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Star Trek Races - Andorian and Aenar

Mystic Pilgrim

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Greetings, everyone.


One of my pet gaming projects of the year is going to be writing a comprehensive Star Trek Hero book for 6th edition. (Granted this is not going to be to actually publish. well, more than maybe post it on the forum.) It's primary for my own enjoyment.


The first step in this project will be the development of the racial information and package deals. The first two races on the list are the Andorians and their sub-race, the Aenar.


Andorian Package Deal

Cost    Ability
   3    +3 Strength
   2    +2 Constitution
   2    +2 Ego

Cost    Perk
   1    Species: Andorian (0 Active Points)

Cost    Power
   8    Andorian Antennae:  (Total: 21 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) Ultrasonic (Subsonic) Hearing (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Will grow back after several months; Andorian Antennae; -1 1/4) (Real Cost: 1) plus +2 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Will grow back after several months; Andorian Antennae; -1 1/4) (Real Cost: 4) plus +3 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Will grow back after several months; Andorian Antennae; -1 1/4), Conditional Power Only for perception within 4 meters (-1) (Real Cost: 3)
   2    Redundant Andorian Circulatory System:  Life Support  (Safe in Intense Cold)
   18    Total Package Cost
Cost    Matching Complications
   15    Physical Complication:  Redundant Andorian Circulatory System [Poisons and toxins take effect quicker] (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)
   10    Psychological Complication:  Code of Vengeance, Honorable, or other appropriate limitation (Common; Moderate)

And of course:


Aenar Package Deal
Cost    Ability
   3    +3 Strength
   2    +2 Constitution
   2    +2 Ego
   3    +1 OMCV
   6    +2 DMCV
Cost    Perk
   1    Species: Aenar (0 Active Points)
Cost    Power
   8    Aenar Antennae:  (Total: 21 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) Ultrasonic (Subsonic) Hearing (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Will grow back after several months; Aenar Antennae; -1 1/4) (Real Cost: 1) plus +2 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Will grow back after several months; Aenar Antennae; -1 1/4) (Real Cost: 4) plus +3 PER with all Sense Groups (9 Active Points); OIF Fragile Expendable (Will grow back after several months; Aenar Antennae; -1 1/4), Conditional Power Only for perception within 4 meters (-1) (Real Cost: 3)
   11    Aenar Telepathy: Telepathy 4d6 (Sentient Minds class of minds) (20 Active Points); Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2), Costs END To Maintain (Half END Cost; -1/4)
   2    Redundant Andorian Circulatory System:  Life Support  (Safe in Intense Cold)
   38    Total Package Cost
Cost    Matching Complications
   15    Physical Complication:  Redundant Aenar Circulatory System [Poisons and toxins take effect quicker] (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)
   10    Social Complication:  Non-Violent and Pacifist Ideology Frequently, Minor

What do you all think? Do these packages sound reasonable?

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Re: Star Trek Races - Andorian and Aenar


instead of looking for a life partner - whic ain't neccesarily easy for us, they have to look for a group of three compatible individuals.

also , since throughout "recent" history, Andorians have been having a population problem (falling too low), they may have something equivalent to a duty to reproduce

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Re: Star Trek Races - Andorian and Aenar


How does this sound?


For the Andorians:

   0    Andorian Procreation: In order to procreate, Andorians require both male genders [chan and thaan] to fertilize the egg, a Shen the produce an agg, and a Zhen to carry to zygote to term
   15    Social Complication:  Duty to Reproduce [Requires a compatible member of all four genders to procreate] Infrequently, Severe


The Aenar as a little less strict, as they obviously don't have their duty to procreate the way that the Andorians do... Hence their dwindling numbers


   0    Aenar Procreation: In order to procreate, Aenar require both male genders [chan and thaan] to fertilize the egg, a Shen the produce an agg, and a Zhen to carry to zygote to term

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Re: Star Trek Races - Andorian and Aenar


if the info helps, they have 2 pairs of similar genders, two male-type, two female type


the males provide genetic material in the usual fashion. One of the females provide an ovum with its own genetic material.

the other female provides her genes and brings the baby to term.

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