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Speaking with an accent


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Some disadvantages/complications don't make sense for the campaign.  "Hates Klingons" doesn't make sense in a traditional zombie apocalypse game.  The player saying "this means I want the GM to incorporate more Klingons into the game" isn't really fair to the GM or the other players.  On the other hand, letting players help define the game world (or at least the aspects of it that they interact with) is perfectly fine.  Say you have a Star Trek game, "Hunted by Klingons" tells the GM what kind of game the player wants to have.  That'll give a different kind of campaign than one where the players took "Stupidly curious, will investigate all obviously dangerous alien life forms".

Instead of saying "No", I would say "No, but" Which is to say, I would ask what the Player is going for with their "Hunted by Klingons". It may be that they just want a Strong, Warrior oriented group for the PC's to be hunted by. Which gives me a way to give them what they want without compromising my vision of what the game us about. IMHO all Complications give the GM an idea of what the Player is looking for in the game. Even Complications that on their face don't fit the campaign. 

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Took me years to even notice that as a German I not only have to the (different) "th"-sounds right but that you Anglo-Saxons also messed up the "v" and the "w". A "w" is a "w" and a "v" is a "f" ( Vogel, viel) or sometimes a "w" (Viktor) - there is no "v"-sound in the German language.


But iv I speak nov I get it vright!

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