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Re: Ctrl+V


Lamenting the turn of events, she accused Judau of following a childish and naive path, telling him that it was because of people's childishness, that the Earth would continue to be ruled by idiots.


Declining Judau's attempts to talk further, she then took her own life. In the aftermath of Haman's suicide, surviving Neo Zeon forces surrendered to the Earth Federation.

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Re: Ctrl+V


No Body [185 Points]

You have no physical body at all, you are effectively a disembodied consciousness. You do have a specific Point of View confined to one hex, although your actual SM is irrelevant (treat as +0 if it matters), and can move your POV at any relevant Move Speed. Any attacks or abilities directed at you must target your current POV, likewise your POV is considered to be the origin for any abilities you possess.


You can only be affected by mental abilities and attacks. Physical attacks, regardless of their type, simply do not affect you. If a mental attack normally does damage to Hit Points, you take Fatigue damage instead. While you are treated as being Insubstantial, abilities that can normaly affect Insubstantial only do so if they are also mental in nature. However, unlike normal Insubstantial beings, you cannot affect the insubstantial inately, you must instead have an ability that normaly allows you to do so.


You have no ST score or HP and you cannot raise it. You can be mentally stunned, but you are immune to being physically stunned. If you ever fall unconscious for any reason, you die, but having 0 or less FP can only incapacitate until you reach -1 x FP, at which point you die.


This meta-trait includes the following:


  • 360 Degree Vision (Radial Symetry +20% (Treat all hexes as front hexes for movement as well as vision) [30]


  • Doesn’t Breathe [20]


  • Doesn’t Eat or Drink [10]


  • Doesn’t Sleep [20]


  • Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30]


  • Insubstantiality (Affects Substantial, +100%; Always On,
    -50%; Cosmic:No Body +50%) [160]


  • Invisibility (Affects machines +50%; Extended (Total) +100%) [100]


  • Unaging [15]


  • No Strength or HP [-100]


  • Mental Attacks that would cause HP damage to you do FP damage instead. Also any ability that you possess that normally costs HP, now costs FP instead.[0]


  • Fragile: Disembodied Consciousness [-50] (This is akin to Fragile: Unnatural, but death occurs if you fall unconscious or if you are reduced to -1 x FP)


  • No Manipulators [-50]


Note: You may take Unkillable 2 or Unkillable 3 with the "No Body" Limitation which reduces the base point cost by 50 but does not grant you any of the benefits of Unkillable 1. Replace all refrences of -10 x HP to -1 x FP, and an Indestructible Skeleton is replaced by a unconscious consciousness that is capable of being detected and affected by suitable abilities. For Unkillable 3, your consciousness simply disapears from all existance until it reforms later. Reincarnation cannot be combined with this option.


Note: Injury Tolerance is not nessicary as you cannot suffer HP injury, Physical Stunning or Crippling Wounds


Note: When someone with this trait takes the Projection enhancement for Clairsistence, it becomes like a specialized form of Warp. With this enhancement, you do not leave behind a "body" or even an "old viewpoint", so there is nothing to return to (although you may make an appropriate roll to change your viewpoint back to where it had been earlier.


Note: The "Costs HP" limitation is not allowed.

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Re: Ctrl+V


The red faced dwarf returns Harmann's glare. "Tis exactly mae point. An I am nae sayin' the Mayor is nae honest. If he wants us tae sell the wine, why cannae he sell the wine an give us the coin? If this wee bird is so important, why is nae he ready with cash to hire mercencaries?"


"I mean nae disrespect, Your Lairdrship, but ye must see things from mae side. How much do ye suppose this connoisuer will pay for his elf piss?" Angus laughs uproariously, "Tae each his own, I suppose, if this man wants tae pay handsomely for a noble elf's water, tis up tae him."


Jerking a thumb in Simon's direction. "Mebbe ye could find a buyer here fer our friends output?" Laughing almost to tears, Angus slaps his knee in merriment. "I be sorry, Simon! I couldnae pass up that chance."

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Re: Ctrl+V



* = +1 from Combat Reflexes

` = +2 from Cloak DB

^ = Footnote located at bottom


Total [860]


Stats [280]

ST: 20 [10] (27 for striking)

DX: 20 [200]

IQ:10 [0]

HT: 16 [60]


HP: 24 [0]

Will: 10 [0]

Per: 13 [0]

FP: 16 [0]


Basic Speed: 9 [0]

Basic Move: 11 [10] (2 Step Maneuvers)


Dodge: 15*` (+3 when retreating; +2 when Acrobatics is made; -2 if failed)

--Usually Warps out of the way

Uber Hand Parries: 16*`

Brawling Parry: 16*` (-3 against weapons; +3 when retreating)

Cloak Block: 16*`



Brawling Thr: 3d+2 (+2d burn)

--Slayer is fond of AoA (Strong) attacks. Most of his moves show him doing extremely crazy looking moves.

--Slayer also is a 'slop' fighter, which is why I gave him Brawling instead of Karate. His attacks are over-the-top and aren't very structured (which is part of the reason why his fighting technique is so cool).

--He's fond of doing a multi-hit attack when he's in the air, which looks like he's riding an invisible bicycle into the skies.


