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Re: Ctrl+V


Something I've seen that confuses people is something about the Silent Hill town itself, and it isn't about the dark powers working within it.


What people are wondering is, why does a small resort New England town, probably of only a few thousand people, have all of the following?


-Two full-sized Hospitals (Maybe 4 if the Hospital in 4 is in Silent Hill)

-A Sanitarium/Mental Hospital (Silent Hill: Origins)

-A full modern electronic Prison (Silent Hill: Homecoming)

-A long Subway system (Silent Hill: Downpour)


My home city is about 11,000 and probably bigger than Silent Hill yet we don't have two full-sized Hospitals. Also, a Sanitarium and a Modern-Day Prison would probably scare tourists away, so why would Silent Hill have that? Finally, small, rural, towns in the U.S. do not have Subway systems yet, so that isn't geologically accurate.


Fans claim the new developers (and old ones) are ruining the series, but I think this says something else.


Silent Hill is growing. It's obvious that while the protagonists see the twisted version of the town, there is another normal town growing. Perhaps when Harry and James were visiting the town, Silent Hill was a nice tourist town (People did their best to pretend that the Sanitarium wasn't there), but I think it's changing. Perhaps the people who live their are trying to modernize it, hence the prison and subway system.


I think that keeping this in mind, developers will be able to include more and more things that you wouldn't find in a small rural town. It'll give us some newer areas.

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Re: Ctrl+V


It's really interesting how such a simple question provokes such an allergic reaction which seems more like an allergic reaction to a different discussion altogether. It goes to show me that this forum community has its very own nature that grew out of past discussions and approaches future ones with a strong bias, kind of like how an inside joke forms and sticks.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Something I've seen that confuses people is something about the Silent Hill town itself, and it isn't about the dark powers working within it.


What people are wondering is, why does a small resort New England town, probably of only a few thousand people, have all of the following?


-Two full-sized Hospitals (Maybe 4 if the Hospital in 4 is in Silent Hill)

-A Sanitarium/Mental Hospital (Silent Hill: Origins)

-A full modern electronic Prison (Silent Hill: Homecoming)

-A long Subway system (Silent Hill: Downpour)


My home city is about 11,000 and probably bigger than Silent Hill yet we don't have two full-sized Hospitals. Also, a Sanitarium and a Modern-Day Prison would probably scare tourists away, so why would Silent Hill have that? Finally, small, rural, towns in the U.S. do not have Subway systems yet, so that isn't geologically accurate.


Fans claim the new developers (and old ones) are ruining the series, but I think this says something else.


Silent Hill is growing. It's obvious that while the protagonists see the twisted version of the town, there is another normal town growing. Perhaps when Harry and James were visiting the town, Silent Hill was a nice tourist town (People did their best to pretend that the Sanitarium wasn't there), but I think it's changing. Perhaps the people who live their are trying to modernize it, hence the prison and subway system.


I think that keeping this in mind, developers will be able to include more and more things that you wouldn't find in a small rural town. It'll give us some newer areas.

An Eldritch Horror did it.

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Re: Ctrl+V


"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the coffee," Dean corrected with a teasing smirk and took a long sip. Von rolled her eyes and punched him in the arm. He groaned with the coffee still in his mouth and shot her a glare then he chucked his thumb over to her and asked Bobby, "The hell you've been feeding her Bobby? Red punches like a machine gun," he winked playfully and took another satisfying pull from his mug.



Sorcha stared expectantly at Von, sitting and swishing her tail in excitement. Von waved her hand at the dog dismissively and strode over to the corner, bending down and scooping up some dog kibble with a measuring cup. She dropped the food in the metal dish that used to be Rumsfeld's and Sorcha went to town, happily chomping down on her breakfast.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The ring is 24 feet on a side and oriented on North, with the NW post in hex 0201 (hexes are counted W to E as 01xx, 02xx, 03xx; and N to S as xx01, xx02, xx03; even numbers are a half-step more South than odd numbers).


Rily is in corner 0302; Sumo Queen is in corner 1109. They are 11 yards apart.




The bell rings!


Rily chooses All-Out Defense (+2 to Dodge) and moves forward 3 hexes, to 0504.


Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so doesn't have to All-Out Attack. She moves forward 5 hexes to 0706.


