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Newbie running a game for Newbies


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I have never GM'd a game of Hero System nor have my players ever played Hero System.

One of the reasons I have grown fond of the Hero System rules is its almost infinite possibilities.


But, since I am new to this and my players are new to this - would you all advise building characters for a Champions games using the pre-designed powers in the Champions Powers game and some of the Super Equipment from the Equipment book before trying to build things from scratch?

I sold this game on the idea that any super powered hero you can think of you can make - but am I cheapening it by just handing the Powers book over and saying "pick your powers from here"?


Advice on how you handle this?




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Re: Newbie running a game for Newbies


I have never GM'd a game of Hero System nor have my players ever played Hero System.

One of the reasons I have grown fond of the Hero System rules is its almost infinite possibilities.


But, since I am new to this and my players are new to this - would you all advise building characters for a Champions games using the pre-designed powers in the Champions Powers game and some of the Super Equipment from the Equipment book before trying to build things from scratch?

I sold this game on the idea that any super powered hero you can think of you can make - but am I cheapening it by just handing the Powers book over and saying "pick your powers from here"?


Advice on how you handle this?





Hey Todd, welcome to the game! In order to help yourself with the game and become a better GM, become familiar with the system. One such way is to build example characters by yourself or with others. By creating example characters (who knows, you might actually use one), you become more comfortable with the HeroGames system. When you as GM are comfortable, it makes the game flow easier and it's more fun for everyone.


Now, to answer the questions: you can use the examples shown but be aware some of those examples are high-powered examples. I don't know if I have the exact Equipment book you're referring to but I'd say: go ahead and use them, if it fits your campaign. For a beginning campaign, be sure to set some limits so you don't suddenly end up with overpowering characters being built. Btw, don't be afraid to tell your players that you're learning too - you can get some excellent feedback from them.

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Re: Newbie running a game for Newbies


No, your not cheaping it to use pre-generated stuff before you get the hang of it. One advantage of using pre-ge (besides time saving) is in theory each power is balanced if you use it at the suggested level, without you have to do the analasis beforehand. Now one thing that you can do, is work with each player and allow them to take a pre-gen charcter and perhaps do alittle cut and paste and swaping. Perhaps instead of the martial artist using tradional weapons, his weapons are ice-generated (sorta like Sub-Zero, my step-son had a Halloween costume years ago calles Ice Wolf, his staff was "ice"). Of course once someone wants to change something on a character or create a new character allow him, don't wait for the experience points. I see nothing wrong with a couple of games to get the feel of it, get players input then tweak to suit. Good luck

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Re: Newbie running a game for Newbies


I have never GM'd a game of Hero System nor have my players ever played Hero System.

One of the reasons I have grown fond of the Hero System rules is its almost infinite possibilities.


But, since I am new to this and my players are new to this - would you all advise building characters for a Champions games using the pre-designed powers in the Champions Powers game and some of the Super Equipment from the Equipment book before trying to build things from scratch?

I sold this game on the idea that any super powered hero you can think of you can make - but am I cheapening it by just handing the Powers book over and saying "pick your powers from here"?


Advice on how you handle this?





I would first ask them what their concepts are for their PCs. Some of the power ideas might already have been written up pretty well in the book, in which case you can use those or adapt them. Any that aren't already done, I would just show them how to make the power using the rules. Otherwise you end up contradicting your own sales pitch to them on how they can make whatever they want and that's why the game is so great for super heroes--all the other games give you a list you have to choose from, and that's why Hero System is so much better!



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Re: Newbie running a game for Newbies


Like I said, I think it would be better to run a game (for awhile) with the core rules to get a handle(both you and your players). And expand as needed. Another point of advice, what ever style of game you are playing, make sure everyone is on the same page. (I've said this before) My first character was a ninja. my friend's group plays Silver age style. I ran the Ninja as a classic '80s Ninja. I used killing attacks, and threw a villian off a building to kill him. We laugh at it now, but you can see how if everyone has different expectations in the game, then it can be diastrous. (Note, I'm not saying what style to play, just a consensus.)

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Re: Newbie running a game for Newbies


Also hit these forums and do a lot of reading. Scan for key words and see if it helps. I am not running a game but seem to spend several hours a week draining the advice of a lot of people (preparing for the next game). Post if you need help and take the advice and choose if you want to use it or not.


Do not be afraid to start the characters and then after a few sessions decide that OK that was our first try and we now know a bit about the game lets rewrite the characters a bit.


I was new with new players. I learned a lot as the game went on and advice from here.


I built the characters myself with input from the players. Some still do not understand the rules or how the powers work. You may have to totally remove the game mechanics from the character sheet and keep it simple to start with.


You will make mistakes (I myself made many like not having the players have killing attacks to try and stop them killing all the villains! Until two Robots trashed the party as only one or two could hurt them and they rolled badly :().

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