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Character: Conan


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This is my old 4th Edition adpation of Conan, revised and updated for 5th Edition. It also includes some material from GURPS Conan. Any comments from the crowd? (Oh, who am I kidding? Who won't have something to say? :P)



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
25	STR	15	14-	Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH Damage
23	DEX	39	14-	OCV: 8 / DCV: 8
23	CON	26	14-
20	BODY	20	13-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 15-
15	EGO	10	12-	ECV: 5
23	PRE	13	14-	PRE Attack: 4 1/2d6
14	COM	2	12-
10	PD	5		Total: 16 PD (6 rPD)
6	ED	1		Total: 12 ED (6 rED)
4	SPD	7		Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
10	REC	0
50	END	0
45	STUN	0
Total Characteristics Cost: 143

Movement:	Running: 9" / 18"
Swimming: 4" / 8"

Cost	Powers & Skills
Martial Arts: Armed Combat
Maneuver	OCV	DCV	Damage
4	Bind	+1	+0	35 STR Bind
4	Block	+2	+2	Block, Abort
5	Cleave	-2	+1	Weapon +4d6 (+2DC) Strike
4	Snap Shot	+2	+0	Weapon +2d6 (+1DC) Strike
4	Strike	+0	+2	Weapon +2d6 (+1DC) Strike
2	Use Art With Axe/Mace, Blades, Shield

10	Can Run For Days On End: Running +3", (9" Total), Reduced Endurance 
(1/2 END; +1/4) [on all 9" of Running]
2	Excellent Swimmer: Swimming +2" (4" Total), END 1
5	Sharp Senses: Discriminatory Normal Smell
9	Sharp Senses: Enhanced Perception, +3 with PER Rolls

6	Reputation: Great Warrior, Pirate, Thief, and so on (all of Hyperboria, 11-) +3/+3d6

12	Just A Scratch: Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)
17	Sharp Senses: Combat Sense 14-
29	Sharp Senses: Danger Sense (Sense, Out of Combat, Immediate Vicinity) 14-

16	Combat Skill Levels: +2 with Combat
15	Combat Skill Levels: +3 with HTH
10	Skill Levels: +2 with Intellect Skills
3	Animal Handler (Camels, Equines) 14-
11	Climbing 18-
10	Defense Maneuver IV
3	Lockpicking 14-
3	Navigation (Land, Marine) 12-
3	Oratory 14-
3	Persuasion 14-
2	PS: Mercenary Captain 11-
5	Rapid Attack (HTH)
3	Riding 14-
3	Shadowing 12-
3	Sleight Of Hand 14-
3	Stealth 14-
3	Streetwise 14-
9	Survival (Deserts, Mountains, Temperate/Subtropical, Tropical) 13-
3	Tactics 12-
6	TF: Riding Animals, Large-Windpowered Boats, Rafts, Small Rowed Boats, Small Wind-
Powered Boats
3	Tracking 12-
10	Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH)
8	WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Off-Hand, 
Shield, Thrown Axe, Thrown Knife
3	Linguist
2	Language: Argossean (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Aquilonian (Completely fluent, with accent)
0	Language: Cimmerian (native)
2	Language: Hyperborean (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Hyrkanian (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Khitan (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Kushite (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Nordheimr (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Shemitish (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Turanian (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Zamorian (Completely fluent, with accent)
2	Language: Zingaran (Completely fluent, with accent)
3	Traveler
1	AK: Aquilonia 11-
1	AK: Black Coast 11-
1	AK: Black Kingdoms 11-
2	AK: Cimmeria 12-
1	AK: The Far East 11-
1	AK: Pictish Wilderness 11-
1	AK: Turan 11-
1	AK: Zamora 11-
288	Total Powers & Skills Cost
431	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
20	DNPC: Current scantly-clad female in distress 14-
15	Distinctive Features: Barbarian (dress, size, speech) (NC)
15	Hunted: Toth Amon (MoPow) 8-
20	Psychological Limitation: Code Of Honor (Won't Hit/Kill A Woman, Won't Abandon 
Allies/Friends) (C, T)
10	Psychological Limitation: Mistrust Of Magic And Magicians (C, M)
15	Psychological Limitation: Self-Centered (Always Looks Out For #1 - Himself) (C, S)
15	Reputation: Thief, Rogue, and Pirate, 14-
121	The Original Barbarian Bonus
431	Total Disadvantage Points


Conan the Cimmeran was the son of a blacksmith, born on a battlefield after an fight with a band of invading Aesir. At the age of 15 he stood 6 feet tall and weighed 180 pounds. He prowess was rapidly becoming known, and Conan was part of the barbarian army that sacked the frontier city of Venarium. This adventure ignited his interest in the Southern lands, and soon after he went south, to the city of Arenjun, in Zamora, where he learned the arts of thieving. Eventually, he left that city and journeyed to the coast, sailing south on a merchant ship. At this point he encountered Belit, the Queen of the Black Coast, his first and greatest love. After her death, he spent a great deal of time wandering around the world, serving as a mercenary captain, working as a pirate or desert raider, or acting as a simple sword for hire.