They are now 3 yards from each other.


Status 1:

Rily: HP 14/14, FP 12/12

Sumo Queen 14/14, FP 12/12




Rily chooses Evaluate and Steps to 0604.


Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge and fails, so she must All-Out Attack. She chooses All-Out Attack, Strong and moves 2 yards to 0604 for a Slam. She rolls an 11 for a hit.


Rily attempts to Parry and uses Feverish Defense (spending 1 FP) to give an additional +2 . . . he rolls an 14, failing! (He didn't retreat because he's a bit Overconfident and didn't think he'd need to).


Rily does 1d-2 damage to Sumo Queen (14x2/100 = .28 or 1d-2) and rolls a 4!

Sumo Queen does 1d+2 damage to Rily (12x2/100 =.28 or 1d-2, +2 for AoA, +2 for Sumo) and rolls an 8! Rily is knocked down, and takes a Major Wound. He rolls a 4 on his HT roll and is not stunned....but he is still knocked down from the Slam.


Status 2:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 11/12 -- Lying Down

Sumo Queen 10/14, FP 12/12 -- -4 Shock


They are now in close combat with each other.




Rily changes position to kneeling.

Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack. She also knows that Rily is in trouble, but she is also reeling from shock. She decides to go for it. Making an All-Out Attack, Determined. Using the +4 to offset the -4 Shock penalty. She's going for a Stamp Kick to the Leg. She must roll against Stamp Kick-10, (+4 AoA, -4 Shock, -2 Hit Loc: Leg). She rolls a 13 and misses, jamming her leg into the ground, and now must make a DX (-4 for Shock) roll or be off-balance. She rolls a 7...just making the roll.


Status 3:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 11/12 -- Kneeling

Sumo Queen 10/14, FP 12/12




Rily knows he's to do something serious, although he is a great grappler, he decides to take advantage of the fact that Sumo Queen can't defend from attacks and try and cripple a limb. He stands as his step and unleashes a Telegraphic Punch at Sumo Queen's right hand. He rolls against Karate-12 (+4 Telegraphic Attack, -4 Hit Loc: Hand), rolls a 5 and succeeds.


Sumo Queen gets no defenses because of the All-Out Attack last round, so Rily rolls damage and gets a 5. That is just enough to cripple the hand. Sumo Queen must roll vs Health for Knockdown and Stunning. She rolls a 9 and stays up, but she is in great pain and has lost the use of her right hand.


Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack. Because of the shock penalty, she takes an All-Out Defense (Increased Dodge), and moves back two yards to 0805.


Status 4:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 11/12

Sumo Queen 5/14, FP 12/12




Rily decides to press his advantage. He spends 1FP for a Giant Step. He moves two hexes to enter close combat with Sumo Queen and attempts to grapple her leg. He rolls against Wrestling-13 (-1 Hit Location), and rolls a 10, succeeding.


Sumo Queen can't parry with only one hand, so tries a retreating dodge with Feverish Defense. She must roll under 16 (9 Dodge, +2 AoD, +2 Feverish Defense, +3 for Retreat). She rolls a 12 and steps into hex 0906.


Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack, but she's a bit desperate and is going to try the one maneuver that worked so well for her last time...an All Out Attack, Strong with a Slam. She rolls an 8, good enough to hit, even considering the -4 penalty to Sumo she gets for only having one hand.


Rily, now taking her seriously as a Slammer, pulls out the stops. He does a Retreating Feverish Defense Dodge of Sumo Queen, rolling a 9. He steps into hex 0804, and Sumo Queen takes carries through her full movement to hex 0403.


They are four hexes from each other.


Status 5:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 9/12

Sumo Queen 5/14, FP 11/12




Rily notes that Sumo Queen is facing away from him and can't defend anyway. So he wants to capitalize on this situation. He'll make a Move and Attack (spending 1FP to use the Heroic Charge Option in order to offset the Move and Attack penalties) to get into close combat and make a grapple for Sumo Queen's leg. He rolls an 11 against his Wrestling-13 (14, -1 for Hit Loc) and grabs her leg with both hands--she has no defense.


Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack. Instead she tries to break free. This is a Quick Contest. Rily rolls against Wrestling-19 (14, +5 for grappling with two hands) and makes it by 11. Sumo Queen rolls against Sumo Wrestling-14 (13, +2 for Sumo, -1 for not having the use of one hand). She is very concerned about the state of affairs, so she decides to use her luck on this roll. She rolls three time getting 11, 12, 8. 8 is her best roll, making it by 6--not enough to break free.


Status 6:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 8/12

Sumo Queen 5/14, FP 11/12




Rily uses his leg wrench technique. This is a Quick Contest. Rily rolls against Leg Wrench-15 (13, +2 for Wrestling), and makes it by 2. Sumo Queen rolls against ST-16 (12, +4 bonus against leg wrenches). She makes the roll by 10, and Rily does no damage.


Sumo Queen rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack. Because she is grappled, she can't move...so she decides to punch Rily in the arm, she'll spend 1FP for Mighty Blows. Maybe she can hurt him enough to let her go. She rolls against Brawling-9 (13, -4 for being grappled). She rolls a 16 and misses.


Status 7:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 8/12

Sumo Queen 5/14, FP 10/12




Rily continues to use his leg wrench technique. This is a Quick Contest. Rily rolls against Leg Wrench-15 (13, +2 for Wrestling), and makes it by 9. Sumo Queen rolls against ST-16 (12, +4 bonus against leg wrenches). She makes the roll by 6. Riley beats her and violently twists her leg doing swing cr damage as if his ST was 16 (13, +1 for Lifting ST, +2 Wrestling bonus)...that works out to 2d+2. Rily rolls and gets 11 pts of damage! Only 8pts will count, because that's all he needs to cripple Sumo Queen's leg with a disturbing snap. Since this is a Major Wound, Sumo Queen must make a HT vs Knockdown/Stunning. Rolling a 9, she isn't stunned, but the broken leg makes her fall down immediately.


Sumo Queen is at negative HP, so she must make a HT roll or fall unconcious. She rolls a 7, so she is still up...but she is hurting really badly. On the ground, suffering shock penalties with a crippled leg and hand. She rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack. She decides the match is over, so she doesn't attack and yells out, "I give up!"


Status 8:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 8/12

Sumo Queen -3/14, FP 10/12, -4 Shock Penalty




Rily rolls against bloodlust and fails the roll with a 15. He kneels down and decides to shift his grip from Sumo Queen's leg to her neck. This is a Quick Contest. Rily rolls against Wrestling-17 (13, +3 for having more free hands), and makes it by 3. Sumo Queen rolls against Sumo Wrestling-9 (13, -4 shock penalty). She fails the roll by 5. Rily now has his hands around her kneck and is preparing to choke her.


Sumo Queen is at negative HP, so she must make a HT roll or fall unconcious. She rolls a 9, so she is still up. She rolls against On the Edge sucessfully, so she doesn't have to All-Out Attack. She uses her one good hand to punch at Rily's right hand, spending 1FP for Mighty Blows. She rolls an 11, which is a miss. She needed a 5 (Brawling 13, -4 for Hit Loc, -4 for being Grappled).


The crowd is reacting with a mixture of excitement and revulsion.


Status 9:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 8/12

Sumo Queen -3/14, FP 9/12




Rily chokes the Sumo Queen. Rily rolls against Strength-16 (13, +1 for lifting ST, +2 Wrestling bonus), and makes it by 5. Sumo Queen rolls against Strenght-13 (12, +1 Lifting ST). She makes the roll by 2. Rily inflicts 3pts of damage to her neck which is multiplied by 1.5 for 4pts of damage, and Sumo Queen continues suffocating.


Sumo Queen is at negative HP, so she must make a HT roll or fall unconcious. She rolls a 14 and passes out.


The match is called, the bell rings, but Rily continues to choke Sumo Queen. Two guards pull him off of her and he is declared the winner. A doctor from Sumo Queen's camp pulls her out of the ring and starts administering medical aid. Rily looks menacingly at Norm Jackson...the man he will meet in combat tomorrow night.



Status 10:

Rily: HP 6/14, FP 8/12

Sumo Queen -7/14, FP 8/12, -4 Shock Penalty

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Re: Ctrl+V


June 29th, 4:17 A.M.


