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Jeremiah - the Watcher


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The following is a character idea that had been nagging at me to write up and I thought I'd post it for some feed back.


Write up:




[TD=align: right]Val [/TD]

[TD]Char [/TD]




[TD=align: right]15[/TD]





[TD=align: right]12[/TD]





[TD=align: right]13[/TD]





[TD=align: right]10[/TD]





[TD=align: right]18[/TD]





[TD=align: right]15[/TD]





[TD=align: right]13[/TD]










[TD=align: right]2[/TD]





[TD=align: right]2[/TD]





[TD=align: right]3[/TD]





[TD=align: right]4[/TD]





[TD=align: right]20[/TD]





[TD=align: right]20[/TD]










[TD=align: right]12m[/TD]





[TD=align: right]4m[/TD]





[TD=align: right]4m[/TD]





Characteristics Cost: 38[TABLE]


[TD=align: right]Cost [/TD]


[TD=align: right]END[/TD]



[TD=align: right]6[/TD]

[TD]The Voiceless Voices: Detect A Class Of Things 17-/14- (Hearing Group)[/TD]




[TD=align: right]20[/TD]

[TD]Universal Understanding: Detect A Large Class Of Things 16-/13- (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze[/TD]




[TD=align: right]9[/TD]

[TD]A lifetime of watching: +3 PER with all Sense Groups[/TD]




[TD=align: right]3[/TD]

[TD]Power Defense (3 points)[/TD]




[TD=align: right]3[/TD]

[TD]Mental Defense (3 points total)[/TD]




Powers Cost: 41[TABLE]


[TD=align: right]Cost [/TD]





[TD]KS: History 15-[/TD]




[TD]Persuasion 12-[/TD]




[TD]Acting 12-[/TD]




[TD]Language: French (fluent conversation)[/TD]




[TD]Conversation 12-[/TD]




[TD]Deduction 14-[/TD]




[TD]Language (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)[/TD]



Skills Cost: 21[TABLE]


[TD=align: right]Cost [/TD]





[TD]Money: Well Off[/TD]




[TD]Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (15 Active Points) 12-[/TD]



Perks Cost: 20[TABLE]


[TD=align: right]Cost [/TD]





[TD]Eidetic Memory[/TD]



Talents Cost: 5Total Character Cost: 125



[TD=align: right]Val [/TD]





[TD]Distinctive Features: Stone Eyes (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)[/TD]




[TD]Physical Complication: Heavy like a stone (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)[/TD]




[TD]Psychological Complication: Mentality of the Punished (Common; Moderate) [Notes: He doesn't know why he is free now but doesn't trust it was just an accident. SO he constantly is under the suspicion that he is being watched and judged.][/TD]



Disadvantage Points: 25

Base Points: 100

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0


And below is a spoiled version of the history n' such.



Jeremiah used to be a young man of the 12th centry in England. He grew up as a trapper bt soon found that he had a passion for the hunt. Be it animals, treasure, or gods, he never gave into a challenge. This passion and bravery on his part would come to be his downfall.



It was late into winter and Jeremiah and a small company of men were chasing after a legend. A fabled god among men. It wasn't the first time they had tracked down something beyond normal comprehension. Each success bolstering their nerve. And with the prospect of immortality ahead of them, they could hardly keep themselves calm.



They found this wood be god masquerading as a normal man. They thought it their chance to catch him. They were almost succesful. Almost. Their would be prey evaded them; now the creature knew it was underattack. Its anger knew few bounds. He slowly and surely found each member of the group. Jeremiah was last. The beast told him that if it was his wish to live forever, then he would have it. Turning Jeremiah into a stone statue, he was now one of the eternal watchers of the world.



The centuries past and Jeremiah watched as the world past. He came to learn that he wasn't the only watcher in the world. An entire world of them existed. Some driven mad from the eons. Some still grasping onto their sanity. But no matter where they were in the world, they could all talk with each other. At first it was disconcerting, but soon became the only source of comfort to Jeremiah. The watchers kept an eye on the world around him and would talk with each other about all that has happened. Some even made games of 'cataloging' information in their memory since they were not able to move and store it any other way.



Then one day, as an eclipsed passed over Jeremiah, he found that his gasp of awe at its beauty was a real gasp. Air took to his lungs and he fell from the church fall from which he had been placed many decades ago.



