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Race Kits: Vrusk


I found a few of his old post..here's the abridged version:


Dralasite (plural: Dralasites, singular: It)

1 pt_____+1 STR

2 pts____+1 CON

-3 pts___-1 DEX

2 pts____Extra limbs: Limited to Dex/2 (-1/2), Extra Time: 5 minutes to activate, use freely afterwards (-1)

5 pts____Contortionist at DEX + 1

5 pts____Discriminatory Smell

10 pts___Tracking Scent

5 pts____Detect Lie

-2 pts___-1" Running (9" Racial maximum)

-1 pt____-1†Swimming (4†Racial maximum)

-10 pts__Physical Limitation - Only see in black and white (infrequent/great)

5 pts____Physical Limitation - Dralasite

0 pts____Lifespan: 250 years, Fully active until 200. First Age Disadvantage at 150 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 200 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).

Total Cost: 14 points


The Dralasite Contortionist skill is used to imitate their elasticity instead of playing around with powers because I feel that this best represents their ability to adjust and mold their shape around. They cannot seep through minuscule cracks (no hole smaller than their largest internal organ, which I seem to remember being stated as 10 centimeters) so a limited form of Desolidification seems to be out. YMMV

In addition, although a Dralasite has the ability to flex and mold it’s shape, it should be noted that they are not likely to burst (like a molded Jell-O shape, or like large tarantula spiders) when they are dropped or strike something. Their skin is actually considerably stronger than Human skin.

A Dralasite is able to extrude limbs at will, but it can only control a number of limbs equal to its DEX/2. This does mean that the average Dralasite-on-the-street can only have ( (8-1)/2=3.5 ) 4 active limbs at any one time. It takes a full five minutes to grow or absorb a limb. Limbs must be at least 10 centimeters thick, and may be up to 1 meter long. Digits, or fingers, can be up to 10 centimeters long and at least 1 centimeter thick. Digits must also be attached to a Limb (no growing fingers out of the middle of your back unless you have a Limb there too).

A Dralasite is able to smell much better than a Human, to the point where they can positively identify other and even track others by scent alone. Conversely, Dralasites are able to produce scents by releasing pheromones. This is extremely faint and cannot be used to confuse anyone (or anything) with Tracking Scent or Discriminatory Smell.

Because the Characteristics and Movement abilities are defined as Powers, a Dralasite effectively has a maximum STR of 21, CON of 21, DEX of 19, END of 52, STUN of 52, 9†of Running, and 4†of Swimming.

A Dralasite’s ability to only see in black and white is worth 10 points. Just think of how many warning signals are based on colored lights. Without something to compare it to, how would a Dralasite see a single flashing red light at an intersection? (Stop light where other direction has right of way.) A flashing yellow light? (Warning drivers of intersection.) Or a flashing green light? (An intersection that is controlled by pedestrians.) That is just one simple example of possible problems that a Dralasite may have. (Warning lights down in Engineering?? What warning lights? They all flash!)

The 5 point Physical Limitation is to represent the fact that a Dralasite breathes through its entire skin surface. Gasses, etc are very difficult for a Dralasite to be protected from. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to put a choke hold on a Dralasite.

In addition, Dralasites are inclined to float very well in fluids. This hampers their ability to swim quickly, but also makes it difficult for others to drown them or force them under water. If a Dralasite deliberately wishes to swim under water, 2†of Swimming is needed to keep it under the surface, with any remaining Swimming inches being used to move the Dralasite forward. If the Dralasite is wearing weights or the Dralasite equivalent of a diving suit, this penalty does not apply.

Included in the 5 point Physical Limitation is the fact that a Dralasite is able to smell in all directions. This is not generally useful in combat situations, and at best it should give the Dralasite an approximate direction of the scent. It is never usable as a Targeting Sense.

It should be remembered that among themselves, Dralasites communicate with sounds, body shape, touch, and scents. Other races that do not have Discriminatory Smell can never learn more than 1 pt of any Dralasite language (and even then it will be to understand the language, not necessarily to speak it).

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Race Kit: Dralasites


Take Two:


Dralasite (plural: Dralasites, singular: It)

1 pt_____+1 STR

2 pts____+1 CON

-3 pts___-1 DEX

2 pts____Extra limbs: Limited to Dex/2 (-1/2), Extra Time: 5 minutes to activate, use freely afterwards (-1)

5 pts____Contortionist at DEX + 1

5 pts____Discriminatory Smell

10 pts___Tracking Scent

5 pts____Detect Lie

-2 pts___-1" Running (9" Racial maximum)

-1 pt____-1†Swimming (4†Racial maximum)

-10 pts__Physical Limitation - Only see in black and white (infrequent/great)

5 pts____Physical Limitation - Dralasite

0 pts____Lifespan: 250 years, Fully active until 200. First Age Disadvantage at 150 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 200 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).

Total Cost: 14 points


The Dralasite Contortionist skill is used to imitate their elasticity instead of playing around with powers because I feel that this best represents their ability to adjust and mold their shape around. They cannot seep through minuscule cracks (no hole smaller than their largest internal organ, which I seem to remember being stated as 10 centimeters) so a limited form of Desolidification seems to be out. YMMV

In addition, although a Dralasite has the ability to flex and mold it’s shape, it should be noted that they are not likely to burst (like a molded Jell-O shape, or like large tarantula spiders) when they are dropped or strike something. Their skin is actually considerably stronger than Human skin.

A Dralasite is able to extrude limbs at will, but it can only control a number of limbs equal to its DEX/2. This does mean that the average Dralasite-on-the-street can only have ( (8-1)/2=3.5 ) 4 active limbs at any one time. It takes a full five minutes to grow or absorb a limb. Limbs must be at least 10 centimeters thick, and may be up to 1 meter long. Digits, or fingers, can be up to 10 centimeters long and at least 1 centimeter thick. Digits must also be attached to a Limb (no growing fingers out of the middle of your back unless you have a Limb there too).

A Dralasite is able to smell much better than a Human, to the point where they can positively identify other and even track others by scent alone. Conversely, Dralasites are able to produce scents by releasing pheromones. This is extremely faint and cannot be used to confuse anyone (or anything) with Tracking Scent or Discriminatory Smell.

Because the Characteristics and Movement abilities are defined as Powers, a Dralasite effectively has a maximum STR of 21, CON of 21, DEX of 19, END of 52, STUN of 52, 9†of Running, and 4†of Swimming.

A Dralasite’s ability to only see in black and white is worth 10 points. Just think of how many warning signals are based on colored lights. Without something to compare it to, how would a Dralasite see a single flashing red light at an intersection? (Stop light where other direction has right of way.) A flashing yellow light? (Warning drivers of intersection.) Or a flashing green light? (An intersection that is controlled by pedestrians.) That is just one simple example of possible problems that a Dralasite may have. (Warning lights down in Engineering?? What warning lights? They all flash!)

The 5 point Physical Limitation is to represent the fact that a Dralasite breathes through its entire skin surface. Gasses, etc are very difficult for a Dralasite to be protected from. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to put a choke hold on a Dralasite.

In addition, Dralasites are inclined to float very well in fluids. This hampers their ability to swim quickly, but also makes it difficult for others to drown them or force them under water. If a Dralasite deliberately wishes to swim under water, 2†of Swimming is needed to keep it under the surface, with any remaining Swimming inches being used to move the Dralasite forward. If the Dralasite is wearing weights or the Dralasite equivalent of a diving suit, this penalty does not apply.

Included in the 5 point Physical Limitation is the fact that a Dralasite is able to smell in all directions. This is not generally useful in combat situations, and at best it should give the Dralasite an approximate direction of the scent. It is never usable as a Targeting Sense.

It should be remembered that among themselves, Dralasites communicate with sounds, body shape, touch, and scents. Other races that do not have Discriminatory Smell can never learn more than 1 pt of any Dralasite language (and even then it will be to understand the language, not necessarily to speak it).

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Race Kit: Vrusk


Now for the real Vrusk:


Vrusk (plural: Vrusk, singular: He or She)

-1 pt____-1 STR

-2 pts___-1 BODY

+3 pts___+1 DEX

1 pt_____+1 Smell Perception

5 pts____Extra Limbs – 8 legs: Inherent (+1/4), Limited Manipulation (-1/4)

9 pts____Full Ambidexterity

1 pt_____Familiarity with Analyze:Social Interactions

8 pts____Clinging at STR+9: Inherent (+1/4), Only to stabilize or help climbing (-1)

4 pts____1 rPD, 1 rED Armor – Carapace (hard shelled exoskeleton): Inherent (+1/4)

4 pts____+2†Running (12†Racial Maximum)

-2 pts___-2†Swimming (3†Racial Maximum)

-15 pts__Physical Limitation: Vrusk (frequent/great)

0 pts____Lifespan: 175 years, Fully active until 125. First Age Disadvantage at 90 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 125 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).

Total: 15 points


Vrusk can use their extra legs to stabilize themselves when walking on slippery surfaces or even when being pushed over. They can use their full Clinging STR to resist being pushed over or Shoved as a zero-phase action, or the GM may decide that a Vrusk can only be taken off his or her feet by physically lifting the Vrusk and throwing him or her down. Vrusk can also use their Clinging STR in a complimentary skill roll to assist Climbing skill rolls (instead of a basic STR roll as complimentary).