Advantages [630]

[5] Fashion Sense

[4] Attractive

[9] Ally: Wife (Sharon) (15 or less appearance, x3; 50% of character total; Special Abilities, +50%)

[8] Ally: Cloak (Constantly Around, x4; 50% of character total)

[15] Combat Reflexes

[10] High Pain Threshold

[35] Striking ST 7

[40] Bicycle Attacks! (-20%): Extra Attack 2 (Brawling Only, -20%)

[30] Uber Hand Parries (-80%): Damage Resistance 30 (Directional: Front Only, -20%; Force Field, +20%; Can't Wear Armor, -40%; Requires Active Defense Roll, -40%)

[190] Warp (Reduced Range, 10 yards, -50%; Cosmic: No Die Roll, +100%; Reflexive, +40%)

[10] Violet Flames (%): 2d burn (Follow-Up on Brawling, +0%)

[20] Super Jump 2

[1] Perk: Sanitized Metabolism

[1] Perk: Hair never falls over

[252] Vampire Template^:

--[90] +9 ST

--[8] HP+4

--[15] Per+3

--[150] Supernatural Durability (Wood)

--[20] Doesn't Breathe

--[30] Immunity to Metabolic Hazards

--[20] Injury Tolerance (Unliving)

--[5] Night Vision 5

--[15] Unaging

--[30] Vampiric Bite (Bloodsucking Cosmos)

--[-60] Dependency (Coffin with soil of homeland; Daily)

--[-10] Divine Curse (Cannot enter swelling for first time unless invited)

--[-10] Draining (Human Blood; Illegal)

--[-16] Supernatural Features (No Body Heat, No Reflection, Pallor)

--[-15] Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Human Blood)

--[-20] Unhealing (Partial)


Disadvantages [-100]

[-10] Bad Sight (Mitigator: Monocle, -60%)

[-10] Code of Honor (Gentleman's)

[-30] Dependent (Wife; 15 or less appearance, x3; Love One, x2; )

[-5] Overconfidence

[-30] Secret: Used to be the leader of an assassin's guild

[-15] Weirdness Magnet


Quirks [-5]

[-1] Minor Addiction: Smoking (Classy Pipe)

[-1] Respects those who can defeat him in combat, but still appears annoyed (the game has him lying on his side with his hand on his chin--he can't really die, so he just acts annoyed)

[-1] Lets his Cloak boss him around

[-1] Romantic

[-1] Likes Crucifixes


Skills [55]

[12] Acting 13

[1] Acrobatics 18

[4] Brawling 22

--[3] Kicking 22

--[5] Feint 26

[1] Carousing 16

[2] Cloak 20

[4] Connoisseur (Visual Arts) 11

[1] Detect Lies 11

[1] Escape 18

[20] Interrogation (+1 from Callous; +6 when using torture) 16

[1] Stealth 19

--I'm sure there are more, but Slayer is quite a secretive character. Since he used to be part of an assassin's guild, I'd say he'd have more sneaky-type skills, but nothing is certain, so I'll leave it at this.






Total [245]


Stats [0]

--Straight 10s


Advantages [245]

[50] Unkillable 1

[150] Regeneration (Extreme)

[30] Immunity to Metabolic Hazards

[15] Unaging

--and other odd things that haven't been explained.






Total [205]


Stats [150]

ST: 2 [-70]

DX: 10 [0]

IQ: 18 [160]

HT: 16 [60]


HP: 2 [0]

Will: 16 [0]

Per: 16 [0]

FP: 16 [0]


Advantages [154]

[20] Doesn't Breathe

[10] Doesn't Eat or Drink

[20] Doesn't Sleep

[34] Footloose Journey (-5%): 5d cut (Accessibility: Must be on Slayer, -10%; All-Out, -25%; Area Effect, 2 yards, +50%; Emanation, -20%)

[30] Power Investiture 4 (This would be Magery; I just don't feel like typing out all of the pre-req spells)

[40] Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous)


Disadvantages [-120]

[-20] Numb

[-10] Bully

[-25] Cannot Speak

[-15] No Depth Perception

[-50] No Manipulators


Skills [20]

[20] Acting (fakes like being a normal cloak) 23


Spells [1]

[1] Teleport Other 20

--I'm sure he has a lot more, but as I've only played through the games and not seen or read anything else pertaining to the storyline, I have no clue what else he would have. This spell is just used when Slayer throws up the cloak and walks into it. He also enters the ring like this.


^ Slayer isn't affected by any normal vampiric dreads and seems to be unfazed under the sun.

^ Sharon basically is Slayer's blood bank... He can completely drain her without worry of killing her, which might be why she's so precious to him.

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Re: Ctrl+V


Although I'm baffled by what it means that his hair never falls over.


It's basically one of those cinematic Perks which allow a minor aspect of a character that wouldn't work in the real world. Other examples are "Blue Hair License", or "Clothes never stay dirty", or "Cape never gets caught on environment".


The source material of the character' date=' not the game system of the character. It sounded like it was from a computer game.[/quote']




Anyhow, the stats seem accurate, as he's one of the most broken characters in Guilty Gear XX #Reload.

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Re: Ctrl+V


It's basically one of those cinematic Perks which allow a minor aspect of a character that wouldn't work in the real world. Other examples are "Blue Hair License", or "Clothes never stay dirty", or "Cape never gets caught on environment".






Anyhow, the stats seem accurate, as he's one of the most broken characters in Guilty Gear XX #Reload.

Ah, thanks. Relatively heroic vampires aren't something one sees much of.

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Re: Ctrl+V


I made a few changes - replaced code vs killing & secret id with impulsive, determined to be hero, & watched

(WHY) Code vs killing is still a part of him, but he could end up killing someone (i.e. his mother's killer). I do not plan on playing wolverine. I'm just not sure yet

how he will mature. Unless under extreme pressure or facing true evil, he would never try to kill someone.

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