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Rolling for initiative


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One of the things I wish was a little less regimented in Hero is initiative. High dex guy always goes before low dex guy.


I'd rather there be some element of luck in there. Here's what I was thinking -


At the beginning of combat, everyone makes a dex roll (those with lightning reflexes can use the roll of their increased effective dex). Then, for each phase you start with those who made the roll by the most, down to those who missed it by the most. Ties get broken by dex.


This still gives high dex guys a pretty favorable advantage, but it's not 100%.


What do you think? Apologies if this was already an alternate rule somewhere.



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Guest steamteck

Re: Rolling for initiative


We roll a D6 for each combatant and add it to DEX. a one vs a six always loses. Again, high DEX gives you a huge advantage but not 100%.

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Re: Rolling for initiative


I saw the speed / initiative dice thing in APG, but wasn't very impressed. It might work for initiative alone, but I wouldn't want "number of actions per turn" to be a random thing... that's too huge of a swing for a die roll (oh look, I get 3 extra actions this turn! bam bam bam!)



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Re: Rolling for initiative


I've used a random roll for starting Segment before, with a rolling schedule of delays between Phases. I also added some random delays in certain circumstances (such as when someone recovers from being Stunned). It can get a little tricky, but with a little practice and some experienced players I think it could work well. Didn't really mess with Dexterity ordering within the Segment, though.

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Re: Rolling for initiative


I'm of the opinion that HERO combat is slow enough without adding another roll per combatant every Phase. I can't imagine the benefits being worth the additional drag.

I was only suggesting a roll at the beginning of combat' date=' and then keeping that value the rest of combat. Definitely a roll every phase would be way too slow.[/quote']


It could also be done per turn.

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Re: Rolling for initiative


Being Hero, you can build this: Lightning Reflexes with an activation roll.


Sometimes it will make no difference (say you have 18 DEX plus 4 Lightning Reflexex (on 11-), if your opponent has 17 or less, or 23 or more DEX, no roll is needed), and not everyone will buy it that way anyway, but it will allow you to mix up combat order a bit without changing any rules or house ruling anything.


You can make your 'initiative roll' as simple or as complex as you like: 16 DEX plus 4 LR on 14- and +4 LR on 11- and +4 LR on 8-, or as simple as you like. You can even base it on something other than an activation roll, perhaps the increased 'initiative' works off charges, or only cuts in when you have lost half your stun, or following a particular combat maneouvre (all of the last 3 suggestions would have the advantage that no additional rolls are needed, so no slowing of combat).


The thing is that the system does not present a random initiative system, but there is nothing to stop you building one using Hero itself.

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Re: Rolling for initiative


I know this isn't what you asked per se but....I use playing cards randomly handed out to determine what segments players move on. I think this would remove a good portion of what is the root cause of your problem, that is -- a bunch of characters going on the same segments.

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Re: Rolling for initiative


A riff on the playing card technique (that probably only works for smaller groups and heroic speed levels). Deal as many cards as characters have points of speed at the beginning of each turn. They can then play one card per turn going in order of card value from highest to lowest. Ties can be resolved by suit.

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