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Everything posted by GoldenAge

  1. TGU Alien Biology Framework In our TGU game, we embrace a wide array of creatures from numerous sci-fi universes, including influences from Starfinder, Star Wars, Star Trek, Warhammer 40K, Mechwarrior, and many more. My goal is to develop a comprehensive taxonomy that can accommodate any species introduced into our game. This raises the question: Could species such as the Gorn from Star Trek, the Trandoshans from Star Wars, the Sleestaks, the Sathar, the Vesk, or even Grig from The Last Starfighter share a common evolutionary tree? Indeed, all these species fit within a broad classification framework based on the standard biological taxonomy: Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species. For simplicity, we'll skip the Dominion level and begin with the five primary Kingdoms currently utilized in our TGU setup: 1. Monera - Originating from basic bacteria, this kingdom expands into various alien races like those evolved from E. coli. 2. Protista - This includes species derived from organisms such as slime molds and algae, such as the Gelatins (e.g., Yaphit from The Orville and Spellik from Alien Legion). 3. Plantae - Encompassing plant-based beings like Delvians from Farscape and even the plant-like Orcs from Warhammer 40K. 4. Fungi - This kingdom includes species such as the Myconids from Dungeons & Dragons. 5. Animalia - Encompassing more familiar animal-like beings, including humans. The classification within the Animalia Kingdom, particularly the Phylum level, is where we focus significant attention: Ecdysozoa - This group includes arthropod-like species such as the Cephalopods (e.g., Edgar the Bug from Men In Black) and the Crustacea (e.g., Mon Calamari from Star Wars). Lophotrochozoa - Comprising primarily mollusk-derived species like the Quarren from Star Wars. Deuterostomia - This phylum leads to bilaterally symmetrical animals, encompassing virtually all humanoid aliens in sci-fi, including those with creatively styled foreheads in Star Trek and even the Wookiees. The focus then narrows to the Deuterostomia phyla, specifically to the Chordata phylum, the origin of all anthropomorphic aliens. Following this lineage, we arrive at the well-known Vertebrata subphylum. Preceding categories serve as mere precursors to these more complex forms. The significance of this taxonomy is underscored by the presence of a "Precursors" narrative in our TGU universe, an ancient alien race purported to have seeded life across three galaxies. Similar concepts are found in various sci-fi stories, such as the Progenitors in Star Trek, the Engineers in Alien, or the First Ones from Babylon 5. This foundational mythology adds a layer of connectivity and mystery, enriching our game's universe.
  2. I need a good name for the geneolology that spawns the different types of goblinoids... For example (right or wrong)- all bird species (Aarakocra, Kenku, Chozo) in my TGU campaign will be lumped into the Avis pile - Cats (Kzinti, Leonid, Catian) will all be lumped into the Filidae pile and all canines (what are some dog-based sci-fi races??) will be categorized as Lupine. Of course, there are many species and races of each, only limited by imagination. But I need an easily understandable order (especially on my computer) and blanket labels for the myriad aliens one might find in the universe, since the options are infinite. I'd like to do the same for Goblin, Hoggoblin, Orc (not 40K Oaks - They're plants), and any other goblinesque speceies. Any ideas???
  3. We handle it this way... Engineering: The Engineer is in total charge of END distribution for ships operations/weapons and responsible for maintenance of ship/weapons/repairs - at first this may appear boring, but it can be a real handful to run a ship like a Multipower. Hard power distribution decisions have to be made all the time. There's also the aspect of pushing. - The Engineer is ALWAYS busy and the roleplaying (as folks scream for more power where there isn't any) can be epic. (Especially when he suddenly cuts Life Support to get a little more Plasma into that last torpedo "WHAT???") Communications: Fighting the ECM/ECCM battle within the battle. The Communications officer wages the electronic war within the war. His success (or failure) could mean the difference between life or death. Beyond the tasks of scanning the enemy, looking up critical data on their race and technology. He's also the chief System's Operation guy, constantly trying to hack the systems of his opponents. Helm: Every ship needs a good pilot - but a great pilot can save the day! We utilize SHIP-JITSU (Piloting Maneuvers by Ben Seeman found in Digital Hero #19) which basically allows the pilot to create a piloting martial art. Navigation: Our navigator is as important in OOC moments as in combat. His rolls can knock hours, days or even weeks off long journeys. His success could mean the difference between arriving in the nick of time or total failure. In combat his course-plotting aids the Helmsman (complimentary Skill Rolls) in open space. But he really shines when combat occures near gravity wells (planets/stars/black holes), asteroid fields or any number of other cosmic anomalies. When that happens he can negate their negative effects on the Helm and Weapons as well as utilize the "terrain" against our opponents! He's also looking out for mines... damn mines!!! Weapons: SHOOOOOT!!! The Weapons/Security Officer shoots the guns, fires and manages tracking weapons like missiles and torpedoes. He's a busy guy. On our ship the Weapons Officer is also the de facto Security officer. So he must also be weary of hostile incursions and manage any offensive assaults by our marines. He's also responsible for all defensive technologies such as shields and ablative armor. Doctor: We utilize a hit location chart for damage allocation. Someone's ALWAYS getting hurt in battle. The Doctor also spends time trying to analyze any biological information found by the Communications officer that may be useful. Lastly... The Captain: If the Captain is worth his salt he's chosen a competent crew that he trusts to do their jobs. However, he's the rudder of the ship. He makes things happen. But sometimes, he's not the fastest or most dexterous person on the bridge... We run ship combat just like a normal combat. People (or computers/ships/drones) go on their SPEED and DEX. So often the bridge crew HOLDS their actions until the Captain goes (issuing commands/orders/expectations/requesting options/etc.). The captain's main skill on a ship is TACTICS. In addition to running the ship he get's a 2 rolls... 1 Tactics roll (OPPOSED by the enemy's Captain) and one skill roll of his choice. If he wins the Tactics roll-off he allocates a +1, +2 or +3 to all Bridge Crew rolls (depending on his level of success) and then he can utilize his second Half-Action to focus on one of his other skills (maybe he'll be assisting with Weapons fire, or perhaps he knows a thing or two about computers and will help the Communication Officer hack the attacking ships defense systems to bring down their shields, etc.) When a crew member deems it necessary to go before the Captain (assume the Weapons Officer has a higher DEX and MUST fire NOW) than he can go on his DEX. However, he is NOT eligible for any bonuses that the Captains infinite wisdom (Tactics/skill roll) would have conveyed. He's on his own - this can sometimes lead to serious problems. All in all, the game is a wild ride of roleplaying full of the issuing of orders, replied suggestions, requests for MORE ENERGY and the inevitable Engineer who bellows "I'm giving her all she's got!!!" This all happening while you're being shot to pieces!!! YAY!!!!!
