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Fuzzy character idea


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Hiya all, I would like some input with the following anti-hero/dark hero Iron Age character idea: a cosmic-level hybrid of brick, energy projector and mentalist (telekinesis/biokinesis only). He should definitely have some features of heroic mindset: keeping his word, being reluctant to lie in important matters, not taking unfair advantages, being protective of innocents, fearlessly striving to help people in need, enforce justice, protect the innocent and the environment by whatever means necessary. However, he should not have hesitation to kill those who deserve it (killers, rapists, child molesters, dictators, drug lords, environment polluters, and the like), in self-defense or to save many other lives, and he should not feel bound by any law or authority past his own moral code. I would also him having some kind of interesting "human, too human" but not evil, and potentially plot-driving character weakness, like arrogance, bad temper, excessive intellectual curiosity, or an unsually high attraction for the other sex.


I'd like him to have a set of cosmic-level powers like: Armor, an Energy Blast/Entangle/RKA Multipower, Enhanced Sight/Hearing/Smell/Infrared/Nightvision/Ultrasonic, Flight, Force Field, Force Wall, total Life Support/Longevity, Mental Defense, Regeneration, a Super-Strength/HA/HKA/"Strength Tricks" Multipower, a Telekinesis/Ego Attack/Healing Multipower.


I seek for a good rationale/special effect behind this set of powers. I have thought about him having turned into a living nuclear reactor (by absorbing a nuclear explosion), or being a living solar/stellar battery, or being a mutant able to channel fundamental forces like electromagnetism and gravity.


I also seek a good set of Disadvantages for him. So far I have come about with the following possible ones: Aggressive in Combat, Arrogant, Curious, Dependence (Weakness and Power Reduction) (Sunlight, Starlight or concentrated forms of energy like power lines or radiation), Devoted To Justice, Enraged (being wounded in combat), Honorable, Hunted (by law enforcement agencies), Hunted (master villain), Lecherous, Must Protect Environment from Damage, Oblivious to Authority, Overconfident and/or Perfectionist, Protective of Innocents, Reputation (ruthless ecoterrorist vigilante), Secret Identity, Susceptibility (heavy elements), or Susceptibility (contact with lead), Vengeful, Vigilante Mentality, Vulnerability (Cold and Darkness attacks), Vulnerability (Presence attacks from desirable opponents).


Other possible ones might be Always Fights Fair (otherwise subsumed in Honorable), Annoyed by Incompetent People (instead of Arrogant), Flustered By Failure (alternatively to Perfectionist), Holds Society In Contempt (alternatively to Oblivious of Authority), Offended by Willful Stupidity (alernatively to Arrogant), Outrageous Flirt (alternatively to Lecherous), Scientific Curiosity, Takes His Responsibilities Seriously (alternatively to Honorable), Wants to Make the World a Better Place, Wants To Save Humanity From Itself, Will Never Break His Word (otherwise subsumed in Honorable).


Suggestions? Opinions?

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You can take JmOz's Superman from the "building the animated justice league" thread, change the disads and play him as a darker version. (If you are an animated JL watcher, then last week's "A Better World" provides an excellent example of a darker Superman).




At the very least its a good starting point. Start adding the other powers you mentioned.

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I'd like him to have a set of cosmic-level powers like:

You may want to narrow the number of powers you’ve got. At cosmic levels, this is going to be a LOT of points...



Why Armor and Force Field? At cosmic levels your Force Field is likely to be 0 END, anyway, so all you’re getting is Persistence from the Armor, and maybe defense from a few NNDs.


an Energy Blast/Entangle/RKA Multipower

So he projects “energy†that has some pseudo-physical manifestation for the Entangle. Electricity (electrical paralysis)? Telekinetic force (with EB & RKA vs. PD)?


Enhanced Sight/Hearing/Smell/Infrared/Nightvision/Ultrasonic

Iron Age characters seem to have narrow special effects. These powers are usually physical changes. However, I’ve got a character with enhanced senses as a limited form of clairsentience (Telescopic Vision, N-Ray Vision, etc.), so you might get by with defining these as “psionic sensesâ€.


Flight, Force Field, Force Wall

“Force†type powers. I’d combine them into the EB/Entangle/RKA Multipower with multi slots and a big point reserve. Most any special effect seems to justify a Force Field (see the USPD), but I’d say this is looking more and more like Telekinetic Force effects.


total Life Support/Longevity

This seems apart from the theme of the other powers you’re interested in, so I’m drawing a blank here.


