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My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Comments Welcomed)


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Doctor Dair


Val Char Cost Roll And Notes

12 STR 2 11-, 100kg lift, 2d6 STR Damage.

13 DEX 6 12-

12 CON 2 11-

16 INT 6 12-, 12- Preception Roll

16 EGO 6 12-

23 PRE 13 14-, 4d6 PRE Attack


6 OCV 15

6 DCV 15

4 OMCV 3

4 DMCV 3

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3,6,9,12


13 PD 11

13 ED 11

10 REC 6

60 END 40

10 BODY 0

60 STUN 20


Chacteristic Total: 179


Cost Powers And END Cost

34 Gravatron Negation: Multipower 60 points, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4)

7f 1) Gravatron Negation Wave Beam: 12d6 Physical Blast (6 END Cost)

7f 2) Focused Gravation Negation Beam: 6d6 Blast, Attack Verses Alturnitive Deffence (Deffence is Enviromental Movement: Zero-G Training, haveing a difrent physicology than normal, all or nothing, +1) (6 END Cost)

4f 3) Using Gravatron To 'Enhance' Flight Of Others Beam: 6d6 Flight Aid, Range (+1/2), Limited Power (Can't Directly Use On Self, -1) (5 END Cost)

6f 4) Gravatron Negation Upon An Object For Movement: 40 STR Telekinesis, Only to Strike, Grab, and Throw (-1/4) (6 END Cost)

7f 5) Gravatron Negation Upon A Living Being Directly: 6d6 Major Transformation (person to person with Vuulnerability X 1 1/2 distance Knockback from all attacks: 10 points, heals normaly over time and can be removed by Doctor Dair as a zero phase action) (6 END Cost)


16 Gravition Negation Of Self As STR Boost: +28 STR, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) (4 END Cost total)

13 Costume Speed Boosters: +2 SPD, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2) (Total SPD: 6. Phases:2,4,6,8,10,12)

10 Cybernetic Bio-Elelctric Recovery Device: +20 REC, Limited Power (Only To Recover END, -1) (Total REC: 30 for END, 10 for STUN)

13 Gravitron Negation Field: Resistant Protection, +10 PD, +10 ED, Focus (OIF, Costume, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4), Cost END (-1/2), Perceivable (-0) (3 END Cost)

30 Fluctuating Graviton Negation Field: Change Enviroment, -3 to DEX rolls for keeping on there feet, -3 to CON rolls to avoid nausia, Area of Effect (32m Radius, +1, and Surface, +1/4), Personal Imunity (+1/4), Focus (IIF Costume, -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4), No Range (-1/2) (6 END Cost)

20 Armored Costume: Resistant Protection +10 PD, +10 ED, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2)

6 Gravatron Controled Flight: Flight 10m (20m Noncombat), Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2) (END Cost 1)

4 Detachable Theamsong Beltbuckle: Images Sound, Area Of Effect (Radius 4m, +1/4), Duration (Persistant, +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, + 1/2), Focus (OAF Removable Beltbuckel, -1) Gesters (needs to press the beltbuckel to start/stop power, -1/4) (END Cost 0)

2 Gravatron Controled Cape: Extra Limb, Cape, Focus (OIF Costume Cape, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4), Cost END (-1/2), Only to Strike, Grab, and Throw (-1/4) (END Cost 1 + STR)

5 Nifty Anti-Glair Googles: Flash Defence Sight, 10 points, Focus (OIF Googles, -1)

8 Basic Costume Anti-Psi Hood: Mental Defence 10 points, Focus (IIF Costume, -1/4)

15 Just A Lucky, Rich Baskert A Heart: Luck 3d6


Total Powers: 202

Total Powers + Char: 381


Cost Skills, Perks and Tallents (and Rolls)

15 +3 OCV w/Multipower

3 Acrobatics: 12-

3 Breakfall: 12-

7 Charm: 16-

3 Gambling: 12-

3 High Society: 14-

3 KS (Area): Millennium City (or Campain City): 12-

3 KS (Subject): Superhuman World: 12-

3 KS (Subject): The Rich World: 12-

3 Language: Spanish (Fluent w/Accent, English is native)

3 Lockpicking: 12-

3 Navagation: 12-

3 Persuation: 14-

3 Power (Gravitron): 12-

3 Riding (Horse): 12-

3 Security Systems: 12-

3 Tactics: 12-

5 TF: Ridding Animals, Cars, Motocycles, and Motorized Boats

12 +2 w/All Agility Skills

12 +3 w/All Interaction Skills

5 Gravatron Suit: Enviromental Movement: Zero-G Training, Focus (IIF Costume, -1/4)

10 Money: Wealthy

3 Handsome Devil: Striking Apperance +1/+1d6


Skills, Perks, and Talents Total: 99

Total Cost: 480


Complications 400 +

Distinctive Features: Slight Cyberization, Easly Concealed, Noted And Recognizable: 5 points.