A Vrusk with STR 10 is figured to have STR 19 for purposes of a complimentary roll for Climbing any surface or ladder where their legs would be helpful. (19/5+9 = 13- instead of 10/5+9 = 11-.) This may or may not apply for flexible climbing tools, depending on the environment. A rope that is waving in the breeze may be hard for a Vrusk to grab with all eight legs and the extra STR would not apply in that situation. In fact, that may be a situation where the Vrusk suffers a Climbing penalty, which is covered by the Physical Limitation.

I feel that this is best represented by Clinging with a fairly substantial Limitation.

I have made use of the new Analyze skill to represent the Vrusk Comprehension ability. This skill allows a Vrusk to figure out what is going on between two or more people from their body language and other non-verbal clues. Note that this should not be used by the player as the ability to read thoughts, just the ability to get a general idea about what is happening. The example given in Star Frontiers had a Vrusk following someone into a bar. When the Human being followed gets together with another Human and they both look quickly at the Vrusk following, the GM allows the Vrusk roll to realize (or not) that the Human being followed has just arranged for the Vrusk to meet up with the second human and a few of his friends in a dark alley later that evening. (Well, the Vrusk realized that the Human he was following realized it, and was probably arranging something to do with him.)

Because the extra Running and Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Vrusk effectively has a maximum STR of 19, BODY of 19, DEX of 21, STUN of 49, and 12†of Running. Note that Vrusk start with no swimming. Because Vrusk do not naturally float, it is the very rare Vrusk that ever tries to learn how to swim in the first place.

The armour comes from the hard shell that covers all parts of a Vrusk’s body. It is not hard enough to stop most damage, although small darts and insects cannot get through the surface. (Neither can the thorns on most plants, which makes walking through the bushes fairly painless.) Their shell is not actually full coverage. GMs can allow attacks to bypass the armour completely if the attack roll succeeds by 10 or more. (-10 OCV to deliberately strike the few joints and spots not covered by the hard carapace.)

The Physical Limitation comes from the way a Vrusk’s body is designed. Because they are covered by a hard carapace, a Vrusk is not able to bend his or her body at any point except at a specific joint. This may make squeezing through narrow areas or maneuvering into a tight spot impossible. In addition, Vrusk breath through small nostrils directly under their eight legs. This makes unobtrusively protecting against gases difficult (a gas mask would be more like a body suit covering their torso below the waist). It also makes swimming in any manner except on their back difficult. (Note that Swimming has also been reduced to represent this.)

Because of the odd make-up of Vrusk hands, they are not able to use normal human and Yazarian equipment (which generally requires an opposable thumb, and which a Dralasite can fake). Some equipment is usable by all races (keyboards, simple large handled gripping tools like hammers, etc.), but ranged weapons and some other equipment pretty much has to be specifically made for Vrusk. (As an example, use only your thumb, pinkie finger, and index finger to hold or manipulate things. This gives you an idea of how things would have to be shaped for a hand that has fingers set equally around a circular palm.) This is also included in the Physical Limitation.

In addition, because a Vrusk is covered by a hard-shelled exoskeleton, they make slight clicking and rattling sounds when they move. Unless a Vrusk is holding completely still (using the Concealment skill), they suffer a +1 to other’s Hearing Perception roll to sense. Even when a Vrusk uses Stealth, anyone trying to sense them receives a +1 only for Hearing Perception rolls. This is also included in the Physical Limitation. On the other hand, because a Vrusk breathes through many nostrils spread throughout their abdomen, they make no sound when breathing unless the Vrusk has just been doing some strenuous exercise and is panting/gasping.

Vrusk’s shoulders (and only their shoulders) are double-jointed. This is a very minor ability (yes, they can reach any area on their back, but they still can’t shoot directly backwards because their head does not turn completely around), and I did not feel that it is worth any points, but instead allowed it to be a part of the Physical Limitation.

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Race Kit: Yazarian


Here is his Yazarian:


Yazarian (plural: Yazarians, singular: He or She)

-2 pts___-2 STR

-4 pts___-2 CON

+1 pt____+1 INT

+3 pts___+1 DEX

3 pts____+1 Skill Level w/Climbing, Acrobatics, Breakfall

5 pts____Extra Limbs: Prehensile feet: Inherent (+1/4), No Actual Additional Limbs (-1/4)

1 pt_____Familiarity with Battle Rage (Based on EGO, 3/2)

5 pts____+2 OCV Levels (5 pt levels): Costs Endurance (-1/2), Requires Battle Rage Skill Roll to activate (-1/2)

2 pts____+5 STR: Costs 2x Endurance (-1/2), Linked to +2 OCV Levels (-1/2)

3 pts____5†Gliding: Inherent (+1/4), Effected by Gravity (-1/2), Must lose at least 1†per phase regardless of gravity/updrafts, etc (-1/4)

5 pts____Enhanced Perception: +4 Sight Group: Only to counter darkness modifiers (-1/2)

-10 pts__Physical Limitation: Light Sensitive (frequent/great)

0 pts____Physical Limitation: Yazarian

0 pts____Social Limitation: Battle Rage (occasional, minor, not limiting in some cultures)

0 pts____Social Limitation: Life Enemy (occasional, minor, not limiting in some cultures)

0 pts____Lifespan: 140 years, Fully active until 105. First Age Disadvantage at 70 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 105 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).

Total: 12 points


Having developed from an arboreal race, Yazarians are naturally able climbers and tumblers. They are able to use their feet, which also have opposable toes, allowing them to be used as ably as hands by Yazarians. The Extra Limbs power represents the fact that their legs and feet can be used like arms and hands, but because they do not actually have additional limbs (only 4 limbs total), a small Limitation is applied.

Yazarians are able to enter a Battle Rage. This focuses their attention and greatly increases their STR. The focused attention is represented by OCV Levels. These levels can only be used for OCV, but can be used for all attacks, ranged or melee. (A DCV level vs. All attacks is only 5 points, so an OCV level with all attacks should also be 5 points.)

The actual ability to enter Battle Rage comes from an EGO-based skill. It starts as a Familiarity, but can be bought up to full and increased normally. (1 point for Familiarity, +2 points for full EGO roll, +2 points for each additional +1 to EGO roll.) Remember that Yazarians must take a mandatory –1 to the roll (for the OCV Levels) to activate it. Because the additional STR is Linked to the OCV Levels, it is not necessary to make a Battle Rage skill roll to activate it once the OCV Levels have been activated.

Battle Rage lasts until the Yazarian has been out of combat for a full 5 minutes, or until the Yazarian passes out from loss of END. Note that 1 END per phase must be spent on the Battle Rage. In combat, this can add up rather quickly and result in the Yazarian passing out before the combat is actually over.

Yazarians have flaps of skin that go from their wrists to the side of their chest, hips, knees, and then ankles. Under certain circumstances, they are able to use these flaps to Glide. The Yazarian can not be suffering any DCV penalty because of Encumbrance (see p 250 in the BBB) in order to Glide. If they are Encumbered in any way, the Gliding does not work and they just Fall. (Generally a bad thing.) The Yazarian must also start at least 5†above ground in order to Glide.

Gliding is also affected by gravity as follows:

____________Max Glide Distance______Drop per phase






Yazarians cannot Glide at all in gravities above 1.0 or below 0.6. (Note that Yazarians’ native gravity is about 0.8.)

Because the extra Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Yazarian effectively has a maximum STR of 18, CON of 18, INT of 21, DEX of 21, END of 46, and STUN of 48.

Yazarians are able to see in almost anything short of total darkness, as they were originally nocturnal hunters. This also results in Yazarians being very sensitive to light. They must wear dark goggles in any but the dimmest light. If the ambient light modifiers are –3 or worse, Yazarians suffer no difficulties without their goggles. If the light modifiers are –2 or –1, Yazarians suffer a –2 to all combat values (OCV and DCV) and any skills that require the Yazarian to look at something in order to succeed at the skill. If the light values are +0 or +1, Yazarians suffer a –4 to all combat values and skills as above. If it is so bright that there is any light modifier at +2 or better, Yazarians are blind and must keep their eyes tightly closed. They are blind and can only use non-targeting senses (Hearing) in combat. This is represented by the Physical Limitation. Because Yazarian Sun Goggles are available at every civilized planet, and because these Goggles are strapped fairly securely on around the Yazarian’s head, this Limitation is only worth 10 points.

Yazarians have more 0 point Disadvantages than any other race. The Physical Disadvantage for their body shape is because of their Gliding Flaps. These interfere with clothing and many Human-built items. However, the longer fingers with their extra knuckle allow Yazarians to reach in and manipulate switches and objects in smaller openings than other races.

The two Social Limitations are similar to Reputations, but are better described as Limitations that are not limiting in some cultures. In this case, the Social Limitation for Battle Rage is not a limitation among Yazarian worlds. The Social Limitation for Life Enemy is not appropriate on Yazarian and Vrusk worlds (because the Vrusk actually respect the Yazarian custom of choosing a Life Enemy).

The Battle Rage Limitation affects how other races react to Yazarians. Generally, Yazarians are thought of as being short-tempered, dangerous, berzerking combatants. This is not the actual trust, Yazarians are no more likely to get enraged and use Battle Rage randomly than anyone else is inclined to randomly attack people that are rude to them on the slideway.

