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Need game advice, *Quick*

Narf the Mouse

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


Hmmm. I use MapTool to run my games, so a lot of the hard "stat" data is encoded into the tokens (virtual miniatures). The only thing I ever have a problem with is remembering Speed/Dex. Let me see if I can find you a better resource than that.

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


Hmmm. I use MapTool to run my games' date=' so a lot of the hard "stat" data is encoded into the tokens (virtual miniatures). The only thing I ever have a problem with is remembering Speed/Dex. Let me see if I can find you a better resource than that.[/quote']Sadly, the only thing I could immediately find is an Export format for HERO Designer. In many ways it is very cool, but it tends to be cramped. Looking at your example characters, they look 5E. I could have sworn that there was a Combat Record sheet in Excel format at one time. Maybe it was removed?


I can't promise anything, being that I have my own campaign to catch up on, but maybe I can whip something up. What exactly do you need in a Combat Record sheet. Speed, Dex, CV, Defenses, and common Attacks seem appropriate. Anything else that you can think of?

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


They're 6e, unless something is seriously mis-designated in my HD. I don't see any export formats that say "Combat" in the name, although one is text for HCS - But I prefer paper for gaming.


...I'm not entirely sure. Body? Stun? Endurance? Trackers for same, maybe? Does anyone know what's commonly used?

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


If it's his village, he ought to know everyone in it. Hero characters don't have lots of ability to withstand lethal damage in most fantasy games, so consider this plot.


The Seven Laughing Skulls:


The town is under attack by undead! Our hero comes home from the wars to discover that every night, seven undead creatures rise and stalk through the town. People are dragged off and summarily slaughtered, helpless against the undead threat. They take five people every day. It is currently day three when the hero comes home. The skulls giggle as they slay their prey, and when the hero slaughters the undead, they rise again the next night, to do it all again.


The villain: The villain is the Lord Mayor's accountant. This charming fellow wishes to become a land baron by scaring people off their land and manipulating their tax records. Every night, for years he has turned to the practice of necromancy, keying the undead to a ruby that he uses to control them that he wears on a ring on his finger. Since the PC knows everyone in town, during the night, it's relentless scary action, and during the day, a mystery. Since peasants are superstitious, it won't be long before he owns more land than the Lord Mayor.


The secret to beating the adventure is to get the ruby ring off his finger. Once that happens, the angry undead will seek out their former master and giggle madly while killing him, letting out keening cries for their loved ones before collapsing into sacks of meat and bone.

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


Ahhh. The forum post thing still makes them look like 5E, with Body up near the main stats and not down with STUN and END. In that case, if you go to the HERO Designer section of the main site, do a search for 6E stuff, you will find the Export format for the Combat Record sheet. Put that in your /Hero Designer/Export Formats folder and see if you like it. Your subscription to Hero Designer needs to be current, but I believe that it should be if you are creating 6E characters.

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


Thanks' date=' Nolgroth, BlueCloud[/quote']Always a pleasure. It is not often that I get to help others out. Usually I come in two days after the crisis is over and resolved. :)


Edit: @Nolgroth: It's awesomely detailed; however, it needs some better formatting. Columns, dividing combat maneuvers from powers, not putting one thing directly after another without a space or comma - Things like that.
Yeah I noticed that as well. I do not know enough about making export formats to change it though. I just thought it might be something up your alley. I am not the author just for clarity.
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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


Ok, tonight's session - Skeletal Warriors and Ghouls coming out of the Graveyard of Heroes. A desperate defense, perhaps with a good offense to take out Owen before he can raise too many.

If there's still time afterwards, then what? Well, the defenses have been breached, so probably a fighting retreat. I'm thinking to a nearby monastery (Inspired by the recent thread on those), beat off the inevitable attack and then counter-attack.


Ideas and criticism, please?

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


Ok, tonight's session - Skeletal Warriors and Ghouls coming out of the Graveyard of Heroes. A desperate defense, perhaps with a good offense to take out Owen before he can raise too many.

If there's still time afterwards, then what? Well, the defenses have been breached, so probably a fighting retreat. I'm thinking to a nearby monastery (Inspired by the recent thread on those), beat off the inevitable attack and then counter-attack.


Ideas and criticism, please?


Is your brother the only PC you have? He may need an NPC ally/plot hook/stab-in-the-back to help him reach the big bad. Other than that, looks good.


I assume that the undead are being raised by the corrupted waterskin.


Oh, the stab in the back comment is that the big-bad wants to personally kill the Palli and has the NPC assist him/guide him so he walks right into a trap *shrug*

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


It's an offline game, for one. :)


It looks like Sir Rodrick the Brave has foiled the evil scheme, knocking out Davy Owen by tackling him into a headstone. Now, there's just him and the local treefeller against three Skeletal Warriors and a Zombie Hulk.


I need more players. There's only one PC death between "Party is fine" and "TPK"...And that's no good.

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Re: Need game advice, *Quick*


I try describing the actions of the NPCs in terms of colorful exposition. I forgot to save my message log from last game so I cannot post any "live" examples. Here is what I would do for the skellies. Assuming no real barriers but some colorful debris....


Segment 12, Dex 10: Skeleton Warriors

The nearest skeleton, wearing a tattered red tabard with threadbare gold embroidery, approaches you slightly from the right. It swings a spiked mace in a vicious arc that... [dice rolling commenses]

...you manage to deflect with your shield/weapon.

...smashes through your defenses and nearly crushes your shoulder [assuming hit location is rolled] for X Body and Y Stun. Calculate your defenses and subtract the remaining damage from Body and Stun.

...misses you by the barest of margins.


Its similarly garbed companion rushes straight in, launching itself off of a falling log and slashing at you in a powerful overhead arc (Offensive Strike). [dice rolling]

...The great sword rings off your own blade as you successfully block the attack.

...You feel the closeness of the blade as it passes by you and clangs into the low rock wall behind you.

...The heavy blade rips into your chainmail, laying open a nasty wound across your chest. Subtract your defenses from X Body and Y Stun and figure out how much of each you have left. Took more Stun that CON? The force of the blow, combined with the pain send your head to reeling. Luckily you come to before the skeletons can recover their balance to attack again.


That sort of thing. Ad lib. If you have described the terrain, use it however you feel is necessary to get the feeling you want to express out. Skeleton rolls a really bad attack roll? Its foot gets caught in the spokes of a fallen wagon wheel causing its lunging attack to wildly miss. Have fun with it. Don't go over the top.


And if something important happens, don't be afraid to interrupt combat in order to describe it.


Your last slash drives the skeleton back a few steps. You suddenly realize that the screams of the villagers have hushed. Turning around, you see the mayor's home explode in flames and splintered wood. Something large and vaguely human shaped steps through the smoke. An ogre! Save that you have never seen an ogre with its flesh so rotted you can see half of its jawbone exposed. The unholy monster bellows a challenge and swats away one of the town guardsmen as though he were an annoying child. The undead fiend then charges off between two houses and you hear the sounds of battle erupt.


You can then resume combat, with the character(s) knowing that after they finish off the skeleton warriors, they have a much tougher opponent who is somewhere out there on the battlefield. And those poor village militia pukes ain't going to slay it.

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