Mental Defense

“Mental trainingâ€.



See LS comments.


a Super-Strength/HA/HKA/"Strength Tricks" Multipower

Again, you could just combine these into the EB/Entangle/RKA Multipower as “Telekinetic Force†effects. There is no real benefit in having two multipowers (unless the special effects are so different that they’re not okayed by the GM).


a Telekinesis/Ego Attack/Healing Multipower

A third multipower seems really a bit much. Add the Telekinesis into the other multipower. Refer back to the LS for the healing.


Iron Age characters often seem to have one, unified theme for powers – magnetic control, electricity, telepathy, etc. It’s earlier characters like Superman or the Martian Manhunter who’ve got the smorgasbord of odd powers. So I’d suggest choosing one special effect, and determining which powers you have from there.


From what you’ve listed, “Telekinesis†or “Force†seems most appropriate. Maybe some form of limited “psionic powersâ€. If you want you can pick up some of the extra powers (Life Support) via equipment.


Moreover, you need to group all those powers more efficiently. With cosmic level characters, you’ve got enough points for an Elemental Control and a Multipower. Choose the EC for powers that you use at the same time (defenses, movement, etc.). Choose the Multipower for powers you’d only use one of at any time (attacks). Some powers – Senses and the like – won’t be able to be in either one, of course. Give your Multipower a big point reserve, and make the slots multis so you can allocate if you need to do a multiple power attack.


Finally, read through the USPD for ideas on powers or CKC for ideas on how to build cosmic characters.

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The animated JL isn't aired in my country yet, but I am somewhat familiar with the comic, even if I don't read it. A darker version of Superman might be a good start. As a matter of fact, I picture this character, powerwise, as not so different from a slightly toned-down crossbreed of Superman and Silver Surfer: someone who uses cosmic/stellar/atomic energy to a) energize and optimize his own body's functioning to utterly superhuman levels (armor, superstrength, HKA, life support, enhanced senses, regeneration/personal healing) B) manipulate and control energy for various ends (verious forms of EB/RKA, force field, flight, entangle, telekinesis). I only dropped from the original inspirations the matter manipulation/creation ability (Transform) of the Surfer, the superspeed of the Kryptonian, and the interstellar travel ability of both, to narrow somewhat the array of powers and keep the character viable.


JLA (and to a lesser degree the Avengers) would be a good inspiration for the character, b/c I would like to pattern it on the example of the Authority. Definitely heroic in the sense of fearlessly striving and self-sacrificing to protect the world and make it a better place, but utterly defying annoying four-color conventions, like absolute prohibition to kill, and respect for authorities and laws, no matter how unjust.


>>You may want to narrow the number of powers you’ve got. At cosmic levels, this is going to be a LOT of points...>>


Probably, I will drop Ego Attack, and maybe Healing. Healing and Transform are powers that are part of the original concept, but are the ones more peripherical, and I may drop them in the character creation version, and reserve them for further developments. Ego Attack I inserted it as the expression of matter/energy manipulation ability affecting living organisms, and proably is the element less necessary to the character concept.


>> Why Armor and Force Field? At cosmic levels your Force Field is likely to be 0 END, anyway, so all you’re getting is Persistence from the Armor, and maybe defense from a few NNDs.>>


For aesthetic reasons, mostly. I am well aware that a combination of Armor and Force Field (especially if the latter is bought at 0 End and Persistent) is a less efficient use of points and more expensive, but I like a lot the idea of stacked defenses. It improves the badass factor of the character concept, and secondarily might make it less liable to be Drained or Suppressed. For the same reason, I want him to have different ways of attacking. It should definitely be able of multiple-power attacks, like different EBs simultaneously, or EB and Telekinesis, or Strength and either. This is also one reason why I wish the character to have at least two different Power Frameworks, preferably Multipowers. EC I don't like to use, because I don't like too narrowly defined special effects and rationales for superhero characters. I prefer combining archetypes (like brick and energy projector, here), origins and power rationales who enable characters to use broad and loose sets of powers (superman, silver surfer, cosmic energy types) and multiple special effects (here, I would like the character to have both a fire/plasma and/or a electricity/particle beam, and a force/telekinetic special effect, hence seeking a rationale like generic cosmic energy, or solar power, or manipulation of fundamental subatomic forces).


>>So he projects “energy†that has some pseudo-physical manifestation for the Entangle. Electricity (electrical paralysis)? Telekinetic force (with EB & RKA vs. PD)?