The Life Enemy Limitation comes from the Yazarian custom of choosing a specific enemy to conquer. This can be a person, organization, disease, or whatever. The Yazarian will then use all of his resources to overcome that enemy. Some Yazarians never choose a Life Enemy, but most do. The more difficult it is to overcome a particular Life Enemy, the more respect that Yazarian will receive from other Yazarians. This custom causes some to be wary around Yazarians just in case they are chosen as the Life Enemy.

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Race Kit: Sathar


Sathar (plural: Sathar, singular: It)

-3 pts___-1 DEX

-1 pt____-1 INT

+2 pts___+2 PRE

+4 pts___+2 EGO

6 pts____Enhanced Perception: 240 degree perception, all sight: Inherent (+1/4)

5 pts____Extra Limbs: Lifting appendages: Inherent (+1/4), Only for lifting or striking, no fine manipulation (-1/4)

6 pts____Life Support: Immunity to anything attacking central nervous system: Inherent (+1/4)

8 pts____Life Support: Self Contained Breathing: Inherent (+1/4), Still needs air to breathe (-1/2)

9 pts____Mind Control: 2d6 Mind Control: Cumulative (+1/2), 8x Maximum: up to 96 (+3/4), Can use through real-time video/audio communications devices (+1), Hypnosis effects only (-1/2), Concentrate: 1/2 DCV while speaking (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 Minute (-1 1/2)

-20 pts__Physical Limitation: Destroy all non-Sathar and non-slave sentients (frequent, fully)

-20 pts__Reputation: Xenophobic killers on 14- (almost always, extreme)

-10 pts__Physical Limitation: Sathar (infrequent, slight)

Total Cost: -14 points


Because Sathar have two pupils in each eye and because their eyes are set on each side of their head, Sathar have a much wider angle of vision than most other races. This must be taken into account when trying to sneak around Sathar.

One of the things that always drove me crazy in the Star Frontiers books and adventures is the way artists draw Sathar. The written description very clearly states that they only move by slithering and that they rise up by coiling the rear 2 meters of their body, and then every picture shows Sathar using their heavier limbs as legs. Although it is possible for Sathar to use their lifting arms to support their bodies, it would be much like us walking on our hands, dragging our legs behind us. The heavier limbs are for lifting or striking with, not for supporting their bodies with.

The two Life Support powers were the best I could do to represent the Sathar immunity to Doze Grenades and Electro-Stunners. It also made a lot of sense for an annelid-like race (worm-like) to not breathe the normal way and not to have a central nervous system. Sathar do have lungs, and do need to breathe, but their lungs are able to extract needed gasses from any air without being effected by any poison in the air. All substances and attacks that work by effecting the central nervous system (including Electro-Stunners, which attack the nerves, but not electrical attacks, which burn the target) will not affect a Sathar. (Note that Martial Art Nerve Strikes will not work against Sathar.) Note that these abilities are not known as fact by most individuals in the Frontier. Autopsies hint at the Sathar lung capacity, and the lack of a central nervous system is well-known among Frontier scientists and Star Law, but not among the general public.

The Sathar ability to hypnotize a subject by speaking to them is well-known. A Sathar will take about 5 minutes of speaking to be able to affect the average target. (An average roll of 7 points, once per minute for 5 minutes brings the total to 35, which is EGO+20 for almost all individuals, which is very close to the time and amounts given in the Star Frontiers description.) Note that according to Cumulative rules and Mental Powers, the Mind Control does not take affect until the needed level has been reached, so it must be determined before the Sathar even starts speaking to the target.

Using standard Mind Control rules, a Sathar must speak in a shared language with the target. A polyvox is not usable, the commands and conversation must be given in the Sathar’s voice, inflection and words. The words of the Sathar will be calming to all listeners, and the instructions will be obvious to anyone else listening to the Hypnosis attempt.

Note that the Hypnotism still requires the Sathar to expend additional END. If the GM is using Long Term Endurance rules, this END cost should be considered Long Term Endurance. (Yes, this means that Hypnotism takes a lot out of the Sathar - not all energy expenditure is obvious.)

Sathar are specifically allowed to ignore the standard LOS rules (BBB on pages 78 and 79). Sathar are able to hypnotize others through vidscreens and other communication devices that allow both sight and sound to be exchanged in addition to face-to-face circumstances. A Sathar cannot record a speech and hypnotize anyone because part of the ability relies on the Sathar’s ability to read the body language of the target. Sathar are given a +1 Advantage specifically for this ability, but I would not recommend that GMs allow this Advantage to be allowed in any other campaign.

Because the Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Sathar effectively has a maximum DEX of 19, INT of 19, PRE of 22, and EGO of 22. Sathar are able to slither and swim as quickly as Humans.

The Sathar Xenophobia is bought as a Physical Limitation because a Sathar cannot overcome this through will-power, nor can a Sathar be Mind Controlled or Hypnotized to act differently. It is listed as only frequent because Sathar do not instantly kill all sentients – after all, slaves have to be convinced of the wisdom of the Sathar way, not killed before they become slaves.

The Sathar lack of legs is part of the Sathar Physical Limitation. Sathar cannot perform a running leap because of the way they move – on their bellies. By coiling up, a Sathar can perform a standing leap, but when moving there is not enough spring in their body to leap at all.

To make up for this, Sathar have two lifting appendages and two manipulatory appendages. The lifting appendages have no digits, only large pads that can fold around objects to grip and lift. The manipulatory arms have four digits, but because these arms are slimmer and weaker they are not suited for lifting heavy objects. Sathar can only use STR-5 with their manipulatory arms, but full STR with their lifting appendages.

I almost did not give Sathar a Reputation Disadvantage, as races that have not come into contact with Sathar or the Frontier would not recognize Sathar as being genocidal xenophobes. Since all Sathar so far encountered are genocidal xenophobes, however, I figured that some kind of Disadvantage is appropriate.

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Here's the Humans



Human (plural: Humans, singular: He or She)


0 pts____Physical Limitation: Human

0 pts____Lifespan: 200 years, Fully active until 150. First Age Disadvantage at 100 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 150 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).

Total: 0 points


What can I say, Humans are Humans. The Physical Limitation comes into play when a Human is dealing with other races. No matter how good the make-up, a Human cannot disguise themselves to look like one of the other races (not even Yazarians). In addition, various races see and manipulate things differently than Humans, and Humans may not be able to use their equipment.

On the other hand, Humans produce the greatest number of gadgets and equipment (Mr. Human and his traveling junk show is how Dralasites refer to them), and their body shape is similar enough that most equipment from other races can be used (although it may be at a small penalty) by Humans.

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I know that it has been discussed on the old boards. But take it from me, create a GM Option for the Doze grenades. Too many points, too much involvement and it never seems to work out right.


My solution had been a 2" Radius Area of effect that lasts for 1 turn and AUTOMATICALLY causes anyone without life support to fall asleep for 30 minutes -1 minute for each point of Con.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Dr.Unpossible

I seem to have saved a bunch of these posts as well as .txtfiles. Ill post what I have below.


It looks like I have "smushed" together different folks Race writeups into single posts. My appologies to the original authors if I have mixed up anyones work, or have missed giving credit to the authors of said posts as well. Unfortunatly my notes were not complete :(

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Guest Dr.Unpossible




General Notes:


All abilities that are naturally a part of any race are designed as Powers. This allows modifications to bypass Normal Characteristics Maxima, which is a 0 point, required Disadvantage in all Star Frontiers campaigns. If a race is more agile and faster running than Humans, the maximum Running and DEX for that race should be similarly higher than Humans. Only if abilities are bought as Powers is this possible.


These Powers are Inherent where appropriate. Characteristics, Senses, and Running are not bought Inherent as any Drain or Suppression that affect these would also affect the normal abilities.


Racially increased (or decreased) Characteristics also raise (or lower) the maximum value of any Figured Characteristics.


Any racial ability except for Characteristics, Running or Swimming can not be improved beyond what is listed in the descriptions for that race. For example, a Yazarian may never increase his Gliding, OCV Levels from Battle Rage, STR from Battle Rage, etc. A Vrusk may never increase her armour above 1 rPD, 1 rED without wearing some artificial form of protection. Skills bought as racial abilities may be increase, and Perception rolls can be increased, but not powers.


You will note that all races have a Physical Limitation for their body shapes. These Physical Limitations can range from 0 to –15 points, depending on how much it actually gets in the race’s way. Using the examples in the Big Black Book (I still don’t know where the heck FRED came from, it’s still the BBB to me), Physical Limitations can actually give small bonuses in addition to disadvantages (i.e. the bonus vs. PER rolls if the character is always small), so I have no problem including minor advantages in the various Physical Limitations. Any disadvantages or advantages will be described in the notes to the individual race.


Since all races live considerably longer than the 80 or so years in modern times, I have not given any race the Life Support: Longevity Power. (If only one race lived longer, then it would make sense, but since they all live longer, I figured that it didn’t make any sense for everyone to pay for it.)


And now what you’ve been waiting for, the four core races! (I will be doing the Sather and the races from Zebulon’s guide, but I figured I should get these out before everyone thought I gave up and went away.)