This write-up is an attempt to adapt Conan at around the age of 33 to 35, at about the time the stories "Red Nails" and "The Teeth of Gwahlur" take place.



Heroic fantasy character that he is, Conan isn't always the nicest of people. His primary concern is for himself, and how he can improve his lot in the world. To this end, he will engage in deception, trickery, and occasional violence. Usually, though, these actions are directed at other, equally unsavory characters.


Conan does have his own, "barbaric" code of honor. He won't injure a woman, although certain encounters with witches have pushed this point. He also won't abandon a friend, either male of female.


Conan has an almost superstitious fear of the supernatural, although repeated encounters with such monsters have proved that a solid blow with a sword will do wonders. He dislikes magic and magicians though, and has made an enemy of a Stygian sorcerer by the name of Toth Amon. As a side note, the movie version of Conan swapped Toth Amon for Thulsa Doom, a sorcerer who plagued Howard's other hero of prehistory, King Kull. Toth is a pretty potent sorcerer, although like all magicians in Conan novels, his magic is a time consuming process.



Conan's primary powers are his incredible physical attributes. He is the fantasy equivalent of Superman; stronger, faster and tougher than just about everybody. In the course of Howard's stories, Conan wrestles with giant apes, immense snakes, prehuman things, and a host of similar monsters. He survives due to his great strength, mighty prowess, and barbarian constitution.


Conan's fighting skills are extrapolated from comments made in the course of the stories. Conan is a master swordsman, although his skill is based more on raw power and speed as opposed to any sort of finesse. His mountain upbringing is responsible for his climbing and tracking skills, while his highly acute senses come from his barbaric heritage (well, that's what Howard says anyway).


Contrary to innumerable illustrations, Conan does *not* stride about in nothing but a loincloth and swordbelt. Usually, he is dressed appropriately for his environment, adopting the fashions of where ever he is staying. A "typical" outfit for Conan would be as follows:

A long sleeved tunic that falls to mid-thigh.

A chain byrnie that covers the upper arms and falls to mid-thigh.

Leather breeks (i.e. trousers).

Leather boots.

A broad sword belt.

A long, broad-bladed sword and a long knife.


If expecting trouble, Conan may add a medium-sized round shield and an open-faced helmet. Depending on where he is and who he is with, Conan may also have a spear, bow or throwing axe.



First of all, Conan is huge. Although his exact height is never given, Howard often describes him as towering over others. I'd hazard a guess at 6'6" to 6'8", and a weight of 240+ pounds. Massively muscled, Conan's skin is a dark bronze from constant exposure to the sun and covered with a scattering of scars. His straight black hair hangs to his shoulders and across his forehead, framing a reasonably handsome face marked by "smoldering" blue eyes.


Designer's Notes:

Conan, created from the fertile imagination of Robert E Howard, is the original sword swinging barbarian adventurer. Conan first appeared in the pages of Weird Tales, in a story called The Phoenix on the Sword. He proved to be quite popular and Howard wrote about 20 finished Conan stories before his suicide in 1936. There have been a number of reprints since then, collecting the stories into some form of chronological order. The collections usually include stories that have been completed from Howard's story fragments, as well as completly original stories that attempt to fill in gaps in Conan's life. Personally, I think most of the adaptations and modern stories lack something and fall flat when compared to Howard's own tales.


Conan's reputation is such that some people will have nothing to do with him, while others will regard him as a mortal enemy. In the southern kingdoms he is known as Amra (The Lion), a title that seems to either bring instant allies, or bitter foes.


(Conan created by Robert E Howard, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)

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Originally posted by Alibear

Good write-up, I wouldn't change a thing. Having said that I havn't read any of his books for at least 10 years..


I have a complete set of the original REH stories and was going to re-read all of them before redoing this... but they are packed away...

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I'd be tempted to give him the wrestling package, and the unarmed combat element. Capturing Conan and stripping him of his weapons doesn't seem to slow him down much in combat, and I'm not sure that even STR 25 is up to wrestling some of the creatures that Conan rolls around on the floor with without some martial skills to boost it's effect.


As an aside, does Conan ever fight with two weapons? I'm not objecting to it's inclusion, I just can't think of any examples from the stories at the moment.


Other than that, looking pretty good as always.