Jeremiah, although not a truly evil man, was never a saint. And crossing paths with 'the demon' as he has come to call him, has left him hessitant of his actions. He has never heard of another watcher becoming free before. So he can't help but have a creeping feeling that someone is watching him - that 'that someone' is watching him.



With that slight since of fear always present in his mind, he has taken to trying to help people in need. With the knowledge he had gained all that has happened, he was able to help himself to some 'lost' money and create a moderate life for himself. Now he tries to figure out what has happened and be 'on his best behavior'.


Powers / Tactics:

Although Jeremiah is durable by human standards, he isn't beyond reach. And while he may know a lot of things, he hasn't had the ability to practice and thus lacks a lot of real world experience. His biggest abilities are left overs from his time as a watcher. He can still hear the others if they are close by. And never seems to be at a loss for understanding any language - just can't seem to reproduce it.



Jeremiah: "Sorry, some bad habits die hard."

Other: "Haven't you had over 900 years to drop them?"

Jeremiah: "Some take longer than others"



The gist of the character is that he was punished by being turned into an immortal watcher and trapped in a Gargoyle like statue. He wasn't the only being trapped in such a way. A vast network of them exist and they can all talk with each other - or at least the ones that haven't gone mad with the eons.


Jeremiah, for no known reason, has found himself released from that existence. And while he can still hear the other watchers, he can only do so when they are close enough to be heard with his normal ears.


He is on a search now for the answers behind what has happened to him. He is also trying to lead a moderately good and righteous life - just to play it safe.


I don't seem him operating on anything resembling real comic book levels - but more of an urban fantasy level. He is tough and has some useful skills / powers, but nothing that'll give him a real edge in a fight.


Anyway, just thought I'd see what others thought of the character concept.


La Rose.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Sorry for the delay in getting back to this.


Yes, RanXerox, you are right. The write up above is simply human durability. It would seem that I forgot to save between a couple drafts. One of which I had remember to boost up his PD and ED a bit. But with a slight increase to the PD (including a bit of resistant defense from having strong skin) and he becomes more durable.


I was trying to be extra point conservative, but I think maybe just letting go and building up the to 225 target line would be best.


Thus, I decided to go with the current write up. Any thoughts would be appreciated.







[TD=align: right]Val








[TD=align: right]15








[TD=align: right]11








[TD=align: right]13








[TD=align: right]10







[TD=align: right]18








[TD=align: right]15








[TD=align: right]15













[TD=align: right]10/15








[TD=align: right]10/15








[TD=align: right]3








[TD=align: right]4







[TD=align: right]20







[TD=align: right]20












[TD=align: right]12m







[TD=align: right]4m







[TD=align: right]4m







Characteristics Cost: 77




[TD=align: right]Cost




[TD=align: right]END






[TD]The Voiceless Voices: Detect A Class Of Things 16-/13- (Hearing Group)







[TD]Universal Understanding: Detect A Large Class Of Things 16-/13- (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze







[TD]A lifetime of watching: +3 PER with all Sense Groups







[TD]Power Defense (3 points)







[TD]Mental Defense (3 points total)







[TD]Stone Eyes: Sight Group Flash Defense (3 points)







[TD]Resistant Protection (5 PD/5 ED)







[TD]Life Support (Longevity: 400 Years)





Powers Cost: 60




[TD=align: right]Cost








[TD]+1 with all Detective Skills












[TD]1) Bribery 12- (3 Active Points)






[TD]2) Concealment (Everyman) 13- (2 Active Points)






[TD]3) Conversation (Everyman) 12- (2 Active Points)






[TD]4) Criminology 13- (3 Active Points)






[TD]5) Cryptography 13- (3 Active Points)






[TD]6) Deduction (Everyman) 14- (4 Active Points)






[TD]7) Forgery (Documents) 13- (2 Active Points)






[TD]8) Interrogation 12- (3 Active Points)






[TD]9) KS: Cops (3 Active Points) 13-






[TD]10) KS: Cults and Creepos (3 Active Points) 13-






[TD]11) KS: The Underworld (3 Active Points) 13-






[TD]12) Lockpicking 11- (3 Active Points)






