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The Chessman - a re-write


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I've re-written my character to avoid using multi-form (not a popular power on herocentral - that and duplication), and want to see if folks think. My worry is that my attempt to condense 4 seperate multi-forms into 1 PC comes out sloppy, losing more flavor then I'm willing to concede. Either way, feedback would be great!




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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


Pretty cool concept. Pretty damn tough for 350/5e. I am a little unclear on what the true impact of "May not mix chess piece powers (-1/4) really is. I don't think it really qualifies to be applied to the Multipower Reserve since the character appears to have multiple slots available for each "piece" that appear to overlap in functionality. I think most GM's will think twice about allowing since at his core he appears to mix a lot of point saving techniques (OIHID, High Dex & SPD) mainly used towards a very high combat effectiveness (at least in a traditional fight) with very few points dedicated to non-combat skills and abilities (I counted only 46 points on non-combat skills). I'd probably try to broaden the scope of what situations he can be effective (ex: being able to help Firefighters with a burning highrise).


just my first impression :D

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


It just looks kind of jumbled to me.


Maybe if you stated the purpose, or posed it as a design challenge, we could be more helpful to you.


There's definitely a shtick / theme going on, obviously, but try telling us more about this person, the nature / origin of their powers, motivation, and so forth.

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


give the rook running only in a strait line and a move through


give the bishop flying can not land (2 m radius spin flying clearance that includes the ground)


give the knight short range combat teleport with clairvoyance and a horse with the same


Rooks shouldn't jump


multiform write ups can be simple



I like the king and his pawns as an egoist

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


Peter Lamash, the human behind the chessman, had his mind blown while on acid and participating in a witches circle. He heard the sounds of creation and it was beyond his ability to contain. He split into 5 people: the original (now insane), and 4 chess pieces. The King is a mentalist with control issues, the Knight a teleporting energy projector who handled reality by not dealing with it (chivalry determines his actions so he doesn’t have to), the rook a brick who could swap places with others and who bows down to authority, and the bishop was a speedster sex maniac unable to accept any responsibility. Each form was intended as a psychological case with his own theme. A multi-form, the central person (#5), would eventually regain sanity – until then the other forms left him locked up in his mind, putting together large chessboard tiles in an unending mental realm.


The only as hero is to divide his 5th body (the real man), from the individual aspects. They may not mix chess piece powers means only the king can have a force field and mental powers, only the bishop can run at mega speed, only the rook can be dense. I tried to put a little variety, 4-5 slots for each form – one or two at 60 and a few at 20. I pegged it at 1/4, about on par with limited power 1/4 of the time.


The high dex & speed mostly fit the original forms (the bishop had an 8 speed, the knight had a 6 speed, with +6, only for 1/2 move teleports. The other forms had around a 6. The bishop and the knight have 11/10 defenses, the king has 26/25, and the rook has 29/28.


He only has 28 points in non-combat skills, with another 35 points in combat skills. He also has 28 points in martial arts (hth & ranged).

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


The challenge is taking a 4/5 body multiform and converting it to a single character. Each body is a different archetype – brick, speedster, energy projector, mentalist, and normal. The reason – people are not fond of multiform on the herocentral website. To make the Chessman a viable character for that site, I need to condense the PC to one flexible character.


Some sacrifices have to be made – the worst being the defenses. I could take the levels DCV and expand it to more defenses, but that will increase the defenses of the king and rook, too. Doing so will raise the defenses to 16/15, but the king will have 31/30 and the rook will have 34/33. Also, KR: Knight & Bishop 6/6, king 26/25 and the rook 16/16. I’m not too happy with the results I’m seeing. I’ll have to work out the defenses better.


The King’s end of the MP: other then the pawns being a complete single slot (all 100 points), he chooses one of 3 mental attacks and maintains his FF. He has 5 of 16 slots to play with.


The Bishop’s end of the MP: choose either circle punch or full running, or spins, and 2 slots (DCV & running), he chooses one of three speedster and maintain his regular speed bonus & dodge. He has 5 of 16 slots to play with.