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Guest Dr.Unpossible






1 pt +1 STR

2 pts +1 CON

-3 pts -1 DEX

3 pts Extra limbs - limited to Dex/2 (-1/2)

5 pts Contorionist at DEX + 1

5 pts Discriminatory Smell

5 pts Detect Lie

-2 pts -1" Running (9" Racial max)

-10 pts Physical Limitation - Only see in black and white (inf/gr or fre/sl)

0 pts Physical Limitation - Dralasite



Total Cost: 6 points





I give Dralasites Contorionist to imitate their elasticity instead of playing around with powers because I feel that this best represents their ability to adjust and mold their shape around. They cannot seep through miniscule cracks (no hole smaller than their largest internal organ) so Desolidification seems to be out. YMMV


I figured their ability to only see in black and white to be worth 10 points. Just think of hom many warning signals are based on colored lights. Without something to compare it to, how would a Dralasite see a single flashing red light at an intersection? (Stop light where other direction has right of way.) A flashing yellow light? (Warning drivers of intersection.) Or a flashing green light? (An intersection that is controlled by pedestrians.) That is just one simple example of possible problems that a Dralasite may have. (Warning lights down in Engineering?? What warning lights? They all flash!)



The 0 point Physical Limitation is to represent the fact that a Dralasite breathes through its entire skin surface. Gasses, etc are very difficult for a Dralasite to be protected from. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to put a choke hold on a Dralasite. I also figured that their ability to smell in all directions would counted any point value for this Disadvantage, so I just let them wash each other out and come to zero.


I will put my take on the other races later, as I am already late for work.




"another" version of a Dralisite. I can't remember whos unfortunatly




Dralasite (plural: Dralasites, singular: It)


1 pt_____+1 STR

2 pts____+1 CON

-3 pts___-1 DEX

2 pts____Extra limbs: Limited to Dex/2 (-1/2), Extra Time: 5 minutes to activate, use freely afterwards (-1)

5 pts____Contortionist at DEX + 1

5 pts____Discriminatory Smell

10 pts___Tracking Scent

5 pts____Detect Lie

-2 pts___-1" Running (9" Racial maximum)

-1 pt____-1†Swimming (4†Racial maximum)

-10 pts__Physical Limitation - Only see in black and white (infrequent/great)

5 pts____Physical Limitation - Dralasite

0 pts____Lifespan: 250 years, Fully active until 200. First Age Disadvantage at 150 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 200 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).


Total Cost: 14 points




The Dralasite Contortionist skill is used to imitate their elasticity instead of playing around with powers because I feel that this best represents their ability to adjust and mold their shape around. They cannot seep through minuscule cracks (no hole smaller than their largest internal organ, which I seem to remember being stated as 10 centimeters) so a limited form of Desolidification seems to be out. YMMV


In addition, although a Dralasite has the ability to flex and mold it’s shape, it should be noted that they are not likely to burst (like a molded Jell-O shape, or like large tarantula spiders) when they are dropped or strike something. Their skin is actually considerably stronger than Human skin.


A Dralasite is able to extrude limbs at will, but it can only control a number of limbs equal to its DEX/2. This does mean that the average Dralasite-on-the-street can only have ( (8-1)/2=3.5 ) 4 active limbs at any one time. It takes a full five minutes to grow or absorb a limb. Limbs must be at least 10 centimeters thick, and may be up to 1 meter long. Digits, or fingers, can be up to 10 centimeters long and at least 1 centimeter thick. Digits must also be attached to a Limb (no growing fingers out of the middle of your back unless you have a Limb there too).


A Dralasite is able to smell much better than a Human, to the point where they can positively identify other and even track others by scent alone. Conversely, Dralasites are able to produce scents by releasing pheromones. This is extremely faint and cannot be used to confuse anyone (or anything) with Tracking Scent or Discriminatory Smell.


Because the Characteristics and Movement abilities are defined as Powers, a Dralasite effectively has a maximum STR of 21, CON of 21, DEX of 19, END of 52, STUN of 52, 9†of Running, and 4†of Swimming.


A Dralasite’s ability to only see in black and white is worth 10 points. Just think of how many warning signals are based on colored lights. Without something to compare it to, how would a Dralasite see a single flashing red light at an intersection? (Stop light where other direction has right of way.) A flashing yellow light? (Warning drivers of intersection.) Or a flashing green light? (An intersection that is controlled by pedestrians.) That is just one simple example of possible problems that a Dralasite may have. (Warning lights down in Engineering?? What warning lights? They all flash!)


The 5 point Physical Limitation is to represent the fact that a Dralasite breathes through its entire skin surface. Gasses, etc are very difficult for a Dralasite to be protected from. On the other hand, it is almost impossible to put a choke hold on a Dralasite.


In addition, Dralasites are inclined to float very well in fluids. This hampers their ability to swim quickly, but also makes it difficult for others to drown them or force them under water. If a Dralasite deliberately wishes to swim under water, 2†of Swimming is needed to keep it under the surface, with any remaining Swimming inches being used to move the Dralasite forward. If the Dralasite is wearing weights or the Dralasite equivalent of a diving suit, this penalty does not apply.


Included in the 5 point Physical Limitation is the fact that a Dralasite is able to smell in all directions. This is not generally useful in combat situations, and at best it should give the Dralasite an approximate direction of the scent. It is never usable as a Targeting Sense.


It should be remembered that among themselves, Dralasites communicate with sounds, body shape, touch, and scents. Other races that do not have Discriminatory Smell can never learn more than 1 pt of any Dralasite language (and even then it will be to understand the language, not necessarily to speak it).



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Guest Dr.Unpossible

Human (plural: Humans, singular: He or She)


0 pts____Physical Limitation: Human

0 pts____Lifespan: 200 years, Fully active until 150. First Age Disadvantage at 100 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 150 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).

Total: 0 points




What can I say, Humans are Humans. The Physical Limitation comes into play when a Human is dealing with other races. No matter how good the make-up, a Human cannot disguise themselves to look like one of the other races (not even Yazarians). In addition, various races see and manipulate things differently than Humans, and Humans may not be able to use their equipment.


On the other hand, Humans produce the greatest number of gadgets and equipment (Mr. Human and his traveling junk show is how Dralasites refer to them), and their body shape is similar enough that most equipment from other races can be used (although it may be at a small penalty) by Humans.

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Guest Dr.Unpossible

Humma (plural: Humma, singular: She, He, It – depending on age)


+2 pts___+2 STR

+4 pts___+2 CON

+4 pts___+2 BODY

-2 pts___-2 PRE

-4 pts___-2 EGO

-1 pt____-2 COM

2 pts____Stretching: 1†Stretching: Reduced END: 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Inherent (+1/4), Always on (-1/2), Tail only (-1)

4 pts____Extra Limbs: Prehensile Tail: Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Manipulation: Only to grab, carry, strike – no digits (-1/4), Tail STR is 2x END (-1/4)

6 pts____Life Support: Immunity: To all ingested poisons/toxins/bacteria: Inherent (+1/4)

5 pts____Running: x2 non-combat: x4 total non-combat

10 pts___Leaping: +10†Leaping – draws END from END Reserve

2 pts____END Reserve: 20 END: Inherent (+1/4)

2 pts____REC for END Reserve: 4 REC: Inherent (+1/4), Slow Recovery: every 5 minutes (-1)

-10 pts__Psychological Limitation – Rude, crude, lewd, pushy, and arrogant (common, moderate)

-15 pts__Physical Limitation – Reduced sense of touch, smell, and taste (frequent, great)

-5 pts__Physical Limitation – Humma (infrequent, slight)

0 pts____Lifespan: 210 years, Fully active until 160 (when neuter stage starts). First Age Disadvantage at 105 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules – become male), Second at 160 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules – become neuter).


Total Cost: 4 points




Humma are almost defined by their tails and leaping abilities, so it should be no surprise that the most points are spent on these features.


The tail is fairly straightforward. It is very strong, although it does tire out the Humma quite quickly when used to carry heavy objects or to hang by, so 2x END for STR used by the tail makes sense. The tail is also rather clumsy, so it can not be used to do much more than swing to hit or to roughly grasp objects.


The Humma picture probably comes closest to the written description. With leaping legs and long tail, Humma naturally remind one of a short-necked kangaroo, and that is pretty much the way the artist drew them. (Although the neck in the picture is still too long, according to the description, a Humma’s head is set right between her shoulders.)


The leaping legs allow a Humma to leap prodigious distances. The Spring Charge in the written description is done in HERO as a Move-By or Move-Through, with the Humma stopping in a hex near or just past the target and striking with her tail. (I would allow the Move-By to be used for this, but some GMs may feel this is abusive and require a Move-Through to be used.)


In order to better represent the limited leaps allowed in the original source material, I felt that it was best to use a separate END Reserve for the leaping. Since each leap (using the additional inches added by the Leaping power) costs 2 END, the END in the END Reserve allow for ten continuous leaps before the Humma must stop. In addition, the slower recovery of this END Reserve ensure that 25 minutes must pass before she can again make ten continuous leaps. You should note that the slower recovery will allow her to make a couple of long leaps after 5 minutes, then a couple more after another 5 minutes, and so on.


A Humma’s legs also allow her to run much quicker than may be expected. At slower speeds (i.e. at combat speeds) a Humma is no faster than Humans, but at non-combat velocities a Humma’s legs come into play and allow a much higher velocity than Humans can achieve. Actually, the Humma starts to leap like a kangaroo, taking much shorter leaps than they are capable of, but giving her more control. This is best represented as increased non-combat multiples. I would also recommend that GMs use the Turn Mode rules when a Humma is using any non-combat velocity to represent the fact that she is actually leaping and her feet are not constantly on the ground while moving that quickly.