[TD]13) PS: Private Detective (Everyman) (2 Active Points) 13-






[TD]14) Security Systems 13- (3 Active Points)






[TD]15) Shadowing 13- (3 Active Points)






[TD]16) Stealth (Everyman) 11- (2 Active Points)






[TD]17) Streetwise 12- (3 Active Points)






[TD]18) WF: Small Arms (2 Active Points)





[TD]Acting 8-






[TD]Charm 12-






[TD]Combat Driving 11-






[TD]Gambling (Card Games) 13-






[TD]KS: History 14-





[TD]Language (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)






[TD]Language: French (fluent conversation)






[TD]Mechanics 13-






[TD]Persuasion (Everyman) 12-





[TD]TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Everyman




Skills Cost: 60




[TD=align: right]Cost








[TD]Money: Well Off






[TD]Contact: The Watchers (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (15 Active Points) 12-






[TD]Contact: Thugs and low lifes. (Contact has useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (x3) (6 Active Points) 8-






[TD]Fringe Benefit: Private Investigator License




Perks Cost: 28Total Character Cost: 225





[TD=align: right]Val








[TD]Distinctive Features: Stone Eyes (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)






[TD]Physical Complication: Heavy like a stone (Infrequently; Barely Impairing)






[TD]Psychological Complication: Mentality of the Punished (Common; Moderate) [Notes: He doesn't know why he is free now but doesn't trust it was just an accident. SO he constantly is under the suspition that he is being watched and judged.]




Disadvantage Points: 25

Base Points: 200

Experience Required: 25

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0



This is suppose to be in essence the same character but with more time out and thus a lot more training. Also I boosted his defenses so that he really is more like a stone. I need to put a bit more time into some complications but some of those will depend on exactly where I want to go with the setting for the character.


Among the things I did, I adhered to some long used rules for my games about creating nitch skill lists (like detective above). Increased his contacts. Rapidly expanded his skills. Bumped up his defenses. And made rather minor adjustments to his Stats.


Now, he is tough enough to be able to survive basic encounters but he isn't all that stellar. The basic concept is that he is in a heroic level game where basic and average equipment is available. Thus, I see him being armed with a simple pistol as his only truly offensive ability. While he may not be able to do much in a combat, he shouldn't need much protection and can serve as a nuisance to people and their plans.


La Rose.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


I think the VOICELESS VOICES are supposed to be the voices of the other watchers. Maybe if he passes by a statue he can tell if it's a watcher or just plain stone????


May I suggest MIND LINK: the other watchers. Also for understanding other languages try TELEPATHY (read only/translate other languages.)

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Sorry that I didn't make it more explicity, but Maccabe is correct. The Voiceless Voices power was to allow Jeremiah to listen in on the conversation of near by watchers. Now, he doesn't know where they all are and it is a bit of crap shoot if he will run across one on any given investigation, but they can prove to be helpful.


The reason I went with this build idea is because it a) isn't designed for any specific campaign that already has hard fast rules and B) because it takes as an assumed that the watchers, like any other NPCs, are already there but there exists a kind of 'language' barrier that just needs to overcome. I like it more than telepathy because for the costs it will yeild better results. It also doesn't require a suite of other powers to also detect the watcher in order to use the telepathy attact. Next, it is already inobvious (or invisible - can't recall witch) because it is a natively 0 end and persistent power. Thus, to get the same effects, I would probably be spending triple the costs.


As to the Mind link idea, I handn't thought of that at the time I wrote it up. But I think it would also suffer from the same limitations as the telepathy. Not a bad idea, though. Most certainly if I was building a character with a most consistant connection to the other watchers, I would probably go this route.


As to the Universal understanding, I choose the way I did becuase it more closely emmulates the Universal translator talent than simple telepathy. Indeed, UT is built as this same kind of detect with transmit and a skill roll. I got rid of the transmit and skill roll. Thus it is a more consistant talent, but weaker in utility. Likewise, this build lacks the same minuses as Mind Link and Telepathy would from the above (end, obvious, etc).


Lastly, with the above builds, I avoid any isues with the character being an odd mentalist rather than a mysterious human(oid).


Thanks for the rep, btw.


And I do appreciate the feedback. I now know I need to be a bit more clear in how I explain the character and his powers.


La Rose.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Can he communicate with these Watchers? Can he ask questions?