As I said above, a global rationale that enables to use both. Having two different EB/RKA frameworks, a EB/RKA one that works against ED (fire/electricity), and the Telekinesis/EB telekinetic force one, vs. PD, (entangle might be assigned to either, or both) would be close to what I've in mind. As I said, I wish him to able of multiple-power attacks.


>>Enhanced Sight/Hearing/Smell/Infrared/Nightvision/Ultrasonic

Iron Age characters seem to have narrow special effects. These powers are usually physical changes. However, I’ve got a character with enhanced senses as a limited form of clairsentience (Telescopic Vision, N-Ray Vision, etc.), so you might get by with defining these as “psionic sensesâ€.>>


Not necessarily. Some very influential Iron Age examples (Spawn, most Autority characters) do have very broad sets of powers, and loosely defined special effects. I am aiming to duplicate them. It's going to be Iron Age in moral outlook, but high-powered. Think Authority. Part of the concept is brick-like massive enhancement of the body's functions. So I think Enhanced Senses are justified. They are peripheral to the character concept, however, and may be dropped.


>>Flight, Force Field, Force Wall

“Force†type powers. I’d combine them into the EB/Entangle/RKA Multipower with multi slots and a big point reserve. Most any special effect seems to justify a Force Field (see the USPD), but I’d say this is looking more and more like Telekinetic Force effects.>>


Armor, Force Field, Life Support, Regeneration, Super-Strength and possibly Flight are the powers that I'd keep out of the Multipowers, b/c I wish him to have access to them at all times. Attack powers are going to be combined in Power Frameworks, however, I prefer him to have multiple frameworks. IIRC, there are several similar characters in the CKC (Gigaton, Gravitar, Holocaust) that are somewhat similar to this character, and may have multiple Power Frameworks.


>>total Life Support/Longevity

This seems apart from the theme of the other powers you’re interested in, so I’m drawing a blank here.>>


As I said, this is going to be a hybrid Brick/Projector. Life Support is very in theme with Bricks, and comes from energy permeating the character's body, and sustaining it against all kinds of harms; likewise Armor, Longevity, and Regeneration (and/or self-only Healing). Think Superman, and Avengers' Wonder Man. Life Support emphasizes the superhuman nature of the character, and sets him apart from normal concerns.


I thought to give him general Healing as the expression of very refined and developed telekinetic manipulation, but maybe this is premature for character creation.


>>Iron Age characters often seem to have one, unified theme for powers – magnetic control, electricity, telepathy, etc. It’s earlier characters like Superman or the Martian Manhunter who’ve got the smorgasbord of odd powers. So I’d suggest choosing one special effect, and determining which powers you have from there.>>


AS I said, firstly I loathe too narrow themes and archetypes for characters. Clones of the Human Torch bore me to tears. I like to mix and hybridize, and create broad sets of powers. Moreover, not all Iron Age characters have narrow "elemental" themes. Spawn or Apollo have sets of powers that are at least as broad and varied as Superman's. I prefer to pick sets of powers that fulfill the broad concept I visualize, than reason out a theme that justifies them all, or to give the character an multiple themes. The special effect comes later.


>>From what you’ve listed, “Telekinesis†or “Force†seems most appropriate. >>


Or maybe better "Cosmic Power" or "Atomic Energy" or "Solar Power", with Force as a sub-theme.


Maybe some form of limited “psionic powersâ€. If you want you can pick up some of the extra powers (Life Support) via equipment.


Hmm, if I drop Ego Attack and non-personal Healing, Psionics becomes unnecessary. the Force subtheme easily justifies all kinds of telekinetic tricks. Life Support is integral to the concept, but I think "energy-enhanced body" easily justifies it (e.g., see Gigaton).


>>Choose the EC for powers that you use at the same time (defenses, movement, etc.). Choose the Multipower for powers you’d only use one of at any time (attacks). Some powers – Senses and the like – won’t be able to be in either one, of course. Give your Multipower a big point reserve, and make the slots multis so you can allocate if you need to do a multiple power attack.>>


I have not yet much familiarity with the EC concept (I did not give it much attention, b/c I dislike narrow special effect rationales). I'm not sure that an EC can justify all the powers (Armor, Force Field, Life Support, Regeneration, Super-Strength and Flight) that I wish him to be able to access all the times. If you suggest it, I'll give it more attention. I quite wish him to be able to do effective multiple-power attacks, based both on different special effects (eg fire and force), and rule effects (eg EB and Telekinesis), so I had thought to give him two Multipowers. But your adivice is nevertheless very sound: a big point reserve, with all slots multis, and all "blast" slots built with variable special effects, is definitely something I'm going to use.


