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Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


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We really don't have a section dedicated to this sort of thing, so I'm putting this here in other games. For some strnage reason, I can't find a forum dedicated to this game, just the new online game.

There's a lot of text. Slight understatement.

Basically, I'm running a game of the Champions RPG. This is my second campaign in this system and my first time GMing anything, and I really don't want to screw it up. So I decided to use villains that nobody can screw up, Nazis. a 1940's superhero campaign was dreamed up, and I need some help with some things. I'll give you a basic rundown of the three "acts" of the Campaign, and some background on the world. If you want to help with the writing or dream up some Nazi Supervillans, feel free to share. If you have more extensive knowledge on WWII, particularly the mindsets of the Axis and Allies or weaponry of the time, please chime in.

The Campaign guidelines are a little odd, but I like that the HERO system can be modified and not have everything fall apart, so I'm taking advantage. It's a mix of Pulp and Golden Age; everyone agreed that wierd science would be cool. PCs are running on 400 points and 75 points of complications. This may seem like a lot for the period, but they way the villians are shaping up, they're going to need those points. There's a 50-60 point cap on most attributes, and a cap of 6 on SPD (unless you are a dedicated speedster, like The Flash, then it jumps to 8). Since it's my fist time GMing, I also cut out powers that could be abused. Drain caused a bit of a problem with the last group we had, VPPs are out, no time travel, that kind of thing.

I'm a little new to the lore, but the Champions univers stuck me as very Marvel-y. I took this idea and applied it to WWII. Supers are not a publicly known thing, they're a military secret (I assumed Supers would scare the hell out of people). Eventually the world will realize that supermen live among them, but the higher ups figure that can wait until after the war. There's no need for the public to know that Captain Nazi could fly out of the sky and vaporize them with his eyes. The Allies aren't naive; much like themselves, Hitler's likely to have realized the effect these individuals could have on the war. So, The Allies have been attempting to locate and destroy wherever the Germans keep their supermen program. Several facilities have been destroyed, but nothing has been uncovered that proves any of them were the site. Many thought it was a fool's errand, that the Allies had dodged a bullet and Hitler had no supermen. But there was one suspected site that was never taken, an island in the Mediterranean. Attempts to assault the island were met with failure, any recon teams or planes were never heard from again. There's something suspicious about that island, and the PCs are being sent to find out what.

ACT I :The Island

The island is fairly small (working on making it bigger, needs realistic geography). Currently there's a beach head, docks, a large forest, a cave system, and a Nazi Doom Fortress. If the PCs take some time to look around, they'll notice planes fly overhead occasionally. If they really look around, they'll notice that there's no airstrip on the island. I need some low powered supers running around here; there's a notable lack of them. This will be the only time the PCs encounter vehicles, so I'm trying to cram some German icons in this segment (another reason I need the island bigger). Aside from regular German stuff (Troopers with Kar 98s, MP40s, MG42s, etc.), there's a lack of excitement here. The only real excitement comes from Zombies in the woods (the best sentries don't need food), and the vehicles. There's a few Half-tracks and three Panzer IVs. Aside from the finale when a Tiger I rises from a hidden elevator leading to ACT II, there's not a lot going on. This is the biggest area I need your help in; I can make big bads no problem, but can't seem to make interesting or exciting C-listers.

ACT II :The Labs

Here's where it gets all "Secret Weapons of WWII"-y. Höllen-Hallen Labs has some seriously scary stuff in it. The PCs will probably take the same elevator the Tiger (or Panzer, if the fight up there is going poorly enough for them) took up, there'll be some goons down there loitering. After that, what happens depends on what direction they take; the labs are a labyrinth of twisting hallways and corridors. There'll be several rooms down here; Reactor room, Geothermal Room, Very Large Freezer, U-Boat Pen, Gun range, etc.

I plan on robots being down here, because Nazi robots are neat. There's some supergoons down here as well. They may find a medical room that's been locked. This particular group will find this totally unacceptable and pull that thing off its hinges. Inside will be the Nazi's second attempt at super soldiers; the Zombies were the first. These soldiers will have vastly increased speed, strength, agility, aggressiveness, and insanity. The serum worked, but the subject lost any ability to carry out orders as his mind deteriorated. There will be several of them, referred to a "Ghouls", and one that got an overdose (a rather large monstrous thing, think Bane) called a "Cadaver". If the PCs pay attention and count the corpses, they should notice that there's an extra table in an operating room. The third attempt at super solders will be in tubes full of liquid. Following the comic book rules of scary things in tanks of liquid, they will break out and attack. They are fully capable or working as a team and making tactical decisions; this will not be an easy fight. They won't have guns, but it should still prove difficult.

Supers include a Magma man with heat based powers and some elasticity, an Ice based villain, and the Teleport Corps. The Teleport Corps consists of ten members; Five soldiers with MP40s and grenades who can teleport, a gunner with Chameleon powers with an MG42, a sniper with Chameleon powers, a stabhappy chick with intangibility, a Sergeant with a stolen shotgun with a large noncombat move (for escaping), a mass multiplier, and a cloaking device (uses END, deactivates when he attacks), and a Lieutenant with a larger combat teleport, the cloaking device, and a large caliber revolver.

The corps all have skills in stealth and shadowing, so could attack the PCs at any time. More than likely, they'll just be waiting at the firing range. Thus far, the Corps represents the most successful artificially created supermen; the two leaders, the chameleons, and the ghost lady were born with their powers; the other five are genetically enhanced. The last thing the PCs will encounter will be a Speedster with an MP40; he will intentionally be annoying. When he's low on BODY, he'll run away into a different room. When the PCs enter, they'll be greeted by a device that looks not unlike a (primitive) Stargate. If I know this group, nerdrage at the annoying speedster will make them follow him through. If not, there'll be a base wide transmission that the site is being bombed. It doesn't really matter if the transmission is true or not, since they'll have no way of knowing. Things get really interesting on the other side of the gate.