By the time some distance has been placed between the plant and your duo of transportation, the sky seems to have cleared back to a more reasonable doldrum of murky dark gray, clouds rumbling quietly far off to the northwestern horizon; from here, you make out a stray arc of lightning in that great distance, far from your present bearings. John sleeps, others soon slipping towards following in his wake. However, Jennifer presents a sound suggestion, and with the surviving ensemble both world and road weary, a small farmhouse five miles out from Defiance comes as the most practical resting point. Quaint, in its own way--once, at least. A two-story white wooden abode accompanied by a large red barn--plenty typical; all that remains of whatever had been parked in the driveway is a rusted heap which, at first glance, looked like a compost pile. Across the side of a cow-shaped mailbox faded gold lettering declares the 'Gibbons live here!'--the flag, made out to look like the cow's tail, is in the upright position.


Whoever owned the place may well have been doing quite happily for themselves; the land surrounding the dilapidated little homestead had once been a rather expansive stretch of crops. What would have been a cornucopia of sustenance has been seen to by the rains long ago--all that remains are barren grounds and disintegrated foliage, and only the most stubborn of weed-like growth prevails over the furrows of topsoil; even the sediment seems to have been worn away, however, one step away from being a dust bowl. Derelict farming machinery is scattered about, rusted far beyond working order, now nothing more than oxidized sentinels. Within the barn proper are a collection of hay bales which have begun to decay, as well as an assortment of farming implements, tools, and a small work bench with an old ham radio left forgotten. Ample parking space for the bus for the time being--though a hole in the roof will doubtlessly leak precipitation should rain come. Outside, a rain barrel sits filled to the brim, almost coyly inviting some passerby to sample its contents.


Right on the front porch to the home is a set of rusted-down deck furniture, with scattered shards of glass and porcelain underneath holes in the table. Each of the three front-facing windows is obscured with grime, and each has a flowerbed underneath it, empty. Still, once tried the front door is found unlocked, leading into a small living room with a fireplace. Plastic has been laid over all the furniture, and a thick layer of dust has settled over top the remainder; the whole place is cluttered, packed with knick-knacks, trophies, memorabilia and keepsakes, with pictures and paintings strewn over every open inch of the walls, continuing on up the stairwell to the second floor. Thick rugs overlap one another on the hard wood floor, reeking of cat piss and other indeterminate foulness--much of the odor originates from the kitchen, where a small mountain of dirty dishes has flourished into a wild fungal paradise, having crept across the counter-top and onto the tile floor. Right by the fridge is the door into the pantry, which you find still occupied with a fair number of canned and boxed goods. The remainder of the first floor consists of a cramped bedroom--dominated by a queen sized bed which makes it difficult to fully open the door--and a rustic-decorated bathroom and shower. Upstairs, another larger bedroom, and what looks to have been a study. A large antique desk is littered with letters, mostly credit card applications, bank statements, invoices, and other such materials which all seem related to the agricultural business. Inside the master bedroom is a king-sized bed lavishly cushioned, a large leather-bound bible resting on the nightstand beside it--paired well with the sizable crucifix positioned over the headboard.


Inside the mailbox are the soggy and irretrievable remains of envelopes which rainwater has soaked countless times through the cracks. From outside, you can see that there is a crawlspace underneath the house, where a coiled garden hose and other yard utensils have been stowed.


Within the barn, the ham radio is workable with Evan's expertise. There is a pitchfork, shovels, rakes--the basic things you might expect to find. A spare tire for a pickup truck still in reasonable condition, a large coil of barbed wire (roughly two hundred feet worth), and several containers of engine oil formulated for a tractor. Also found is an old box of shotgun shells, with four 12ga buckshot still loose inside.


Above the fireplace is a long double-barreled breach-action shotgun hanging over two-dozen or so framed photographs and porcelain 'snow babies'. Most of the pictures seem to be of a trio of children looking happy. The shotgun has a firearm safety lock attached over the trigger. The fireplace has been boarded over, and a four hundred pound safe has been crammed against the boards. Inside the closet is a heavy coat, a bright orange vest and hat, and a locked gun safe. In addition, there is a long bag with an old metal detector inside; its battery shows signs of corrosion, but it seems to work.

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