Thanks for the work,



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Originally posted by Mavnn

I'd be tempted to give him the wrestling package, and the unarmed combat element. Capturing Conan and stripping him of his weapons doesn't seem to slow him down much in combat, and I'm not sure that even STR 25 is up to wrestling some of the creatures that Conan rolls around on the floor with without some martial skills to boost it's effect.


I'd be tempted to say Dirty Infighting myself.


As an aside, does Conan ever fight with two weapons? I'm not objecting to it's inclusion, I just can't think of any examples from the stories at the moment.


Yeah. I recall several times him doing it.


Other than that, looking pretty good as always.


Thanks for the work,


Thank you.

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I agree that Conan does need some grappling and unarmed martial arts.


As for two weapon fighting, I've never read any of the novels, but other sources have him fighting with a weapon in each hand. (this may also include using a shield as a weapon also.)


I remember one example in the comic-magazine where he was dueling some skinny pirate and each were wielding a pair of poisoned daggers. It also seems that I have seen him fight with a sword and hand axe combination.

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i recall in a couple stories conan using 2 weapons.


in one he was being hunted by a captian of the guard and pops out and greets the unlucky fellow as he is trying to kill a fleeing woman. He is using a hand axe and long knife. Which can be simply put as hatchet and short sword.


In another story he is fleeing the picts through a jungle and manages to climb up onto a tall rock and waits till nightfall to slip away from them because they wont come closer to it. He uses the same weapon combination in this as well hand axe and long knife.


In these and other stories he often throws one of these weapons at something killing it fairly quickly and running the hell away after that but it is shown and alluded to the fact that he does indeed carry and employs dual weapons on occasion but they are usually light easy to weild weapons that dont burden him down when he is hauling a**.


I do have to say yes its a very good write up i would however include an unarmed fighting martial art and maybe 2 combat skill levels or penalty skill levels just for overcomming the penalties for making critical hits. He is quite good at it in the books.:D

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Only one comment:

Anyone ever see Conan get sick?


This could be simulated by a high con, or perhaps immunity to some diseases.


He may also have a higher recovery. Running around chopping up people for a couple of hours must be pretty tiring. Also explains him running around for a couple of days....


Would he get a DNPC, Friend/Ally? I remember several occasions wher incompetent friends suckered him into the story.


*Starts working on a strange story arc to allow Conan to appear in a Champions scenario*

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Using two weapons could simply be a multiple power attack, though. If he did it more regularly (like, say, a certain dark elf) then I'd be more comfortable with it. His great skill at fighting allows him to do this sort of thing successfully, albeit not comfortably enough for him to do it as a matter of course.


I wouldn't be comfortable giving him too many martial arts abilities and such. With a 23 DEX, 2 All Combat skill levels, and 3 HTH skill levels, he doesn't need any sophisticated maneuvers to be deadly with his bare hands. Unless he regularly does things like Choke Holds, Legsweeps and the like, I don't think he should get another Martial Art.


In any case, I think this is a great write-up. What about a version of Subotai and the Wizard from the movie?

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Looks good Susano as normal. Always wondered about an anime like scenario set in the Hyborian age. Maybe a story of a little girl who after being recused by Conan decides to grow up to emulate him (ala Utena). Anyway I notice too often DNPC are left out and after a discussion with the SCFIDS (Scantly-Clad Females In Distress Society) I decided to post this character.



Scantly-clad female in distress


Player: DNPC


Val Char Cost
8 STR -2
8 DEX -6
10 CON 0
8 BODY -4
10 INT 0
10 EGO 0
8 PRE -2
18 COM 4
2 PD 0
2 ED 0
1 SPD 0
4 REC 0
20 END 0
17 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM01 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: -10




Cost Skill
2 AK: Homeland 11-
3 High Society 11-
3 Persuasion 11-
1 Riding 8-
7 Seduction 13-
0 Survival 8-
1 WF: Knives
Skills Cost: 17


Cost Perk
7 Money: Wealthy
8 Royal Blood
Perks Cost: 15


Cost Talent
3 Perfect Pitch
Talents Cost: 3



Total Character Cost: 25


Val Disadvantages
0 Normal Characteristic Maxima
10 Psychological Limitation: Yearning to saved (Common; Moderate)
10 Social Limitation: Female (Occasionally; Major)
5 Unluck: 1d6

Disadvantage Points: 25


Base Points: 0

Experience Required: 0

Total Experience Available: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

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Nice writeup, Susano. Just a couple of comments:


The Strength I would probably drop to 23. While Conan is incredibly strong, he does run into a few (very few) individuals who are larger and stronger than he is. It ain't often, but it happens. Those individuals I would give a 25 Str to. As for wrasslin giant apes, a few grappling maneuvers and those Hand to Hand skill levels will even the odds quite a bit.