ACT III: The Lair.

When the PCs step through the gate, they'll be in the courtyard of a very large castle. If they followed quickly enough, they'll see the speedster run off into it. About this point they should realize that it's very cold here, and slightly difficult to breathe. Any attempt to fly will be rewarded with Flack to the face; there's Anti-Aircraft guns mounted on the towers (if they pay attention, the towers hum). Also about this time I'll pass one of them a note telling him that he's a Nazi sleeper agent; the background he made up for his character is his cover story. He can either carry out his mission and betray the group at an inopportune moment, or double cross the Nazis and side with those he's been fighting alongside.

But that can wait. Meanwhile, a very Nazi-looking man will see them from a balcony, and then disappear. Alarms start sounding, and a fight ensues. The resistance is oddly light, excepting the Anti-Air guns when they swivel into position and the very large man made of granite who can summon barriers of rock from the ground. In the confusion, Mr. Nazi escapes down a flight of stairs in the courtyard.

The PCs should follow (unless they want to be shot by more Anti-Air guns), discovering the stairs that go down lead to an aircraft hanger. If they didn't get the hint from the drop in air pressure and temperature, seeing sky in an "underground" hanger should tell them that they're in a Nazi Flying Fortress (It looks like a skull and everything). They're 10, 000 feet above the island they were just at.

Here comes some plot: This fortress is what the high command thinks will win the war, even more than supers. What is the value is a man who can shoot fire when something like this allows the Luftwaffe to attack Kansas and disappear into the sky again? This has not ended the Nazi supermen project; Supers are still useful, but a particular type of super is needed to make the Sky Fortress operate. Psykers, only psychic energy can keep something like this floating, much less move it undetected to the American heartland. Psykers cannot be artificially made, much to the chagrin of the High command, and the Germans do not want to wait for more German Psykers to be born. So, the PC's Mr. Nazi, the good Doctor Unmöglich put forward his plan; lure allied supers to them. Nazi supers can be tested against the allies'; they could replicate the powers of the dead, convert or brainwash with psykers those they capture, and with luck, gather more psykers. What this means for the PCs is that the whole thing; the island, the labs, everything; was a trap, a test, false information given to the allies to trick them into dedicating supers to a mission. If the PCs had been paying close attention to the walls or looking around as they fought, they'd have noticed clicks and occasionally flashes of light. Someone had been photographing them, analyzing them, and watching them. But's it's gone horribly wrong; the Allied Supers were never supposed to make it through the teleporter without being dead or unconscious. Things may get desperate; the Nazis don't like defeat.

In the Hanger they'll fight the twins, a pair of energy projectors utilizing fire and lightning. They mostly have the same attacks; but the fire twin can create a wall of fire while the Lightning twin can paralyze a PC by attacking his nervous system. They'll use combined attack a lot, and one twin will enrage when the other twin takes BODY. When (or if, they twins are a tough fight) the twins are defeated, Doctor Unmöglich runs again, this time taking an elevator back up to the castle. More Nazis attack the PCs there, until they enter a large ballroom. Here they are attacked by Nazis in Power Armor. Why not?

I took the standard party configuration of Leader, Lancer, Big Guy, Smart Guy, and Fast Guy with this group. Three of them are pretty well set, but I'm struggling with how to make the latter two interesting. As it stands, the armor has five "Hard Points", the back, the shoulders, and each arm. This gets kind of complicated so BK=Back, RS/LS=right and left shoulders, and RA/LA=right and left arms. "Grenade Launchers" contain six rounds; two fragmentation, two incendiary, and two smoke.

Leader- BK: Jump Pack, RS/LS: Capacitors, RA: Tesla Cannon LA: Duel MP40s

Lancer- BK: Jump Pack, RS: Mk 108 cannon, LS: Grenade Launcher, RA/LA MG42

Big Guy- BK:AA System (Flack Cannon, prohibits movement), RS: Panzershreck (cannot fire AA system and this system), LS: Grenade Launcher, RA: MG42, LA: Flamethrower

Smart Guy- BK: Mortar System (of limited use inside), LS/RS: Grenade Launchers, RA/LA: Single Mp40s

Fast Guy- BK: Jump Pack, RS/LS: Thrusters (not actually sure what these'll do), RA/LA: Trench guns or duel MP40s, likely the latter.

These five are the second to last fight in the campaign, but I want it to feel like nothing could possibly be more difficult than this. The Irony, of course, is that this tough fight isn't against supers, but guys in suits. After/if they are defeated, I'll allow some time for them to heal up (if anyone took healing, if not there can be a med bay nearby), because they'll need it for what's coming up.

Again, if the PCs looked around, they should have noticed men in robes around the castle grounds. In combat, they may fire some shots, but mostly run away. Should any of them die, the Fortress will shudder a bit. This is foreshadowing.

From experience in a Pathfinder campaign, running around a castle kicking in doors until you find what you're looking for is time consuming and irritating, particularly if the castle is realistic and has a ton of closets. Instead we'll cut down all the door kicking to the one room that matters, the Chapel.

In the Chapel, all the guys in ropes they saw earlier are in chairs with devices attached to the backs, all in a circle around a pentagram. In the center of the pentagram on a table is the missing body from the medical bay in the labs (you saw this coming, Nazis love the supernatural). This body is dead; the Nazis used it to see if their genetic manipulation techniques could be done. Fused ribcage, extra Heart and Lungs, greatly enhanced muscle mass and density, over clocked immune system, every mad scientist human enhancement idea was tested on this body first. The subject died long ago from these tests, but they kept the corpse. At the flip of a switch, the devices on the chairs activate and a spike is driven through the skulls of the robed men. The robed men were the psykers keeping the fortress afloat; without them the thing will drop out of the sky. The humming towers are psychic batteries; they'll keep the fortress afloat, but not for long. The Doctor makes tracks and seals a door. The simultaneous death and release of psychic powers summons something otherworldly into the body; The PCs must fight Leichen-Wanderer; the Corpse Walker.

