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One VPP Mimicking Another VPP...


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So, I guess this is a question- if you had one character with a larger (more points) and broader VPP (power mimicry vs molecular alteration powers) than another, would you find it ok to have the one simulate powers with their own VPP that is within the sfx and power limits of the other VPP without it having to be the exact same power the other VPP possessor is manifesting?


To make this make more sense, let's put it into the context I'm thinking of: In the metahuman/superhuman school world I am designing there is a student named Versatile with a large Mimick VPP. One of his classmates is a girl able to change the molecular composition of objects with the code name Isotope. When he uses his VPP to mimick her power, he absorbs both her inherent molecular composition sensing ability (An analyze/discriminatory detect molecular comp. ability with no 1/2 phase and range) and her VPP (since he has enough VPP points to emulate both of her abilities seperately). Now, while mimicking her abilities, he wants to transform the air around someone into iron- an entangle, while she is using her ability to protect a group of bystanders by creating a wall of stone in front of them (barrier). Would you allow Versatile to use the molecular change ability to generate a different end power than Isotope, since it still follows under the SFX of the ability he is mimicking from her?


Hope that was not too confusing...

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Re: One VPP Mimicking Another VPP...


I think your question boils down to "can a mimic do one thing with the powers being mimicked while the character being mimicked does something else?"

If so, the answer is yes unless the mimic's powers also have some sort of 'drain' sfx similar to Marvel's Rogue or DC's Parasite in which case the powers they gain roughly match the power loss of the target they are mimicking.


Here's a post you might find useful as well.

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Re: One VPP Mimicking Another VPP...


By F.x' date=' I would say sure, depending on how his powers are defined[/quote']


He's sorta like Synch or Peter Petrelli in the first season of heroes- he can mimick the powers of those within about 2m of him (of course, since most mimicks need to touch to absorb powers, he's let every one think he needs to make skin to skin contact to copy, just in case he ever needs an ace in the hole). So I had personally invisioned him able to perform different effects with the same power but just wanted to check with others- thanks for the responses.

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Re: One VPP Mimicking Another VPP...


He's sorta like Synch or Peter Petrelli in the first season of heroes- he can mimick the powers of those within about 2m of him (of course' date=' since most mimicks need to touch to absorb powers, he's let every one think he needs to make skin to skin contact to copy, just in case he ever needs an ace in the hole). So I had personally invisioned him able to perform different effects with the same power but just wanted to check with others- thanks for the responses.[/quote']

I think you basically ask: "When the target of my copy-character has a VPP (with it's miriads of posibilities for powers within one SFX), woud the copier be able to only copy powers the target has as slots right now or could he mimik all the powers the target could possibly create, regardless of current selection?"

Using a modification of the example VPP from the book (one where the character has some controll over what he copies), the answer would be: Yes, every time the copier touches the target he could copy a selection of any powers possible to the target (one he has bought and ones he could create in a VPP). However, to get a different selection he would have to copy the target again.

For the unmodified book-example: The copier would copy whatever powers the target had currently as slots, per the usual rules of the mimik VPP.


If you want "I copy fire guy, now my Mimik VPP can create any power with the fire SFX" then this is a lot less severe limitation on a VPP than what is given in 6E1. It could even go into the advantage area (you get a variable SFX).

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Re: One VPP Mimicking Another VPP...


I don't think it's out of line. After all, the Multiform VPP construct, used for this SFX in Ultimate Metamorph, can straight-up mimic entire power frameworks. But it's possible it would reduce the limitation value somewhat.

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