I've made a couple characters over the years that could talk to the dead, and I've always bought this as retrocognition. That is because the main use that he got out of these conversations was asking them things about the past. Depending on what abilities you want to give spirits precognition and clairsentience might have also been appropriate for a talk with the dead ability.


Now, Jeremiah the Watcher doesn't speak with the dead, he speaks with watchers. Still, if the benefit that you are looking for is the the occasional ability to find out what has occurred at a location or what is occurring somewhere else (and being communicated through the Watcher network) then you might want to consider retrocognition or clairsentience. This would let the GM know what benefit you expect to gain from being able hear Watchers and give her a clear reason to give you this benefit, you've paid points for it.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Yes, this power would allow him to communicate with the "watchers" if they are there. It doesn't guarantee that they will help or be useful, just that he can communicate. That is the goal with this power. The "generally useful" nature of his relationship is reflected with the contacts.


To be honest, I think far too much is given to Clairvoyance. It is kind of like all the focus on EDM and Transform. Yes, a lot of things can be modeled with Clairvoyance. But the desire to default to them is weird to me.


Ivan the interrogator could, for example, build his "interrogation techniques" as a clairvoyance with a variety of bonus and lims. OR he could just buy a skill for Interrogation.


A smart bomb could have it direct satnav system built as a Clairvoyance so that operators could control it in the last few moments. OR, it could just built a good Radio COM system with enhanced senses. OR, and my favorite, just buy extra levels of OCV with the attack and slap on a 'special effect' of having operators.


Now it may seem like I'm being really harsh on Clairvoyance, and I am a bit, but I do think it is a useful power and has its place. For things like "seeing into the past / future" and a wizards "clairvoyance" spell, it is a great way to go. But I think maybe it is trumped up a bit too much when used in other arenas - especially when cheaper and streamline options are available.


As a general rule of thumb, if there is ever an intermediary for the information gained from clairvoyance, then clairvoyance isn't the right approach, IMO. If I must talk to the dead and listen to what they have to say (assuming they posses animacy and will), then powers that give me THAT ability are what I need - not the one that gives me info. Now, if there were no two way communications or if the dead (or what have you) lacked any will / animacy, then clairvoyance with a kind of focus lim would seem best.


Ranxerox, I apologize if I have some off a bit too strong on this. It isn't my goal. I really and truly do appreciate the comments. They were the kinds of things I was looking for (alternate build ideas - points for clarification, etc).


La Rose.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Rose - I agree with your thoughts, and admit I probably would have stated mine much stronger. The ability to model almost anything is a big plus of the Hero System. But the way that so many players want to twist the rules around, just because they can, is the thing that turns me off from it the most.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Well, I don't think it is a matter of twisting things. Generally speaking Clairvoyance will cost more and take a bit more thought. I tend to take the phrase "twist the rules around" as to mean "munchkiny". Transform and EDM are most certainly Munchkiny, but not so much with Clairvoyance, IMO. Rather, my way of doing the power is much more stream lined and cost effective - munchkin-esc.


And again, I wasn't trying to be all that harsh. Just pointing out what has been, of late, an odd trend in HERO builds I've noticed. Nothing wrong with the build. It most certainly gets the job done. I just think that it does so in a way that is more expensive and time consuming than needed. Simplicity is your friend, IMO. ^^


La Rose.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


Yes, this power would allow him to communicate with the "watchers" if they are there. It doesn't guarantee that they will help or be useful, just that he can communicate. That is the goal with this power. The "generally useful" nature of his relationship is reflected with the contacts.


To be honest, I think far too much is given to Clairvoyance. It is kind of like all the focus on EDM and Transform. Yes, a lot of things can be modeled with Clairvoyance. But the desire to default to them is weird to me.


Ivan the interrogator could, for example, build his "interrogation techniques" as a clairvoyance with a variety of bonus and lims. OR he could just buy a skill for Interrogation.


A smart bomb could have it direct satnav system built as a Clairvoyance so that operators could control it in the last few moments. OR, it could just built a good Radio COM system with enhanced senses. OR, and my favorite, just buy extra levels of OCV with the attack and slap on a 'special effect' of having operators.