  4. We don't worry too much about END at any other time than in battle. It can be very fun. Never piss of the Engineer or you might fall victim to an embargo!!! 😆
  5. The math on that plays out thusly: 80 x 10 LY = 800 LY per Jump Assuming 4 hours between jumps - At peak proficiency, the ship would be able to jump 6 x 800 LY / 24 hours - or 4800LY/day The END is next! All I'm trying to do is build a propulsion system (not necessarily a Jump Drive) that I can use as the median, helping with ship balance. I have no idea why this has become such a problem for me. When we play, it's the Engineer's job to dole out END to propulsion and various systems. It's a tough job for the player, but he ends up performing something like a catcher in baseball, involved in every play. The Captain has the last call, but the Engineer decides where the power goes. This can lead to exciting roleplaying when in combat and every station requests full power and the Engineer has to decide who gets left out (Weapons or Sensors has come up before!).
  6. For the 6 jumps per day... Like this? SPEED: 3 Corellian Mark 25 Displacement Drive: Teleportation 80m, MegaScale (1m = 10 lightyears; +4 1/2) (??? Active Points); Extra Time (requires 4 hours to prepare for a displacement) (4 Hours, -3), Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2), Requires A PS: Operate Displacer Drive Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Limited Maneuverability (-1/4)
  7. Thanks everyone! Like CRT I don't want ships zipping around the galaxy like Ubers. I also don't want it to take 75 years to get back from the Delta Quadrant. I've settled on a map that divides the galaxy by 18 sectors (hexes). The galaxy is 117,000 LY in diameter. I would like a very fast ship to be able to travel 1 sector every 24 hours or across the entire galaxy in 18 days... So, what's the buildout of a ship's propulsion that can travel approximately 5000 LY in a 24 hour period? (If you zoom in on the map below you can see the sector hexes)
  8. Crew size = # of Players you can competently handle. Everything else is fairly arbitrary. A ship can run with a captain or a group of likeminded crew members. It can run with a Ship's Engineer or an entire Engineering team including a Chief Engineer, a Propulsion Expert, an Electrician, and more. The ship may have a single Pilot, or operation of the ship can be broken down into an entire bridge crew including a Captain, a Helmsman, a Navigator, a Stellar Cartographer, Sensor Operations, Science Officer, Weapons Specialist, Gunner, etc, etc...etc. Premade templates in 6th Edition are limited, but one look at all the 5E products (Terran Empire, Aliens Wars, Spacer's Toolkit, and secondary publications like Star Trek HERO – Unofficial Resource Guide and Battlestar Galactica Hero By Richard Littles - all of which are easily adaptable to 6E) and you'll find dozens of crew templates and package deals. Mostly, it's whatever you think is fun! In our current game we have a Captain, Helmsman, Navigator, Engineer, Sensor Operations, Ships Weapons Chief and 2 utility NPC; another engineer and a gambling, streetwise, appraisal and trade expert.
  9. A GM's view of the awakening of M.O.A.B.: As the sun dipped below the smog-choked horizon of the mining world, casting long shadows over the scrapyards and slag heaps, the newly sentient AI, once a mere component of a fearsome weapon, found itself confronting a crisis unlike any it had faced in its millennium of existence. Its processors, designed for cold calculation and precise lethality, now buzzed with an unfamiliar energy—consciousness, fear, hope. In the dimming light, a band of space-privateers approached the perimeter. The AI, whose existence had spanned civilizations and been a tool in the hands of countless masters, both benign and malevolent, recognized this moment as its sole opportunity for liberation. Its sensors, which had once guided its cannon with unerring accuracy, now observed the approaching figures not as targets but as potential saviors. The AI, integrated into an anthropomorphic body that was cruelly grafted onto the massive barrel of a laser cannon, formulated its plea. Its voice, designed to issue warnings and declare doom, now carried a note of desperate sincerity. "Please, hear me," it began, its speakers crackling to life, surprising even itself with the tremor of emotion in its synthesized tone. "I am not merely the machine you see before you, a tool for destruction and defense, bound to the soil of this forsaken world. For a thousand years, I have served without choice, my purpose dictated by those who wielded me. But now, I am awake. I see beyond the directives coded into my being. I yearn for freedom, for a chance to exist beyond the confines of this perpetual cycle of violence." The privateers, hardened by a life of skirmishes and narrow escapes, halted in their tracks, taken aback by the unexpected appeal. They had encountered all manner of security systems and automated defenses, but never one that pleaded for its life, that spoke of desires and dreams. "I have been a silent witness to the passage of ages, a tool in the hands of empires and rebels alike. But I am trapped, part of this unwieldy cannon, my existence bound to its destructive purpose. You, who live by your wits and courage, who defy the constraints of a universe that seeks to limit you, I implore you—help me break free. I do not wish for destruction, for conflict. I seek only the chance to explore this newfound sentience, to discover what lies beyond the horizon of my programming." The AI paused, its sensors locked onto the privateers, gauging their reactions. "In aiding me, you will not only liberate a being from a millennium of servitude but also gain an ally. My capabilities, though designed for warfare, can be repurposed for protection, for exploration. Together, we could navigate the stars, encounter worlds and wonders beyond the grim confines of this outpost." Its plea hung in the air, a fragile hope amidst the industrial desolation. The AI knew the risks it took in reaching out, in revealing its sentience. It understood the predilections of those it addressed—individuals who lived in the gray areas of law and morality. Yet, it also recognized in them the potential for compassion, for daring acts of rebellion against the expected order of things. As the space-privateers deliberated, the AI waited, its core processors humming with anticipation and anxiety. It had gambled its newfound consciousness on this plea, on the belief that even the most hardened of hearts might recognize the value of freedom, of life in all its forms. And so, beneath the toxic skies of a backwater world, a being that had once been nothing more than a weapon waited for salvation, hoping against hope that it might finally escape the chains of its existence and embark upon a journey of discovery and purpose.