Hunted by ARGENT, More Powerful, NCI, Frenquently, Watching: 15 points.

Psychological Complication: Coad VS Killing, Common, Total: 20 points

Psychological Complication: Compeled To Steal Out Of Releving Bordome, Common, Strong: 15 points.

Social Complication: Secret ID (Dairtion Jefferson the 3rd), Frequently, Major: 15 points.

Vulnerability: X 1 1/2 distance from Knockback in costume: 10 points.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villian: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


Well my commen is you need a little more for a 6th Character ;).


That post (unedited) was to see if formation was good. Now I have most of the villian down, except I curently have only the vageous background in my head for him (he is supose to be a 'fun' villian, as say the detachable theamsong beltbuckel).

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villian: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


Might as well try to compleat this sheet with Background/History, ect...


Background/History: Dairation Jeferson the 3rd was a bord, rich 20something with more monie than sence. For fun (and to cure his bordome), he use to plan pretend roberies. It was never monie that he has after in his setups for burgerie, only the chalenge of overcoming security systems and other problems (at least, on paper). One day he decided to do it for real, as a real life 'supervilian'. So he took some of the intrest on his inheradence, and went shoping at the nerest AGENT store. A specily designed costum and a few minor cybernetic operations later he emerged as Doctor Dair, the ultimite thieth.


Personality/Modivation: Doctor Dair basicly does his crimes out of bordome. He is inspiered by an old 'learning' computer game based on a thieth, and because of this his capers are never on the 'small' side. He dosen't beleve in killing, and will not kill. He would easly surender if it would save lives.


Beyond that, he is out for a fun time, and strives to make his capers as enjoyable as posable.


Quote: "Listen to my theamsong and tremble!" (presses the button on his belt) "Ah...my faverote song..." (begins to sing along to whatever is being played)


Powers/Tactics: The costume Doctor Dair wears alowes him to negate Gravitons. This negation alowes him to fly, increse his strength, negate the gravity atraction of other people or things and such. He is still learning how to use the costume. The costume runs on his own bio-electric charge (which is why ARGENT needed him to have minor cybernetic surgery before selling the suit to him).


In combat, he focuses on what he is stealing first and formost. If someone attacks or interupts him, he then will concentrat on who attacked him, forcing him away as much as posable before continuing with the plan. If forced to make the choice between what he is stealing and the life of another, he choses life, always.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


The lost section...apperance.


Apperance: Doctor Dair's costume consists of a royal blue bodysuit with a gold "D" on the chest, a black belt with a gold "D" beltbuckle, purple gloves and boots, and a yellow cape. His goggles are also green with rose tint lenses. When he activates his powers, he is surounded by a yellow glow.


Out of his costume, he is a nicely dressed young man with short black hair, pencel thin mushtash, and neetly trimed gotie to go with his blue eyes. He prefers casual suits in cloors of blues, purples, and greens.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


I need to add 118 points in powers/skills/whatever to this charater to make him balance. What would you sergest, keeping in mind that I only have the 6ed Basic Rules (and I am not going to give him anything I can't look up in basic). Prehaps a new multipower slot and some Combat Skill Levels?

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


A little more defense might be good. Right now, if he was to fight someone of the same strength as himself, he would be Stunned on the first hit and KO'd in two or three. In fact, he's likely to take serious injury from any killing attack.

There are several forms this defense could take:

* Use graviton manipulation to make a cloud of debris orbit around him. This would just be more Resistant Defense with the Requires a Roll and Costs END limitations.

* He's lucky, so how about some Combat Luck? A couple levels would put him into the normal range, and 3-4 would make him quite durable.

* Graviton Deflection - Missile Deflection with Uncontrolled, maybe Only vs Physical Projectiles which should allow him to block most ranged shots while he maintains it.

* Operate from hiding: get Stealth and Invisible Power Effects, and fight people while they can't even see you. This might not fit his personality though.

* Be more durable - maybe the cybernetic implants boost his stamina as well, giving him more CON (12 is asking to be Stunned a lot), more BODY, and a little Regeneration.