>>Finally, read through the USPD for ideas on powers or CKC for ideas on how to build cosmic characters.>>


Gigaton (especially), Gravitar, and Holocaust all look somewhat close to what I trying to do. A mix of them (more brick than Gravitar, and more sophisticated uses of energy, beyond various types of EBs, than Gigaton and Holocaust) would do. The power level I want is that. An Omega or Delta range guy, one able to utterly laugh off mundane authorities without access to super-teams or military-grade super-equipment, and single-handedly create a severe security concern for governments in the contingency of him going rogue.

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The range of powers you want for this character sounds rather like a Martian Manhunter-style uber-brick. I think that the character's power and disregard for normal terrestrial codes of law and conduct are best suited to an alien unfamiliar with Earth's culture, therefore a recent visitor (and could take that as a Social Limitation). There are a few origin routes/power sources I can think of appropriate to that:


The being was born in space, an entity of "cosmic energy" who travels to different worlds to interact with other sentient beings, assuming a form resembling that of a planet's dominant species. It genuinely cares for other lifeforms, acting in what it views as their best interest;


The being is a member of an interstellar law-enforcement group a la the Green Lantern Corps, with powers bestowed by that group (possibly through an artifact). As such he follows the ethical code of the group rather than the local customs of a given culture. He may have been assigned here because Earth is about to move into space, is threatened by some interstellar menace (automatic Hunted), or is itself viewed as a potential threat which must be watched;


The being is the last survivor of an alien race, possibly fleeing the enemy who destroyed his people (another Hunted). His powers may be natural for his kind, or perhaps the destruction of his world bathed him in cosmic forces which altered him. As a "superior being" he may view it as his moral obligation to help human beings with the threats, and moral dilemmas, that they aren't prepared to handle themselves.


At this level of power, the rationale for the source of power is less important unless it implies some limitation to the character, like exposure to solar energy to recharge his reserves. "Cosmic energy" is a good catch-all rationale, as is Psionics manifested as both Mental Powers and telekinetically boosted physical abilities. For the latter, a good dramatic origin for a "last survivor" is for the character to become a vessel for the psionic or "life" energy of all of his race, either through deliberate action or accident after his race is destroyed.

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I’m not going to go all quote-by-quote here, but a few points to touch on:


Cosmic Energy would be an excellent rationale. When I first played we had a Silver Surfer clone (“Solar Sailor†no less - oh, the Sailor Moon jokes we could have made nowadays), so I tend to skip through the Power Cosmic type stuff now.


That said, I think “Cosmic Energy†would be a tight enough special effect for an EC - if your GM is okay with it; check first.


When I’m building powerful characters, I tend to give them an EC for the “does this stuff all the time†powers, and a Multipower for the “power stunt†powers. Then I can pick up new tricks quickly into the Multipower.


For the EC, Force Field and Flight are your best options. You’ll at least be getting a price break on two powers, which may be substantial at cosmic levels.


Armor, Life Support, and Regeneration - all not costing END - can't be put into an EC per FREd. And they’re not the sort of things you’ll be turning off (except maybe Armor), so you wouldn’t want them in your multipower. So you’ll have to purchase them outside of a power framework. Any Naked Advantages likewise would probably end up outside of a power framework.


STR I don’t normally allow in ECs, anyway, so I’m not sure if that’d be legit.


And I’d have to say that Liaden’s “last survivor of his race†idea is cool. I’ve been mulling over the idea myself for use in my own campaign; it’s a classic.

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well, good ideas coming, thanks folks.


Liaden, your origins suggestions are quite good, especially the #1 (cosmic energy being visiting Earth) (also beacuse of the Dark Phoenix story hooks; I would like to recapture some of that mood) and second best, #3 (last survivor of race). #2 less so, cause I would prefer the character to have innate abilities, not an artifact, and the Green Lantern origin conflicts with the idea that the character should be utterly self-directed, not dependent on an patron. Maybe if the interstellar cop was gone rogue, or the last one of his breed... Parallax, for example, would near what I'm trying do shape. The responsibility of his actions should be him, and him alone. I might use them, if only that I pictured this character as a terrestrial being, not an alien. A great part of what I mean to do with this character is highlight the responsibility of godlike power thrown on a human perspective ("what would you do with a power of god?"), that is challenged to rise on a level where you have to shape the fates of nations, and be in some way the judge of your own race. It can be done with an alien background (see any story of Silver Surfer, Thor and Adam Warlock), but I think the drama would fit best if the character was a normal human in origin, and his desregard for human laws and authorities comes from his realizing that he has risen to a level of being that puts him above normal human perspective, rather than unfamiliarity with terrestrial mores. I was gunning for Magneto, Spawn, or Phoenix, rather than Thor or Silver Surfer(except maybe the Thor of the latest "Reigning" storyline. That would fit the character idea well, and actually was an inspiration, together with Authority), even if the latter might be accommodated to fit the concept. The best example of what I'm trying to do, again, is the members of the Authority, and they are all human in orgin, with a (trans)human perspective.