The Dex I would drop to 20, but thats just a personal preference. I don't like Heroic level characters who have too many characteristics higher than 20 (and Conan's Strength and Con are his primary attributes that are most often commented upon)


His PD is pretty high...yeah, Conan is definately tough, but he's not super-human level tough. While it is difficult to "Stun" Conan, I recently read two stories in which he was Stunned by relatively normal foes in combat. (for dramatic purposes, of course, but it happened nonetheless) I'd drop it to the NCM of 8. Again, mostly a personal preference. The way I run my Heroic level games, very few individuals have PD's higher than 4. 5 or a 6 is consdidered an incredibly tough guy. a 7 or an 8 would be considered impossible to put down (indeed, would be for a person with a normal STR and no little martial training)


Kudos on resisting giving Conan a ridiculous speed (like a 6 or a 7)! With the new rules for Sweep and Two Weapon Combat and Rapid Fire and the like, unnaturally high speed scores are nolonger necessary to have characters perform like their counterparts do in fiction. Just use the proper maneuver and you too can have Conan kill a dozen foes in a single turn (without giving him a speed of 12)


As for his Combat skill levels, I would give him more. Conan started his wanderings very early in live (age 15-17ish) and by his 30's, he had fought in probably a dozen full-blown wars and survived hundreds of smaller scale encounters. His skill was positively frightening. Sure, much of it was attributed to his natural physique, but several stories mention his skill-at-arms in his prime. I'd probably boost his "All Combat" skill levels to +4 and his "Melee" skill levels to +4. I know that would give him a +8 to use his trusty sword....thats about where I'd place Conan.


With regular Skill Levels, I'd give Conan at least +2 with Dex based skills (to simulate his general athletic prowess).


Pretty much everything else I'd leave the same...

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Originally posted by NuSoardGraphite

Nice writeup, Susano. Just a couple of comments:


The Strength I would probably drop to 23. While Conan is incredibly strong, he does run into a few (very few) individuals who are larger and stronger than he is. It ain't often, but it happens. Those individuals I would give a 25 Str to. As for wrasslin giant apes, a few grappling maneuvers and those Hand to Hand skill levels will even the odds quite a bit.


I've seen this argued before. The problem is, he fights so many giant apes, lifts chests of gold, smashes people with his bare fists, and whatnot, that I figure he's got to have a 25, just to put him close to par with the "Ape, Guardian" in the Bestiary (who has a 30).


The Dex I would drop to 20, but thats just a personal preference. I don't like Heroic level characters who have too many characteristics higher than 20 (and Conan's Strength and Con are his primary attributes that are most often commented upon)


REH has him as fast (or faster) than a striking snake or attacking panther. REH also comments a lot on his agility and quickness, which can be via levels and such, but after a while I figured that just ramping up his DEX made the most sense.


His PD is pretty high...yeah, Conan is definately tough, but he's not super-human level tough. While it is difficult to "Stun" Conan, I recently read two stories in which he was Stunned by relatively normal foes in combat. (for dramatic purposes, of course, but it happened nonetheless) I'd drop it to the NCM of 8. Again, mostly a personal preference. The way I run my Heroic level games, very few individuals have PD's higher than 4. 5 or a 6 is consdidered an incredibly tough guy. a 7 or an 8 would be considered impossible to put down (indeed, would be for a person with a normal STR and no little martial training)


This one is a toughie. He seems to ignore a lot of abuse... bu then get clocked and is out. I know in most cases it is from a surprise blow from behind to the head (thus negating his Combat Luck and getting a at least x2 STUN for hit location... maybe more if he was totally surprised...). I think it can go either way.


Kudos on resisting giving Conan a ridiculous speed (like a 6 or a 7)! With the new rules for Sweep and Two Weapon Combat and Rapid Fire and the like, unnaturally high speed scores are nolonger necessary to have characters perform like their counterparts do in fiction. Just use the proper maneuver and you too can have Conan kill a dozen foes in a single turn (without giving him a speed of 12)


He used to have a 5... but as you say, Rapid Attack and TWF make that unnecessary.


As for his Combat skill levels, I would give him more. Conan started his wanderings very early in live (age 15-17ish) and by his 30's, he had fought in probably a dozen full-blown wars and survived hundreds of smaller scale encounters. His skill was positively frightening. Sure, much of it was attributed to his natural physique, but several stories mention his skill-at-arms in his prime. I'd probably boost his "All Combat" skill levels to +4 and his "Melee" skill levels to +4. I know that would give him a +8 to use his trusty sword....thats about where I'd place Conan.


With regular Skill Levels, I'd give Conan at least +2 with Dex based skills (to simulate his general athletic prowess).


Hmm... good points. I'll look at the write up and work with it.


Pretty much everything else I'd leave the same...


I think I'll put some of these suggestions in the Designer's Notes as options.

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