Humma have a very efficient digestive system that will break down pretty much any substance, without being effected by any toxins, bacteria, or poisons that might be in them. It should be noted that Humma are only immune to these substances that have been eaten or drunk – any other means of putting them into their system will allow the substance to work normally. I have based this ability on a 5 pt Immunity instead of the Does not need to eat, drink or excrete because Humma still need to eat organic material in order to survive, it is just that harmful substances in the food or drink do not effect them.


Because the extra Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Humma effectively has a maximum STR of 22, CON of 22, BODY of 22, PRE of 18, EGO of 18, COM of 18, END of 54, and STUN of 54. The additional Running non-multiple allows Humma to move at 4x Combat Running in Non-combat Running.


Normally, Psychological Limitations are not included in a racial package, but are instead included in a cultural or societal package, however, Humma are an exceptions to this. For some reason not known to Frontier science, even Humma raised in a different culture (by non-Humma “parents†of course) have the same personality traits that Humma raised in a Humma society have. Humma just do not naturally notice that others have feelings that could be hurt or egos that could be bruised. As a result, Humma act in a manner that is considered rude, pushy, and arrogant by all other races. They are also inclined to say exactly what they think, which is often considered lewd or crude by others. (Just think of all the things that pass through your head in a typical day – how many times do you think lewd thought about another person, or thoughts that you would never say out loud? Humma actually do say those thoughts.) This has been purchased as a Psychological Limitation instead of a Physical Limitation because Humma can hold back from saying these things if they stop to think of it first.


The reduced sense of smell and taste could have been purchased separately, but I felt that one Limitation covering all of it made more sense. Specifically, the reduced sense of taste should be handled as a –8 to any Taste Perception Roll made by the Humma. Where no perception roll is required, the Humma should not be told anything about the substance being eaten or drunk. (The Perception Roll is only when the Humma is specifically trying to figure out what a certain substance is.) The reduced sense of smell should be handled as a –2 to any Smell Perception Roll. It should be played up to the other players the disgusting things that Humma will routinely eat or drink, simply because she cannot taste and can barely smell what she is taking in.


The reduced sense of touch should be handled carefully by the GM. First of all, any Touch Perception Roll should be at a –1. Secondly, any skill that requires fine manipulation should also be at a –1. For example, Electronics, Mechanics, and any type of Surgery skill roll should be made at a –1 if the Humma is actually performing the skill. If she is just trying to use her head knowledge about the skill (i.e. using Electronics as a complimentary skill for Lockpicking) then the skill should be rolled at full value. (Although in the example of Lockpicking, the actual Lockpicking skill would be made at a –1.) The GM should be careful about when the –1 actually comes into effect.


Humma receive a 5 point Limitation for their body shape as well. Humma have very short arms that are not suited to melee combat. (-2 OCV if the arms are used to attack, and no Shield bonus to DCV if a shield is held in the arms.) In addition, if a Humma tries to attack with her arms in melee combat, she must be in the same hex as her target, she cannot be in an adjacent hex. GMs should make sure that Humma regularly have trouble picking up or grabbing objects that are not very close to them because of the reduced reach. (How many things could you grab with your elbows?)


Humma also have a two meter tail dragging along behind them. Although the tail can be used to grab and carry, it still gets in the ways of quickly closing doors, any kind of chair with a back, etc.


It should be noted that the Age divisions are fairly strict guidelines. A Humma may become male (and he must take the first level of the Age Disadvantage at that time) anywhere between age 100 and 110. A Humma may then become neuter (and it must take the second level of the Age Disadvantage at that time) anywhere between age 150 and 170.


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Guest Dr.Unpossible

Ifshnit (plural: Ifshnits, singular: She, He)


-1 pts___-1 STR

-2 pts___-1 BODY

+1 pt____+1 INT

+2 pts___+1 EGO

5 pts____+1 Skill Level w/All PRE-based skills

10 pts___Flash Defense: 16 pts Sight Flash Defense: Inherent (+1/4), Blind for segment bright light is in eyes (-1)

10 pts___+2 Skill Levels w/DCV Only

7 pts____Images: -2 Others’ Sight Perception: Inherent (+1/4)

4 pts____Environmental Movement: No penalties in zero gravity

-6 pts___-3†Running (5†Racial maximum)

-1 pt____-1†Swimming (4†Racial maximum)

-15 pts__Physical Limitation – Permanently altered size – One meter tall (all the time, slightly impairing)

-5 pts___Physical Limitation – No sense of smell (infrequent, slightly)

-5 pts___Physical Limitation – Vegetarian, unable to digest meat (infrequent, slightly)

0 pts____Physical Limitation – Ifshnit

0 pts____Lifespan: 150 years, Fully active until 120. First Age Disadvantage at 60 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules – become male), Second at 120 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules – become neuter).


Total Cost: 4 points




The additional membrane that automatically closes when a light flashes brightly is a very effective Flash Defense, except for the side effect that it makes the Ifshnit completely blind while the very bright light continues. If the light continues for more than one phase, the Ifshnit can slowly open the inner lid (generally after arranging some other kind of defense against the bright light) to enable him to see and act.


Ifshnits have a natural ability to get along with others, but they do not generally have a strong Presence. In order to represent this, I have given Ifshnits a Skill Level with all PRE-based skills. This level cannot be used with PRE Attacks or to defend against PRE Attacks – it can only be used for PRE-based skills.


All Ifshnits adapt to zero gravity much quicker and much better than any other race. This is represented by the Environmental Movement power. GMs should note that zero gravity normally makes many actions very difficult, not just combat. e.g. Using Mechanics to repair something can be quite hard when there is no gravity to anchor you while you torque a bolt on or off. This would normally be a –1 to –3 to the roll, but with Environmental Movement, there is no penalty.


Because the Characteristics are defined as Powers, an Ifshnit effectively has a maximum STR of 19, BODY of 19, INT of 21, and STUN of 49. Ifshnit also have a maximum Running of 7†and a maximum Swim of 4â€.


The small size of all Ifshnits (between 0.9 meters and 1.1 meters) has both good points and bad points. On the good side, because of the smaller size, Ifshnits are more difficult to see and to strike in combat. I had to play a little fast and loose with the Images Rules by allowing only the Perception Modifier to be used. (If anyone can suggest a better way to do this, please let me know.) This only effects sight Perception rolls made by others trying to see the Ifshnit.


On the bad side are the reduced movement abilities. Ifshnit are much slower on the ground and in the water than any other race, including Dralasites (the previous slow-pokes of the group).


Included in the bad side are the effects of the Physical Limitation. These are taken directly from FRED page 218 (sidebar) and include a lower mass (between 30 Kg and 55 Kg), +3†Knockback (if using the Knockback rules – personally, I would suggest using the Knockdown rules, in which case this becomes –3 BODY for purpose of determining effects of Knockdown), and the problems with not being able to see the countertop and being ignored by taller sentients in crowds. In addition, all weapons must be custom-designed for an Ifshnit’s smaller hands. If an Ifshnit must use a normal-sized weapon, he or she does so with a –2 OCV modifier. An Ifshnit can use most Frontier tools and equipment, albeit slightly slower than normal, with no negative modifier. This, of course, will depend on the specific equipment – small hand-held devices can be used easily, while larger items that are supposed to be two-handed will be quite difficult for an Ifshnit to use properly (-1 to –4, or even impossible for very large items).


Ifshnits have absolutely no sense of smell, so they are not even able to make Smell Perception rolls. No matter how noxious the fumes, Ifshnits will not be able to notice them.


An Ifshnit is not only a vegetarian; he or she is actually a complete herbivore – unable to digest meat or animal protein at all. Most of the time this is no problem, but thoughtful GMs should make sure that it becomes a problem once in a while.


Ifshnits’ hands and feet are similar enough to other races not to cause problems, but the long hair and moustache possessed by all Ifshnit can occasionally cause problems. Because the Ifshnit body shape does not have any additional disadvantages, it is not worth any points. (The small size is taken care of as a separate Disadvantage.)



The small size of all Ifshnits (between 0.9 meters and 1.1 meters) has both good points and bad points. On the good side, because of the smaller size, Ifshnits are more difficult to see and to strike in combat. I had to play a little fast and loose with the Images Rules by allowing only the Perception Modifier to be used. (If anyone can suggest a better way to do this, please let me know.) This only effects sight Perception rolls made by others trying to see the Ifshnit.

On the bad side are the reduced movement abilities. Ifshnit are much slower on the ground and in the water than any other race, including Dralasites (the previous slow-pokes of the group).