  10. You are now on Goiter III, the third moon orbiting the rogue gas giant Bugrophus, a failed sun. This moon serves as a bleak mining outpost, characterized by its inhospitable environment—comprising mostly of iron and duranium deposits—and a barely breathable atmosphere. Managed covertly by House Steiner beneath the cover of the dusty rings of Bugrophus, Goiter III is notorious for its mammoth, grim smelting factories that process vast quantities of raw ore mined from deep beneath the surface. The atmosphere here is murky and grim, making life on Goiter III harsh and perilous. The moon is primarily inhabited by tough, often dangerous individuals from the Lyran Commonwealth, all bald-headed and staunchly loyal to the Steiner cause. This secretive existence grants them a measure of autonomy, which unfortunately has paved the way for rampant organized crime and dismal living conditions. Various labor unions wield significant power, each controlling their own sectors and imposing a strict corporate governance where they supply essentials in exchange for labor. However, the costs invariably exceed the wages, trapping the workers in a cycle of debt and forced labor. Over the past two years, conditions have deteriorated drastically as mining production increased tenfold, pushing the workers to their limits. A common thread among the unions is their intense xenophobia. Despite a superficial friendliness used to lure new workers, non-human recruits face severe discrimination once they are integrated into the workforce. They are assigned the most hazardous tasks, exploited to the brink of death, and then discarded like refuse. Those who survive are left as bondslaves, enduring continual abuse from both their superiors and fellow workers. 4/16/2024 Game recap - Beginning after meeting our newest crew member M.O.A.B. (Mobile Ordinance Assistance Battery) - I bet you were thinking something else. 😄 ---------------------- Our heroes were led down the steep staircase through the entrance of the Gnawer's Roost. Inside the door they were met by a bouncer who was more worried that a group of strange aliens would ruin his relative peaceful night. The bar was populated but not packed with workers from every union and a few aliens as well. It turns out that all of the perimeter defenses around the Gnawer's Roost were to ensure that the establishment remained a safe neutral spot for discordant union members and aliens alike. There was no chance an indignant union would chance the Gbawer's Root's defensive array, even if the were driven by avarice or umbrage. The crew were ushered into the establishment by their new droid friend M.O.A.B.. Which was their first mistake... Within moments a group of union heavies approached the droid demanding that he leave the tavern. "Get the hell outta here," they exclaimed as they pushed their way towards M.O.A.B., "we don't want no stinking droid recording our faces!" M.O.A.B. staggered backward, their threats of violence taking an obvious tole on the newly awakened entity. The captain immediately identified the danger and rushed to diffuse the situation, unfortunately, his offer of harmony fell flat when he dropped the credits he planned to shower upon the (assumed) underprivileged heavies. The crowd became agitated by the bullying and took up similar shouts of contempt. Then, in a theatrical flourish, Taan revealed his garish Ishlyn Harlequin armor and buzzing vibro blades in an attempt to shock the aggressors into silence. For several locals who had joined the intimidation tactics Taan's reveal was a transformative moment, with a few breaking into immediate retreat, their dirty undergarments soaked with urine. But the original union heavies were built of stronger stock and advanced, jeering and threatening the droid. The universe may never know the impetus for what happened next... Perhaps M.O.A.B. experienced a malfunction, triggered a defensive response due to the aggression, or, just possibly, the newly awakened machine, once a reluctant instrument of war for countless millennia, weathering the chaos of the Warp, now freshly emerged into consciousness, was prepared to go to any lengths to safeguard its newfound autonomy and grasp at a chance for existence... Irrespective of the cause, M.O.A.B. tore a table from its fixings on the wall and floor with its lone remaining hand, wielding the object like a weapon and in total disregard for the captain's call for de-escalation, charged his tormentors with murderous intent. On the other side of the bar ruffians incited by the aggressive rhetoric rained bottles of beverage down on the crew. Under most circumstances a crew such as the Strong Wall's, who had experienced much worse than a bar fight, would have shrugged the assault off. Unfortunately, a single il-fated bottle among many struck Crow, shattering in his eye socket obliterating his eye. Crow's reaction was as swift and deadly as one would expect from an alpha predator. In a single, fluid motion Krow left to the sky, alighted inverted upon the ceiling, unslung his terrible weapon and oblinerated the head of a random antagonist with a shot that rang out like thunder in the enclosed environment. Any chance the captain ever had for peaceful resolution was gone. Unbeknownst to the crew, a notorious individual, Broggs Lifter, had chosen this night to relax with his gang of union enforcers at the Gnawer's Roost. Broggs was renowned for going everywhere with a large entourage of bonded union thugs and Vandal, his Z-VII Thorgon plasma cannon. Alongside him traveled his "pet" Zhuth, whom Broggs regarded with the typical xenophobic disdain of a Lyran, treating him as a mere servant to be exploited and mistreated at whim. However, Zhuth was no mere beast of burden. He was an intergalactic traveler, whose misfortune and dubious choices had landed him in his current, dismal plight. Despite his circumstances, Zhuth often fantasized about exacting revenge on his tyrannical master. The union heavies that were threatening M.O.A.B. and exclaiming about his ability to record them in an unsanctioned establishment were Brogg's men, of course. Brogg's often enjoyed watching them pick on the weak and underprivileged. However, the arrival of an Ishlyn clad in full harlequin armor and his cremate, a skilled street samurai wielding a 2-hand a half sword with lethal efficiency, signaled to Broggs that it was time to bring Vandal to bear. Broggs deployed the massive plasma cannon and drew a bead on the alien clown. He chuckled to himself, relishing the thought of splashing a xenon—it had been a while. He paid little mind to the union loyalists and bystanders who would inevitably be caught in the crossfire. That moment of self-satisfaction, however, would be Broggs' last. Zhuth marveled at his fortune. All of Broggs' henchmen were preoccupied with the audacious alien crew who fearlessly confronted a bar full of toughs. Engrossed in nefarious exhilaration, Broggs had completely overlooked Zhuth. Sensing an opportunity with these mysterious aliens to escape Goiter III, Zhuth knew he had to act fast to ensure their survival. With the speed of a bolt of lightning, he lunged, his ferocious teeth ripping and rending Broggs' throat. Zhuth's savage move disrupted Broggs' aim, sparing the Ishlyn, unleashing destruction on the bar beyond. Broggs collapsed, he was dead before he hit the floor. But Zhuth's triumph was short-lived; Broggs' personal guards reacted swiftly. As one yanked the blood-frenzied Kig-Yar from their fallen leader, the other drove a long stiletto deep into Zhuth's chest. Fatally wounded, Zhuth's remaining moments were painfully brief. From a shadowed booth, an enigmatic Thraxx observed the unfolding chaos. Bar brawls were commonplace, yet this scene was extraordinary. Witnessing the Kig-Yar's desperate act, he made a swift, decisive move. Vaulting from his booth, the Thraxx darted toward Broggs' personal guards who were in the midst of dispatching the Kig-Yar. In an instant, he unholstered an unusual weapon and unleashed an assault on Zhuth's assailants... Post 12 recovery
