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Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


MajorTom has permition to post the henchmen (Opale can post what the difrences between Knockout and her temprary villian idenity if she wants).




The descriptions would definitely come in handy for when I get around to doing a pic of Harlot/Knockout.


(:winkgrin: :winkgrin:)




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


The descriptions would definitely come in handy for when I get around to doing a pic of Harlot/Knockout.


(:winkgrin: :winkgrin:)




Major Tom 2009 :cool:


Knockout had her own thread (search for Charater:Knockout), but I beleve her stats were 5th.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


oops , yes Sorry, I wasn't able to work on Harlot, and I'm unsure on what Steriaca expects her to be like, power and skill meaning I mean.

(hints please ? )


I'll do it asap

I promise. Just be patient


Opharlot ?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Her powers and skills should be the same. What counts is how her Limitations/Complications would change if she lacked the memories of her 'moral' upbringing.


Oh, and you should see the pic MajorTom did of both of her costumes.


Which reminds me...Tom...it is OK to let them see the pics of Mister and Milinda Wicked.

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Her powers and skills should be the same. What counts is how her Limitations/Complications would change if she lacked the memories of her 'moral' upbringing.


Oh, and you should see the pic MajorTom did of both of her costumes.


Which reminds me...Tom...it is OK to let them see the pics of Mister and Milinda Wicked.


I didn't saw the harlot costume ? I'll work on something about the Complications and maybe some slight power differences.. Afterall, trasnform powers are the thing to make a Knockout into a Harlot :)


Opale, simply

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.




the reason you haven't seen the pic of Knockout/Harlot is that it hasn't been posted here yet,

as I haven't yet sent it out for pre-posting cleanup. The reason that steriaca knows what it

looks like is because I'd emailed the raw pic to him Wednsday evening. Once it's so it can be

posted here, you'll see it.


Oh, and the reason I refer to the pic as Knockout/Harlot is because I did a side-by-side image,

with Knockout (whose costume I designed from both your description and using Ms. Victory's

pic as a general -- very general -- guide) on one side, and Harlot (based as closely as possible

on steriaca's description) on the other.




Major Tom 2009 :cool:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Her powers and skills should be the same. What counts is how her Limitations/Complications would change if she lacked the memories of her 'moral' upbringing.


Oh, and you should see the pic MajorTom did of both of her costumes.


Which reminds me...Tom...it is OK to let them see the pics of Mister and Milinda Wicked.




Here he is, that paragon of perfidy, that maven of malevolence -- Mister Wicked:








Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Now for what I promoused, the Personal Stuff for Milinda Wicked.


Background/History: What can I say about my little sister which can not be known. Oh Milinda, I have plans for you once you turn 18, my dearest.


Ah, prehaps the begining. You see, our mothers were not the same. We were both born from slaves father have taken a likeing to, then once given birth disposed of. I was the first born, and being male, was taught and groomed from the time I could walk to take over the buisness. When Milinda was born, father promoused her to me.


As she grew, she was kepted watch upon. She had the finest tutors father can pay for, and taught that servents were there to be abused. But she has a kind heart, and woulden't hurt a fly. So that was that. As for father, while I would guess that he might also had...urges, he made shure to use the products under the mansion to satafied his lust. As I do myself in the curent date from time to time.


After father's untimely acadent, we moved to a safter city. After a while, it was decided that she would atend high school, mostly so that she would be out of my hair at times so that I can conduct buisness. Miss Helga and Ferriss keep her company quite well while checking back in to me. I know the crule ones have teased her about her manor of dress, but this is life. The sooner she learns that humans are evil by nature, the better.


According to Miss Helga, she has been makeing eyes at this Trueheart boy. For now, I will only keep watch, but if he trys to steal her away from me, he shall die.


Quote: "Parden me..."


Personality/Modivation: Milinda is a rather shy girl, more likely to sit at a corner by herself than socalise with others. The only exception is that she loves the balls that her brother gives...mostly because thay give the others a chance to dress like herself and her brother, witch makes her feal not so wierd.


She would rather like to wear more moderen clothing, if thay are modest...if only to quell the teasing. But her brother will not have it. And she loves her brother so (much in the way a younger sister SHOULD love an older brother...not in the way Mister Wicked has planed to do so in return when she is 'of age').


She is extremly clueless about her brother's 'work'. In fact, even when given the facts about her brother, she refuses to see him as anything other than a loveing brother. Prehaps when she sees the cages in the subasement of the manor, or the bloody buzzsaw down in the sub-subasement she might just 'get it'.


She has a teenage crush on Robert Tureheart, for the one time he has stood up for her when she was teased by a group of 'mean girls' (no, not THOES mean girls). She is unawair of his other idenity as Lady Heart, othoe she is a closeted Lady Heart fan (her brother refuses to let her watch the news and such, so any information about Lady Heart is secondhand via rumors and third hand acounts of eye-witnesses).


Powers/Tactics: Milinda Wicked is not ment to fight. In fact, her first instant is to run away from danger. In a fight, the best she can hope for besides running away is if she sacrofices herself to save another.


Campain Use: Milinda Wicked is ment to be a sort of 'damsel in distress' charater. If she is not being kidnaped by crinimals wishing for the Wicked famaly fortune (and not knowing exactly what that is), it is her being kidnaped by crinimals who do know what Mister Wicked is up to, and want favorable treatment at one of his acutions. She also is there to constantly be on the verge of undercovering Mister Wicked's secrets.


Another use is for her to be a love intrest (at least semi-one sided) for a PC. Especaly if one is an older teenager or young man. There are no garentee that the chosen crush will love her back, but that is what role playing is about, right?

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.




Mister Wicked's an even more twisted puppy that I thought (:jawdrop:)...




Major Tom 2009 :eg:


Well, he is ment to be 'the worst of the worst', which means almost no redeming qualities whatsoever. Shure, he can easly pretend to be a gentlman, but he is, in reality, far from a gentlman as posable (in fact, it would be more truthful to call him a anti-gentlman).


There are two benifits to this. 1) He could achieve the 'villian you love to hate' status. 2) The 'off-shade-of-white-hat' heros can easly kill him off without worrying about if there actions are causing more harm than good (especaly in a 'masked armed gunmen' campain of the original Dark Champions).


As the audeance says in showings of Rocky Horror (in regards to Riff Rat and Magenta) "Insest is best."

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


In a four colour game, he becomes the villain who the hero is unable to save, and falls down off a cliff or dies in an explosion.


Either that, or he gets the death penalty, as proof that the prison system doesn't really have revolving doors, despite the apparent evidence to the contrary.


Or he runs into the Spectre...

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


I wish that you could've posted that last night; I just got through with posting the latest

set of pics that I did and sent out then (and which I got back today). I probably could've

had an appropriate character pic for the "good" Professor.


Speaking of a possibly better name for the cad, how about Professor Peril? After all, the

deathtraps that old-style villains like to put their captive DiDs in are clearly designed to

put them in precisely that state of being.




Major Tom 2009 :eg:

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Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version.


Do you see him as looking like the wacko mad scientist from the opening of Robot Chicken' date='[/i']

or do you have a different appearance in mind for him?




Major Tom 2009 :confused:


Humm...if you can 'victorienise' the sterotypical mad scientist, then turn stated mad scientist into a midget, that could work. Prehaps even give him a 'steam-cyber' right arm.

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