Included in the bad side are the effects of the Physical Limitation. These are taken directly from FRED page 218 (sidebar) and include a lower mass (between 30 Kg and 55 Kg), +3†Knockback (if using the Knockback rules – personally, I would suggest using the Knockdown rules, in which case this becomes –3 BODY for purpose of determining effects of Knockdown), and the problems with not being able to see the countertop and being ignored by taller sentients in crowds. In addition, all weapons must be custom-designed for an Ifshnit’s smaller hands. If an Ifshnit must use a normal-sized weapon, he or she does so with a –2 OCV modifier. An Ifshnit can use most Frontier tools and equipment, albeit slightly slower than normal, with no negative modifier. This, of course, will depend on the specific equipment – small hand-held devices can be used easily, while larger items that are supposed to be two-handed will be quite difficult for an Ifshnit to use properly (-1 to –4, or even impossible for very large items).-James Wiebe




Hmmm personally I would take the images thingy away, according to FRED these are now part and parcel of the Small size Phisical Limitation, sure it will pay off sometimes (like being sneaky) but as you pointed out short of carrying around a large sign an Ifshnit could be frequently ignored, difficult to be found when rescue seachers are looking for the creature, etc... the possibilities are limiting in some ways and advantageous in others. So an Ifshnit would look like this:


Ifshnit (plural: Ifshnits, singular: She, He)


-1 pts___-1 STR

-2 pts___-1 BODY

+1 pt____+1 INT

+2 pts___+1 EGO

5 pts____+1 Skill Level w/All PRE-based skills

10 pts___Flash Defense: 16 pts Sight Flash Defense: Inherent (+1/4), Blind for segment bright light is in eyes (-1)

10 pts___+2 Skill Levels w/DCV Only

4 pts____Environmental Movement: No penalties in zero gravity

-6 pts___-3†Running (5†Racial maximum)

-1 pt____-1†Swimming (4†Racial maximum)

-15 pts__Physical Limitation – Permanently altered size – One meter tall (all the time, slightly impairing)

-5 pts___Physical Limitation – No sense of smell (infrequent, slightly)

-5 pts___Physical Limitation – Vegetarian, unable to digest meat (infrequent, slightly)

0 pts____Physical Limitation – Ifshnit

0 pts____Lifespan: 150 years, Fully active until 120. First Age Disadvantage at 60 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules – become male), Second at 120 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules – become neuter).


Total Cost: -3 points




The additional membrane that automatically closes when a light flashes brightly is a very effective Flash Defense, except for the side effect that it makes the Ifshnit completely blind while the very bright light continues. If the light continues for more than one phase, the Ifshnit can slowly open the inner lid (generally after arranging some other kind of defense against the bright light) to enable him to see and act.


Ifshnits have a natural ability to get along with others, but they do not generally have a strong Presence. In order to represent this, I have given Ifshnits a Skill Level with all PRE-based skills. This level cannot be used with PRE Attacks or to defend against PRE Attacks – it can only be used for PRE-based skills.


All Ifshnits adapt to zero gravity much quicker and much better than any other race. This is represented by the Environmental Movement power. GMs should note that zero gravity normally makes many actions very difficult, not just combat. e.g. Using Mechanics to repair something can be quite hard when there is no gravity to anchor you while you torque a bolt on or off. This would normally be a –1 to –3 to the roll, but with Environmental Movement, there is no penalty.


Because the Characteristics are defined as Powers, an Ifshnit effectively has a maximum STR of 19, BODY of 19, INT of 21, and STUN of 49. Ifshnit also have a maximum Running of 7†and a maximum Swim of 4â€.


The small size of all Ifshnits (between 0.9 meters and 1.1 meters) has both good points and bad points. On the good side, because of the smaller size, Ifshnits are more difficult to see and to strike in combat. I had to play a little fast and loose with the Images Rules by allowing only the Perception Modifier to be used. (If anyone can suggest a better way to do this, please let me know.) This only effects sight Perception rolls made by others trying to see the Ifshnit.


On the bad side are the reduced movement abilities. Ifshnit are much slower on the ground and in the water than any other race, including Dralasites (the previous slow-pokes of the group).


Included in the bad side are the effects of the Physical Limitation. These are taken directly from FRED page 218 (sidebar). The small size of all Ifshnits (between 0.9 meters and 1.1 meters) has both good points and bad points. On the good side, because of the smaller size, Ifshnits are more difficult to see and to strike in combat resulting in a -2 to Per rolls against and a +2 DCV when defending against bigger critters. This modifier only affects sight Perception rolls made by others trying to see the Ifshnit, and includes a lower mass (between 30 Kg and 55 Kg), +3†Knockback (if using the Knockback rules – personally, I would suggest using the Knockdown rules, in which case this becomes –3 BODY for purpose of determining effects of Knockdown), and the problems with not being able to see the countertop and being ignored by taller sentients in crowds. In addition, all weapons must be custom-designed for an Ifshnit’s smaller hands. If an Ifshnit must use a normal-sized weapon, he or she does so with a –2 OCV modifier. An Ifshnit can use most Frontier tools and equipment, albeit slightly slower than normal, with no negative modifier. This, of course, will depend on the specific equipment – small hand-held devices can be used easily, while larger items that are supposed to be two-handed will be quite difficult for an Ifshnit to use properly (-1 to –4, or even impossible for very large items).


Ifshnits have absolutely no sense of smell, so they are not even able to make Smell Perception rolls. No matter how noxious the fumes, Ifshnits will not be able to notice them.


An Ifshnit is not only a vegetarian; he or she is actually a complete herbivore – unable to digest meat or animal protein at all. Most of the time this is no problem, but thoughtful GMs should make sure that it becomes a problem once in a while.


Ifshnits’ hands and feet are similar enough to other races not to cause problems, but the long hair and moustache possessed by all Ifshnit can occasionally cause problems. Because the Ifshnit body shape does not have any additional disadvantages, it is not worth any points. (The small size is taken care of as a separate Disadvantage.)



How does that look?


Glibly Skip!

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Guest Dr.Unpossible



No one did write up a mechanon in the old thread that I can remember. But being that they are machines. They can prety much be anything. Modular components. No set racial blue print so to speak. I always imagined them as something akin to the "Mechlar" in the Stardrive setting of Alernity. Either that, or a race of Intelligent/sentient Robots. Comming in all shapes and sizes.

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Guest Dr.Unpossible

Osakar (plural: Osakari, singular: She)



I want to start off by saying that I knew that Osakar would end up being a very high-cost race, but I didn’t expect them to be quite this high. There was no way that I could reduce the cost without totally ruining the feel of the race, so this is what I ended up with.


+1 pt____+1 STR

+2 pts___+1 CON

+3 pts___+1 DEX

-4 pts___-2 EGO

-2 pts___-2 PRE

-1 pt____-2 COM

15 pts___Running: +5†Running (15†racial maximum), additional x2 non-combat movement (x4 non-combat total)

6 pts____Extra Limbs: 2 extra legs: Inherent (+1/4)

1 pt_____Damage Resistance: 1 PD, 1 ED now resistant: Hard, plate-like cells: Inherent

3 pts____Linguist

5 pts____Mimicry skill at INT +1

6 pts____Enhanced Senses: +3 w/Smell & Taste Sense Group

5 pts____Enhanced Senses: Tracking Scent (single sense)

10 pts___Enhanced Senses: Discriminatory for Taste/Smell Group

10 pts___Enhanced Senses: Analyze for Taste/Smell Group

-20 pts__Psychological Limitation – Tries to be individual (very common, strong)

-10 pts__Distinctive Features: All Osakari have identical appearance (easily concealable, always noticed and recognized)

0 pts____Physical Limitation – Osakar

0 pts____Lifespan: 225 years, Fully active until 200. First Age Disadvantage at 140 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 200 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).


Total Cost: 30 points




It is patently obvious that the artist never read the description when he or she handed in the picture of an Osakar. The picture shows a very slim, reptilian race with feet that look more like hands (even with the opposable thumbs), but the written description mentions an Osakar having a “barrel-shaped bodyâ€, and even her long legs can only lower her by a little more than a meter. (The picture suggests that the legs make up half of the body height, and therefore able to lower her by about 1.5 meters, which is completely at odds with the written description.) Further, the reptilian appearance does not match the written description of “thousands of large, white, hard, plate-like cells†that “resemble a huge white plant more than any animal.â€


For a race that looks like a plant, Osakari are amazingly fast. The long, spider-like legs an Osakar has allows her to run extremely quickly. An Osakar can run faster than any other race in combat, and even faster when she opens up and sprints out of combat.


I figured that since the written description emphasized that the exterior of an Osakar is made up of “hard, plate-like cells,†she should have a hard skin. Unlike Vrusk, who have an obviously hard shell covering their bodies, Osakari have thousands of individual hard shells. I felt that this is better represented by Damage Resistance than by Armour.


The unique design of their mouths make the Linguist Talent and Mimicry (at +1) skill reasonable.


The extremely acute senses of taste and smell that all Osakar possess not only allow an Osakar to identify and track others by their scent (the Tracking Scent and Discriminatory Smell/Taste), but they also allow her to define exactly what chemicals and molecules are in the air and in any substance put into her mouth. (Note that a Knowledge Skill or Science Skill is necessary for specific chemical make-up to be known, without these skills, she only can identify things she has sensed and identified before.)


Because the Characteristics are defined as Powers, an Osakar effectively has a maximum STR of 21, CON of 21, DEX of 21, EGO of 18, PRE of 18, COM of 18, and STUN of 52. She also has a maximum Running of 15†(base Running of 11â€).


Osakari have been one of the most difficult races to design, not because they have many strange abilities, but because they have no real bad traits. I normally do not allow Psychological Limitations in a racial package, but I didn’t want to have a race that cost the character 50 points before any skills are purchased. In addition, the sameness of all Osakari makes a universal Psychological Limitation allowable.


The very sameness of all Osakari makes them stand out from other races. Osakari all look identical – like clones. This can be disguised by an Osakar wearing different clothes, trying to sound different, and speaking in a different language.


