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Genocide, 6th edition.


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I have a few ideals about a new version of Genocide, and I want your opinions/help with some things.


Orgin: The group comes from the same dimension as Lancer and Kinematic. Sent by UNTIL to the current Champions dimension, thay sware to capture or kill Kinematik AND make shure other do not decided to cross the dimensional gateway.


Red King: Leader, who's armor is designed to counter Kinematik's powers.


Red Queen (needs a better name): Female martial artest with weaponry designed for use against mutants. Her rank is "Red Queen", not her name.


Piecemeal: Repugnant armor suit agent. He uses cloned body parts of mutants as weaponry, keeping them 'fresh' by his armor. Has the rank of "Red Bishop".


Psicrusher (needs a better name): Uses armor and weaponry designed to harm mentalist, including a mind trap device. Also has a rank of "Red Bishop".


Red Shield: A "Red Knight" agent with a strong force field.


Red Sword: Another "Red Knight" agent, with a strong sword made of force field technology.


Revier: A giant, self-aware robot, with a rank of "Red Rook". Named self after infamous Minuteman Paul Revier.


Red Pawn: Usaly sent 8 at a time, the rank and file of Genocide.

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Re: Genocide, 6th edition.


Institute for Human Advancement or I.H.A. is the 5E & 6E red headed step child of the Champions Universe Anti-Mutant and Anti-Superhuman Organization.


In my Campaign World the Organization expanded into Project Genocide. Later adding Minute Man Robots that disguised to appear human (ie; Terminator, OMAC Units, & Human sized Sentinel Robots) and added the Purifiers, Super Agents with Cybernetically Enhanced Physiologies. A homage to Purifier from Champions of the North. I also included former PRIMUS Silver Avenger Darren Falsworth as Purifier-X the new leader of Project Genocide. The I.H.A. became Project Genocide's public relations and funding base while Project Genocide became more pro-active in exterminating all Superhumans.



I never really liked the Chess theme for Genocide or the exclusive focus on Mutants.




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Re: Genocide, 6th edition.


In Champions Universe 5E & 6E the PSI War between Menton and PSImon which left them both as prisoners of Stronghold.


It left Lancer and Kinematic with Professor Sebastian Poe's Psionic Serum/Treatment. With the ability to transform normals into Psionics/Mentalists, Latent Psionics/Mentalist received a Power Boost to Superhuman levels, and what it could do for High Powered Psionics/Mentalist increased their threat level to match Menton and PSImon.







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Re: Genocide, 6th edition.


No ofences to eveyone, but as one can see from the orgin story of Kinmatik, Mutants were not enimie #1 in his world...mentlist were...till thay ran out. Then thay came for mutants. Next will be aliens/cyborgs/the supernatural. Then after that, Foxbat.

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Re: Genocide, 6th edition.


I never really liked the Chess theme for Genocide or the exclusive focus on Mutants.


Chess themes work for me as long as the leader I'm using sees him or herself as a "master manipulator" type. It's the public use of the name "Genocide" that I always thought was stupid. IHA was a more sensible option.

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Re: Genocide, 6th edition.


It's the public use of the name "Genocide" that I always thought was stupid. IHA was a more sensible option.

IIRC, IHA was the public facing side. Genocide was the secret army. The name was chosen because it was their goal and to instill fear in mutants. The mutant villain Holocaust had a similar motive behind his name.

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