I have this great imagery for this guy and all these ideas for what a demon possessed super soldier corpse should be able to do, but no idea how to implement it. I want this guy to be truly terrifying and horrific, like nothing his size should be as strong or as fast has he is, because it logically shouldn't. It's a thing that should not be, like a Lovecraft light.

If/after they beat that thing, I'm giving them a break. They'll exit the room (probably blow open the door), to find the doctor waiting to see what came out. He's exasperated, since that was his ace in the hole. He flees, running into his Zeppelin (I had to have a Nazi Zeppelin) to escape the PCs. The Zeppelin can't take off before the PCs get on it, and he flees to the top. Nazis will attempt to block the PCs, but will not shoot them (Y'know, Zeppelin and all). This will change if the PCs decide to get all anti-climatic on me and shoot the thing, whereupon they'll find the zeppelin is filled with (for Germany) precious helium. Anyway, punch some Nazis, chase the doctor to the top.

They'll think they have him cornered, hopefully they'll make a speech. Then they'll meet the shutterbug, the man who'd been photographing them on the island and in the labs. Shutterbug was a Journalist before the War; he had a gift for Photography, propaganda, and not being seen. He also has a gift for teleporting, to the tune of nearly three miles. He'll appear next to the doctor and throw a smoke bomb, teleporting away and disappearing forever as soon as possible.

Understandably, this will upset everyone. That's really too bad for them, because Nazis make great villains and I'll need one of his caliber later. Besides, they just destroyed (however inadvertently) a Nazi superweapon, they've eliminated a massive threat to the Allied nations and made the Doctor fail so hard he won't be going back to Germany for a while. Killing a perfectly good arch-nemesis would be too much.

But they've got a bigger problem now, one that's falling out of the sky. They have three options for escape now; 1) The Zeppelin they're on right now, provided anyone can fly a Zeppelin (unlikely) 2) The teleporter, which won't accomplish much since it takes them back to the island, under the falling fortress 3) steal a plane from the hanger or 4) Die horribly. This will be a full tilt escape scene; any Nazis that haven't already left are not in a fighting mood. Hopefully someone knows how to fly a plane or can at least learn very quickly, or they have enough flyers for everyone to have a falling buddy. If not, they can probably kill some people and take their parachutes.

If they live they'll be treated as the heroes they are; after supers are revealed to the world they'll be at the forefront of superhuman relations, and receive very nice pensions for destroying a Nazi superweapon. And so, with the 40s drawing to a close, a new enemy rises.

Communists. Welcome to the 50s, hero.

What do you guys think? Care to help?

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


We really don't have a section dedicated to this sort of thing' date=' so I'm putting this here in other games. For some strnage reason, I can't find a forum dedicated to this game, just the new online game. [/font']

There's a lot of text. Slight understatement.

Basically, I'm running a game of the Champions RPG. This is my second campaign in this system and my first time GMing anything, and I really don't want to screw it up. So I decided to use villains that nobody can screw up, Nazis. a 1940's superhero campaign was dreamed up, and I need some help with some things. I'll give you a basic rundown of the three "acts" of the Campaign, and some background on the world. If you want to help with the writing or dream up some Nazi Supervillans, feel free to share. If you have more extensive knowledge on WWII, particularly the mindsets of the Axis and Allies or weaponry of the time, please chime in.

The Campaign guidelines are a little odd, but I like that the HERO system can be modified and not have everything fall apart, so I'm taking advantage. It's a mix of Pulp and Golden Age; everyone agreed that wierd science would be cool. PCs are running on 400 points and 75 points of complications. This may seem like a lot for the period, but they way the villians are shaping up, they're going to need those points. There's a 50-60 point cap on most attributes, and a cap of 6 on SPD (unless you are a dedicated speedster, like The Flash, then it jumps to 8). Since it's my fist time GMing, I also cut out powers that could be abused. Drain caused a bit of a problem with the last group we had, VPPs are out, no time travel, that kind of thing.

I'm a little new to the lore, but the Champions univers stuck me as very Marvel-y. I took this idea and applied it to WWII. Supers are not a publicly known thing, they're a military secret (I assumed Supers would scare the hell out of people). Eventually the world will realize that supermen live among them, but the higher ups figure that can wait until after the war. There's no need for the public to know that Captain Nazi could fly out of the sky and vaporize them with his eyes. The Allies aren't naive; much like themselves, Hitler's likely to have realized the effect these individuals could have on the war. So, The Allies have been attempting to locate and destroy wherever the Germans keep their supermen program. Several facilities have been destroyed, but nothing has been uncovered that proves any of them were the site. Many thought it was a fool's errand, that the Allies had dodged a bullet and Hitler had no supermen. But there was one suspected site that was never taken, an island in the Mediterranean. Attempts to assault the island were met with failure, any recon teams or planes were never heard from again. There's something suspicious about that island, and the PCs are being sent to find out what.

