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Tesunden Isles


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Re: Tesunden Isles


Ok, just to be on the same page as everyone else come game day...


With the Shove MA Maneuver, I would theoretically push back my target 1 meter for every 5 strength in the maneuver (9 m before altering circumstances based upon the opponent). I have the option to move or not move with the target. If in the duration of the shove I come up against another target, I would need to roll the maneuver again to shove that target as well.


Is this correct?

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Re: Tesunden Isles


Update 9/29/10: Starting to create the Object body table. Noticed that the default HERO values don't make sense. The "Interior Wooden Door" looks like a more modern type prefab door, not some sturdy oak thing. So I have modified the doors a bit. For the most part, I have added additional categories of doors with lightweight doors being equal to the aforementioned Interior Wooden Door. Also added a Heavy Wood Door and a Reinforced Door. I did not get obscene with DEF or anything, but I did improve the Body for those types of doors. It should take a phase or three to chop through them. Aside from that, I am tailoring the list for a more fantasy feel. So far I have added Padlocks and I plan on adding different levels of chests, crates and similar objects. Come to think of it, I should check Fantasy HERO before I get too much further.


EDIT: Yup. There is a Fantasy Objects table in Fantasy HERO. Strangely enough, it doesn't have Chests, Coffers, Lockers, etc. yet has Candelabra. I do not necessarily agree with the way the objects are built. So there are some changes to it (increased the Body of thick doors while keeping DEF (PD/ED) roughly the same between thickness/mass of door). The idea that a Joe Average guy with an ax can cut through a wooden door eventually. Enchanted or reinforced doors are a whole other ball of wax.

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Re: Tesunden Isles


Write up the sword as a power. That's how many XP.



Variant 1: This version does not have the Real Weapon Limitation applied and therefore the sword requires no maintenance. It is always sharp and ready to go.

Magical Broadsword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (2d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (44 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2), Required Hands One-Handed (-0) Real Cost: 18 Points



Variant 2: This version is built with the Real Weapon Limitation and therefore must be maintained (sharpened, oiled, etc) and will suffer the effects of being left in water for long periods, etc.

Magical Broadsword: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (2d6 w/STR), Armor Piercing (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (44 Active Points); OAF (-1), STR Minimum 10 (-1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), Required Hands One-Handed (-0) Real Cost: 16 Points


Note that both versions are written up with the 0 END Advantage and Focus, Required Hands, and STR Min Limitations. This is pretty standard fare for building weapons. It is how all of the book weapons are built.

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Re: Tesunden Isles


Update: I sort of have Penetrating worked in. It does not read any weapon data nor does it compare Penetrating versus Impenetrable, but I have it worked out so that it outputs a Penetrating Damage. We have to know which attacks are Penetrating and the Penetrating damage only applies if the base damage is 0. As I said, none of that is figured out for us. We will have to do that ourselves. At least now we have some method by which we can do Penetrating.


This one has been a long time in coming. Next I will pursue the same sort of output only for Martial Maneuvers. Now that I have shelved the idea of having the macro automate STR vs STR (Disarm rolls for example), creating an output for a specific maneuver should be child's play. Might even get that done tomorrow, though I doubt it.


Now it is sleepy time for Nolgroth. I am expecting the roofers to get another early start so they can maximize the amount of time in which to raise a purely evil cacophony. See you all tomorrow,....er later today.

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Re: Tesunden Isles


Thanks for the sword writeups, Nolgroth.


I'm also thinking about how I can make the shield bash worthwhile, because I really want to keep that fighting style flavor. I think it would be really cool to have a shield wreathed in magical flame. What would be the best way to write that up? Just link a 2d6 blast to the shield multipower?

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Re: Tesunden Isles


First of all, let me look at the Shield write-up. I may have forgotten to toggle the "Str Adds to Damage" flag. If that is set, then yeah, a +xd6 Blast, No Range would be appropriate.