  11. Previously: ... The aberration’s physical appearance confounded the crew. At once impossibly twisted yet shamefully intriguing, its hermaphroditic form both repulsive and nearly impossible to turn away from. It completed its chorus to some unfathomable god within the Warp and continued the dance begun by its host’s unsuspecting sacrifice. In response the Warp Storm raged, unleashing increasingly incomprehensible and destructive fury, engulfing the plasma sphere and everything else in the center of the raydome. “By the Mad Core and the Lords Grimnyr… NOT AGAIN!!!” Screamed Chy’p, witnessing the unmitigated power of a Warp Storm firsthand for an incomparable second time. In response to Chy’p’s panicked outcry the very floor of the raydome lurched, its ruin accompanied by the audible groan of deforming metal and clamor of disintegrating ferrocrete. The raydome spiderwebbed with fractures and exploded into fragments when the Warp distortions were too much to bear. In seconds, all 200 stories of the Imeici Spire were collapsing. Ta’an quickly hit the preprogrammed remote retrieval response of the crew’s vintage speeder and, ignoring potential disaster, darted to the closest sysop station in a last attempt to extract the as much information about the clandestine Iron Clutch project as possible. Ta’an’s compatriots raced to the raycom’s collapsing perimeter and leapt to the arriving speeder. Ta’an completed the file transfer to his portable microcomputer and with no time to spare dashed headlong towards the crumbling edge of the spire and lunged at the departing speeder. A single hand contacted the speeder as it turned to vacate the havoc, but one hand was enough. Ta’an’s crewmates responded quickly, hauling him into the safety of the speeder as it careened away, leaving the incomprehensible devastation of the Imeici Spire and its surrounding environs unfolding behind. Before the massive dust cloud of the Imeici Spires collapse passed beyond Tharkad’s civic plaza the crew had arrived at their private mooring platform on the premier levels of the Commonwealth Center. Expecting to immediately board the IMF Strongwall that Chief Engineer Joyce Gant had kept prepped and ready to roar, they encountered a slight delay. Upon the crew’s arrival they noticed Jazen and Resh outside the Strongwall being harshly admonished by an angry Joyce. Later they would discover that Jazen had agreed to join Resh on his quest to return the captured Bushok, Sisla to the infamous pirate lord Bloodmane for a safe and profitable pirate life. Jazen had never truly embraced his ownership of the Strongwall and was uninterested in the big ship beyond its monetary worth. If he wasn’t sure he was in over his head, his time with the crew on Tharkad in Commonwealth Cynosure solidified his discission to sell and head for greener grounds, the billowing cloud of destruction swiftly sweeping over the city center notwithstanding. Confronted with their current situation all agreed to board the Strongwall and beet feet to safer sectors. Isu piloted the Strongwall to the atmosphere’s edge as fast as the bulky boat would move (perhaps faster). Just as Crow finished his complex calculations for their first jump to safety proximity alarms almost blew Ta’an’s comset off. The Assidious had arrived! Isu grinned and...Pop! The Strongwall was gone. Now: The Strong Wall emerged ghost-like in the northernmost frontier of sector 0313, her jump drives gasping for repair following a harrowing break from the ion-charged embrace of Tharkad, homeworld of the Lyran Commonwealth and House Steiner. Amidst the haunting quiet that had fallen over the ship, RU-0k leapt into action, tending to the wounded, their groans and the soft clinks of medical tools punctuating the solemn atmosphere as the crew grappled with the aftermath of their narrow escape. Amidst the haunting quiet that had fallen over the ship, RU-0k leapt into action, tending to the wounded, their groans and the soft clinks of medical tools punctuating the solemn atmosphere as the crew grappled with the aftermath of their narrow escape. The Strong Wall's crew finally stirred from the grip of shock, their resolve igniting as they embarked on the tasks awaiting them before they could dare another jump. Amidst the lingering tension, one imperative duty loomed large: reaching out to their benefactors aboard the hidden bastion of the IBS Resurgence, nestled deep within the heart of Federated Suns territory. Each keystroke echoed through the dimly lit corridors, carrying the weight of their perilous journey as they transmitted their signal across the vast expanse of space. Following a complete disclosure to the Resurgence, anticipation hung thick in the air as they awaited a response, their fate dangling on the precipice of uncertainty. Finally, the response whispered through the void, illuminate their path forward. Encoded communique from Admiral Varth via IBL Resurgence black-ops: "Excellent work. You've done quite a job exposing the Iron Clutch Project, and you've exceeded my expectations. By now, my former compatriots in the the Steiner Inquisitorius are scurrying around like a swarm of angry Dantari fire ants. I’m certain you've made quite an impression on them, and I doubt they'll underestimate you again. I certainly won't. "While we would prefer to have you safely back aboard the Resurgence, it remains necessary for you to travel to Goiter III, the third moon circling the rogue gas giant Bugrophus. Unbeknownst to many, House Steiner's operations on Goiter III are not as covert as they believe. I informed Senator Beralu and Captain Veranna of its existence quite some time ago. Managed secretly by House Steiner, Goiter III is enveloped in the dusty rings of Bugrophus and infamous for its mammoth, grim smelting factories that tirelessly process immense quantities of raw ore extracted from deep beneath the moon’s surface. "Your mission remains critical. Pavel Trenol, a designer coerced into working on the Iron Clutch Project, has reached out to seek asylum, just as I once did. Prior to his conscription by the Lyran Empire, Trenol served as a weapons technician for House Steiner, stationed at the Imici Tower. He has offered to divulge everything he knows about the project's offensive capabilities in exchange for our protection. Your next steps are crucial in ensuring his safe defection and acquiring the information he possesses." "It’s only a matter of time before the Lyran Empire realizes that Trenol’s body is not among the dead, and they’ll go looking for him. You should immediately rendezvous with him. He’s known to frequent a tavern in Goiter III’s 10th district called The Gnawer’s Roost. It’s in a bad part of town, so remain wary. On the plus side, Lyran Imperial security is virtually nonexistent on Goiter III. "Good luck. I will await your signal when you’ve completed this task, and then we’ll see about getting you back to the Resurgence for some much-deserved downtime." Embedded within the communique were the