ACT I :The Island

The island is fairly small (working on making it bigger, needs realistic geography). Currently there's a beach head, docks, a large forest, a cave system, and a Nazi Doom Fortress. If the PCs take some time to look around, they'll notice planes fly overhead occasionally. If they really look around, they'll notice that there's no airstrip on the island. I need some low powered supers running around here; there's a notable lack of them. This will be the only time the PCs encounter vehicles, so I'm trying to cram some German icons in this segment (another reason I need the island bigger). Aside from regular German stuff (Troopers with Kar 98s, MP40s, MG42s, etc.), there's a lack of excitement here. The only real excitement comes from Zombies in the woods (the best sentries don't need food), and the vehicles. There's a few Half-tracks and three Panzer IVs. Aside from the finale when a Tiger I rises from a hidden elevator leading to ACT II, there's not a lot going on. This is the biggest area I need your help in; I can make big bads no problem, but can't seem to make interesting or exciting C-listers.

ACT II :The Labs

Here's where it gets all "Secret Weapons of WWII"-y. Höllen-Hallen Labs has some seriously scary stuff in it. The PCs will probably take the same elevator the Tiger (or Panzer, if the fight up there is going poorly enough for them) took up, there'll be some goons down there loitering. After that, what happens depends on what direction they take; the labs are a labyrinth of twisting hallways and corridors. There'll be several rooms down here; Reactor room, Geothermal Room, Very Large Freezer, U-Boat Pen, Gun range, etc.

I plan on robots being down here, because Nazi robots are neat. There's some supergoons down here as well. They may find a medical room that's been locked. This particular group will find this totally unacceptable and pull that thing off its hinges. Inside will be the Nazi's second attempt at super soldiers; the Zombies were the first. These soldiers will have vastly increased speed, strength, agility, aggressiveness, and insanity. The serum worked, but the subject lost any ability to carry out orders as his mind deteriorated. There will be several of them, referred to a "Ghouls", and one that got an overdose (a rather large monstrous thing, think Bane) called a "Cadaver". If the PCs pay attention and count the corpses, they should notice that there's an extra table in an operating room. The third attempt at super solders will be in tubes full of liquid. Following the comic book rules of scary things in tanks of liquid, they will break out and attack. They are fully capable or working as a team and making tactical decisions; this will not be an easy fight. They won't have guns, but it should still prove difficult.

Supers include a Magma man with heat based powers and some elasticity, an Ice based villain, and the Teleport Corps. The Teleport Corps consists of ten members; Five soldiers with MP40s and grenades who can teleport, a gunner with Chameleon powers with an MG42, a sniper with Chameleon powers, a stabhappy chick with intangibility, a Sergeant with a stolen shotgun with a large noncombat move (for escaping), a mass multiplier, and a cloaking device (uses END, deactivates when he attacks), and a Lieutenant with a larger combat teleport, the cloaking device, and a large caliber revolver.

The corps all have skills in stealth and shadowing, so could attack the PCs at any time. More than likely, they'll just be waiting at the firing range. Thus far, the Corps represents the most successful artificially created supermen; the two leaders, the chameleons, and the ghost lady were born with their powers; the other five are genetically enhanced. The last thing the PCs will encounter will be a Speedster with an MP40; he will intentionally be annoying. When he's low on BODY, he'll run away into a different room. When the PCs enter, they'll be greeted by a device that looks not unlike a (primitive) Stargate. If I know this group, nerdrage at the annoying speedster will make them follow him through. If not, there'll be a base wide transmission that the site is being bombed. It doesn't really matter if the transmission is true or not, since they'll have no way of knowing. Things get really interesting on the other side of the gate.

ACT III: The Lair.

When the PCs step through the gate, they'll be in the courtyard of a very large castle. If they followed quickly enough, they'll see the speedster run off into it. About this point they should realize that it's very cold here, and slightly difficult to breathe. Any attempt to fly will be rewarded with Flack to the face; there's Anti-Aircraft guns mounted on the towers (if they pay attention, the towers hum). Also about this time I'll pass one of them a note telling him that he's a Nazi sleeper agent; the background he made up for his character is his cover story. He can either carry out his mission and betray the group at an inopportune moment, or double cross the Nazis and side with those he's been fighting alongside.

But that can wait. Meanwhile, a very Nazi-looking man will see them from a balcony, and then disappear. Alarms start sounding, and a fight ensues. The resistance is oddly light, excepting the Anti-Air guns when they swivel into position and the very large man made of granite who can summon barriers of rock from the ground. In the confusion, Mr. Nazi escapes down a flight of stairs in the courtyard.

The PCs should follow (unless they want to be shot by more Anti-Air guns), discovering the stairs that go down lead to an aircraft hanger. If they didn't get the hint from the drop in air pressure and temperature, seeing sky in an "underground" hanger should tell them that they're in a Nazi Flying Fortress (It looks like a skull and everything). They're 10, 000 feet above the island they were just at.

Here comes some plot: This fortress is what the high command thinks will win the war, even more than supers. What is the value is a man who can shoot fire when something like this allows the Luftwaffe to attack Kansas and disappear into the sky again? This has not ended the Nazi supermen project; Supers are still useful, but a particular type of super is needed to make the Sky Fortress operate. Psykers, only psychic energy can keep something like this floating, much less move it undetected to the American heartland. Psykers cannot be artificially made, much to the chagrin of the High command, and the Germans do not want to wait for more German Psykers to be born. So, the PC's Mr. Nazi, the good Doctor Unmöglich put forward his plan; lure allied supers to them. Nazi supers can be tested against the allies'; they could replicate the powers of the dead, convert or brainwash with psykers those they capture, and with luck, gather more psykers. What this means for the PCs is that the whole thing; the island, the labs, everything; was a trap, a test, false information given to the allies to trick them into dedicating supers to a mission. If the PCs had been paying close attention to the walls or looking around as they fought, they'd have noticed clicks and occasionally flashes of light. Someone had been photographing them, analyzing them, and watching them. But's it's gone horribly wrong; the Allied Supers were never supposed to make it through the teleporter without being dead or unconscious. Things may get desperate; the Nazis don't like defeat.