EDIT: Just waking up here, but giving the semi-Epic nature of the campaign, I would also see just adding damage to the base HtH attack value. Currently it is rounddown( (STR-8) + 2d6 ) which gives Haakon a 4d6 regular attack. This is 4 DC, which is roughly 1/3 the Campaign Limits for DC. You don't have to max out the damage in order to make it effective either.


Option 3 is to add a Shield Element to your Martial Art and then buy additional DC with the Martial Art. If you are near peak damage with your sword, then that may be less effective. Then again, I have it hard coded with a Max Damage of 2x Base Damage. That will cover any additional damage from Martial Arts to CSLs.


Option 4 is to buy some CSLs with the Shield and devote them to extra damage.

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Re: Tesunden Isles


First of all, let me look at the Shield write-up. I may have forgotten to toggle the "Str Adds to Damage" flag. If that is set, then yeah, a +xd6 Blast, No Range would be appropriate.


EDIT: Just waking up here, but giving the semi-Epic nature of the campaign, I would also see just adding damage to the base HtH attack value. Currently it is rounddown( (STR-8) + 2d6 ) which gives Haakon a 4d6 regular attack. This is 4 DC, which is roughly 1/3 the Campaign Limits for DC. You don't have to max out the damage in order to make it effective either.


Option 3 is to add a Shield Element to your Martial Art and then buy additional DC with the Martial Art. If you are near peak damage with your sword, then that may be less effective. Then again, I have it hard coded with a Max Damage of 2x Base Damage. That will cover any additional damage from Martial Arts to CSLs.


Option 4 is to buy some CSLs with the Shield and devote them to extra damage.


It seems that per current rules, the shield is already at maxed out damage just due to Haakon's strength (assuming Maptools is accounting for STR adding to damage.) Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as the Max Damage=2xbase rule is in effect, aren't all of those options unavailable?

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Re: Tesunden Isles


It seems that per current rules' date=' the shield is already at maxed out damage just due to Haakon's strength (assuming Maptools is accounting for STR adding to damage.) Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as the Max Damage=2xbase rule is in effect, aren't all of those options unavailable?[/quote']Yeah. See told you I was just waking up. I hate pre-Noontime. :)


Yeah, a Linked damage attack or increasing the base damage are your only two options.

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Re: Tesunden Isles




  • Fixed an error in Armor Piercing calculation. It was not rounding, so defenses after AP calculation were not whole numbers.
  • Penetrating is, for the moment, sort of a hack so that Filch gets his bonus. Right now it rounds down the Final DC of the Attack divided by 3 and then adds 1. For even number of Dice (dc 3, 6, 9, etc) this makes the average Body rolled just slightly higher. For odd numbers, it falls into line, except for the no additional Body for xd6+1 attacks. Penetrating attacks are pretty uncommon, so we'll run with it for a while.
  • Not sure what the canon rules are, but I had Penetrating attacks adjust damage based on Hit Location. It's pretty simple to remove that if my "off the cuff" interpretation violates some sacred cow.
  • I used Haakon, Filch and an NPC for testing purposes. Check to make sure that I did not accidentally "Heal" Body or outstanding Stun while I was dorking around.

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Re: Tesunden Isles


Update: We will be switching to MapTool version 1.3b74. It seems a bit more stable and fast according to Starwolf. I did not notice much of a performance difference from my end. In good news, we found a major error and corrected it. I'm not going to get real technical (partly because I am not sure I understand it enough to describe it correctly). I will say that it almost changes the way we do things. In this case, defenses are applied when you input damage into the Apply Damage v2 macro. It takes the raw, unmodified damage, subtracts defenses and sets the appropriate values. For the most part, it is hardly different than what we do now. The only difference is an Armor Piercing check box and a Surprise (ignore Combat Luck) check box that will need to (rarely) be checked.


I'll post the Blog entry sometime later this weekend. I really, really need to sleep now. Until next time.

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Re: Tesunden Isles


Update 10/09/10:

Updated that maximum allowable Defense / Resistant Defense ratings. Looking at how much damage is being done, a bit more defense will probably be required. This also brings it to the point where Resistant Defense max = mac DC. See how that rolls for a while.

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