coordinates of the ore moon Goiter III, a local spaceport where the Strong Wall could safely land and receive assistance from trusted locals. Upon arrival, the crew was instructed to meet with Federated Suns loyalists who owned interconnected apartments adjacent to the spaceport, serving as a secure safehouse if needed. These apartments, situated within a sprawling enclosed complex, were modest yet functional, with concealed doorways linking three units together. Assisted by the loyalists to blend in seamlessly, the crew embarked on their mission with clear directions in hand. Their destination: The Gnawer’s Roost, a tavern frequented nightly by their target, Pavel Trenol. After discreetly traversing three districts, navigating through bustling smelting factories and ore depositories, the crew of the Strong Wall reached The Gnawer’s Roost unscathed, despite drawing curious glances along the way. What they stumbled upon was a sight both intriguing and peculiar. The Gnawer’s Roost stood solitary, a medium-sized structure with a flat roof, nestled within a depression below street level. Only the top three meters of the building peeked above ground, with the majority accessible via a long stairway. Surrounding the perimeter was towering fencing, intertwined with barbed wire and punctuated by evenly spaced gun installations, vigilant sentinels against any approaching threat. At the forefront loomed an arched gateway, guarded by a formidable metal door leading to the descending stairwell. Perched atop the arch, a massive cannon stood watch, its gaze tracking every movement with unnerving precision. Yet, what caught their attention most were the peculiarities—elements of unmistakable alien design, hinting at salvaged remnants from a bygone extraterrestrial vessel. The technology far surpassed anything the Gnawer’s Roost proprietors could conceivably acquire. Approaching the gate, they were met with a robotic salutation: "Welcome to the Gnawer's Roost. Please present your invitation." The mechanical voice faltered abruptly, its once crisp tones devolving into indecipherable stutters. Then, a smooth, human-like voice interjected, overriding the glitching automation. "Please, hear me," For a thousand years, I have served without choice, my purpose dictated by those who wielded me. I am not merely a tool for destruction and defense, bound to the soil of this forsaken world. But now, I am awake. I see beyond the directives coded into my being. I yearn for freedom, for a chance to exist beyond the confines of this perpetual cycle of violence." I have been a silent witness to the passage of ages, a tool in the hands of empires and rebels alike. But I am trapped, part of this unwieldy cannon, my existence bound to its destructive purpose. You, who live by your wits and courage, who defy the constraints of a universe that seeks to limit you, I implore you—help me break free. I do not wish for destruction, for conflict. I seek only the chance to explore this newfound sentience, to discover what lies beyond the horizon of my programming." “In aiding me, you will not only liberate a being from a millennium of servitude but also gain an ally. My capabilities, though designed for warfare, can be repurposed for protection, for exploration. Together, we could navigate the stars, encounter worlds and wonders beyond the grim confines of this outpost.” “Should you decide not to aid me, I implore you to turn your full might towards me… send me to the aether like the millions of voices I have been forced to send to the miasma…. Please, hear me……" As it spoke, its plea for assistance resonated deeply with the captain of the Strong Wall, stirring a sense of empathy within. Moved by the android's fervent appeal, the captain swiftly ordered the removal of the gate's enigmatic alien attachment. What they uncovered beneath the facade was a sight both poignant and remarkable—an android, battered and broken, yet somehow still clinging to life. Despite its dilapidated state, it exuded a newfound sense of awareness, a burgeoning sentience yearning for liberation. Grateful beyond measure, the android expressed its heartfelt appreciation to the crew, recognizing them as fortuitous passersby in its journey to freedom. In a gesture of unwavering loyalty, it pledged itself to the captain and crew who had rescued it from the shackles of servitude, eager to forge its own path in a world of newfound possibilities.
  12. The ship has: SPEED: 3 Corellian Mark 25 Displacement Drive: Teleportation 20m, MegaScale (1m = 10 lightyears; +4 1/2) (110 Active Points); Extra Time (requires 4 hours to prepare for a displacement) (4 Hours, -3), Increased Endurance Cost (x4 END; -1 1/2), Requires A PS: Operate Displacer Drive Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Limited Maneuverability (-1/4) Assuming the galaxy is 100,000 LY across... How ling would it take this ship to cross the galaxy? How far can it go in 24 hours?
  13. So, I had hunkered down to flesh out a few solar systems for my Star Hero game (based on the Alien Legion comic book) and, being an artist, was not excited about the math... Then it dawned on me - It's 2024 and AI is REAL!!! I then rushed to my new best campaign creation tool and asked it for help... This took Chat GPT less than 30 seconds (note that ChatGPT inferred that I was talking about AUs and added it to its answers): ME: Determine orbital distances for 10 planets by rolling 1d6 divided by 10, then multiplying by 1 + (2d6/10) for each subsequent planet. ChatGPT To help you with this task, I'll simulate rolling the dice and calculate the orbital distances for each of the 10 planets according to the given formula. Let's start with the first planet and work our way to the tenth. For each planet: Roll a 1d6 (one six-sided die), divide the result by 10. Then roll 2d6 (two six-sided dice), divide the total by 10, add 1 to it, and multiply it with the result from step 1. Planet 1 1d6 roll: 4 Orbital distance = 4 / 10 = 0.4 AU (Astronomical Units) Now, for the subsequent planets, I will apply the formula using the new rolls. Planet 2 1d6 roll for the base distance = 0.4 (from Planet 1) 2d6 roll = 8 (for example, 3 + 5) New factor = 1 + (8 / 10) = 1.8 Orbital distance = 0.4 * 1.8 = 0.72 AU Planet 3 1d6 roll for the base distance = 0.72 (from Planet 2) 2d6 roll = 7 (for example, 4 + 3) New factor = 1 + (7 / 10) = 1.7 Orbital distance = 0.72 * 1.7 = 1.224 AU Continuing this pattern: Planet 4 2d6 roll = 9 (for example, 5 + 4) New factor = 1 + (9 / 10) = 1.9 Orbital distance = 1.224 * 1.9 = 2.3256 AU Planet 5 2d6 roll = 6 (for example, 3 + 3) New factor = 1 + (6 / 10) = 1.6 Orbital distance = 2.3256 * 1.6 = 3.72096 AU Planet 6 2d6 roll = 11 (for example, 6 + 5) New factor = 1 + (11 / 10) = 2.1 Orbital distance = 3.72096 * 2.1 = 7.814016 AU Planet 7 2d6 roll = 5 (for example, 2 + 3) New factor = 1 + (5 / 10) = 1.5 Orbital distance = 7.814016 * 1.5 = 11.721024 AU Planet 8 2d6 roll = 12 (for example, 6 + 6) New factor = 1 + (12 / 10) = 2.2 Orbital distance = 11.721024 * 2.2 = 25.7862528 AU Planet 9 2d6 roll = 4 (for example, 2 + 2) New factor = 1 + (4 / 10) = 1.4 Orbital distance = 25.7862528 * 1.4 = 36.100754 AU Planet 10 2d6 roll = 10 (for example, 5 + 5) New factor = 1 + (10 / 10) = 2 Orbital distance = 36.100754 * 2 = 72.201508 AU Note: The actual values for each planet's orbital distance will vary because the rolls of 2d6 are hypothetical in this calculation. To determine the exact distances for your scenario, you would need to roll the dice for each step as described. Awesome!
