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Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E


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Let's say we have a character with some AI-controlled robot arms, Doc Ock style. One of the abilities this gives him is that he can (for a limited time) have the arms deflect incoming attacks against him while he's concentrating on other things.


In 5E, you would build this as Missile Deflection with the Continuous and Uncontrolled advantages. Since the arms only protect him personally, you would not buy the "Deflection at Range" ability.


In 6E, Missile Deflection (not at range) is just Block - so what are you applying the Uncontrolled to? The Block maneuver itself? Do you need to buy some skill levels with Block and put the advantages on that? Either way, it seems like a pretty minimal cost. Or would you do something like Deflection with the No Range and/or Self Only limitations?

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Re: Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E


How about +4 SPD, only for Blocking (-2)?


Actually I think the Missile Deflection is probably the most appropriate since the arms are essentially a separate entity and are blocking for him. It would almost be like having a Duplicate with abilities limited only to protecting the original, which you would buy as Missile Deflection.

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Re: Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E


I would suggest simpler is better, here.


+X DCV, Gestures (Extra Limbs Only; -1/4).


Depends if the combat and character creation rules being used for other characters are simple as well though.


If another character purchased an attack with Indirect with the intent of making an "unblockable" attack he gets no benefit vs. this approach.

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Re: Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E


Depends if the combat and character creation rules being used for other characters are simple as well though.


If another character purchased an attack with Indirect with the intent of making an "unblockable" attack he gets no benefit vs. this approach.


Well, yeah, if the attack is unblockable then the robot arms can't block it anyway, right?


You do make a valid point that the player needs to consider if the mechanical effects of the power will cover the sfx of the power for various scenarios though.

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Re: Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E


I have played with idea of an "active defense" a lot over the years. These have been my experiences, YMMV.


Advantaged Block - I believe this was actually the official way to do this back in 5e but because the rules for cost were in Ninja Hero, many considered it a house rule anyway.


+ SPD, Only to Block - This worked very nicely for us. The cost seemed more appropriate for the effect (more expensive than just an advantage on Block) and if you balanced your OCV well, it performed roughly as well as 50% damage reduction.


+ DCV - the problem with bonuses DCV is they can quickly make the character unhittable while the power is active. This may annoy the GM who may in turn not allow what is otherwise a cool and fun idea.

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Re: Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E


What about...


  • Barrier: Mobile (+¼), Non-Anchored (+10 cp), One-Way Transparent (all attacks; +1); Costs Endurance (to maintain; -½)?

An attack whose BODY doesn’t exceed the Barrier’s defenses, or that doesn’t do enough BODY damage after defenses to create a hole in the Barrier, cannot get through the Barrier or affect a target on the other side... effectively "blocking" the attack.


Indirect gets around it, and it doesn't depend on DCV.

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