In the Hanger they'll fight the twins, a pair of energy projectors utilizing fire and lightning. They mostly have the same attacks; but the fire twin can create a wall of fire while the Lightning twin can paralyze a PC by attacking his nervous system. They'll use combined attack a lot, and one twin will enrage when the other twin takes BODY. When (or if, they twins are a tough fight) the twins are defeated, Doctor Unmöglich runs again, this time taking an elevator back up to the castle. More Nazis attack the PCs there, until they enter a large ballroom. Here they are attacked by Nazis in Power Armor. Why not?

I took the standard party configuration of Leader, Lancer, Big Guy, Smart Guy, and Fast Guy with this group. Three of them are pretty well set, but I'm struggling with how to make the latter two interesting. As it stands, the armor has five "Hard Points", the back, the shoulders, and each arm. This gets kind of complicated so BK=Back, RS/LS=right and left shoulders, and RA/LA=right and left arms. "Grenade Launchers" contain six rounds; two fragmentation, two incendiary, and two smoke.

Leader- BK: Jump Pack, RS/LS: Capacitors, RA: Tesla Cannon LA: Duel MP40s

Lancer- BK: Jump Pack, RS: Mk 108 cannon, LS: Grenade Launcher, RA/LA MG42

Big Guy- BK:AA System (Flack Cannon, prohibits movement), RS: Panzershreck (cannot fire AA system and this system), LS: Grenade Launcher, RA: MG42, LA: Flamethrower

Smart Guy- BK: Mortar System (of limited use inside), LS/RS: Grenade Launchers, RA/LA: Single Mp40s

Fast Guy- BK: Jump Pack, RS/LS: Thrusters (not actually sure what these'll do), RA/LA: Trench guns or duel MP40s, likely the latter.

These five are the second to last fight in the campaign, but I want it to feel like nothing could possibly be more difficult than this. The Irony, of course, is that this tough fight isn't against supers, but guys in suits. After/if they are defeated, I'll allow some time for them to heal up (if anyone took healing, if not there can be a med bay nearby), because they'll need it for what's coming up.

Again, if the PCs looked around, they should have noticed men in robes around the castle grounds. In combat, they may fire some shots, but mostly run away. Should any of them die, the Fortress will shudder a bit. This is foreshadowing.

From experience in a Pathfinder campaign, running around a castle kicking in doors until you find what you're looking for is time consuming and irritating, particularly if the castle is realistic and has a ton of closets. Instead we'll cut down all the door kicking to the one room that matters, the Chapel.

In the Chapel, all the guys in ropes they saw earlier are in chairs with devices attached to the backs, all in a circle around a pentagram. In the center of the pentagram on a table is the missing body from the medical bay in the labs (you saw this coming, Nazis love the supernatural). This body is dead; the Nazis used it to see if their genetic manipulation techniques could be done. Fused ribcage, extra Heart and Lungs, greatly enhanced muscle mass and density, over clocked immune system, every mad scientist human enhancement idea was tested on this body first. The subject died long ago from these tests, but they kept the corpse. At the flip of a switch, the devices on the chairs activate and a spike is driven through the skulls of the robed men. The robed men were the psykers keeping the fortress afloat; without them the thing will drop out of the sky. The humming towers are psychic batteries; they'll keep the fortress afloat, but not for long. The Doctor makes tracks and seals a door. The simultaneous death and release of psychic powers summons something otherworldly into the body; The PCs must fight Leichen-Wanderer; the Corpse Walker.

I have this great imagery for this guy and all these ideas for what a demon possessed super soldier corpse should be able to do, but no idea how to implement it. I want this guy to be truly terrifying and horrific, like nothing his size should be as strong or as fast has he is, because it logically shouldn't. It's a thing that should not be, like a Lovecraft light.

If/after they beat that thing, I'm giving them a break. They'll exit the room (probably blow open the door), to find the doctor waiting to see what came out. He's exasperated, since that was his ace in the hole. He flees, running into his Zeppelin (I had to have a Nazi Zeppelin) to escape the PCs. The Zeppelin can't take off before the PCs get on it, and he flees to the top. Nazis will attempt to block the PCs, but will not shoot them (Y'know, Zeppelin and all). This will change if the PCs decide to get all anti-climatic on me and shoot the thing, whereupon they'll find the zeppelin is filled with (for Germany) precious helium. Anyway, punch some Nazis, chase the doctor to the top.

They'll think they have him cornered, hopefully they'll make a speech. Then they'll meet the shutterbug, the man who'd been photographing them on the island and in the labs. Shutterbug was a Journalist before the War; he had a gift for Photography, propaganda, and not being seen. He also has a gift for teleporting, to the tune of nearly three miles. He'll appear next to the doctor and throw a smoke bomb, teleporting away and disappearing forever as soon as possible.

Understandably, this will upset everyone. That's really too bad for them, because Nazis make great villains and I'll need one of his caliber later. Besides, they just destroyed (however inadvertently) a Nazi superweapon, they've eliminated a massive threat to the Allied nations and made the Doctor fail so hard he won't be going back to Germany for a while. Killing a perfectly good arch-nemesis would be too much.

But they've got a bigger problem now, one that's falling out of the sky. They have three options for escape now; 1) The Zeppelin they're on right now, provided anyone can fly a Zeppelin (unlikely) 2) The teleporter, which won't accomplish much since it takes them back to the island, under the falling fortress 3) steal a plane from the hanger or 4) Die horribly. This will be a full tilt escape scene; any Nazis that haven't already left are not in a fighting mood. Hopefully someone knows how to fly a plane or can at least learn very quickly, or they have enough flyers for everyone to have a falling buddy. If not, they can probably kill some people and take their parachutes.