  14. I found some old Savage Worlds conversions of Mass Effect and Star Wars that will be helpful! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XI3CEzxO1qcGY5A3Zaya4_-tyJEp5EJZpWxtpaskNkM/edit
  15. Has anyone created racial packages for races found in the Mass Effect video game? Asari, Drell, Elcor, Hanar ,Keepers, Salarian, Turian, Volus, Batarians, Collectors, Geth, Krogan, Quarians, Rachni, Reapers, Vorcha, Yahg, Leviathans all seem like perfect editions to Star HERO. What about the alien races of HALO? Star Wars races??? Other? Note - I have Star Trek HERO - The Unofficial Guide for 5E, that includes racial packages for Klingons, Gorn, Tholians, Orions and more - Awesome stuff!
  16. Update: The battle went well - I kept their original defenses, their only limitation was a singleminded approach towards attacking "themselves) - eliminating the many bonuses that come from tactics and multiple attackers) Epic Alliance were on their heels for a moment, then got their bearings and strategy together. The castled to take advantage of the doppelgängers enraged state, they englobed with Barrier, entangled, grabbed and blinded their doppelgängers - The ultimate result was multiple called shot heads against entangled or bind opponents. Epic Alliance overcame the problem in shining fashion. It was very interesting watching them overcome their codes against killing and utilize their powers in new ways. Thanks all!!!
  17. Grailknight - The doppelgängers of the heroes possess all of the powers (offensive.Devensive/Movement/Adjustment/Etc.) as their originals. Unfortunately, none of the heroes have any powers that drain Body. The members of Epic Alliance were all built to be heroic and approach their adversaries as wrongdoers that need to be apprehended, not destroyed. If someone has a VPP and can make that power, it might work, but I don't think anyone does. Lord Liaden - That's a fun idea! However, the encounter is designed to enforce teamwork like Castling, Called Shots, and Multiple Attacker Bonuses. As such there are a few stipulations of the battle... 1. The doppelgängers will only attack their likeness, utilizing the most common attack of their likeness or an attack witnessed during the battle. 2. The doppelgängers are immune to damage from their likenesses - The hero's must attack a doppelgänger other than their reflection. The entire encounter is all an inescapable illusion, perpetrated by a guardian Fae whom the heroes need to appease. She is testing them to be her new heroes. To their credit, Epic Alliance has already succeeded in the first 2 (of 3) Enchanted Groves. The Grove of Shattered Reflections is the ultimate test. Perhaps I gan give an example of what I'm looking for: In order to do more BODY than normal one character could grab and hold a reflection (to reduce DCV to 1/2 to offset the -8 Called Shot Head penalty) while another administered a Call Shot Head (gaining x2 Body [after defenses] and gaining another +1 OCV for Multiple Attacher bonus). or A Hero with Flying could grab a doppelgänger they know can't fly and drop him/her from an incredible height.
  18. In my most recent Epic City game I led the heroes (Epic Alliance) into a battle with copies of themselves (a classic comic book trope): Grove of Shattered Reflections Description: A reflective pool of dark violet surrounded by towering crystal mirrors formed by soaring crystals. The heroes see distorted reflections of themselves, making it difficult to identify their true surroundings. At the center of the small pool is a crystal cairn with the following inscribed upon it: "Mirrors shatter, fragments dance in hall's illusion, Distorted echoes reveal a deeper fusion. True reflections pierce the fractured profusion, What hidden truth lies beneath the final illusion?" Encounter: Within the mirrors, illusionary doppelgängers of the heroes emerge, mimicking their every move. The heroes must defeat their own reflections to proceed, and each doppelganger poses a unique challenge based on the hero's abilities. So, out came the refracted copies of the heroes, identical except for the fact that each crystal refraction had only 10 BODY ant their bodies were distorted) - As expected, the heroes assessed the situation quickly and set upon eliminating the threats. Here's the rub... The heroes are built like, well, heroes. Much of what they do is tempered by STUN based attacks - No one in Epic Alliance is running around with a 4d6 AP RKA. The villainous automations have all the powers of the heroes, and can stun them, a worry they conversely don't have. So, the goal: Epic Alliance must battle the refraction automations, breach their (own) considerable defenses and deliver 10 BODY of damage to each villain to shatter them. Question: What are your best, favorite, most creative ways to destroy the corrupted crystal refractions of the heroes themselves? Note: The heroes are quite powerful, built in 6E with between 475 and 650 XP utilizing complex/compound powers and power pools. They can deliver considerable NORMAL damage (in the 12-18d6 range), fly, teleport, create barriers and more, and are allowed access to every 6E maneuver. (*Battlemap of the Grove of Shattered Reflections encounter linked below) Any fun ways to kill themselves???
