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Reverse Explosion?

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In my elemental game I am playing, my water elementalist has a power that works much like a tidal wave, as it gets stronger as it goes out. My GM and I are trying to figure out a way to simulate this, and I suggested Explosion but reversed. Would this be a reasonable solution, or should I use something else?

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Explosion is 'priced' to reflect that it's a very small total area that suffers full damage; reversing it substantially increases the total area that takes full damage, so you'd have to somehow account for this (e.g. by increasing its cost in a way that makes the 'pricing' proportional to the area that takes full damage).


While Grailknight's approach may seem more complex, it accomplishes the goal without any handwaving ... and without having to invent something new (in terms of 'pricing') to address the need.  Hence, I think his approach is spot-on.

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Explosion is 'priced' to reflect that it's a very small total area that suffers full damage;reversing it substantially increases the total area that takes full damage, so you'd have to somehow account for this (e.g. by increasing its cost in a way that makes the 'pricing' proportional to the area that takes full damage).


While Grailknight's approach may seem more complex, it accomplishes the goal without any handwaving ... and without having to invent something new (in terms of 'pricing') to address the need. Hence, I think his approach is spot-on.

I see your point. The power design seems great for my purposes. I would just have to establish a "Limited Range" of 64m (My AoE.)

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Thanks to Grailknight, Surrealone, and Roter Baron. Here is my experimental power design.



Tidal Wave: Blast 12d6. Indirect (To reverse the direction of "Reduced By Range"; +1/4), 1/2 END (+1/4), Personal Power Immunity (+1/4), AoE: Hexes (64m; +1 1/4). 180 APs. Gestures with Two Hands (-1/2), Requires a Water-Bending Roll (-1/2), Limited Range of 64m (-1/4) Reduced by Range (-1/4) Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4). 65 RPs

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I'm going to mark this as answered with several answers that helped me. 


Explosion is 'priced' to reflect that it's a very small total area that suffers full damage; reversing it substantially increases the total area that takes full damage, so you'd have to somehow account for this (e.g. by increasing its cost in a way that makes the 'pricing' proportional to the area that takes full damage).


While Grailknight's approach may seem more complex, it accomplishes the goal without any handwaving ... and without having to invent something new (in terms of 'pricing') to address the need.  Hence, I think his approach is spot-on.


Area effect hexes, reduced by range with indirect to point it toward you. Max damage at the far point and less closer to you.


Interesting idea. But sounds solid to me.

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I would consider indirect as a way of representing its reverse direction or at least a different cost.  The reason explosion is cheaper than just a radius of the same size is that the bulk of its area does less damage.  With this structure, you're increasing the area that does full damage, and hence reducing the limitation of Explosion.


So in 5th and previous editions, I'd call this a +3/4 rather than +1/2 advantage

In 6th edition I'd call it a -1/4 reduction of the area effect advantage rather than -1/2.

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