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Krim The Winged Prisoner, He Of Many Crowns.


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Re: Krim The Winged Prisinor, He Of Many Crowns.


For my short-lived Turakian Age campaign, Krim was one of the names/ avatars of the Dragon. Specifically, he was the "devil" of the Drakine (dragon-man) civilization. According to their theology he created the other Drakine gods from his blood and molted skin, but they rebelled against his evil. All, that is, except she who would later be called the Dark Mother, who gave birth to Kal-Turak/Takofanes. The mating of Krim with the Dark Mother spawned the demon races.


Today I wouldn't necessarily run Krim as "imprisoned," but merely diminished to a withered, imp-like being after nearly seventy millennia without worship. If not for the continued existence of his Crowns he would have dissipated long ago. Although, I might have Takofanes hold him prisoner as an advisor in one of Tak's extra-dimensional domains, as Kal-Turak once kept the Dark Mother. However, Krim schemes to manipulate Takofanes and/or the Crowns of Krim to regain his former power.

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Re: Krim The Winged Prisoner, He Of Many Crowns.


My take is that there's probably not anything left of him beyond the power he invested in the assorted crowns' date=' as it's been so many millenia since he was actively worshipped.[/quote']


Which is a fine interpretation for anyone who wants to use the Crowns of Krim in their own campaigns. As far as the official CU goes, though, the backgrounds of the various Crowns often make mention of Krim "contacting" them when they first encounter their crowns; of the villains "selling their souls" to Krim in exchange for greater power; and of their intention to ultimately "bring Krim to Earth." All of these things make it sound like Krim is still aware and active in some form.

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Re: Krim The Winged Prisoner, He Of Many Crowns.


Hear is MY take (I don't own 6th edition yet, so I can't make a write up).


Once, long ago, Krim was a powerful being of another dimention filled with giant winged people of vast mystical power. One day, there were invaded by beings from another dimention. To make maters worse, theas beings posesed a more powerful magic which rendered them imune to theas people's direct magic.


Krim descovered that he could tap into that dimention's 'well of magic', and drain it, absorbing there dimention into there own, and rendering them not imune to there magic anymore. Soon, he desiered more pure magic, and invaded other relms, absorbing them and intergrating them into his own dimention. It soon became aperant to his daughter that her father, a hero and king in his own relm, was becoming mad with power. (It diden't help that in one of his explorations, he shaged the Dark Mother, and other beings fearing him mad him there god). So, she found a dimention with limited magic in there 'magic well', lead her father there, then taped into the well itself, using her own body (now crystalised) to seal the only dimentinal portal big enougth to alow him through.


Now, Krim has learned how to use the smaller portals to contact and view others, and created the Crowns as a way to bring his power to the multiverse and to excape him prison realm.


Apperance: It is no coincidence that the Crowns of Krim appear as thay do, that of winged humaoids. For that is Krim's true form. Curently about 20 feet tall (if not more), with stone grey skill. His head is hidden by a cloud of black energy with red energy spot 'eyes' looking out. Surounding him are what appears to be disembodied heads which float about...and on top of each head a crown. Not all heads are humaoid, but all look like thay are naturaly like that (as opose to cutted off). It is said that there is one head per crown out there, so there might easly be a million heads.


Powers: It is best to say what powers Krim dosen't posess than what he does have. He can not change his size or shape. He can not cross dimentions normaly. He cannot cast any powers which mimic what the posesers of his crowns can do. He CAN change objects into crowns (and other magical items) charged with his power, which he can then toss into the dimentinal rifts surounding him. He needs not food, sleep, or even breath, and can survive the most harsh conditions.

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