If they live they'll be treated as the heroes they are; after supers are revealed to the world they'll be at the forefront of superhuman relations, and receive very nice pensions for destroying a Nazi superweapon. And so, with the 40s drawing to a close, a new enemy rises.

Communists. Welcome to the 50s, hero.

What do you guys think? Care to help?


My only advice at this point is be ready for your players to screw this plan up. That's what they do. The most obvious thing to me is they are going to want to kick down every door to your castle.


Fill up with soldiers trying to kill them That will cut down on searching in my experience.


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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


Oh, wow, this actually got posted. I thought I couldn't post topics without being a full member. Wowsers. Perhaps I should explain more. I'm running this campaign becasue we have a guy who normally runs Champions, and quite well. The problem is that nobody else does and he hasn't gotten to play Champions for longer than I've been alive. Me running the campaign was his idea, he didn't care what I did as long as he finally got to play.


Anyway, much progress has been made. I have the HERO designer now, which has sped up creation time considerably. I've seem poeple export files from that as character sheets; I'll figure out how to do that when It's not 12:00. Anyway, on to the changes.


I read some more into the background nad found out that "Miracle Men" were banned form use on the front lines during WWII. Since this is a more spec-ops thing, that's pretty perfect and gives the mission more puropose.


I've given more reason to the zombies other than "Nazi Zombies are cool". Ther Germans have been trying to artificially induce superpowers, and there were sure to be a lot of failed experiments along the way. The zombies are failed subjects to induce a healing factor; all it realy does at this point is keep them "alive". There will be some more baddies along these lines; I was thinking having some of them more sane and grafted onto some sort of robotic spider legs with MG-42s. I loved Wolfenstien, if you ask.


ACT I has its C-Listers; this gives every act a "corps" and gives it a nice symmetry. It's a ragtag rabble of what's essentially superpowered scraps. There's only five of them, so they'll be accompanied by a squad and a Half-Track.


--Herr Unsterblich: Aside from a healing factor and some Hand-to-Hand moves, there's not a lot to him. You can translate that name if you want. He's the only person to go though the healing factor experiments and come out unzombified.

--Sherwerkraft: The Germans found this man after he demolished a bar. At first I was wondering what I could do with Gravity powers, and it turned out that it was "A lot". He has entangle/movement sapping and Knockback resistance for High Gravity, superjump for low gravity, and telekenisis and clinging for a Gravity "flip". He's got his Kar98 and grenades too, since I'm not sure how a build a gravity "shear" for a more offensive power.

--Blitzlicht: He's basically a lighter version of Twin 2. A Lightning Multi-power, flight, a defense field and some flash resistance (he's made of lightning, after all). He takes extra STUN from pysical strikes, I thought he needed a glass jaw.

--Hive: He's become a favorite. The Hive is more of an entity than a person, and is of course made of bees. I think Captain America fought a Bee Nazi once, and I won't deny my PCs the pleasure. Again, I thought this power would be lame. But no; bee swam, bee bullets, killer bees, flight, and mimited intangibility turned out pretty cool. to keep him more of a secret, they put the hive in a BDU with a gas mask, gloves, and helmet. He still moves kind of odd and makes buzzing noised though.

--Brick Character: I don't have a name for him, and I found out I have no Idea how to make bricks in the HERO system. I'm trying to make him strong without being overpowering and reasonably tough without turing the exciting battle into a drawn out chore. Character-wise, he has a hammer multipower; Pick side, hammer side, and a radial ground pound.


Robots are interesting to build. Thus far, the N4Z1 bots have a blast and an RKA, can't be stunned, some armor, and a "shrieker"; a very loud siren that makes it difficult for the PCs to hear each other and, thus, coordinate. I couldn't think of any reason robots should have ears, to they can only pick up radio tranmissions.


I don't want the Ghoul room to be a "surprise you're dead" room, making the medical bay more extensive might remedy that. Levels in DOOM seemed to get tougher the more densely packed a room was with baddies, and I assume it applies here too.


The Magma man is finished, the Ice Man isn't even started. Ice is another power I don't find inspiring; aside from entangles and teleporting though Ice, I can't think of much for him to do.


The Nazi Flash is built to be irritating; he's got SPD 8, a huge running move, and an MP40. I wasn't sure how to build blur punches, so I slapped autofire on there. It didn't seem right on a HA though.


The twins seem like they need to be more threatening; There's only two of them and there'll be five or six PCs. I'll need to figure out how to export HERO builder files before you can help me with that though.


Three of the Five suit wearers are built; Leader, Lancer, and Big guy. They are rediculous (the Heavy in particular), but I'm not sure how to scale them back while remaining threatening. The smart guy's problem is that he has a mortar system... inside. I guess he'll have to make due with the four other guns. The Fast guy is a bit troublesome too, since I can't really imagine what his thrusters would do.


The Corpse Walker is something I haven't really started on; I really need to solidify what he is. Every other demon I've seen seems to have some kind of DR, and be rediculously fast and strong for its size. I was thinking of making it susceptible to holy symbols or words.


Shutterbug is actually made; Megascale was exactly what I was looking for for him. His stats won't be used much since he's more of a plot coupon than a character, but he was fun to make.


After that long word vomit you probably don't care, but the PCs are shaping up as such...

-An EP that uses "Light Daggers" and has a Luck superpower; basically combine Longshot and Dagger (Marvel)

-"Sabertooth if Sabertooth were English", which is exactly what it sounds like.

-A Lovecraftian horror that fell in love with American culture and adopted it as his homeland. A mentalist with some streaching that can only use metal powers in contact with skin (He's a lesser horror). This is my favorite PC, great idea.

-A telekenetic man with a pair of Colts; can make barriers and "push" his bullets, as well as standard Telekenetic stuff. Very texan, very brash.

-An undefined "brickish" character. The last Brick he made was a zombie ape, so I'm expecting something of that caliber.


