with enough END to activate it once and put charges on the Endurance Reserve and Side Effect on the Endurance Reserve - Drains your own END.

My next thought is the picture sure looks a hell of alot like a Mecha. With your GMs permission you can Summon a Mecha. A Summon is 1 point per 5 points in the Mecha (total points in the Mecha, not the one-fifth that the Vehicle Perk costs) but then takes the Amicable (Slavishly Loyal, +1) and then maybe X8 tasks (+3/4 total) and 1/2 END (+1/4). This results in the cost of the Summon being 3 points per 5 points in the Mecha and you can fight for your your Ego x 8 phases before you have to pay the Endurance again. This is a little outside the box - your GM will have to agree that there is some type of telekinetic mecha construct which you know of and are summoning. Tell the GM that it is somehow Jungian.

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Re: Telekinetic Body


Why does OIAI seem "inelegant" to you? It's extremely simple to apply that limitation to all the appropriate powers and leave off all the others, you don't need to make your defenses not Inherent, so you don't have to worry about losing them after you "power up", you don't have to deal with a whole extra character sheet like with Multiform. It sounds like exactly what you want and the only reason for not using it is a misconception that that particular limitation is somehow tied to use of a costume a costume...

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