So I would prefer a Mutant, or alternatively an Experimentation origin. Any ideas along this line?


It would also be best if it were possible to clone the character, and create a copy with similar powers.


As regards the Disadvantages, what about the list I've proposed? Honorable and Protective of Innocents to represent his shiny heroic side (and IC moral checks to behavior), Dedicated to Uphold Justice and Protect the Environment (or maybe Vengeful/Vigilante Mentality and Must Protect Environment) as the causes (crimefighting, peacekeeping, protecting and avenging the innocent, environmentalism, and in the case the setting will be going to include a "mutant scare", protecting and avenging the superpowered minority) he is sworn to uphold, basically good, but with a shade of moral ambiguity, coming from the fact that he pursues them with utter disregard with laws and a "whatever it takes" outlook. Think Magneto. He is not going to endanger innocents, but would not have any qualms to rip out the heart of a murderous dictator, or sinking a whaler. Hence a Psychological Lim like Holds Authority in Contempt would be essential, and likely a Hunted from law enforcement agancies. Finally, ones like Arrogant and Overconfident, Enraged, Vengeful to show the dark and morally ambigous side of his mentality, and a "human weakness" one or two, like Lecherous or Curious, to show that besides to striving to acheive a godlike persepctive, he still keeps all too human character weaknesses (and give good plot hooks). Hmm, maybe Lecherous would work better in this reagrd. I might, or might not, give him some Physical ones, hooked to his power origin. I think that some good ones for a "cosmic energy" or "solar battery" or "living nuclear reactor" concept might be a dependence on exposure to solar/stellar energy (e.g. Apollo, Silver Surfer), a vulnerability to Cold or Darkness attacks (that would disrupt his battery/reactor-like internal matrix), and a Susceptibility to contact (not proximity) with heavy metals (like lead), which, gain, would ground, or cool off his energy matrix.

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I have an NPC who is the "last survivor of his team." The team had been set up, and every member of the team on the mission was killed. As they all lay there dying, the team psychic used his last moment to gather all their remaining energy together to restore the least damaged member. This act fused all of their spirits into one being, one body which rose up and destroyed their attackers.


OK, so that explanation doesn't really do the concept justice on a poetic level, but you get the idea.


(I'm not feeling well and have an hour before I can leave the office.)

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Wanderer, your Disads sound fine if these are the areas of personality you want to explore. The Susceptibilities/ Vulnerabilities you suggest are good if you want it to be possible for less powerful characters to take him down once they figure out these Achilles heals, rather than just mustering enough raw force to do the job.


I'm guessing your desire to have the character "clonable" means you're interested in creating another like him, but with different motivations?


You might get some use out of an origin taken by a player in my campaign: the character was working in a radio telescope searching for signals from space when it accidentally locked on to a source of cosmic power. The energy surged through the equipment and into him, imbuing him with super abilities. The advantage to this approach is that someone who learned of the character's origin could attempt to duplicate it.


Rather than an accident, the character could deliberately be given power by an advanced alien race curious about precisely this question: What would a human in this position do? You can then justify other people with different personalities having the power bestowed on them as random test subjects. The aliens could be used as a future complication, or made passive observers and kept out of events, as desired.


Finally, the "alien energy symbiote" I described previously could fit into this origin - the being needs a flesh-and-blood host in order to interact with human beings. This allows for a blending of personalities, human and alien, if that would appeal to you.


Hope that helps. :)

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I wasn't going to respond to your thread when I saw SPAWN lumped in with real comics characters,

but at no point did you preach on the wondrous and beautifully designed character of Cable...so I am feeling a little more interested. :)


Here's an origin story...written now as I am inspired.