If this is thread necromancy, I apologise; I genuinely thought that I made this and it wasn't posted due to my probationary membership, so this is kind of a pleasant surprise. I've polished out some ideas on another forum (wargaming, so nothing rules-wise), so I will need help balancing all this. Sorry for runnign to another forum, I'll reiterate that I though this wasn't posted. I'll see if I can post some characters and you can tell me what I've done wrong.

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


I'll reiterate what csyphrett said: be prepared for the players to screw up your plan. No plan, no matter how well made, will survive contact with the players.


What if, for instance, they refuse to go through the gate. ("It's a trap!") Even the threat of bombing may not work -- they may just decide to cut and run and let the bombs finish their job. Suggestion: A captured Allied scientist could be dragged through the gate, and it's part of the heroes' mission to rescue him (or her). Said scientist could also have left some clues or done some sabotage to help the heroes (justifying, for instance, the Nazis having some bad luck if the heroes are getting their heads handed to them). Also, a captured Allied pilot from prior attempts to destroy the island might help them out in the final escape scene, if nobody else knows how to fly a plane.


Also, be selective on who you choose to be the Nazi sleeper agent -- some players won't play along very well -- and be prepared for give that player something to do afterward if he decides to take on the other PCs. (It would be a bummer for him to sit on the sidelines the rest of the game.) Perhaps the sleeper agent is actually a master of disguise with some gadgets to fake the hero's powers, and the actual hero was captured and is somewhere on the island (so he can still play his character after the big reveal). Some players don't like the GM arbitrarily deciding to completely and totally alter their characters, and turning the PC from wholesome hero to evil villain is a pretty big alteration.


And finally, I hope that none of the players in your game happen to peruse these boards, or they might get an eyeful of your plot. :)

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


The Nazi Flash is built to be irritating; he's got SPD 8, a huge running move, and an MP40. I wasn't sure how to build blur punches, so I slapped autofire on there. It didn't seem right on a HA though.


You don't need to use Autofire. You can simply have a fairly large HA and define it as a "flurry of punches". Or make his normal HA Penetrating to simulate him hammering away at one spot.

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


I'll add another bit of advice: keep the action moving. Don't get bogged down with rolling Every. Single. Nazi. Shot. If the heroes are going up against two dozen Nazi soldiers autofiring MP-40s, rolling each soldier's to-hit and each hit's damage will take for-freakin-ever. And keeping track of two dozen sets of BODY and STUN will be a headache. Find ways to streamline this.


I've run squads of soldiers or agents as single "characters" with a bit higher OCV, STUN, and damage dealing ability than they would have individually. As the heroes blast away at the squad (and it takes STUN or BODY damage), some of the squad members go down each time until all are eventually out. I've attached my own home rules for mass combats -- feel free to use or ignore them as you wish.

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


I was actually thinking of dropping the sleeper agent ideasince it seems to difficult to work with. They guy I would've chosen (Mik, 20 years experiance in roleplying) has the Lovecraftian character that's in love with America, so he won't turn. The only forigener is English, and that's a bit cliche.


I like the idea of "swarm" characters for the Nazis, just a higher BODY than normal. They'll have to get used to it since we've always played RPGs where you can pick off specialists, throw guys into guys, etc.; but this simplified things a lot. I'm sure they won't mind if it's just the foot Nazis either, fighting the chaff isn't the most thrilling thing. I'm assuming we'll be comning all their guns into a larger attack, pehaps having specialists (MG42, Panzershreck) split fire? I'll try it out in the first encounter; if they don't like it I'll have to do it the complicated way. Those rules simplify things a lot, definately giving them a go.

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


FWIW, I agree with dropping the sleeper agent idea.


If you do the prep work beforehand for the Nazi troopers as groups (listing the modified OCV, damage, BODY and STUN levels, etc.), it can make mass combats run pretty well. I suggest you run a test combat or two by yourself, to get used to it before you run it with your players. Something like 1-2 sample superheroes vs. a supervillain and a few squads of Nazi soldiers.


If the heroes start throwing guys into other guys (Bowling for Nazis?), that should work like a pseudo-Area Attack against the group. In other words, damage shouldn't get reduced. As to picking off specialists, that can work just fine (i.e. if they take out the leader, you reduce the squad's OCV and/or damage a bit; they take out the grenadier and the squad loses it's AOE attacks, etc.)


I once ran a major VIPER assault on the local PRIMUS base, with the 5 player-character heroes helping defend PRIMUS. IIRC when the heroes arrived there were ~30 PRIMUS agents left trying to fight ~60 VIPER agents, plus two VIPER tanks and some air support. Those 100 or so individuals distilled into about a dozen units (3 PRIMUS squads, 6 VIPER squads, 2 tanks run individually, and the occasional fighter making a strafing run). With the players helping run the PRIMUS troops, it ran about as well as a typical battle against a supervillain team.


To me, the key to making it work is to keep things moving while not letting things get repetitive or predictable. Don't be afraid to have fun. Go ahead and have some of the troops do crazy stuff. Nazis are a dime a dozen, and the heroes should be going after the guy supplying the dimes. :D

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


I pitched them the Idea tonight. They said they didn't care that champions has long combat, but it was nice that there was a remedy for it. If there's ten or so, they'll be individuals. 20+ is getting divided into squads of ten (8 mooks, sarge, specialist). The Nazis I have built are not particularly tough, so they'll likely be encountered in larger groups anyway. As for crazy stuff, that Brick is going to get covered in Nazis at least once.


I've also build another super squad of three: A bomber (large Grenade multipower, nerve gas and such), an illusionist, and a pariah-type character. Making unluck into a power was a bit of a pain, and I'm still trying to make him drain the "Luck" power. I'm sill not sure I'll include them though; it seems a little crowded in the super department now. I like the grenadier enough to at least put him alone in ACT I; a Nazi version of the Mad Bomber What Bombs at Midnight.