Now it may seem like I'm being really harsh on Clairvoyance, and I am a bit, but I do think it is a useful power and has its place. For things like "seeing into the past / future" and a wizards "clairvoyance" spell, it is a great way to go. But I think maybe it is trumped up a bit too much when used in other arenas - especially when cheaper and streamline options are available.


As a general rule of thumb, if there is ever an intermediary for the information gained from clairvoyance, then clairvoyance isn't the right approach, IMO. If I must talk to the dead and listen to what they have to say (assuming they posses animacy and will), then powers that give me THAT ability are what I need - not the one that gives me info. Now, if there were no two way communications or if the dead (or what have you) lacked any will / animacy, then clairvoyance with a kind of focus lim would seem best.


Ranxerox, I apologize if I have some off a bit too strong on this. It isn't my goal. I really and truly do appreciate the comments. They were the kinds of things I was looking for (alternate build ideas - points for clarification, etc).


La Rose.


It's all good. Different build philosophies. Also, somehow I missed the the Watchers contact. Seeing it now your build makes more sense to me (than it did before, not than my build.)


Probably just means we have been reading different characters, but I haven't noticed an over usage of Clairvoyance. If anything to me it seems like Detect is getting ran into the ground. I mean how is Universal Translator a Detect? You already hear them just fine; you just don't understand what they are saying. What was wrong with Universal Translator being it's own separate ability.


However, from me this is a red herring. Really, I don't care what power is used or how the special effect is defined as long game effect is what is desired and cost is in line with the value of the ability. So define your hellhounds as a Summons or an Indirect, Damage Over Time Blast. Either way is fine by me.


Well, I don't think it is a matter of twisting things. Generally speaking Clairvoyance will cost more and take a bit more thought. I tend to take the phrase "twist the rules around" as to mean "munchkiny". Transform and EDM are most certainly Munchkiny, but not so much with Clairvoyance, IMO. Rather, my way of doing the power is much more stream lined and cost effective - munchkin-esc.


And again, I wasn't trying to be all that harsh. Just pointing out what has been, of late, an odd trend in HERO builds I've noticed. Nothing wrong with the build. It most certainly gets the job done. I just think that it does so in a way that is more expensive and time consuming than needed. Simplicity is your friend, IMO. ^^


La Rose.


Well, no. After you factor in the cost for the Detect and the Contact, Jeremiah spent 20 points on the ability and the Contact is 12 or less. With the same 12 or less chance of success and a little Extra Time and Incantations, the Clairsentience could have been built for 20 or less points. So, no your method wasn't really more cost effective.

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Re: Jeremiah - the Watcher


As to the Universal Translator thing: It was based on a detect. Indeed, all talents are based on a power that gets edited. Combat Luck is just a uniquely built armor (Well, back when it was called armor). Universal Translator really was just a detect for "meaning of all observed language" and A telepathy build for communicating to anyone. It resembles something like this:


Detect A Large Class Of Things 11- (Hearing Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (20 Active Points); Requires A Roll (11- roll; -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4)

Telepathy 4d6, Sense Affected As Another Sense (Hearing; +0), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Broadcast Only (-1/2), Requires A Roll (11- roll; -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4)


Now, UT is older than this edition, so the exact mechanics are slightly different, but that is the root of it (as best as I recall).


The ability to communicate with the Watchers is only 5pts (voice to the voiceless). That alone would be able to give me the ability, but I want it to have more utility so I bought the Contacts as a complimentary cost for 12 pts (12- isn't a bad roll, IMO - better than even odds that I'll be able to make contact). In total, that is only 20pts. All in all, a good pt cost. I highly doubt I could get a clairvoyance that works in a similar fashion for less than 20pts. Just the sheer variety of information that I could gather from the Watchers is going to make any comparable Clairsentience rush up in Active point costs to an extreme degree. I can collect the info on what a every single sense a watcher has. I can communicate with multiple watcher through a single source (using one watcher to talk to the rest). I can get relevant info without having to sift through the noise of irrelevant down time that also occurs in life. I can do this while using an invisible power (well, as invisible as normal speech is). And with the added bonus of only having it take up a couple lines of text to express. No super complicated HERO jargon to define a clairsentience.


Now, of course this is all a YMMV issue. Each person having their own design philosophies. But I'm glad to hear the contrary side because I never know when someone might propose something I hadn't thought of before.


La Rose.

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