"Lost in the depths of antiquity, few people know the true history of insert cool hero name here. cool hero rose as a youth in the combat of World War I. He was part of a voluntary and desperate biochemical research project in Europe prior to America's involvement in the war. The experiments granted him Superhuman Strength and Invulnerability. A single tank meant nothing to him. He had very little time to distinguish himself in combat, as the Americans became involved in the war as he was adjusting to his new life.


He and his little known temamates, the Scarlet Harrier and Professor Chaladan explored many an Aztec Jungle and African Desert prior to Hitler and World War 2...

He and his fellows became involved in the desert, as Rommel slowly conolidated his hold on the country. The heroes were of little use against masses of troops, armor, and fascist control. Professor Chaladan was gravely wounded in the battles, and his advanced age conspired to destroy him.


The Harrier and our hero journeyed to Germany, with the intent of damaging the infrastructure that supported Hitler's regime.


The granddaughter of Professor Chaladan joined them in France when they contacted the Resistance and told them of Hitler's rocketry experiments and the secret SS plans her grandfather had uncovered involving attacking and observing from SPACE. The trio stole one of the experimental rockets and attacked the primitive space platform (literally a platform) in geosynchronous orbit over Germany.


Our hero fell to a sinister Nazi SS weapon, and with his lack of heartbeat and breathing, his teammates presumed him dead. Worried about strange Nazi magics, and experiments of death, a heroes funeral was arranged. Judith Chaladan fired the body of our hero into the sun as the space platform was collapsing about them. The Harrier was able to get them back to Earth, and survive re-entry, but he and Judith landed heavily in a remote area of the Andes mountains. They were never seen again, and their story of World War II remains untold to this day.


Our hero survived his near impact with the Sun, and drifted back to Earth eventually. his close encounter with the solar orb had changed him...increased his powers. He listened to radio and television broadcasts duing his long coma, first back into the past, and then on into the present as he returned to the solar system. He has no idea what happened ot him out in space. When he awoke he was in low Earth orbit, very warm, and out of control. The size of his meteoric trail caused him to be ignored by most astronemers as he came down. He now walks in a world both strange and familiar... with eyes unknown watching from space."



Some of the powers you want could simulated with an attack sized Variable Power Pool, cutting down on the overall costs. I would (I hope Hugh doesn't see this) recommend getting his "always in use powers" in a Framework, and relying on the VPP for the attack suite instead of a multipower. Instead of MPA's you can build customized attacks, or a suite of limited attacks that can BE MPA's. If you refrain from limiting the power pool, then he can morph it to obscure powers as necessary...for temporary use, then switch back to his attack suites.


The "always available" powers then take on an aspect of "subconscious constantly running powers" like the protective field of the Green Lantern that acts to preserve his life.

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Hey, great suggestions all, thanks folks. I might use some of them in the origin background (especially the "focusing cosmic energy through experiment, or bonding with cosmic being). But mostly I'm still trying to hammer the concept in hard HD detail. Some minor questions:


Which range of characteristics is appropriate for a cosmic-level superhuman character? I thought somewhere between 23-25 and 30.


After getting an ever-increasing set of ideas for Psych Limitations trying to hammer down the mentality of the character, I gave out and coalesced most of them in a Code of Honor, Very Common (Keep Your Word, Meet Any Obligation You Accept, Right Any Grevious Wrong You See, Correct Severe Social Injustices, Protect the Environment from Damage, Always Avenge An Insult to a Friend or Yourself), which I think will give the character a classical hero outlook, while avoiding the boyscoutish four-color mentality, which I utterly loathe (no CvK, no extreme truthfulness, no reverence for unjust laws or established authorities). I wonder if I should put also the Protective of Innocents and the Holds Authority into Contempt Psych Lims in the Code, too, or if it is justified to keep them separate.


I thought of giving him a Hunted by UNTIL and PRIMUS. The character is going to have a vigilante/ecoterrorist background: while he does not harm innocents, he is perfectly capable of administering some summary capital justice to the worst criminals, like rapists, murderers, child molesters, drug lords, or those responsible of blatant environmental damage or severe human-rights violations, like dictators and some corporate executives, or smashing down heavily-polluting industrial operations. I wonder if this is enough to justify a Hunted by such agencies, though, and also if those would be MoPow or AsPow for a cosmic-level character.


I wished to give him some dependence on stellar power for fueling his superhuman powers, but sunlight per se would be maybe a bit too limiting, so I thought about the whole spectrum of stellar/cosmic emissions, some parts of which get anywhere except through radiation shielding (e.g. thick steel) or underground. Would a Very Common/Easy to Get Dependence, kicking in after some minutes or hours in these environments, be appropriate?

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