They keep asking me when the campaign will start and they haven't finished their characters (mostly their complications). I need to write up the two Armor korps members and the Corpse Walker, and write up some starting encounters. One idea thrown to me was a mock village full of POWs and leftovers from failed invasions that the nazis tested thier latest experiments on, or just shot at and generally terrorized. These people would leave if they could, but they're surouned by the woods and the woods are full of zombies. This geves them a (sort of) base of operations during ACT I, people to protect and be heroic with, and a Nick Fury type character to give them some basic intel. If I decide to keep running campaigns in this setting, that Fury character will probably pop up again.


I'm still kind of niggly with the Corpse Walker since I'm trying to juggle standard defences with 50% DR, but the basic idea of "corpse possesed by demon" is pretty strong. I like where his Strength and speed are at, but I don't want his defences to turn the Chapel into the TPK room.



So, had a test run today. Everyone wanted to try out their characters I put together a "What if?" scenario so they could do that while I tested my own creations. These are my findings.


1). Nazis are chumps. Five PCs took out 20 Nazis with little trouble, taking only 2 STUN from a grenade. I think I'll have to beef them up so they're a credible threat. Higher OCV would help, or some actual armor.


2). Flash attacks are annoying. I was down six nazis for eight segmets becasue of one (and only) flash. The second encounter I was down 20, which was all of them, so we ended it there.


3). PCs are terrified of MG42s. It doesn't matter if they hit, or if they do damage, they're still scary. This was the only special weapons they've encounterd and it's the lightest by far; specialists are going to be high on their priority list.


They liked the scenario enough to keep going with it, even if it "doesn't count" toward their experiance for the actual campaign. For something I cooked up in five minutes, it's not half bad.


The PCs are sent to investigate a city that is consuming power. This wouldn't be suspicious if said city wasn't a husk from shelling. An abandoned shelled out city does warrant attention though, so they're night paradropped in. Everyone paradropped well except for the Brick, who crushed a farmhouse. Nearby was a small village where aforesaid 20 nazi slaughter took place. They continued to move stealthily toward the city, with the exception of the mentalist, who could shapechange into a nazi officer. A lone officer walking toward an "abandoned" city also warranted attention, to a Half-Track was sent out. A telekinetic barrier stopped it, then cut off its retreat. When they gunned it forward, the mentalist teleported (which I didn't know he could do), and took over the driver. Then the guys in back got flashed, and the brick fot inside the H-track. We called the encounter there rather than have the brick rip apart every individual Nazi while the flailed at him blindly.


After that is the "getting shot at by snipers" encounter, then wither the "Two Half-Tracks w/squads and a Man Mountain" or "A Panzer, a Squad, and a Lightning Man". They'll encounter both, but I'm not sure which order. Then the factory with the Magma Man inside, then find (maybe, if their concealment is high) the secret entrance to an underground base. More Nazis, a super soldier (who will be a challange), then teleporters and two suits of power armor at the same time. Power consumption sorce: Secret base and lab, creation of super soldiers, creation of Tesla device. I'm not sure if I'll make the power sorce nuclear, so that when the big bad falls he'll trigger a meltdown. That would certianly explain why the scenarios is a "what if?".

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Re: Campaign needs work, care to lend a hand?


Overall, sounds good. Don't feel bad about them taking down the troops easily -- it fits the genre, and may make the players overconfident in the long run.

1). Nazis are chumps. Five PCs took out 20 Nazis with little trouble' date=' taking only 2 STUN from a [i']grenade[/i]. I think I'll have to beef them up so they're a credible threat. Higher OCV would help, or some actual armor.

Well, I'd think one PC would pretty much wipe the floor with 4 Nazis, unless you get creative, since they likely have a significant SPD and OCV/DCV advantage, though I'd expect them to do at least *some* damage. Don't be afraid to give the mooks one or two 2-point levels with their main weapon. Or give the 8 mooks a slight OCV bonus as long as the Sarge is up and shouting orders. (You could even draw that up as a "power" for Sarge.) But yeah, the bottom-basement Nazis should be chumps in (relatively) small doses.


Now, if the PCs completely dismiss them, and then have to face large numbers of them, they may be in for a surprise.


Look at the Multiple Attackers bonus, BTW. It's optional, but would fit. (That's how I justified raising a group's OCV in my mass combat rules.)

2). Flash attacks are annoying. I was down six nazis for eight segmets becasue of one (and only) flash. The second encounter I was down 20, which was all of them, so we ended it there.

True, Flash can be a pain. However, the Nazis could fire blind (which could be interesting), especially if the PCs don't remember to stay quiet. Also, IIRC the Nazis had grenades, too.


Don't look at calling the fight due to Flash as a minus. Play it as a plus for the players. I've skipped combat for things like that and just described the action for the other players. ("You see Styx jump into the vehicle, then hear a lot of thumps and yelling. One particularly loud "bam!" also causes a mook-shaped bump in the side of the vehicle. Then things go silent and Styx hops out, muttering something about 'soft targets'.")

3). PCs are terrified of MG42s. It doesn't matter if they hit, or if they do damage, they're still scary. This was the only special weapons they've encounterd and it's the lightest by far; specialists are going to be high on their priority list.

Suggestion: a "mad scientist" Nazi developing various prototype weapons that the troops then test in battle. A bit higher-powered than their normal stuff but with an Activation roll. Give the guy a name -- "Let's try those grenades that Doktor Gruber gave us!" or "See how Herr Gruber's ammo works!" -- and maybe the PCs can grow to hate him from afar.


It sounds like you're building up a good campaign. Best of luck!

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