It should be noted that all Osakari share 99.998% of the same DNA. Without using Mimicry, all Osakari sound exactly the same. This makes it almost impossible to positively identify a specific Osakar. There is a very slight difference in the hormones produced by each Osakar, and slight differences in the inflections of their speech, so with extremely acute devices it is possible to tell the difference between different Osakar, but it is not easy or quick. (Any device or race would have to have Discriminatory Scent and Analyze for Smell, or Discriminatory and Analyze for Hearing in order to even have a chance.)


An Osakar’s body does not cause difficulties to her in very many situations. About the worst problem is the height of all Osakari, 3 meters (actually, 3.02 meters tall), but even this is not usually a problem. It should be noted that Osakari can have different masses (from eating more or less than other Osakari), but the range of mass differential is still not all that much. As a result, Osakari can range in mass from 85 Kg to 115 Kg. (That’s 187 lb. to 253 lb. to those of you not comfortable with metric. It may seem like a large range, but when you think of that mass being distributed over 3.02 meters, or 9 ft 10.75 inches, that really isn’t that much.)

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Guest Dr.Unpossible



Ha you have yours in Storage?



I have mine on hand, just got it from my room where it has been since I moved.


So ill take this opportunity to write up the The most deadly critter in the SF game:IMNSHO


The Quickdeath


23 ex














195 characteristics cost



17 2d6 HKA(4d6 w/ str) reduced pen (-1/4),

restrainable,(-1/2)Gaping Maw.

18 1 1/2d6 HKA(3d6 w/ str)restrainable


48 +24" (30"total)to running.

2 Size Knockback resistance (-1)

30 50%damage resistance, all ranged attacks

12 +5 DCV CSl's Only vs ranged atttacks(-1)

due to incredible speed.

10 Desolid only Vs needler attacks (-3)

5 Extra limbs tentacles

9 Armor +3 Rpd/+3 RED

12 Combat Luck +6 RPD/+6 RED Hardened,

luck based, non persistant. Due to

incredible speed.

5 360 degree vision tentacles on eyestalks

363 points

150 base plus disadvantages

20 hunted by PGC (more powerful, NCI, 8-)

10 watched by "Slithers"

(more powerful, NCI, 8-, watching only)

25 Psy Lim:kill everything Common Total

25 Distinctive features: causes fear

Common Total

15 Reputation: Will kill everything 11-


15 Phisical Lim : No combat manuvers other

than Strike

15 Phisical Lim : no fine manipulation:

10 Phisical Lim: large and heavy: weighs

300 kg, -2 Dcv, +2 per rolls to percieve

45 Berzerk in combat 14-/8-

10 Bad eyesight, (-2 to all Per Based sight


38 animal/villian bonus

This is a tiger sized creature covered with some sort of reflective armor. It has a long neck and a hideous head filled with sharp teeth crowned by four eyestalks on top. Three small tentacles ending in suction cups dangle from each of it's sides. It runs at unbelievable speeds for an organic critter, is considered deadly on sight. Good luck.


Glibly Skip!

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Guest Dr.Unpossible

Sathar (plural: Sathar, singular: It)



Finally, here is the race everyone has been waiting for:


-3 pts___-1 DEX

-1 pt____-1 INT

+2 pts___+2 PRE

+4 pts___+2 EGO

6 pts____Enhanced Perception: 240 degree perception, all sight: Inherent (+1/4)

5 pts____Extra Limbs: Lifting appendages: Inherent (+1/4), Only for lifting or striking, no fine manipulation (-1/4)

6 pts____Life Support: Immunity to anything attacking central nervous system: Inherent (+1/4)

8 pts____Life Support: Self Contained Breathing: Inherent (+1/4), Still needs air to breathe (-1/2)

9 pts____Mind Control: 2d6 Mind Control: Cumulative (+1/2), 8x Maximum: up to 96 (+3/4), Can use through real-time video/audio communications devices (+1), Hypnosis effects only (-1/2), Concentrate: 1/2 DCV while speaking (-1/2), Extra Time: 1 Minute (-1 1/2)

-20 pts__Physical Limitation: Destroy all non-Sathar and non-slave sentients (frequent, fully)

-20 pts__Reputation: Xenophobic killers on 14- (almost always, extreme)

-10 pts__Physical Limitation: Sathar (infrequent, slight)


Total Cost: -14 points




Because Sathar have two pupils in each eye and because their eyes are set on each side of their head, Sathar have a much wider angle of vision than most other races. This must be taken into account when trying to sneak around Sathar.


One of the things that always drove me crazy in the Star Frontiers books and adventures is the way artists draw Sathar. The written description very clearly states that they only move by slithering and that they rise up by coiling the rear 2 meters of their body, and then every picture shows Sathar using their heavier limbs as legs. Although it is possible for Sathar to use their lifting arms to support their bodies, it would be much like us walking on our hands, dragging our legs behind us. The heavier limbs are for lifting or striking with, not for supporting their bodies with.


The two Life Support powers were the best I could do to represent the Sathar immunity to Doze Grenades and Electro-Stunners. It also made a lot of sense for an annelid-like race (worm-like) to not breathe the normal way and not to have a central nervous system. Sathar do have lungs, and do need to breathe, but their lungs are able to extract needed gasses from any air without being effected by any poison in the air. All substances and attacks that work by effecting the central nervous system (including Electro-Stunners, which attack the nerves, but not electrical attacks, which burn the target) will not affect a Sathar. (Note that Martial Art Nerve Strikes will not work against Sathar.) Note that these abilities are not known as fact by most individuals in the Frontier. Autopsies hint at the Sathar lung capacity, and the lack of a central nervous system is well-known among Frontier scientists and Star Law, but not among the general public.


The Sathar ability to hypnotize a subject by speaking to them is well-known. A Sathar will take about 5 minutes of speaking to be able to affect the average target. (An average roll of 7 points, once per minute for 5 minutes brings the total to 35, which is EGO+20 for almost all individuals, which is very close to the time and amounts given in the Star Frontiers description.) Note that according to Cumulative rules and Mental Powers, the Mind Control does not take affect until the needed level has been reached, so it must be determined before the Sathar even starts speaking to the target.


Using standard Mind Control rules, a Sathar must speak in a shared language with the target. A polyvox is not usable, the commands and conversation must be given in the Sathar’s voice, inflection and words. The words of the Sathar will be calming to all listeners, and the instructions will be obvious to anyone else listening to the Hypnosis attempt.


Note that the Hypnotism still requires the Sathar to expend additional END. If the GM is using Long Term Endurance rules, this END cost should be considered Long Term Endurance. (Yes, this means that Hypnotism takes a lot out of the Sathar - not all energy expenditure is obvious.)


Sathar are specifically allowed to ignore the standard LOS rules (BBB on pages 78 and 79). Sathar are able to hypnotize others through vidscreens and other communication devices that allow both sight and sound to be exchanged in addition to face-to-face circumstances. A Sathar cannot record a speech and hypnotize anyone because part of the ability relies on the Sathar’s ability to read the body language of the target. Sathar are given a +1 Advantage specifically for this ability, but I would not recommend that GMs allow this Advantage to be allowed in any other campaign.


Because the Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Sathar effectively has a maximum DEX of 19, INT of 19, PRE of 22, and EGO of 22. Sathar are able to slither and swim as quickly as Humans.


The Sathar Xenophobia is bought as a Physical Limitation because a Sathar cannot overcome this through will-power, nor can a Sathar be Mind Controlled or Hypnotized to act differently. It is listed as only frequent because Sathar do not instantly kill all sentients – after all, slaves have to be convinced of the wisdom of the Sathar way, not killed before they become slaves.


The Sathar lack of legs is part of the Sathar Physical Limitation. Sathar cannot perform a running leap because of the way they move – on their bellies. By coiling up, a Sathar can perform a standing leap, but when moving there is not enough spring in their body to leap at all.


To make up for this, Sathar have two lifting appendages and two manipulatory appendages. The lifting appendages have no digits, only large pads that can fold around objects to grip and lift. The manipulatory arms have four digits, but because these arms are slimmer and weaker they are not suited for lifting heavy objects. Sathar can only use STR-5 with their manipulatory arms, but full STR with their lifting appendages.


I almost did not give Sathar a Reputation Disadvantage, as races that have not come into contact with Sathar or the Frontier would not recognize Sathar as being genocidal xenophobes. Since all Sathar so far encountered are genocidal xenophobes, however, I figured that some kind of Disadvantage is appropriate.

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Guest Dr.Unpossible




-1 pts -1 STR

-2 pts -1 BODY

+3 pts +1 DEX

1 pt +1 Smell Perception

4 pts Extra Limbs – 8 legs, Limited Manipulation (-1/4)

9 pts Full Ambidexterity

3 pts Comprehension (New Skill Enhancer - +1 with Streetwise, High Society, all cultural Knowledge Skills)

6 pts Clinging at STR+9: Only to stabilize or help climbing (-1)

3 pts 1 rPD, 1 rED Armor – Carapace (hard shelled exoskeleton)

-2 pts -2†Swimming (3†Racial Maximum)

-10 pts Physical Limitation: Vrusk (inf/gr or fre/sl)


Total: 14 points




Vrusk can use their extra legs to stabilize themselves when walking on slippery surfaces or even when being pushed over. They can use their full Clinging STR to resist being pushed over or Shoved as a zero-phase action, or the GM may decide that a Vrusk can only be taken off his or her feet by physically lifting the Vrusk and throwing him or her down. Vrusk can also use their Clinging STR in a complimentary skill roll to assist Climbing skill rolls (instead of a basic STR roll as complimentary)..



