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Young Godlings


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This is a campaign idea I've been toying with for a while, setting it in something like the Land of Legends of the Champions Universe. It is inspired by a solo campaign I ran for over a year with a valkyrie as the hero.


The PCs are young godlings, born or created in the centuries since the Ban came down that blocked the gods from actively interfering in the affairs of men, coming together to form an adventuring party and seeing what trouble they can find. My original idea was to have everyone be from the Norse pantheon, but I've since re-considered expanding the idea to something more cross-pantheon.


What are some things I can have the party do? I figure I'd start with more straight-forward adventures like beating up giants and demons and exploring around. They are building their legends and will likely later get assignments from the elder gods like Odin and Zeus.


I think the right starting power level would be High-Powered Superhero at 500 points to get an epic feel.

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Re: Young Godlings


One of the notes about the Land of Legends/Faerie that I found most intriguing, is that the greater cross-cultural awareness and mingling of mythological and theological references that mankind has pursued in recent centuries, has been reflected in Faerie by unprecedented contact and socialization among the gods and creatures from different mythologies and religions. The result has sometimes been the birth of new beings of mixed heritage, unrecorded by folklore. The Ultimate Mystic provided one such example, "Chrysaor," born of Aphrodite and a warrior angel she seduced (mainly to prove she could). ;) Chrysaor was sent to Earth to track down some Titans who escaped from Tartarus; on Earth he also fights other evils while maintaining a secret identity as a university classics professor.


This situation can also generate adventures in Faerie and on Earth, as various "evil" gods start encroaching on the territories of other pantheons in an attempt to increase their power. For example, in the Champions Universe the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca aspires to conquer all of Faerie, thereby gaining enough power to assault Elysium, home of the deities of the "ethical" religions, such as Christianity which destroyed his worship on Earth. Since the Aztec gods are nourished by human sacrifice, Tezcatlipoca also seeks opportunities for great sacrifices among mortals, which might lead your PC godlings to missions on Earth to stop him.

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Re: Young Godlings


This is a campaign idea I've been toying with for a while, setting it in something like the Land of Legends of the Champions Universe. It is inspired by a solo campaign I ran for over a year with a valkyrie as the hero.


The PCs are young godlings, born or created in the centuries since the Ban came down that blocked the gods from actively interfering in the affairs of men, coming together to form an adventuring party and seeing what trouble they can find. My original idea was to have everyone be from the Norse pantheon, but I've since re-considered expanding the idea to something more cross-pantheon.


What are some things I can have the party do? I figure I'd start with more straight-forward adventures like beating up giants and demons and exploring around. They are building their legends and will likely later get assignments from the elder gods like Odin and Zeus.


I think the right starting power level would be High-Powered Superhero at 500 points to get an epic feel.


Welcome to the world of Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

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