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Non-stacking armor limitation value?


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I have an effect I am modeling for an origin type that grants the character some armor in the form of scales and resistant skin in areas of their body. Looking for opinions on that value of limitation to model the fact that it does not add to other resistant defenses provided by conventional armor. I am leaning toward a -1 generally for the effect and a -1/2 in the case of this particular origin since it will be limited to arcane caster types who don't tend to wear armor (not forbidden but you have to train to cast in armor, have PSL to offset the armor penalties, etc) and have access to spells that get them other benefits. Thoughts?


- E

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The value of any custom limitation is dependent on how limiting it is.  In the case of something like this, I'd have to know how often the character is likely to wear additional armor that this armor then will not stack with.

Surely, that is why I asked for opinions and gave background on what was needed to cast in armor. Can you elaborate on what more you would like to know?


- E

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Sorry, got called away before I could elaborate.  On the up side, it gave me a little more time to think.




I'd go with -1/4 at most.  




Cumulative is a +1/2 advantage that can be taken on powers that normally don't stack when applied multiple times that then allows them to do so.


Making a normally cumulative power 'non-stacking' would then logically be a -1/2, as a mirror image of the +1/2 that is Cumulative.


Having your natural armor power not stack with any other resistant defense would get you that -1/2, but you've defined it as only being non-stacking with a particular (though very common) other kind of resistant defense (conventional armor) so you shouldn't really get the full -1/2 for 'non cumulative'.


Hence -1/4.

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A majority of 2 wins. =)


It did not make a difference to the final cost in this case, but it probably will in the future. I am also going to probably add a -0 that you cannot generally stack from multiple sources of similar SFX. So a character with this origin (scales) could pick the better of that or a spell that gave you bark skin or an amulet that gave stone skin. Any non-overlapping effects still occur, so if the stone skin also gave LS: Extreme Heat and Cold, you could use that along with the armor value form one of the other effects. And if they chose something other than the scales and they did not have the limitation above (not with real armor), they could also add in the PD from their leather armor if they had it.


- E

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Another way to work defense stacking :


Conventional armor has a weight that is dependent on its DEF, as shown on the armor weight table.   Chainmail (DEF 6) weighs 20 kg.  Hardened leather (3 DEF) 10 kg, and so on.


Assume for this calculation that ALL defenses have a weight value.   A 6 DEF Force Field has a weight value of 20 kg also, just like chain mail.  It doesn't actually weight this, but for the purposes of calculating final defense value, that is its value.


Add up all your weight values, and assign a final DEF equivalent to what that weight of armor would provide.


For example, say a character has:

Combat luck (3 DEF) 

Scale Armor (5 DEF)

Amulet of Minor Protection (2 DEF)

Rubbery Hide (2 DEF)


The Weight Values would be

Combat luck : 7 kg

Scale Armor : 14 KG

Amulet : 5 kg

Rubbery Hide : 5 Kg

Total Value : 31 Kg.


His armor protection would be the equivalent of 31 Kg of armor, or 7 DEF.


This method requires a bit more work, but it allows stacking of defenses, without defense stacking rapidly unbalancing the game.

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