A Vrusk with STR 10 is figured to have STR 19 for purposes of a complimentary roll for Climbing any surface or ladder where their legs would be helpful. (19/5+9 = 13- instead of 10/5+9 = 11-.) This may or may not apply for flexible climbing tools, depending on the environment. A rope that is waving in the breeze may be hard for a Vrusk to grab with all eight legs and the extra STR would not apply in that situation. In fact, that may be a situation where the Vrusk suffers a Climbing penalty, which is covered by the Physical Limitation.


This is best represented by Clinging with a fairly substantial Limitation.


Although Vrusk as written in Star Frontiers have a Comprehension ability naturally, I did not feel comfortable with this and instead decided that it should be a Skill Enhancer instead. I would also allow a Vrusk player to use the +1 bonus with an 8 or less Everyman skill to figure out some societal or cultural situation.


The Physical Limitation comes from the way a Vrusk’s body is designed. Because they are covered by a hard carapace, a Vrusk is not able to bend his or her body at any point except at a specific joint. This may make squeezing through narrow areas or maneuvering into a tight spot impossible. In addition, Vrusk breath through small nostrils directly under their eight legs. This makes unobtrusively protecting against gases difficult (a gas mask would be more like a body suit covering their torso below the waist). It also makes swimming in any manner except on their back difficult. (Note that Swimming has also been reduced to represent this.)


Because of the odd make-up of Vrusk hands, they are not able to use normal human and Yazarian equipment (which generally requires an opposable thumb, and which a Dralasite can fake). Some equipment is usable by all races (keyboards, simple large handled gripping tools like hammers, etc.), but ranged weapons and some other equipment pretty much has to be specifically made for Vrusk. (As an example, use only your thumb, pinkie finger, and index finger to hold or manipulate things. This gives you an idea of how things would have to be shaped for a hand that has fingers set equally around a circular palm.) This is also included in the Physical Limitation.


You may notice that I did not pay any points for the Vrusk’s shoulders being double-jointed. This is a very minor ability (yes, they can reach any area on their back, but they still can’t shoot directly backwards because their head does not turn completely around), and I did not feel that it is worth any points. Using the examples in the Big Black Book (I still don’t know where the heck FRED came from, it’s still the BBB to me), Physical Limitations can actually give bonuses in addition to disadvantages (The bonus vs PER rolls if the character is always small), so I have no problem including this minor ability in the Vrusk Physical Limitation









Oops, I forgot about something new in 5th Edition. *thwap*

I think I should probably change Vrusk to make use of the new Analyze Skill instead of using a Skill Enhancer, as all Vrusk have the ability, not just those that purchase additional skills.


That would make Vrusk look like this:






-1 pts -1 STR

-2 pts -1 BODY

+3 pts +1 DEX

1 pt +1 Smell Perception

4 pts Extra Limbs – 8 legs, Limited Manipulation (-1/4)

9 pts Full Ambidexterity

1 pts Familiarity with Analyze:Social Interactions

6 pts Clinging at STR+9: Only to stabilize or help climbing (-1)

3 pts 1 rPD, 1 rED Armor – Carapace (hard shelled exoskeleton)

-2 pts -2†Swimming (3†Racial Maximum)

-10 pts Physical Limitation: Vrusk (inf/gr or fre/sl)


Total: 12 points




I have made use of the new Analyze skill to represent the Vrusk Comprehension ability. This skill allows a Vrusk to figure out what is going on between two or more people from their body language and other non-verbal clues. Note that this should not be used by the player as the ability to read thoughts, just the ability to get a general idea about what is happening. I would allow Streetwise, High Society, and any appropriate Knowledge Skills (generally just cultural Knowledge Skills, but some others may apply too) as Complimentary to this Analyze skill.


(End of adjustment)


Just replace the old paragraph about the Skill Enhancer with this new one.



















Vrusk (plural: Vrusk, singular: He or She)


-1 pt____-1 STR

-2 pts___-1 BODY

+3 pts___+1 DEX

1 pt_____+1 Smell Perception

5 pts____Extra Limbs – 8 legs: Inherent (+1/4), Limited Manipulation (-1/4)

9 pts____Full Ambidexterity

1 pt_____Familiarity with Analyze:Social Interactions

8 pts____Clinging at STR+9: Inherent (+1/4), Only to stabilize or help climbing (-1)

4 pts____1 rPD, 1 rED Armor – Carapace (hard shelled exoskeleton): Inherent (+1/4)

4 pts____+2†Running (12†Racial Maximum)

-2 pts___-2†Swimming (3†Racial Maximum)

-15 pts__Physical Limitation: Vrusk (frequent/great)

0 pts____Lifespan: 175 years, Fully active until 125. First Age Disadvantage at 90 years (40+ Disadvantage from rules), Second at 125 years (60+ Disadvantage from rules).


Total: 15 points




Vrusk can use their extra legs to stabilize themselves when walking on slippery surfaces or even when being pushed over. They can use their full Clinging STR to resist being pushed over or Shoved as a zero-phase action, or the GM may decide that a Vrusk can only be taken off his or her feet by physically lifting the Vrusk and throwing him or her down. Vrusk can also use their Clinging STR in a complimentary skill roll to assist Climbing skill rolls (instead of a basic STR roll as complimentary).



A Vrusk with STR 10 is figured to have STR 19 for purposes of a complimentary roll for Climbing any surface or ladder where their legs would be helpful. (19/5+9 = 13- instead of 10/5+9 = 11-.) This may or may not apply for flexible climbing tools, depending on the environment. A rope that is waving in the breeze may be hard for a Vrusk to grab with all eight legs and the extra STR would not apply in that situation. In fact, that may be a situation where the Vrusk suffers a Climbing penalty, which is covered by the Physical Limitation.


I feel that this is best represented by Clinging with a fairly substantial Limitation.


I have made use of the new Analyze skill to represent the Vrusk Comprehension ability. This skill allows a Vrusk to figure out what is going on between two or more people from their body language and other non-verbal clues. Note that this should not be used by the player as the ability to read thoughts, just the ability to get a general idea about what is happening. The example given in Star Frontiers had a Vrusk following someone into a bar. When the Human being followed gets together with another Human and they both look quickly at the Vrusk following, the GM allows the Vrusk roll to realize (or not) that the Human being followed has just arranged for the Vrusk to meet up with the second human and a few of his friends in a dark alley later that evening. (Well, the Vrusk realized that the Human he was following realized it, and was probably arranging something to do with him.)


Because the extra Running and Characteristics are defined as Powers, a Vrusk effectively has a maximum STR of 19, BODY of 19, DEX of 21, STUN of 49, and 12†of Running. Note that Vrusk start with no swimming. Because Vrusk do not naturally float, it is the very rare Vrusk that ever tries to learn how to swim in the first place.


The armour comes from the hard shell that covers all parts of a Vrusk’s body. It is not hard enough to stop most damage, although small darts and insects cannot get through the surface. (Neither can the thorns on most plants, which makes walking through the bushes fairly painless.) Their shell is not actually full coverage. GMs can allow attacks to bypass the armour completely if the attack roll succeeds by 10 or more. (-10 OCV to deliberately strike the few joints and spots not covered by the hard carapace.)


The Physical Limitation comes from the way a Vrusk’s body is designed. Because they are covered by a hard carapace, a Vrusk is not able to bend his or her body at any point except at a specific joint. This may make squeezing through narrow areas or maneuvering into a tight spot impossible. In addition, Vrusk breath through small nostrils directly under their eight legs. This makes unobtrusively protecting against gases difficult (a gas mask would be more like a body suit covering their torso below the waist). It also makes swimming in any manner except on their back difficult. (Note that Swimming has also been reduced to represent this.)


Because of the odd make-up of Vrusk hands, they are not able to use normal human and Yazarian equipment (which generally requires an opposable thumb, and which a Dralasite can fake). Some equipment is usable by all races (keyboards, simple large handled gripping tools like hammers, etc.), but ranged weapons and some other equipment pretty much has to be specifically made for Vrusk. (As an example, use only your thumb, pinkie finger, and index finger to hold or manipulate things. This gives you an idea of how things would have to be shaped for a hand that has fingers set equally around a circular palm.) This is also included in the Physical Limitation.


In addition, because a Vrusk is covered by a hard-shelled exoskeleton, they make slight clicking and rattling sounds when they move. Unless a Vrusk is holding completely still (using the Concealment skill), they suffer a +1 to other’s Hearing Perception roll to sense. Even when a Vrusk uses Stealth, anyone trying to sense them receives a +1 only for Hearing Perception rolls. This is also included in the Physical Limitation. On the other hand, because a Vrusk breathes through many nostrils spread throughout their abdomen, they make no sound when breathing unless the Vrusk has just been doing some strenuous exercise and is panting/gasping.


Vrusk’s shoulders (and only their shoulders) are double-jointed. This is a very minor ability (yes, they can reach any area on their back, but they still can’t shoot directly backwards because their head does not turn completely around), and I did not feel that it is worth any points, but instead allowed it to be a part of the Physical Limitation

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