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Mimicry question


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So I am trying to build a shapechanger who can assume any human form.  Sort of a Mystique type character.


Human mimicry-sight, hearing, smell/taste, touch senses, imitation, cellular, instant.  This would allow infiltration of any installation.


But in Champions powers it has Voice Manipulation-hearing, imitate, voice only.  This is to allow perfect imitation of any voice.


My question is does the hearing in the human mimicry cover the voice manipulation power?  I need to know if Human Mimicry covers it or do I need to buy a separate voice manipulation,


The idea is to be able to defeat any dna, voice or appearance, including finger print scanning to allow the character to access just about any installation with sufficient study and preparation.  Thanks for your assistance in advance.


I assume that acting and mimicry skills would be needed to act like the person being impersonated.  Body posture, mannerisms, etc.

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Sense affecting powers by default target the whole sense group.

With sight that means normal sight.

But also stuff like IR sight (or really anything put into the sight group), even if the attacker lacks the sense or has no way of knowing he has to fake for that sense.


Unless a limitation reduces it, Sense Affecting power affect the entire sense group.


2nd or 3rd question in a short timeframe now. I think I have to compile a more complete answer and write it down.

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You are correct. Buying shapeshift for the Hearing Group allows for the copying of a voice. Seeing that you have Sight as well, the only thing you need skill wise is Acting.

In a way Mimicry does work as the foolproof alternative to certain "imitation" Skills:

You can use Disguise and Mimikri.

But Shape Shift (Sight) or (Hearing) with Mimicri allows no roll competitive roll to see through it. It just works.

Same way Invisibility (Sight and/or hearing and perhaps even smell) is a foolproof alternative for Stealth.


But getting around acting propably requires something like a Mental Illusion. The Shape Shift/Disguise could still help here, as it makes the change less drastical.

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