Powers-wise, here's some more uses for the Graviton Negation Multipower:

Fluctuating Graviton Negation: Change Environment: -4 to DEX rolls to stay standing, -4 to CON rolls to avoid nausea, Long Lasting (1 minute), Area of Effect (32m Radius; +1), Personal Immunity (+1/4)

He creates a field of fluctuating gravity that makes it hard for people to keep their balance (they need a DEX roll at -4), and makes them nauseous (if they fail the CON roll). It lasts a minute after triggering it, and he's immune.


Focused Graviton Negation: Blast 6d6, AVAD (defense is zero-gravity experience or different physiology, all or nothing; +1)

He creates fluctuating gravity waves that disorient and nauseate most people so much it can knock them unconscious. People with zero-gravity experience or zombies/robots/aliens are unaffected.



Also, while it's not like you're short on points, you can save several in the skills department by getting skill levels with all Presence skills, all Dexterity skills, or even Overall levels. For example:

3 Acrobatics: 12-

3 Breakfall: 12-

7 Charm: 16-

3 High Society: 14-

3 Navagation: 12-

3 Persuation: 14-

3 Power (Gravitron): 12-

3 Tactics: 12-

24 +2 Overall Levels


Net savings - 8 points. And this also gives you a bit of boost to your CVs, which are on the low side.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


A little more defense might be good. Right now' date=' if he was to fight someone of the same strength as himself, he would be Stunned on the first hit and KO'd in two or three. In fact, he's likely to take serious injury from any killing attack.[/quote']

Since it wasn't noted by the Characteristics, you might have overlooked this:

20 Armored Costume: Resistant Protection +10 PD, +10 ED, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2)


4 SPD is relatively slow, especially for a charatcer with only 16 Defenses, 12 CON, 6 OCV and 6 DCV. Try to get him closer to one the the archetype fighters:

A Brick has high defenses and CON, but normal SPD (5) and CV's. Martial Artist need somewhat highers SPD (6) with high CV's but low defenses.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


No, I counted that. He has 16 PD/ED, 10 of which is resistant. Against his own Wave Beam, he takes an average of 26 damage, more than enough to Stun him, and in 2-3 hits knock him unconscious. He's in a lot of danger from an equivalently strong KA.

That's low even for a super-fast dodging type, and with 6 DCV he's unlikely to be that (unless the typical foe has ~3 OCV).


An important question would be - what type of campaign will this character be used in? Standard Superheroic? Low-Power Superheroic? Dark Champions?

That's going to determine how high his stats need to be in general. Although right now I can say he's a definite glass cannon.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


No, I counted that. He has 16 PD/ED, 10 of which is resistant. Against his own Wave Beam, he takes an average of 26 damage, more than enough to Stun him, and in 2-3 hits knock him unconscious. He's in a lot of danger from an equivalently strong KA.

That's low even for a super-fast dodging type, and with 6 DCV he's unlikely to be that (unless the typical foe has ~3 OCV).


An important question would be - what type of campaign will this character be used in? Standard Superheroic? Low-Power Superheroic? Dark Champions?

That's going to determine how high his stats need to be in general. Although right now I can say he's a definite glass cannon.


Standard Superhero. I just got the 6ed (and only the Basic Rulebook), so I am unfamiler with what the 'norms' are with stats. Thanks for the help. Now I got to go and edit the main charater post. Keep up with the feedback.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


Standard Superhero. I just got the 6ed (and only the Basic Rulebook)' date=' so I am unfamiler with what the 'norms' are with stats. Thanks for the help. Now I got to go and edit the main charater post. Keep up with the feedback.[/quote']


Well remeber with 'norms' it is up the GM/world which you want him to play. For the record, 13 CON is where the put trained guys like your avereage policeman at. But considering that this is a player then by all means increase it abit 20 is considered the low-end of super genre CON. As a guidline typical supers have a DEF at x2 the average DC of attack. So if the average Blast is 10D6 (10 DC) then the DEF would be 20. Then compare the average roll of DC, apply DEF then compare the remainder to your CON score. If your CON is higher than that means that a typical attack you won't be stunned, but if its less then odds are you might be getting stunned too often. So going back to the above 10D6 attack, average roll is 35 STUN subtract 20 PD and the remainder is 15, 12 CON is going to hurt. Of course depending on play style or the amount of DC's this can change. As for str being 12, I think that's fine-just remember though that if he gets entangled/grabbed he'll be in trouble. Or if he loses his powers he'll only do 2D6. This in and of itself isn't bad if that's what you envision, just wanted to give you a heads up.

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Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed)


Remember, Doctor Dair is supose to be a villian. A starting out villian, but a villian non-the-less. This, the 'player' is whoever the gamemaster is...and he or she is free to modifie the charater as he or she sees fit.


The great question is, how does he stack up to other starting villians?

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