The Rook’s end of the MP: Density, armor, and either jump or leap. He has 4 slots of 16 and only 2 mixes (either a move)


The Knight’s end of the MP: 2 attack powers, and 3 20 point slots (only enough points for 2) of DCV, teleport, or jumping. He has 5 slots of 16, 2 are moves.

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


The rook had that limitation (straight lines only) when he was multi-form. I’d need an extra slot to duplicate the running he shares with the bishop to add it. Ironic that it will cost more to add a limitation, eh?


I’ve always imagined the bishop as a speedster (running). The original multi-form was that way. I’ll think about switching him to flight, though the end result is he’ll be slower (same hard cap on movement points, now without adding the base 6 for running.


I’d love to add clairvsentience to the knight (or buy safe teleport), but I couldn’t afford a horse.


A jump is a straight move and as close as he can get to castling. Still, I agree with you, just couldn’t think of a 20 point power in the MP for the rook to take.


Multi-form characters are not hard to write up, but the web-site I’m going to play the PC on generally doesn’t like multi-form characters (or duplicating ones).


The king was an obscene mentalist when I was able to spend a whole 350 on him. Sadly, he is greatly reduced in the single body MP instead of MF.

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


The general consensus seems to be that MF characters are too powerful (taking the best form for each encounter makes them optimal). I don't think the'll find this PC too optimal (he's trying to be too much and so is not great at any one thing. I'm less powerful then a pure brick, lack a real energy projectors flexibility of powers, not that capable of a speedster, and a very narrow mentalist. I think I'm on par with a PC mage (a little of everything).


I had to give up the extra speed - too expensive and a hog for active points (points have to do as much work as possible for all 5 bodies in one).


One minor thing I'm pleased by is that out of hero form, he is a competent normal (4 speed, 20 dex, 6d6 martial arts attack).

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


The PC is not set for a specific game, I'm trying to anticipate a game with a character.


I took the 2 levels of DCV and bumped up the bishop and knight. The defenses are 15/16 for bishop & knight, while the king & rook avg 32/32.


The knight and bishop are indeed 13 DCV.

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


I can compare the characters attacks against it's defenses



I'm sort of stuck. If I beef up the defenses' date=' it will increase the Rook & King's defenses. The DCV is high (13), but I was hoping that would offset the low defenses. What would you suggest?[/quote']


roll with the punch



the characters only got 37 stun


raising the constitution to 28


I see 39/38 defenses for Rook with density. 12d6(42) attacks would scratch him most times

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


You make various comments as to relative power level, but that's not determinable in a vacuum.


What are the campaign averages, across the board, of the campaign this character is being aimed at? Primary, Secondary, DC, CV, total Resistance.


Killer Shrike, I've been in games where they don't give any such information. I think its assume to use the campaign guidlelines listed in the book. (Last year I created a Pulp hero with less information than that). It can be annoying, but its not the players fault. (P.s. hope I don't sound like I'm harshing on you, but I've seen other people get indignate because a poster didn't list any of the above information, and its not hte posters fault.)

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


I do plan to buy the king TK once I get xp. In fact, I'm going to add 1 slot for each piece. I suppose I could get change environment to limit the move rate (everyone slows down on my chessboard!), but it doesn't quite fit the king. Did you have something in mind when you wrote that?

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


Well, the King is a PC - and I'd never get someone on the web-site to allow me duplication - 100% different, to have all my pieces with me at once, so I have no hope of matching the queen in your sample. He refers to his ex wife as the black queen, and her coven provides the other pieces for her side of things (what a cheat!). As is, I'm hoping that when I do apply to a game, I don't get denied for having the pawns with the king.

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


depends on the number of other players I imagine


having less speed than the majority of the party just means one gets to play less


the pawns are followers but even so a lot of back work for the GM


though they won't always be n combat




it appears Chessman may not have a kings pawn

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Re: The Chessman - a re-write


Actually, the pawns are a summons for the king (100% loyal). The current plan is for them only to exist when he's the king, though I could make it so they stay, but only fight for the king or to protect his daughters (so the other forms don't get their service to boost them in combat).

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