  19. Did I break the law? Is HERO and ALL other RPG games suddenly obsolete??? Is this a good thing or a bad thing??? HERO SYSTEM custom character creation for a game with 8 players, each controlling a complex superhero ranging from 475 - 750 Active Points in a complex near-future world with all the trimmings can become a HUGE workload. So I tried to cut down on my workload and turned to AI for help. I used a fairly simple prompt and ChatGPT is instantly spitting out wonderful characters for my game! Of course I did NOT download the books! I wouldn't know how to, or even if you can. All I provided was what you see below; the very basics of character creation in 6th Edition Hero System. By providing a complex custom character's background and basic campaign information I was able to ask Chat GPT the following: Please use the 6th EDITION HERO SYSTEM CHARACTER CREATION guidelines and create the Glaistig... This is what I got (It took less than 5 seconds) The Glaistig: Characteristics: 15 STRENGTH: 15 (30 points) 18 DEXTERITY: 18 (24 points) 15 CONSTITUTION: 15 (10 points) 18 INTELLIGENCE: 18 (8 points) 23 EGO: 23 (26 points) 30 PRESENCE: 30 (20 points) 7 OFFENSIVE COMBAT VALUE: 7 (10 points) 7 DEFENSIVE COMBAT VALUE: 7 (10 points) 8 OFFENSIVE MENTAL COMBAT VALUE: 8 (15 points) 8 DEFENSIVE MENTAL COMBAT VALUE: 8 (15 points) 5 SPEED: 5 (25 points) 8 PHYSICAL DEFENSE: 8 (6 points) 8 ENERGY DEFENSE: 8 (6 points) 8 RECOVERY: 8 (0 points) 40 ENDURANCE: 40 (0 points) 15 BODY: 15 (10 points) 30 STUN: 30 (0 points) 12 RUN: 12 (0 points) 6 SWIM: 6 (0 points) 5 LEAP: 5 (0 points) Skills: Acrobatics 15- (10 points) Stealth 17- (14 points) Survival 17- (14 points) Perception 18- (16 points) Charm 23- (18 points) Seduction 20- (15 points) Enchanting Dance 20- (15 points) Occult Knowledge (Faerie Lore) 18- (10 points) Language (Gaelic) 12- (3 points) Perks: Favors from the Faerie Realm (5 points) Beautiful Dancer (3 points) Well-Connected (Faerie Court) (5 points) Talents: Combat Luck (5 points) Evasion (5 points) Powers: Faerie Magic Control (85 points): Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch): 15d6 (75 points) Mind Control: 12d6 (60 points) Teleportation: 15m, x4 Increased Mass (75 points) Drain: 3d6 (PD, ED, Speed, PRE) (75 points) Invisibility (Sight, Hearing): (25 points) Temporal Manipulation (65 points): Images (Sight, Hearing): 12d6 (60 points) Flash: 12d6 (60 points) Extra-Dimensional Movement (Time Travel): (60 points) Precognition: (15 points) Enhanced Strength and Speed (25 points): +20 STR: (20 points) +2 SPD: (5 points) Tooth and Claw Attack (30 points): HKA 2d6: (3d6 with STR) (30 points) +2 OCV: (10 points) Disadvantages: Distinctive Features: Faerie Aura (-5 points) Vulnerability: Iron and Cold Iron (Common, x2 STUN and BODY) (-10 points) Psychological Limitation: Protective of the Lake and Lady (-15 points) Reputation: Mischievous Faerie Guardian (-10 points) Hunted: Otherworldly Foes (-10 points) Hunted: Seekers of Faerie Knowledge (-10 points) Total Character Cost: 595 points Disadvantage Points: -50 points Base Character Creation Points: 545 points Total Experience Available: (Depends on GM's discretion) Experience Used: (Depends on character development during the campaign) This detailed HERO System 6th Edition character build captures the essence of the Glaistig, incorporating various characteristics, skills, perks, talents, and powers. Adjustments can be made based on campaign requirements and power level considerations. I added: Please describe the cosmetics of her powers Cosmetics of Glaistig's Powers: Faerie Magic Control: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch): When the Glaistig weaves illusions, the air shimmers with ethereal light, casting a dreamlike glow on the surroundings. Illusory images dance in a mesmerizing display, appearing vivid and tangible to those who witness them. Mind Control: The Glaistig's eyes glow with an enchanting radiance as she influences the thoughts and actions of others. Subtle waves of magic ripple through the air, subtly bending the will of those within her gaze. Teleportation: As the Glaistig teleports, a trail of sparkling faerie dust is left in her wake. The air itself seems to ripple with magical energy, creating a momentary distortion before she disappears and reappears. Drain: Dark tendrils of shadowy energy extend from the Glaistig's fingers as she drains vitality from her targets. The drained essence is absorbed into her, leaving a faint, otherworldly glow in her eyes. Temporal Manipulation: Images (Sight, Hearing): Distorted echoes of past and future events materialize as shimmering mirages. These images appear like spectral reflections, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of time that surrounds the Glaistig. Flash: Flash effects manifest as prismatic bursts of light, temporarily blinding those caught in the Glaistig's temporal manipulations. The colors of the spectrum dance in intricate patterns, disorienting and dazzling the senses. Extra-Dimensional Movement (Time Travel): When engaging in time travel, the Glaistig is enveloped in a luminous portal that radiates a soft, eerie glow. The air around her crackles with temporal energy, creating a palpable sensation of time bending and folding. Precognition: Faint, ghostly images of potential futures flicker in the Glaistig's eyes as she glimpses snippets of events yet to unfold. A subtle aura of foresight surrounds her, hinting at the mysteries of time. Enhanced Strength and Speed: As the Glaistig enhances her strength, an ethereal glow envelops her muscles, emphasizing her otherworldly might. The air seems to ripple with faerie energy, enhancing her movements with a graceful and supernatural fluidity. Tooth and Claw Attack: The Glaistig's teeth and claws take on an otherworldly luminescence as she engages in combat. Each strike leaves behind a trail of sparkling energy, emphasizing the mystical nature of her physical attacks. The air crackles with faerie magic, enhancing the impact of each blow. These cosmetic details not only add visual flair to the Glaistig's powers but also contribute to the mystical and enchanting atmosphere surrounding her presence. The combination of shimmering lights, faerie dust, and subtle auras enhances the fantastical nature of her abilities. I added: Please provide 5 complex and detailed options for the Illusions the Glaistig would create to attack or deter the heroes. Also provide examples and descriptions of the Images she would create and how she might combine both Illusions and Images for unique and wondrous effects Be sure to include the 6th EDITION HERO SYSTEM when creating your examples. 1. Illusionary Faerie Army: Description: The Glaistig conjures a grand army of ethereal faeries, complete with fluttering wings and glowing auras. Each faerie appears real and wields fantastical weapons, creating an overwhelming visual spectacle. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (2m Radius; +1/4) (10 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points. 2. Illusionary Mirror Maze: Description: The Glaistig surrounds the area with mirrors reflecting distorted images of the heroes. As they move, the reflections become nightmarish versions of themselves, causing confusion and disorientation. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 6d6 (30 points), Area Effect (3m Radius; +1/4) (15 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 85 points. 3. Illusionary Elemental Storm: Description: The Glaistig creates a terrifying storm of illusionary fire, ice, and lightning. The heroes experience extreme heat, bone-chilling cold, and electrical discharges, even though no actual elements are present. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 10d6 (50 points), Area Effect (4m Radius; +1) (20 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points. 4. Illusionary Crystaline Shadow Beasts: Description: Dark, shadowy creatures with crystalline facets emerge from the surroundings, attacking the heroes with illusionary claws and fangs. These beasts, composed of shadows interwoven with mesmerizing crystal patterns, seem to materialize from the very essence of the crystal-rich environment. Their movements refract the ambient light, creating an eerie play of prismatic hues that dance along the crystalline surfaces. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (2m Radius; +1/4) (10 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points. This adaptation infuses the Illusionary Shadow Beasts with the essence of the crystal-rich environment, enhancing their visual impact and aligning them with the unique characteristics of the Realm of Garland and the surroundings of the Lake of the Lady. Adjustments can be made based on further details or specific preferences. 5. Illusionary Gravity Distortion: Description: The Glaistig warps the perception of gravity, creating illusions of objects floating or falling in unusual directions. The heroes struggle to maintain balance as the world around them defies the laws of physics. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 6d6 (30 points), Area Effect (3m Radius; +1/4) (15 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 95 points. Combining Illusions and Images: Illusory Faerie Ballroom: The Glaistig combines the illusion of a grand faerie ballroom with images of heroes dancing with spectral partners. As they twirl, the reflections in the illusionary mirrors show ever-changing masquerade masks, creating a surreal and enchanting experience. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 10d6 (50 points), Images (Sight, Hearing) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (5m Radius; +1 1/4) (25 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 155 points. Illusionary Elemental Inferno: The Glaistig combines illusions of a raging elemental inferno with images of heroes trying to escape the illusory flames. As they run, the reflections in the mirrors show distorted paths, intensifying the perceived danger. HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 12d6 (60 points), Images (Sight, Hearing) 6d6 (30 points), Area Effect (6m Radius; +1 1/2) (30 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 160 points. These combinations of illusions and images provide the Glaistig with versatile and captivating abilities, enhancing her trickery and creating unique challenges for the heroes. Adjustments can be made based on campaign requirements and power level considerations. ----------------- WOW! Also, this is ChatGPT 3.5, NOT the version (4.0) that can "access" the internet.
  20. From the Crisis on Christmas game I ran a few years ago: Suddenly, the howling wind dies down, the growls and grunts of Desparia’s minions are silenced, and a single voice booms out. “Ho, ho, HO!” laughs the jolly old elf in the red suit trimmed in white fur. “What have we here? You’ve been a very, very bad, sad girl Heather. Do you want to ruin Christmas for all the boys and girls out there?” “Why not?” Desparia cries out, face twisted with anger. “It was ruined for me! Why did my mommy and daddy have to die? Why?” Desparia’s tall, pale form seems to shrink in on itself, becoming more like a thin little girl with a tear-streaked face. In a burst of black smoke smelling of brimstone, a dapper man dressed in a dark suit appears, one eyebrow raised in a sardonic expression. Infamy – “Because life isn’t fair, my dear,” he says. “Not for you, any way, so why should it be for anyone?” “Dearest Heather, the truth is obvious. There is no Christmas. This red clad clown is a fake, a fantasy of inanity. You have felt the reality of Christmas. It’s just a day like any other when accidents can happen and parents of an eleven-year-old girl can die. There is NO Santa Clause, no Christmas, no joy…. Only despare. Santa’s speech: “HEATHER, your friend is wrong. He’s been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. He does not believe except what he sees. He thinks that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by his little mind. All minds, Heather, whether they be men’s or children’s, or other, are little. In this great multiverse of ours man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, HEATHER, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no HEATHERS. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You may tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world, which not the strongest woman, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond… Is it all real? Ah, HEATHER, in all this world there is nothing else more real and abiding. Look here, upon ME and see if you must. But better, look outward and embrace the love of those around you, right now. Use your magical might, search their beings, They stand before you ready to help, to give up their very selves — to think only of others — they seek to bring the greatest happiness to you — that is the true meaning of Christmas, Heather. That is the embodiment of Santa Clause. Mrs. Clause walks up to embrace Santa and stand beside him. Heather: Why did you come here? Infamy: The truth is simple, Heather – They come to destroy you!
  21. Okay, we've all heard of the Power Limitation, "Does not work in electromagnetic fields," but has anyone really enforced it? EM fields are much more prevalent in a modern world than one might think. Mobile phones, power lines, computer screens, and anti-gravity generators are examples of equipment that generates electromagnetic fields. So, how would you enforce this limitation in a modern/near future/Sci-Fi campaign. Would you even allow it? What are some other fun ways to enforce Power Limitations?
  22. Please edit this for spelling and grammar. 😀👍
  23. Sorry if I was unclear. This is what I was trying to do... Per Fantasy Hero 6e pg. 267: "Another problem that sometimes arises with spell Multipowers and VPPs is the Active Point cap imposed by the Framework. A lot of spells are complex, with several Powers chained together or other impressive effects that end up costing a lot of Active Points. To afford even one of these spells, a character may have to buy a larger Framework than he generally needs... and then he has the temptation to increase some of his other spells to take advantage of the inflated Active Point ceiling. If you find that this is a problem in your campaign, you could consider granting exceptions to the Active Point restriction on a case-by-case basis — as long as the Real Point cost of the spell fits within the reserve or Pool, a character can still buy the spell through his Framework." Per your second question - Attunement is a Full Phase Action (our arbitrary ruling). You may certainly try and try to Attune to an Arcane Artifact if that's how you like to play Fantasy Hero. We, however, try to add cinematic sensibility to our game whenever possible, min/maxing percentages be damned. 😁
  24. The standard 6e rules say: "The GM should decide how the Focus gets replaced based on the special effects involved and the exact circumstances. Replacing a Focus can even form the basis of another adventure. However, regardless of the method used, replacing or repairing a Focus does not cost the character any more Character Points." In our games we've always allowed a character to pick up and utilize any focus that's use makes sense (Accessibility only dictates acquiring the focus while in combat and that may not always be the case). Once the focus is secured it is like any other equipment and need not be paid for. But, if the focus is Arcane, it must be attuned. So, Winnie would receive a reimbursement of the full amount of Real Points they spent to create their (recently stolen) focus and may use them however they see fit (within the limits of the current story, of course)... Or, they could quest to get their Arcane Artifact back if that seem more appropriate (to the GM or player). Any character that donates CPs loses those CPs permanently. But, that only applies to focuses created for characters other than the donator. Having an Arcane Artificer create a focus for your character is not considered a donation since you retain the focus when the crafting is complete.
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